
Sustainability in Construction: Methods and Benefits  

Construction involves making something new. This may mean building on the land for the first time, adding to an already-constructed structure, or knocking down an old structure and starting fresh.  

One thing is for sure, no matter how you look at it, the construction industry uses up a lot of resources and makes a huge – and lasting – impact on the environment. With some of these being finite, it has brought construction practices into the light and has become a hot topic amongst those trying to implement more sustainability in construction.  

Slowly, more and more construction companies are making strides in becoming more environmentally friendly. Let’s take a look at how they are doing it and the benefits that come from it.  


What is Sustainability All About?  

In its most basic definition, sustainability is about working in ways that can continue to be maintained over time without depleting natural or physical resources. It is about finding ways to live in harmony with the environment, rather than damage it.  

For everyday situations, this looks like implementing recycling programs, making an effort to conserve water, engaging in composting, and even buying products second-hand rather than new.  

But how does this apply to sustainability in construction and business? 

There are typically 3 principles of sustainability: social (humans), environmental (the planet), and economic (profits). And each of these needs to work with each other to successfully practice sustainability as a whole.  

Applying these principles means that a sustainable business will adopt practices that support its workers while benefiting (and conserving) resources. It also means that they need to develop a strategy to do this that will keep the business up and running for years to come.  


What is Sustainable Construction?  

Sustainable construction works to implement programs and practices that will minimize the company’s impact on the environment. This can be done using renewable, recycled, and/or recyclable materials as a means of lowering their waste. Sustainability in construction can also be achieved by making processes energy-efficient and taking advantage of green technology.  

Nearly all industries around the world are taking steps to initiate sustainable change in their daily practice. But none of these companies use up as many global resources – and raw materials – as the construction industry. Not to mention that they are a huge producer of toxic waste, too.  

With a little time and attention, small steps can turn into huge impacts. Sustainable construction has the ability to greatly reduce the damage to the environment – and minimize its role in global warming.  


Methods of Sustainable Construction 

As more and more construction companies begin to understand the damage caused by their current practices, they start to find ways in which they can make positive changes to more sustainable methods.  

Innovations have brought about many tools that can be used to implement these greener practices, such as new technology, new materials, and new ways of completing tasks.  

Choosing the right materials plays a big role in construction today, as well as the lifespan of the structure once completed. Newer, more sustainable materials are replacing those that have contributed to environmental damage over the years. These materials are lighter and renewable. In turn, they result in a smaller carbon footprint for as long as the building stands.  

The finished product will not be lacking in function, durability, or aesthetics. Rather, it will be more efficient while looking great, too.  

Of course, methods of sustainable construction include more than just the materials used. The manner in which projects are completed by your crew is just as important. A few of the ways to get the job done are:  

  • Conserving energy whenever possible 
  • Conserving water whenever possible 
  • Using recycled or sustainable materials 
  • Focusing on the construction of green buildings 
  • Use as few materials as necessary  
  • Recycling materials whenever possible 
  • Reuse materials whenever possible 

Having someone manage the construction site to ensure these efforts are being implemented is always a wise idea.  


Benefits of Sustainability in Construction 

Sustainability in construction has a lot of benefits, for the environment as well as for those involved in the construction process. Even the ones who will utilize the finished structure will benefit, too. Here are a few ways it does so:  

  • Minimizes waste. This lowers pollution and toxins, as well as uses up resources.  
  • Putting green initiatives in place stimulates the economy as efforts are made to go green.  
  • Lower cost of materials that are reused or recycled. 
  • Reducing energy and water consumption, as well as opting for sustainable materials, can lead to more cost-efficient projects. 
  • Reduced carbon footprint which means you would be adding to the positive change in the environment.  

And finally, another benefit of sustainability in construction that is worth mentioning is the impact it has on those that will live or work in the building, as well as the construction workers and those in the surrounding community. When you feel good about something you do, something you create, or something that surrounds you every day, it improves your mood and your outlook on life. Simply put, you feel better.  

Quality of life increases due to better lighting, power, and air quality – and ergonomic features, too.  

It is safe to say that when construction companies decide to put out good, sustainable, and healthy finished products – good things come of it.  


Temporary Tent Structures and Sustainability 

Temporary tent structures, such as clearspan tents, play a huge role in the construction industry as they are often used on construction sites. They may be used for break rooms, storage, offices, or to cover the construction itself.  

What you may not know is that these buildings are created with sustainability in mind.  

  • Reusable from site to site 
  • No need for daytime lighting inside  
  • Keep the temperature under the tent right where you want it as there are no leaks through the vinyl 
  • Made of recyclable materials 

It is evident that choosing a clearspan structure over a permanent structure not only leaves the earth undamaged from its use but brings many more advantages, too.  


Sustainable Construction: Going Forward 

As your construction company continues to make changes to become more environmentally friendly in your practices, consider your options. Choose the materials and methods that will yield the greatest, sustainable results.  

And, of course, always consider the use of a clearspan structure for your construction needs.  


Ideas for Covering Concrete Foundation in Winter  

Many people avoid pouring concrete during the winter when the temperatures are consistently low. After all, when the thermometer dips below 40 degrees, you may find yourself with weak concrete.  However, there are plenty of ideas for covering concrete foundation to consider. To avoid construction delays, you can take extra precautions and find yourself one step ahead of everyone else.  

All you need is a heavy-duty clear span tent. Maintaining an ideal temperature around the concrete can be done with the help of this tent. As a result, pouring concrete in winter is not an impossible task.  

Let’s review some ideas for covering concrete foundation in winter and take a closer look at how – and why – pouring concrete during the winter becomes much more manageable when done right the first time.  


Why a Clear Span Tent?  

We mentioned that you need a clear span tent for your construction site because many benefits come with it – including its ability to cover your concrete foundation when the temperatures drop.  

Clear span tents are an ideal choice for this task because they are:  

  • Customizable. Regardless of your size, you can get a tent that will cover your space perfectly. This will allow you to continue to work without any interference since it was made to fit your job site.  
  • Durable. The aluminum frame of the clear span tent and the vinyl overhead are engineered to withstand inclement weather. That means whether you are dealing with winds, ice, snow, or something else – your tent will continue to stand, and your crew will safely be able to get the job done.  
  • Choose your accessories. If you need particular doors in certain places, your tent can be customized to hold them. Man and garage doors are the two most commonly used for covering concrete.  
  • Easy to install – and deconstruct. Finally, clear-span tents are easy to install when you need coverage and take it down when it is no longer needed.  


The Importance of the Planning Phase 

Every construction project starts with a planning phase. And, when it has a timeline that falls within the freezing temperature of the winter months, you will want to take a closer look at what it entails. For instance, if you are starting a large construction project that involves pouring a concrete foundation during these frigid temperatures, you will need to take an extra step. 

A heavy-duty clear-span tent can be used to protect the area underneath the tent so that the project can be done easily and without worrying about outdoor conditions.

During this planning phase, you will want to consider the additional cost that will be incurred due to the tent’s inclusion and the increased surface area adjacent to the pour area to disassemble components. If you intend to finish your project according to the plan, you will need to account for these things.  


Choosing the Size of Your Clear Span Tent 

In choosing the size of your clear span tent, it is essential to note that the size of it will need to be larger than the area of your poured concrete foundation. This will allow room for movement around the poured area and space to disassemble the components when it is time.  

So, how much space is necessary?  

It is suggested that you opt for a minimum of 5 feet around all sides of concrete foundations.  

This additional space serves an even bigger purpose, too. Since you are working to keep the temperature at bay within the tent, the additional space around the pour area can assist by using the internal heat to create the correct temperature.  


Ideas for Covering Concrete Foundation 

When you choose a clear span tent for your foundation coverage, you can have the entire space covered before you even begin pouring. Because concrete can interact with frozen ground, this can be a very wise move. Plus, it will make it much simpler to proceed with the excavation. Just be sure to include a garage door in your tent so that machinery can easily make it in and out.   

Additional ideas for covering concrete foundation include adding entry points for your construction crew and the garage door. With the cold temperatures in mind, keeping the large door open consistently or throughout the day will drop the temperature inside the tent. With man doors, they will be able to enter and exit without causing considerable fluctuations in temperature.  

It is not uncommon to take advantage of having the structure cover your concrete foundation while it is there. Many construction crews choose to get their initial plumbing and electrical set before deconstructing it. However, keep in mind that a crane will be required to remove the aluminum frame in this instance.  


The Big Finish 

Thankfully, this heavy-duty tent will allow you to stay within your timeline and meet your deadlines. To ensure it is done right, allow it a little extra time. Let us explain.  

To remove the clear span structure, you will need heavy machinery. And this machinery will need to maneuver around on the top of the new concrete foundation. This could cause extra stress and could lead to damage if the pad isn’t properly cured.  

It is always advised to leave the concrete foundation covered for an additional week to fully cure and handle the machinery without issue. Just be sure to add this to your project timeline.  


Cover Your Concrete Foundation With American Pavilion

Many people have heard for years that you cannot pour concrete in freezing temperatures. But with the help of a heavy-duty clear-span tent, it can be done quickly. You can even keep it around longer and add plumbing and electrical work while being shielded from the elements.  

Just be sure to account for the additional space you will need surrounding the foundation and the additional time needed to cure it. Once the tent is removed, you will be left with a beautiful concrete foundation.  


How to use Clear Span Structures for more Sustainable Construction

The construction industry may be building sustainable, eco-friendly buildings, but are they using sustainable, eco-friendly practices? 

So many eyes are on construction companies to come up with the most innovative ideas for the future. Most importantly, this includes ways in which they can build and create on one piece of land while leaving the rest of the land natural and untouched. 

That brings us to sustainable construction. What is it? 

Sustainable construction is about building structures that are sustainable and eco-friendly with renewable and recyclable materials. But it is also about sustainably constructing them. The processes throughout the entire lifespan of the project are done with the environment in mind. 

Clear span structures make the perfect option for those looking for solutions with sustainable construction materials. They are affordable, accessible, and can meet the demands of those seeking a reduction in carbon footprint both during a construction project and long after it is complete. 

Here is a look at a few of the ways in which they make sustainable construction a reality. 


The Proper Insulation

Heating and cooling costs can really add up – especially when you are trying to change the temperature of a poorly insulated structure. Not only will you find yourself taking a hit financially, but you are also wasting energy. 

If you are looking to partake in sustainable construction, this isn’t it. 

A better solution is to invest in a clear span structure. The structures themselves – including the vinyl cover – all aid in keeping the structure free from the impact of extreme weather, whether that be snow, ice, heat, or rain. 

An HVAC system can be used successfully with very minimal air leakage – giving you a stable temperature without using excess energy. And the vinyl covering works wonderfully for keeping outdoor temperatures out. 


A Reduction in Fuel Emissions

We all know, on some level, that automobiles are a danger to the planet. And, of course, the bigger the vehicle, the more emissions are released into the atmosphere. In many ways, this form of transportation is still a necessity, such as getting to and from a job site. 

Just to give you some perspective, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average automobile emits approximately 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. That’s 404 grams per mile. 

So, what if there was a way that you could reduce emissions? By making driving unnecessary in certain instances, you can. Let’s take a look. 

A construction site typically has a lot of workers. When lunch rolls around, they can hop in their cars and head off for a break or grab a bite to eat. Maybe they will just sit in their running car to cool down or warm up. This means every day at lunchtime, your job site is responsible for an increase in carbon dioxide in the air. And, if you have off-site storage for your materials, driving to and from that storage to the job site also contributes – especially since you’re likely using large trucks to carry heavy loads. 

With a clear span structure, you can have the perfect on-site storage space as well as the perfect spot for your crew to relax, get out of the elements, and have lunch. How is that for a sustainable construction site? 


Opt for Reusable Solutions

Most construction projects change the earth beneath them. But what the finished project doesn’t include is the construction company leaving behind signs of their presence. This is another reason why so many choose clear span structures since they do not leave anything behind – and that includes damage to the property. 

Not only are they good for the environment, but they are also reusable and recyclable, too. All the parts of these tents, including the PVC, aluminum, and steel can be used until they aren’t up to par anything longer – and then they can all be recycled. The vinyl covering can be washed and reused time and time again. 

It’s safe to say that clear span structures are a go-to eco-friendly solution. 


Reduce the Length of Construction

The overall construction process has ongoing emissions that impact the world around us, whether you realize it or not. 

Choosing a vinyl clear span tent presents you with the chance to continue working regardless of the weather. This not only helps you to reduce the chance of deadline delays, but it also increases your productivity rate since the construction crew has the ability to rest and feel rejuvenated. 

This means that shorter periods of construction will result in fewer emissions. And that is a win for the environment – and everyone involved. 


Easy Relocation Ability

Since construction crews only stay in one location until the job is done, having a building that can be moved to a new location is a must. Of course, a sustainable construction site will look for solutions that can easily be moved from one location to another without wasting unnecessary energy. 

With clear span structures, they are very easily moved without requiring too much work. They also do well in keeping ground soil, landfills, and waterways from any contamination since nothing is left behind. 


Clear Span Structures are the Future

Clear span structures are the most ideal method of temporary and semi-permanent construction shelter and storage solutions. Currently, they are proving themselves to be the best option for sustainable construction projects, too. 

  • Proper insulation allows you to efficiently maintain a healthy temperature within the tent.
  • Without having to leave the construction site, carbon emissions will drop. 
  • Clear span tents are reusable and recyclable from their structure to the vinyl covering. 
  • They also create a healthy work environment all around, resulting in shorter construction projects. 
  • And, again, they are able to be easily relocated from one place to the next without too much effort – and leaving behind well-kept surroundings. 

With all they have to offer, it is no wonder why so many companies are turning to clear span structures to meet the goals of their sustainability goals. 


Benefits of Temperature Controlled Storage Tents for Construction

On any given day at a construction site, there is a lot going on. It all starts with your crew arriving early in the morning – often before the sun even rises. They begin working on the project at hand. Raw materials may get dropped off, usually stacked in a far corner that is out of the way, but easily accessible. Then, of course, you have large machines moving about the construction site tending to their business. We can’t forget the on-site office where all administrative tasks and project plans are addressed, too. 

There are so many things that take place on a construction site that there is no room for anything to go wrong. 

When you invest in a temperature controlled storage tent, you – and everything that takes place on your site – can reap the benefits. Let’s talk about all these advantages. 


Avoid Extreme Temperatures 

Construction tents provide shade on their own. They keep the summer heat out as well as the cold winter chill. But when the temperatures are extreme, you are going to need a little more. And that’s where temperature controlled storage comes in. 

Depending on what materials you are working with, extreme temperatures can put them at risk. It can lead to things like splitting, cracking, and warping. And when the temperature varies from one extreme to the next, it can be even worse. 

Don’t leave anything exposed to the elements. Store your materials in a temperature controlled storage tent that can maintain the proper climate throughout the space. This way, everything you are storing is cared for until it is time to be used. 


Control the Humidity Levels

Humidity can cause a lot of unnecessary issues at construction sites. And, as a result, it can lead to poor quality work, slow productivity, a disruption in the quality of materials, additional spending, and so forth. Most of this is due to moisture in the air and how it impacts parts and lumber. For example, humid environments can cause: 

  • Degradation among certain parts and materials
  • Damage to coatings and finishes (i.e. rot, corrosion, or other forms of deterioration)
  • Mold problems with lumber and other materials
  • Warped lumber
  • Additional spending for replacement parts
  • An outcome that is less-than quality

Of course, there will also be delays in the project due to the extra time spent waiting for paint and coatings to dry as well as for concrete to set. 

Avoid all of these problems when you invest in a temperature controlled storage tent that will minimize the humidity level. 


Keep Dust and Debris Out

A construction storage tent can be large or small, but either way offers you a wide-open space with a sturdy fabric roof so that you can keep dust and debris out of the tent. This can be very beneficial when working on various projects. After all, delicate situations require a clean space. 

Even construction machines and equipment can be overcome with issues when they are used in areas where the wind blows dirt and dust around. And, let’s face it – a construction site is covered in dust and debris. So your equipment is already at risk without any winds. Putting equipment like this at risk could be costly in the future as it begins to not run efficiently – or at all. 

It is also worth mentioning that this secure roof also allows the rain and wet weather to stay out, too. So that everything within the tent can remain safe and clean. It is a preventative step that can have a lot of rewards.   


High-Quality Air with Proper Ventilation

When you are working with paint or various chemicals or hazardous materials, you have to properly store them. Leaving them inside a tent and subjected to outdoor temperatures could put everyone at and around your job site at risk. 

What’s more, when you are physically using these products, especially within the tent, you need to make sure you have the proper ventilation. Painting something, for example, may be better handled within the tent to avoid dust and debris – but without the proper ventilation, this could be dangerous. 

Temperature-controlled tents not only maintain proper temperatures for storage, but they also allow for ventilation, too.


Safe Space for Construction Crews

While your construction tent may be intended for storage, it can also bring quite a few benefits for your construction crew. 

Since most of these spaces are found in areas with little true shelter, having a storage tent on site can offer construction crews a reprieve. This can be very beneficial during times of extreme weather. 

As temperatures rise and fall, working outdoors can put your crew at risk for different health concerns, such as hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and more. But, by offering a place to take a breather in a climate-controlled storage tent, you are reducing these risks.


Feel Confident About Your Stored Items in a Temperature Controlled Storage Tent

Sometimes it pays to spend a little extra just so you have peace of mind when you go to bed at night. For those who carry the burden of a construction site, that means worrying about all the materials, the machinery, the equipment, and anything else that could be at risk. On days when the temperatures are supposed to be extreme, there is always the worry that someone is going to get injured or ill – and the impact that will have on your project. 

These things may be heavy to carry with you, but can easily be avoided if you make the investment in a temperature-controlled storage tent. You can rest easy knowing that you have taken the steps to avoid any issues with your materials and your crew. Plus you are taking the best care of your machinery so that you can count on it all. 

When something good comes around that you know will be a positive step for your construction business, then consider taking the leap. Temperature-controlled storage tents can keep your crew and equipment protected, keep the space well-ventilated and safe from extreme temperatures, and the humidity will be just right. 

Consider temperature controlled storage tents to be everything you need to keep your construction project moving forward and on track!


Advantages of Using Commercial Tent Heaters

It may be too frigid to be outdoors for long, but that does not stop outdoor projects from needing attention. Depending on your industry, work can keep coming daily, regardless of the weather. Though, as much as you may want to, you can’t let it just sit there until the weather warms up. You have to get out there and get busy. Thankfully, if you take a few wise steps, you can get the job done with commercial tents and commercial tent heaters


Why Use Commercial Tent Heaters

Battle these dangers with these winter outdoor tips

  • Stay dry. Even sweating can cause the rate of heat loss from the body to escalate.
  • Keep an eye on how you feel – and keep an eye on those around you.
  • Dress warmly. Layering is always a good idea. 
  • Always bring extra clothes with you. If you get wet, change.
  • Drink warm fluids to bring some warmth to your body. 
  • Know the symptoms of the above dangers so you can help yourself and others stay safe

Finally, always work in a tented space with heaters. Keep your entire crew healthy with the help of a commercial tent. It may be time to learn more about them. 


Improve Winter Projects with Commercial Tent Heaters

This winter, improve your outdoor projects by investing in a commercial tent – with a tent heater. Here’s how it makes a difference. 

Cover Your Space

When a project arises, it needs your attention. Commercial tents can come in all different sizes; you can easily have one that is big enough to cover your project. This will allow the area to stay warm enough for everyone to continue working – without having to delay projects and miss deadlines. 

Block the Wind

Commercial tents can come with or without side walls. Though, in the wintertime, it only makes sense to invest in them. This will keep the wind from blowing in and disrupting the space while keeping the heat from your heaters inside the tent. As a result, the tent stays warm, your crew stays warm, and the project moves forward without a hitch. 

Heat the Area

When you want to heat your tent, you can only use small space heaters if you are dealing with a small tent. Instead, you need to invest in commercial-grade heaters to effectively keep the space at an ideal temperature underneath the tent’s roof. 

Sometimes this may involve using more than one heater. It is always a good idea to talk to tent experts to get an idea of how many heaters are ideal for the size of the tent. 

The Right Fabric

Believe it or not, the fabric plays a role in how warm your tent is. On most construction tents (or clearspan tents), the fabric works beautifully to let light in while blocking the sun’s harmful UV rays. It also does a great job of keeping the heat out in the summertime and the warmth in during the winter. The warmth will stick around if you add commercial heaters under this fabric. 

Commercial tent heaters are designed to heat large spaces. Despite how long the temperatures may drop during the winter, you can rest easy, knowing that your tent will remain warm and safe. 


Benefits of Commercial Tent Heaters

Investing in a heated commercial tent can come with quite a few benefits that you won’t want to ignore, including:

  • Keeping your workers safe and healthy despite the weather
  • The ability to complete projects of any size, no matter what the weather has in mind
  • It gives you the flexibility to meet the demand when others may not be able to do so
  • Provide a place of warm comfort for your crew to either work or take breaks


Choosing The Right Commercial Tent Heaters

Most importantly, having a heated commercial tent gives you peace of mind. You don’t have to fret about the weather or how much it will drop. Your project, your crew, and your workspace are covered.

So, whether you have a particular project, a warehouse tent, a construction tent, a space for temporary shelter, a storage tent, or something else – everything and everyone underneath that tent can be protected by the commercial tent heaters. You can focus on what needs to be done while feeling confident that everyone is shielded from the weather.



Benefits of Industrial Fabric Tent Structures

Fabric tent structures are engineered with a metal frame with a fabric material placed over the top. And believe it or not, this simple structure can outshine all other options when used in an industrial setting. 

Imagine having your choice of a building – and then getting one to meet your exact need. While it may sound unreal, it isn’t. Customized tent structures have been around for years, but they are growing in popularity when it comes to fulfilling needs in many industries. Why? 

Practical Benefits of Fabric Tent Structures

Imagine having your choice of a building – and then getting one to meet your exact need. While it may sound unreal, it isn’t. Customized fabric structures have been around for years, but they are growing in popularity when it comes to fulfilling needs in many industries. Why? 

Because fabric tent structures are a rugged and aesthetically appealing solution that meets the need, here is how they are doing it. 

Easy to Construct and Deconstruct

Fabric tent structures are not permanent structures, despite how strong they are. That means they can be taken down and moved when you need them to be. It is common for some people to have a fabric tent structure up for a few days, whereas others have it up for weeks, months, or even years. 

When constructing or deconstructing the tent, you will experience minimal downtime as the process is easy. And it is much more efficient than any permanent structure. This gives you one less thing to worry about if your needs or location are constantly changing. 

Lightweight Design

As we mentioned above, one of the benefits of fabric tent structures is that they are easy to construct, deconstruct, and then reconstruct again when and where you need them. Many turn to these fabric tents for this very reason. But what good would it be if they required special transportation due to their weight? What you’d be saving in one instance, you’d be paying out in another. 

Fabric tent structures are easy and light to move. They can easily be transported from one location to the next without significant accommodations. Don’t be fooled into thinking that it is not safe and sturdy just because it is light. It is. 

Great Durability and Strength

It is only natural to scoff at the idea that a fabric tent can keep you safe – and dry – in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm. We get it. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is true. Fabric tent structures are engineered to handle specific snow loads and wind loads. They are designed in a way that they can stand up to the most inclement weather without fail. Whatever you intend to use the tent for, you will be surprised at what it can do to keep you protected and covered

Fabric tent structures last for years to come, too. You won’t find any corrosion on the metal, so there is nothing to jeopardize its integrity. Moreover, since the metal frame isn’t susceptible to corrosion, you can store corrosive substances under its roof without any issues. You can rest easy knowing that everything will be safe when stored or housed under this roof. 

Spacious Layouts

In the industrial space, you deal with a lot of big projects. This could mean having a stack of raw materials or maneuvering a lot of large equipment and machinery. Or the list of things that may go on under the fabric roof is quite endless in manufacturing industrial goods. Why does this matter? 

Well, unless it is something you put there. Because fabric tent structures are designed with spacious layouts, you can roam from one end to the next without running into anythingThere are no poles or even guy lines surrounding the tent. Just a vast open space for you to utilize as needed. 

Industrial Benefits of Fabric Tent Structures

Fabric tent structures offer a wide range of advantages for businesses. These structures allow companies to save money and improve efficiency. Here are some of the many ways these tent structures can give businesses an advantage.

Cost-Effective Solutions

When you need a covered space for your industrial use, you need it affordable. It must make sense for your business and not kill your bottom line. That is what you will find with fabric tent structures. 

Compared with other types of buildings that are available – the value and the cost of these structures far outweigh the competition. 

Sustainable and Energy-Efficient

In today’s world, being sustainable and energy efficient is essential for many reasons. Therefore, investing in one with sustainability and energy efficiency only makes sense. Remember, these structures are designed to be light for easy transport. Because of that, they don’t waste extra fuel due to their weight. In turn, this is better for the environment – and, as a bonus, it saves you money, too. 

Save energy on lighting, too. The fabric is made of material that will block the harmful UV rays from the sun but otherwise let the sun’s light through. This reduces the need for artificial lighting throughout the space during daylight hours. Finally, fabric tent structures are built with materials that can all be recycled, so you can feel good about disposing of them at the end of their lifespan. 

Flexible Solutions

It is a lot if you stop and think about everything that falls under industrial use. And they are all different. So the needs of one company will vary compared to those of another. Your needs may vary within your own company. 

Investing in a fabric tent structure means that you always have the benefit of being able to change things around when you need to. It can all be done with ease if you need a little more space or a little less – or add an extra warehouse door. After all, it is how these tents are designed. 

Implementing Fabric Tent Structures

Fabric tent structures are a cost-effective and visually appealing solution for a variety of construction and warehouse storage needs.If you are in the market for a space and you don’t know where to turn, you don’t have to. The answer to your question is right in front of you. Fabric tent structures are an innovative solution that can fulfill your needs in an efficient, cost-effective manner. And they are durable enough to be with you for years to come. 


Advantages of an Industrial Canopy Tent

Industrial canopy tents are a versatile and practical solution for a wide range of applications, from construction sites to outdoor events and more. These tents offer numerous advantages, including the ability to provide temporary shelter and protection in a variety of settings. An industrial canopy tent can be quickly and easily set up and taken down, making them a convenient and cost-effective option for temporary coverage.

In addition, they offer a range of customization options, including size, shape, and color, to suit the needs of any project. Overall, industrial canopy tents are essential for businesses and organizations looking to provide temporary protection and shelter in various settings.

Logistical Benefits of Industrial Canopy Tents

Regardless of how big or small your construction sites are, these heavy-duty outdoor canopy tents are highly beneficial for many reasons. They help ensure an efficient setup and take-down process, making the construction site run more effectively.

Easy Portability From Site to Site

When you work in construction, you know that your work site constantly changes. You may be in one place for a few weeks or months, but you will soon move on to the next project. 

Having a construction tent that you can pack up and take with you from site to site is ideal because it allows you to reap the benefits they bring no matter where you work. They are easily set up, taken down, and loaded up to move with you. 

Boost Production Levels 

When you have happy and content employees, work better – and your production levels increase. This, in turn, means meeting deadlines and surpassing the expectations of clients. It also means doing such a great job that you have opened yourself up to new prospects. 

Want to boost production levels? Invest in an industrial canopy tent to keep your construction site working well and your crew happy. On rainy, too hot, or too-cold days, it is nice to take a break from the outdoor elements and cool down/warm up, etc. Lunch breaks are also much better enjoyed under cover of a canopy tent. 

Installs Quickly and Easily

Industrial canopy tents install quickly and easily on any ground. They do not require a cement platform but can be durable and functional anywhere. It will work whether sand, dirt, grass, gravel, asphalt, cement or something else. Because it is made with a sturdy frame, you don’t have to worry about having enough room or the proper ground to hold guy lines. 

Most construction sites are designed with the perfect space for a tent. And that’s ok. If you invest in a clearspan canopy tent and install it anywhere, you can feel confident that it will serve you well wherever you are.   

Construction Benefits of Industrial Canopy Tents

Industrial canopy tents are a practical and cost-effective solution for providing temporary shelter and protection on construction sites. The versatility of these tents makes them excellent options for any construction site. They are essential for construction companies looking to create a safe and efficient work environment.

Store Your Equipment and Machinery

You have a lot of equipment and machinery at your job sites. And there is a good chance you know just how prevalent construction theft is and how damaging it can be.

Want to reduce your risk? How can you keep your tools safe from them and outdoor elements

Another benefit of an industrial clearspan canopy tent on your construction site is that it can be a storage space for your equipment and machinery. And thanks to no poles, the space underneath is wide open. This makes it perfect for maneuvering large machines. 

If you opt for side walls, there are several options for door sizes, including personnel and warehouse doors. So create your own space that will make everything most efficient for you – and watch what can happen. 

Oh, and since you can choose different sizes of tents, you don’t have to have them just for storage. Instead, you can make a tent the right size to hold your machines and equipment – or even raw materials – and give you a place for employee breaks. 

Protection from Outdoor Elements

Industrial canopy tents – or clearspan tents – are unlike your other types. They are not going to come crashing down with the first heavy snowfall. They will not blow away with the first gust of wind and expose you. And you won’t have dripping leaks throughout the undercover space duty to rainfall. 

These tents are made with durability and strength in mind. A lot of engineering went into their design, even taking wind and snow loads into account, too. This saves you from worrying about anything ruined and devastated under the fabric. 

Outline Your Construction Site

Whether you want to keep your work area dry during the rainy season or warm during the winter months, there’s a tent for you. Industrial canopy tents offer a covered work area to complete without worry. But how can you cover a space so big? There are many reasons to choose a temporary canopy tent. 

Smaller construction sites have a lot to benefit from one of these frame tents. This will knock out any unwanted issues and allow the space to be fully utilized despite what is happening outside. 

Need to meet deadlines? No problem! Your construction crew is covered. 

Picking The Right Industrial Canopy Tent

Choosing an industrial canopy tent that will fully benefit your construction site is relatively easy when you have options and the ability to customize your space. You have control over everything, such as the size, the flooring, the lighting, side walls, the doors, creating a layout and design underneath the roof, and so on. 

The tent you choose for your construction site may vary significantly from others – because it was designed just for you. Whether you are looking for shelter for workers or a place to store equipment, industrial canopy tents are the way to go. 

After learning about all these industrial canopy tents offer, you may want to experience it firsthand for your construction site. Only let another project pass you by after experiencing all that industrial canopy tents have to offer you. 


The Storage Benefits of Clearspan Structures

All types of businesses need the perfect warehouse storage space – and for all different types of reasons. It could be due to an influx in inventory for those in retail or an increased number of projects for construction companies. Other times, it could be a longer-term need that will last for weeks, months, or even years. Every need for perfect warehouse storage can be as different as the business itself. The good news is that there is a solution to fit every need: clearspan structures. These versatile structures are perfect for warehouse storage.

Benefits of Clearspan Structures for Storage

Clearspan structures offer a wide range of features, making them versatile options for variouneeds. Warehouse storage is extremely important for construction companies and other industrial businesses. Here are all the reasons clearspan structures are great for storage needs.

Easy Customizations

Have you been on the search for warehouse storage for a very long? If so, you likely know finding a space as you envision is hard. Many warehouses have support poles, pre-made layouts, and so forth, making it hard to visualize how your space will be utilized.

Clearspan buildings are easily customized, making them a perfect warehouse storage option. Depending on what you need them for, you can get a building that works well just for you in size and design. It can be the right size for storage and the space you have to house the warehouse. 

What’s more, if you require warehouse doors in certain areas, personnel doors, windows, and the like – you get to choose how you want your clearspan structure set up so that it works beautifully to meet your warehouse storage needs.

Convenient Location

So often, when looking for warehouse storage space, businesses also need to consider location in addition to finding the right size and suitable space at the right price. After all, driving to and from the warehouse can save fuel costs and time. It is only sometimes that all of these things are in alignment so that you get the ultimate space. 

With clearspan structures, however, you get what you want – and where. This is because they can be customized, allowing you to construct them wherever you want them. And that makes them incredibly convenient with the perfect location.

Wide-Open Space

Investing in a space for your warehouse needs can take time to find a vast open space. Most of the time, previous leaseholders will have made modifications that may hinder you in creating the perfect space. Yet, having the proper layout for your warehouse is incredibly important for streamlining your processes to keep your productivity and efficiency levels up. 

So, when you can create your layout without worrying about anything within the warehouse, you will yield better results every time. That is what you find with a clearspan structure. 

These fabric tent structures are designed to be held sturdily in place with the frame, not floor-to-ceiling poles. You can move freely throughout the space and store the largest items, including machinery. 

Save Time and Money

Imagine having to find yourself warehouse space months in advance. While you can often have a good idea of trends if you follow your business closely enough, you can only sometimes know when you may need additional storage. Or even how much space you will require. 

Once you realize that storage is a must, you will likely need it sooner rather than later. What do you do? You invest in a clearspan structure. These buildings are versatile and can be constructed quickly.

As for saving money? Well, it is commonly known that you get an affordable, cost-effective warehouse space with a clearspan. It is conveniently located to reduce fuel/time costs, it doesn’t require any exceptional grounding to work effectively, and you don’t have to worry about finding or building a brick-and-mortar space. Instead, you can get what you need without spending all the extra. It’s a win-win. 

Clearspan Structures Save Energy

Sustainability and other conservation efforts are essential for many companies. If you have been attempting to step up your involvement in green efforts lately, choosing a clearspan structure for your warehouse needs could align well with your goals. 

You can save energy costs by investing in a clearspan structure for storage. These structures are made with a fabric roof that blocks UV rays but still allows the light from the sun to shine through. This reduces the need for lighting in the daytime. 

Whether your business works all hours or mostly during daylight hours, you can save a lot of money – and energy – by taking advantage of the sunlight. 

No Maintenance Required

Look, you have a job to do. The last thing you want to worry about is having to fix the storage warehouse or spend countless dollars hiring someone else to handle the upkeep. While this is something you may face with a brick-and-mortar structure, it is not something you will have to worry about with a clearspan structure. 

These fabric structures require virtually no maintenance to keep them fully functional – and reliable. They are designed with long-lasting durability from when they are constructed until they are taken down. 

Numerous Accessories

If you want to get the most out of your warehouse storage space, you will want to make it yours. Clearspace structures have a long list of available accessories to help you make that happen. 

Choose from different types of flooring, carpeting, lighting, canopies and walkways, and the like. As mentioned above, you get to choose just how you want your doors set up – including types of doors. And, of course, you can decide whether or not you want an HVAC system to have climate control inside. 

Consider what would make your warehouse storage the ideal option, and there is a good chance it can be accomplished.

Clearspan Structures for YourStorage

You have many options for choosing a warehouse storage space. But if you are looking for one that is customizable with wide-open space, dependability, and affordability, there is no need to look any further than a clearspan structure.  


The Benefits of Construction Site Tents

Working outdoors comes with a set of challenges not seen in other industries. And nobody knows those challenges better than those who spend their time dealing with them – like your crew. Depending on the region, construction crews can face all types of weather – from a beaming hot sun to frozen, icy temperatures. Then there are those snowy days, rainy days, and the days where the wind blows the sand with force across the entire site. Construction site tents are designed to protect your crew from the elements.

Understanding Construction Site Tents Benefits

Sometimes the weather can be inconvenient, whereas other times, it can be downright dangerous. With dehydration, heat strokefrostbitehypothermia, and other conditions being a real possibility, you don’t want to take any chances. 

Thankfully, a construction site tent can benefit your crew in many ways. 

Many Different Uses

There are so many different uses for construction site tents. This is due to their incredible versatility and the fact that they can be designed to meet sizing specifications. Moreover, they are entirely open under their fabric roof, which means you can design the layout in any way you want to meet your needs. 

Some people use them for storing machinery, equipment, and raw materials. Others use them as an office or break area. And that’s to name a few. Either way, having a construction site tent at your project offers your crew a place to seek reprieve from outdoor conditions when needed. Count that as a win. 

Versatility and Mobility

Every time you take on a new project, your crew only knows what to expect once they arrive on site. But by investing in a construction site tent, you are giving them one constant no matter where the job takes them.

Construction site tents can be used anywhere, which makes them incredibly dependable. They can work in grass, gravel, dirt, concrete, asphalt, etc. They don’t require specific ground conditions to be able to meet the need. 

A Covered Place of Relief

Many job sites are open and do not have covered areas to protect workers. As a result, many spend their breaks in their cars or under a tree (if either is even possible). They seek out any protected area to stay safe while working outdoors. 

With a construction tent rental, your crew can have a designated area that will offer them relief. Whether it is a shady space out of the sun’s scorching rays, a warm place where they can feel their toes and fingertips again, or a shield from powerful winds, having a space, they know they can go to keep protected. 

Increased Productivity

Productivity plays a massive role in construction projects – especially when meeting deadlines. So having workers who are overwhelmed due to the outdoor working conditions, sick, or otherwise physically impacted due to the weather is not an option. The last thing you want is for your crew to start calling out, having to leave the site or quit altogether. 

Working outdoors is tough during many months of the year. But with the addition of a construction site tent, construction crews can find them to be a great place for resting and rejuvenating themselves during a shift so they can continue to be as productive as possible. The result? Fewer missed deadlines. 

Sturdy and Durable

What happens when the winds pick up, or a thunderstorm develops? How safe is it to be in a construction site tent? These tents are very safe and highly durable. 

Construction site tents are very durable, sturdy, and reliable. They are designed to withstand inclement weather in a way that will protect those insides. As you provide this shelter to your crew, they will rely more on it during these times. 

Construction Site Outline

Construction site tents come in all sizes. And that means they may be able to outline your construction area and cover it with its fabric roof. As a result, your site will be completely protected from any inclement weather that may be present. And, of course, your crew will be fully protected, too. It may feel like they are no longer working outdoors – but indoors instead. 

This will reduce the risks your crew faces that are associated with weather and minimize the chance you will have to delay your project due to weather conditions. Every day is beautiful to get the job done while working under a construction site tent. 

Keeps Equipment and Machines Protected

There are a lot of different types of equipment and machinery that are used on construction sites. And keeping them stored safely and securely under the roof of a construction site tent can benefit the equipment and machinery and your crew. 

Leaving tools outside and exposed to the elements impacts their ability to work correctly. Over time, they perform differently than they were intended to do, causing your crew to have to work harder. Doing so in rough outdoor conditions can make them more susceptible to heat exhaustion and dehydration. Further, having ill-working machines in this industry can put your crew at risk of injury.

Construction Site Tents Final Thoughts

Construction site tents are so incredibly beneficial in all ways when they are used as part of a project. You may read through these benefits and believe them to be an excellent investment. Then, once it is up and ready for use on your following construction site, you may find even more benefits. But every site is different. 

Undoubtedly, those who have taken this step have a safer, healthier, and more productive crew. You will be less likely to miss your deadlines and end up with a reputation that allows you to score better options for future projects.

Your crew is your biggest asset, and you can get the job done with them. So is it worth investing in a construction tent rental? Absolutely. Everyone will experience the benefits of your decision to do so. 


The Benefits of Value-Added Logistics Services

Logistics services are all about coordinating the details of something that involves many different factors that all have to come together. Many companies in many industries have their own logistics team that they rely on to handle day-to-day operations smoothly. For instance, manufacturing companies use logistics to obtain all of their raw materials promptly so that they may create the finished product. Then, they are used again to get the products to the distribution centers. The purchase and transport of the items most efficiently and effectively possible having good logistics

Even though it is very different, it only makes sense that the tent industry would require a logistics management team to make things happen. Let’s look at what must be considered and what action must take place for your tent to be upright, standing, and functional, whatever your need may be. 

Logistics Services and Your Tent

Your business may need tents and high-end logistics services for many different reasons. If you need them for your construction site, additional warehouse storage space for your business, or industrial use, many options are available. Are you looking to add more covered space on your farm, or are you looking for a safe, covered space within the community for your non-profit organization? 

But trying to put it all together is as overwhelming as it is essential. How do you know if your chosen space will fit your tent well? Will the sizing be correct? How about the ground? How are you going to get your tent put together? After all, you don’t know the first thing about putting tents together. 

When you have a lot depending on the successful construction of your tent, you want to ensure it is done right – and right on time. This is where logistics services come into play. And no, you do not need to create your own logistics team. 

What Are Value-Added Logistics Services? 

As its name suggests, a value-added logistics service brings added value. It is a service that considers every aspect of your tent, from the most significant idea to the smallest detail, and brings it to fruition. 

You could have a logistics team that shows up where you want your tent constructed – and put it together for you. While this may make you appreciative and will technically get the job done, getting the most from your tent involves much more. 

If you don’t want to be left holding the bag when something goes wrong or a minor – yet critical – detail is overlooked, you will want your tent rental or purchase to come from a company that offers value-added logistics services. This way, you can access the most crucial first step in creating a successful project: thoughtful planning. 

Here is just an idea of what you will get when you do. 

Gathering a Vision

When you take the step to invest in a tent, you have a vision for it – or at least an idea of what you expect it to do for you. To turn that vision into a reality, your logistics team will have to work closely with you on the details and create what you imagined. 

Here’s what happens when you hire the right logistics team for your tent project. See, it is essential to look at the bigger picture to get a good idea of the space where it is to be constructed. In other words, the entire area around the designated construction spot. 

By using aerial footage, your logistics team will be able to see if any potential obstacles may need to be addressed before the construction commences. Creating a 3D model of the structure will show how it will fit into the surrounding space. This will help provide a visual to see what the tent will look like after the job. 

And that is how your vision is turned into a reality. 

Attention to Detail

You may be looking for the finished project, but much more is involved – especially since you need to pay attention to the small details. An example of an important thing to consider is the underground lines. Many utility companies and such will bury lines, and, well, if you start digging in areas without checking this out first, you could create a vast, unwanted issue. 

A few other details you will want to notice include securing a permit, purchasing insurance, and ensuring you have been in contact with local emergency services in case you need them once your tent is up and running. 

While there will be many details that you think of on your own, there will be more that you will never consider. This is where your value-added logistics service can help. They help you think of everything to have the most success with your new tent. 

Open Lines of Communication

One of the most important things you get when it comes to having a logistics service team dedicated to adding value to your tent investment is that communication doesn’t cease. From your very first call, you will be in touch with a team who will ensure everyone involved is on the same page. 

You are bound to have questions along the way – and you need someone to contact who will give you the answers. It may be able to handle the tent, its capabilities (such as how well it stands up to inclement weather), varying accessories, and so much more. 

Implementing Logistics Services

Anyone can invest in a tent, but it is entirely different when you have a team that will be there to help you get the most out of it at every step along the way. Value-added logistics services go above and beyond to ensure you have everything you need from your tent. 

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