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Benefits of Temperature Controlled Storage Tents for Construction

On any given day at a construction site, there is a lot going on. It all starts with your crew arriving early in the morning – often before the sun even rises. They begin working on the project at hand. Raw materials may get dropped off, usually stacked in a far corner that is out of the way, but easily accessible. Then, of course, you have large machines moving about the construction site tending to their business. We can’t forget the on-site office where all administrative tasks and project plans are addressed, too. 

There are so many things that take place on a construction site that there is no room for anything to go wrong. 

When you invest in a temperature controlled storage tent, you – and everything that takes place on your site – can reap the benefits. Let’s talk about all these advantages. 


Avoid Extreme Temperatures 

Construction tents provide shade on their own. They keep the summer heat out as well as the cold winter chill. But when the temperatures are extreme, you are going to need a little more. And that’s where temperature controlled storage comes in. 

Depending on what materials you are working with, extreme temperatures can put them at risk. It can lead to things like splitting, cracking, and warping. And when the temperature varies from one extreme to the next, it can be even worse. 

Don’t leave anything exposed to the elements. Store your materials in a temperature controlled storage tent that can maintain the proper climate throughout the space. This way, everything you are storing is cared for until it is time to be used. 


Control the Humidity Levels

Humidity can cause a lot of unnecessary issues at construction sites. And, as a result, it can lead to poor quality work, slow productivity, a disruption in the quality of materials, additional spending, and so forth. Most of this is due to moisture in the air and how it impacts parts and lumber. For example, humid environments can cause: 

  • Degradation among certain parts and materials
  • Damage to coatings and finishes (i.e. rot, corrosion, or other forms of deterioration)
  • Mold problems with lumber and other materials
  • Warped lumber
  • Additional spending for replacement parts
  • An outcome that is less-than quality

Of course, there will also be delays in the project due to the extra time spent waiting for paint and coatings to dry as well as for concrete to set. 

Avoid all of these problems when you invest in a temperature controlled storage tent that will minimize the humidity level. 


Keep Dust and Debris Out

A construction storage tent can be large or small, but either way offers you a wide-open space with a sturdy fabric roof so that you can keep dust and debris out of the tent. This can be very beneficial when working on various projects. After all, delicate situations require a clean space. 

Even construction machines and equipment can be overcome with issues when they are used in areas where the wind blows dirt and dust around. And, let’s face it – a construction site is covered in dust and debris. So your equipment is already at risk without any winds. Putting equipment like this at risk could be costly in the future as it begins to not run efficiently – or at all. 

It is also worth mentioning that this secure roof also allows the rain and wet weather to stay out, too. So that everything within the tent can remain safe and clean. It is a preventative step that can have a lot of rewards.   


High-Quality Air with Proper Ventilation

When you are working with paint or various chemicals or hazardous materials, you have to properly store them. Leaving them inside a tent and subjected to outdoor temperatures could put everyone at and around your job site at risk. 

What’s more, when you are physically using these products, especially within the tent, you need to make sure you have the proper ventilation. Painting something, for example, may be better handled within the tent to avoid dust and debris – but without the proper ventilation, this could be dangerous. 

Temperature-controlled tents not only maintain proper temperatures for storage, but they also allow for ventilation, too.


Safe Space for Construction Crews

While your construction tent may be intended for storage, it can also bring quite a few benefits for your construction crew. 

Since most of these spaces are found in areas with little true shelter, having a storage tent on site can offer construction crews a reprieve. This can be very beneficial during times of extreme weather. 

As temperatures rise and fall, working outdoors can put your crew at risk for different health concerns, such as hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and more. But, by offering a place to take a breather in a climate-controlled storage tent, you are reducing these risks.


Feel Confident About Your Stored Items in a Temperature Controlled Storage Tent

Sometimes it pays to spend a little extra just so you have peace of mind when you go to bed at night. For those who carry the burden of a construction site, that means worrying about all the materials, the machinery, the equipment, and anything else that could be at risk. On days when the temperatures are supposed to be extreme, there is always the worry that someone is going to get injured or ill – and the impact that will have on your project. 

These things may be heavy to carry with you, but can easily be avoided if you make the investment in a temperature-controlled storage tent. You can rest easy knowing that you have taken the steps to avoid any issues with your materials and your crew. Plus you are taking the best care of your machinery so that you can count on it all. 

When something good comes around that you know will be a positive step for your construction business, then consider taking the leap. Temperature-controlled storage tents can keep your crew and equipment protected, keep the space well-ventilated and safe from extreme temperatures, and the humidity will be just right. 

Consider temperature controlled storage tents to be everything you need to keep your construction project moving forward and on track!

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