Tent Rentals

5 Ways Construction Site Tents Add Stability to a Job

Construction sites are incredibly important as they provide the space needed to perform the required job, and construction site tents can add both stability and safety to your job.

Completing your job on time and in good shape means that you can gain new clients and watch your business grow.

Unfortunately, since construction sites are enormous projects that are typically outdoors, there are many safety and stability factors that can compromise work efforts.

How Do Construction Site Tents Help Your Business?

Many compromising factors can lead to pushed back deadlines and the potential for the company’s demise, reducing the safety and stability of your job site.

Thankfully, you can utilize a construction tent rental to ensure that your job site is safe and protected, as well as your crew.

In turn, you will end up with successfully completed jobs – and happy clients.

1. Protects Your Site from Winter Weather

Winter weather can be harsh – and it can be dangerous. When you are working on an outdoor construction project, you may face some delays if the temperature drops too low or if snow and ice make an appearance.

Investing in construction site tents, however, can protect your site.

  • For example, a site covered in ice or snow can keep workers from being able to get the job done – at least until someone is able to clear the area. This can create another push back in the project.
  • Another example is if you are in need of keeping the area dry to ensure bonding or for the paint to dry, then you will be out of luck if there is any sign of precipitation.

Using a tent, you will be able to keep the area dry and free of the outside weather – ensuring an on-time completion. And, you know how important that is for business.

2. Protects from Summer Weather

As you likely already know, winter is not the only season you need to worry about.

Depending on where you reside, summer can bring extreme heat conditions as well as thunderstorms.

And both can create issues for a construction job site.

Heat is responsible for causing materials to expand. As a result, you end up with misaligned joints during the construction process.

This could be a costly error.

In addition, there are other woes heat can cause:

  • Concrete can be weakened if you do not factor in the additional water that is required on hot days.
  • Bricks can become weakened and brittle in extreme heat conditions.
  • Paint can also be affected, causing changes in color as well as flawed application.

Summer weather conditions can bring a string of issues for a construction site.

Construction site tents, however, can reduce the amount of heat that reaches the site – reducing the effects of the sun. Of course, it can keep out the summer rain, too.

3. Protects Your Crew from Weather Conditions

If it were not for your crew, your construction projects would never get completed. For that reason alone, you need to make sure you take care of them – and keep them safe.

Leaving them out in the cold (or heat) in extreme weather conditions is not the most beneficial choice.

Cold Weather

Cold weather can cause things such as hypothermia and frostbite.

It can force your crew members to wear layers of clothing and take warming breaks often.

The frigid temperatures can slow down the body and create a lag in production on the site.

Hot Weather

On the opposite end of the thermometer, heat can create problems of its own.

This leaves your construction crew subjected to:

Drowsiness is a common result – also leading to a slow down in production.

Direct dangers are not the only issues.

Other Dangers to Your Crew

  • Frost and ice on construction sites can create an increased risk of slip and fall.
  • And, heat fatigue can lead to missteps in the process, result in injury to others.

So, face it – your construction crew has a need that must be met – and construction site tents can help.

Not only will it assist in their safety and protection, but it will also ensure that they can arrive at the job site and work efficiently, despite the impending weather. And, that is a huge bonus.

4. Keeps Equipment and Machinery Running Safely

Construction equipment and machinery is huge investment to your company. This is why it is so important to maintain the health of these machines. Choosing not to do so can leave you with hefty repair bills – and an increased chance for accidents to occur on the job site.

Take a moment to consider what can happen to the machines and equipment left out to weather the conditions.

  • Ice and snow may cover them, but the salt that comes before and after can lead to rust and corrosion.
  • Dry heat can lead to an accumulation of dust at the job site. The dust finds its way into the crevices of the machines, causing them to clog and jam.

The more repairs your equipment requires, the more time your construction job will be slowed down or halted.

Don’t leave yourself with this risk – use construction site tents and properly store your equipment and machines out of the elements.

As a bonus, keeping your machines under a tent can deter costly thefts from taking place, too, since it is not as easily accessible.

5. Creates Job Stability

Just as your clients want their construction job to be completed on time, your employees need to work. But, unlike most individuals who head into an indoor building space to work each and every day, construction job sites are outdoors and vulnerable.

Stabilize your job site and your employee’s work schedule by investing in such construction site tents.

The amount of progress that can be made without having to concern yourself with the weather will be impressive. And, well, it is good for business, too.’


There are an immense amount of benefits your company will reap with the use of outdoor tent enclosures.

From improved safety of your crew, to protection of your equipment, to more efficient production and job stability, to increased profit and revenue, temporary tents can help your construction job.

Construction site tents can be a win for every party involved.


Read More:

How to Improve Construction Job Shipping and Receiving Duties With Tent Enclosures

Tent Rentals

Improve Dry Storage for Construction Materials with a Tent Rental

For nearly any large construction jobs, construction materials are dropped off by freight carriers. Why? Because the sheer volume of the materials that go into a build, a renovation, or other types of construction is too much to simply run to the store and grab.

So, when these carriers conveniently drop the supplies at the construction site, what is to become of them? Where do they go? How do they stay in a healthy condition?

Truth is – they are typically left to weather the outdoors until they are needed in the construction process. Unfortunately, during this time, everyone simply hopes that they do not succumb to a terrible demise due to unfavorable outdoor conditions.

Can You Keep Construction Materials Safe?

It seems a bit risky to leave materials out in the open, doesn’t it? Construction projects are not cheap – and materials take up a chunk of that cost. Therefore, leaving them to chance doesn’t seem like the best idea.

Want a solution? You need dry storage with a tent rental.

The benefits of using such a structure are immeasureable:

1. Provide a Climate-Controlled Space

Imagine having a space that is convenient and beneficial – and also kept at the right temperature for your needs. Sure, you could rent out a local warehouse or storage facility nearby. But, what if you didn’t have to?

With a tent rental, you can have the perfect climate-controlled space.

Depending on where you reside, this may prove to be a huge convenience – perhaps even saving you money!

  • For instance, if you reside in a hot, humid (or wet) region, then the constant exposure of your materials to this weather could cause damage.
  • Or, if the area you are located in is often subjected to freezing temperatures resulting in ice and snow – this, again, can cause a huge problem.

Having a tent rental with climate control means that you are able to control the temperature at which your construction materials are stored. You can rest easy that your stored items will be in top shape when you need them.

2. Create a Space Safe from Inclement Weather

Many construction materials have a tarp placed over them as a means of controlling the damage from inclement weather. Unfortunately, while it is a good try, this method does not always help.

Why? Well, strong winds – which are often common with rough weather – can easily lift your tarp. Even if it doesn’t lift it all the way, it still can lift it enough to allow the weather through. Even more, being left on the ground leaves them vulnerable to rain puddles, snow, melting snow, and the like.

The result?

Damaged and weathered materials. Let’s not even mention the possibility of mold growth due to dark, damp conditions.

Renting a fabric tent structure gives you peace of mind that your construction materials are well protected. These tents are designed to withstand many types of inclement weather. What’s more is that with the option to add flooring to your tented structure, you raise your materials off the ground, thus protecting them from rain puddles, snow, mud, etc.

3. Allows a Wide Open Area for Ease of Storage

You may think that a tent is not a viable option for you because you have large materials. Or, perhaps you use large machinery to move the materials. How will that work in a tent?

Well, here’s some good news – clearspan tents – the type most commonly used on construction sites – work beautifully for the storage of both construction materials and machinery. The reason is that they offer a wide-open space for storage. There are no poles within the tent that will require you to work around them.

Move your supplies in and out with ease using the largest machinery. This in itself makes it a great option for storage.

4. Convenient Locations

What if you found a great deal on a warehouse storage facility in your city? Great! You can store all of your construction materials for all of your jobs in one centralized location. Of course, you may encounter some frustrations, such as:

  • Having to leave the job site and drive to another location when you need materials.
  • Needing to then transport the materials from the storage facility to the job site.
  • Making sure you are visiting the storage facility during business hours.

Opting for a shared warehouse space can come with these aggravations and more. So, you may want to think twice before choosing either of these options.

Here’s your better solution – a tent rental. After all, doesn’t it seem much more convenient to have your construction material stored right where you need them? With a tent rental that can happen.

See, these tents are designed to be constructed anywhere – on any surface. Further, it can be designed to meet your size requirements, both of the space and for the materials. So, no matter how big or small your project or space, you have a dry storage option for your construction materials. Remove the need for all the logistics if you install a tent right on site.

5. Tent Rentals are Multi-Use

Finally, while a tent rental can be a helpful and wonderful addition for storing your construction materials at your construction site, that is not all a tent can do.

Because you have control over the size of the tent your rent, you can choose to make it a multi-functional option. For instance, you can store your construction materials under your tent. We’ve determined that this is a great choice for dry storage. But, a tent rental can also provide you…

  • A place for your crew to rest out of the outdoor conditions.
  • A place for an office, removing the need for a separate space.
  • Place to house your machinery, no matter the size.

The idea is to take full advantage of all these tent rentals have to offer.

Final Thought

Are you looking to improve your current dry storage situation for your construction materials? Are you tired of losing them to the elements or paying extra for transportation?

Invest in tent rentals and you will have access to climate control, flooring, varying size with wide-open space, and so much more – to store your construction materials in a safe, dry space.

You can’t improve much more than that, right?

Tent Rentals

How to Improve Construction Job Shipping and Receiving Duties With Tent Enclosures

The logistics behind shipping and receiving duties have to be spot-on if you want your business to flow smoothly during a construction project, and using a tent enclosure can help.

Why are these duties so important to success? Both of these duties determine your company’s efficiency and overall level of production. And, if your production levels are iffy, your bottom line will eventually take notice.

That is precisely why you need to get smart about your construction business. You need to take a look at the bigger picture – but focus on the shipping and receiving of your materials.

Why Are Shipping and Receiving Duties Important?

After all, if you don’t have the materials you need when you need them, the entire timeline for your job site can be destroyed.

Invest in tent enclosures to help improve job material shipping and receiving duties.

Find The Most Convenient Locations

Many construction companies have one warehouse located somewhere within the city or surrounding area. This is where items are received and distributed to job sites. That’s correct – they have to be picked up and delivered to construction crews around the city.

This has the potential to delay projects.

  • What if a truck breaks down?
  • What if you don’t have enough crew members to handle the deliveries job site?
  • Let alone the time it takes to receive, then re-load, and re-deliver the items to the construction site.

Constructing a tent enclosure at each of your job sites means that you can ship direct. You will be able to receive it right where your crew needs it. And, the tent enclosure ensures that you have a safe and reliable place to keep it. In fact, it just may be the most convenient location possible.

Did we mention that you won’t have to worry about your work getting delayed? The materials are on-site!

On a side note, you don’t have to have your receiving locations at each job site if you don’t desire – or if it is not feasible. Instead, you can have one constructed in a convenient, centralized location that can be easily accessed when needed.

Receive 24-Hour Availability

Some warehouse facilities have limitations on when they can receive shipments or when you or your delivery trucks can gain access to the facilities. This can lead to hiccups in your process and cause you a lot of aggravation – and money.

So, what would happen if you installed tent enclosures at your job site – or close to it – to accept shipments? You would be in charge of when these shipments arrive and when access can be granted. This means you have 24-hour availability and will no longer be restricted by the big warehouses.

If you need it to get the job done, then you’ve got it.

Allow for Proper Organization

Do you know that struggling to find something when you need it can lead to a delay in your crew’s production? It’s true. This is why it is so crucial that you remain properly organized so that you have the best chance of completing your construction project by the deadline.

Tent enclosures do not limit you by space. This means you will have an ample amount of area to store your items on your job site. And, in a properly organized fashion. Your crew won’t have to stop to locate what is needed – and the receiver will have a much easier time finding a distinct place for everything as it arrives.

Have A Designated Shipping and Receiving Area

Have you ever spent any time talking to the person – or people – in charge of ordering the shipments of supplies and job material? There is a good chance that, if you do, you will discover that having a designated space for every part of the process can make the process move in a more streamlined manner.

For instance, having a small tent enclosure where the ordering can be done. This can serve as an organized area for keeping proper tabs on what needs to be ordered, what has been ordered, what has arrived, and so forth.

There are a lot of details that come with handling shipping and receiving duties. Think about it – if it were not for the job material (and the person responsible for obtaining it) there would be no job site!

Make use of tent enclosures by using more than one – or ordering one in which you can break into areas. Have a selected area in which your shipper and receiver can maintain orderly documents and records.

Don’t Forget About Storage

Do you know how easy it is to order tent enclosures that are slightly larger than what you need? Or even order more than one? These temporary tent structures work beautifully for storage at job sites. And, they meet multiple needs. For example:

  1. Temporary tent enclosures can work to store all the job materials that arrive at the job site. As we have been discussing, the materials you order need to be housed in a safe, secure area. These tents are perfect for that.
  2. If you order more than you need – or decide to order items for another future job site, your tent enclosure is the perfect place to act as a storage facility. The ample amount of space that you have will allow you to designate specific areas for specific jobs, materials, and more.

But, that’s not all. You can also use these temporary tent structures to store job site items. You know, tools, materials, equipment, and even machinery. Construction theft is a huge business for thieves – and it can cost construction companies quite a bit to replace what is stolen. Plus, leaving some equipment exposed to inclement weather can lead to its demise faster.


If you own a construction company – or if you are simply in charge of making it run smoothly – you will want to consider adding a tent enclosure to smooth out your shipping and receiving duties and process. You will always have things right where you need them.

Plus, you will have ample storage space to neatly organize your items so that they may be accessed and used in an efficient manner. Don’t let the logistics of your job material shipping and receiving hurt your bottom line – invest in a tent enclosure.


How to Prepare for Winter Construction with Fabric Tent Rentals

Winter construction work doesn’t stop just because of a drop in temperature, so crews must be prepared to move forward with their projects; and now they can with fabric tent rentals!

There will still be jobs that need to be completed, deadlines to meet, and so forth during the winter time. However, the change in temperature also means that there will be ice-cold conditions to contend with that will not only affect the job site and project, but also the crew.

Thankfully there is a way that you can prepare for winter construction that will allow you to protect what you need to – and get your work done on time. How? By investing in a fabric tent rental.

Easy Transition from Site to Site

Construction tent rentals are an adaptable solution for your winter construction needs. Let’s face it, not all construction sites are the same. So making the most of your tent rental requires that it be able to adapt to each and every site – and fulfill the need as you see fit.

Any changes that you require, such as additional doors, increase or decrease in size, or the additional of climate control can be done with minimal effort – leaving you with the tent that will work best to meet the needs of your project.

With ease, fabric rentals can be moved and set up without wasting any time. This means you won’t find yourself behind on your project and all will be good to move forward and meet your deadlines. And, every good contractor knows that the key to repeat business and future clients and to provide a job well done that is delivered on time.

A Highly Cost-Effective Solution

If you want to make the most profit from your winter construction job, then you need to find the most cost-effective solutions, here’s why it can save you money.

  • If you currently have a construction job that is outdoors in freezing temperatures, your crew is probably working at a slower pace. Sure, they may start off a little stiff, get going, and then slowly slow down. They may even take frequent breaks – as they should – to maintain their body temperature. Having a tent rental means that the outdoor temps will be more controlled, increasing the productivity level and profitability of your crew members.
  • You know that you need something to protect your job site, machinery, and crew. But, did you know that some solutions may actually waste your money? More permanent buildings may seem more suitable – temporarily. Unfortunately, though, they won’t move with you as easily. So, unless you plan on staying on one particular job site for an extended period of time, you could waste a lot of money if you choose something other than a fabric tent rental.
  • Above, we discussed how important your reputation and on-time completion rate are to your business. Having a fabric tent rental will give you the extra protection you need to make timely deadlines. And, in turn, this can bring in more money in the long-run.

Believe it or not, these are only three of the many reasons why fabric tent rentals are so highly cost-effective for your construction business.

Meet Winter Construction Deadlines No Matter What

Winter weather can bring a mix of all sorts of unpleasant precipitation. For instance, it may rain. It could snow. How about some sleet and then a real deep freeze, leaving ice at every turn? Mixing precipitation with ice-cold temperatures can lead to dangerous outdoor working conditions for your crew. Not to mention the damage that can be caused to your equipment and machinery – and potentially the job site itself!

On some of the coldest days when the worst weather appears, you may ordinarily find it necessary to halt forward movement on your current outdoor projects. After all, working out in those conditions can cause serious dangers to health.

Each time you have to cancel production due to weather concerns, you are delaying the completion date. And, because winter weather can be incredibly unpredictable, delaying the completion date often can wreak havoc on your schedule, jumble up your workload, and, ultimately, decrease your customer satisfaction ratings.

With a fabric tent rental, you will have the protection to continue working no matter the weather, while keeping equipment safe. This will greatly reduce your amount of downtime, allowing you to meet your deadlines no matter what.

Maintain a Healthy Crew

As you know, winter weather can pose a great danger to individuals – especially those who work outdoors in the elements. Proper dress and frequent breaks to warm up should be required at any job site outdoors.

What’s more is that by investing in a tent rental, you are providing your crew with the much-needed space to work safely out of harm’s way. Think about it – how will you get your jobs completed on time if you have injured or sick employees?

Keep your crew healthy and functioning as they should with the protection of a fabric tent rental. Whether it is used for covering the entire work site or simply for storing equipment or warming up, it proves to be a great benefit time and time again.

Go Green!

Last, but not least, going green can positively impact your company’s image and your bottom line. By choosing to use tent rentals, you are allowing your job site all the perks mentioned above. Plus, there’s one more very important perk: the ability to use the natural sunlight.

See, the fabric on these tents can protect from inclement weather and is incredibly durable. However, the material itself allows for the sunlight to shine through and brighten the space below. This reduces the need for any special electrical lighting.

And, that is what it means to go green.


Winter construction doesn’t just stop because of poor weather and low temperatures. But, that doesn’t mean you have to deal with all the things that will slow down your work and hurt your business. Instead, consider vesting in a fabric tent rental and enjoy perks, such as:

  • A healthy crew
  • Easy transitions between job sites
  • More productivity and profitability
  • A high rate of project completion – at or before the deadline!



Read More:

5 Ways Construction Site Tents Add Stability to a Job

Tent Rentals

Beat the Heat & Summer Dangers with a Temporary Structure Tent

Summer time is also a very popular time for construction crews everywhere, but it also creates new dangers. Luckily, you can protect your crews from the heat and other summer problems with a temporary structure tent.

The summer season is prime time for vacations, barbecues, and all things outdoors.  With a break between winter weather, companies in the construction industry know that they have to make the most of every minute.

But, with this summer weather and increased workload comes dangers that may often get dismissed. Trying to beat the heat and the summer dangers is simple when you choose to utilize a temporary structure tent.

Be proactive with these precautions. Your crew is sure to thank you.


Dangers of the Summer Heat

The summer heat brings all sorts of dangers for those stuck out in it for extended periods of time. Sunburns, heat stroke and heat exhaustion is just a few. But without knowing what these conditions are, how to spot them, or what to do to treat them, it is hard for workers to prevent it from happening.

Education can save lives. Informing your foremen and crews about these dangers can mean the difference between life and death.


– Sunburns

Sunburns are common for people who aren’t used to being in the sun – and even for those who are. But, did you know that there are varying degrees of sunburns? There are.

And, while no sunburn is healthy for your skin, the worse the burn, the greater the danger.

See, too much sun can cause your skin to burn so badly that it has actually been referred to as sun poisoning. With this, you will see symptoms such as:

  • Very painful skin
  • Blistering
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting

What makes this so dangerous is that sunburns don’t appear instantly. Sometimes, by the time you feel it, the damage is already done.


– Heat Exhaustion

Combining high temperatures, increased humidity, and physical labor can lead to a dangerous condition known as heat exhaustion. As you work outdoors, your body keeps itself cooled down by sweating.

However, when there is more going out than coming in (by way of liquids and electrolytes), your body can’t cool down.

Heat exhaustion comes with the following common symptoms:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Cool skin with goosebumps while in the heat
  • Faint or dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid pulse

While heat exhaustion can be extremely dangerous, it can be preventable; especially during construction projects.


– Heat Stroke

Heat stroke stems from heat exhaustion that was not addressed. This is when things get more serious. If you are outdoors in the heat for prolonged periods and performing a strenuous activity, you are at risk for heat stroke.

This begins with the symptoms of heat exhaustion above. However, when left untreated, it can be deadly.

Without being able to cool itself down, your body temperature begins to rise. When it reaches 104-degrees Fahrenheit or higher, it can begin to quickly cause damage to your brain, heart, muscles, and kidneys.

If emergency treatment is not sought immediately, heat stroke will continue to cause damage within the body and can even lead to death.

  • Rapid breathing
  • Racing heart
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Headache
  • Slurred speech
  • Agitation and/or irritability
  • Flushed skin

If you notice any of these signs, seek medical attention immediately.



How to Avoid Dangerous Summer Problems

Learning about all of the dangers of the sun is wonderful for educational purposes and protecting those around us. But, what if there was a way to reduce the risk of any of these sun and heat struggles without having to necessarily worry about them?

Well, here’s some good news for you. There are a few things that you can do to provide a safe working environment for your construction crew. And, no – it does not impact the productivity level or project completion ability. In fact, with a healthy and happy crew, you may just find your production on the rise.

So, here is how you can make a difference.


– Education for Your Crew

Educate your crew members and the foremen of the signs and symptoms of heat illnesses. Make appropriate clothing mandatory, especially lightweight clothing.

Provide drinking water – and make it very accessible. Encourage employees to drink it ever 15 minutes or so to stay hydrated.

Carefully plan your projects and your work days. Have the heavier, more strenuous jobs done in the early morning hours when the temperatures are cooler. And, allow rest breaks in the shade.


– Temporary Structure Tents for Shelter

And, perhaps the best option, is to rent a temporary structure tent. Believe it or not, these construction tents have a lot of benefits on a construction site.

Because construction sites are not always located in the same place, there may or may not be a shaded area for your crew to cool down. By providing a temporary structure tent as protection, they always have a designated space to cool down and rest. Think that is the only perk? Think again.

  • These temporary structures allow you to present a designated space for temperature control. Here is where your crew can take a break, cool down, rest, eat their lunch, etc. It should also be a great place to store some water or other beverages.
  • Tents come with an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) option. Therefore, if you’d like to take things a step further, that is always an option.
  • When you rent a tent, you choose the sizing needed for your use. Depending on the type of construction you do, you could even find a tent that is large enough to encumber the entire project. Then, no one is working outside and left at risk.
  • The tent you choose can also be multi-used. For instance, you can use your temporary building as an office, and as a place of rest by the crew.
  • Your tent can provide storage for all your construction machinery.
  • These structures and tents can provide refuge from the rain and wind.



Many people look forward to the summer months because they bring so much time for fun. Just make sure you remember that the summer months bring danger, too.

Read OSHA’s requirements, educate yourself and your crew, provide temporary structure tents, and do what you can to protect your teams from falling victim to the suns damaging rays.

Remember, taking steps to be proactive can save your crew – and your project – in the long run.



10 Ways to Improve Construction Safety This Winter

Even when the weather turns cold and the snow begins to fall, construction projects continue on. To improve efficiency and safety this winter, check out this construction safety checklist.

Winter time is here. And, the coldest months of the year are just around the corner. Depending on where you reside, it can bring you a mixture of snow, ice, sleet, rain, and freezing temperatures.

For construction workers who spend their day outdoors, now is the time to be ready.


Your Construction Safety Checklist

There are many issues that can arise from winter construction projects.

Believe it or not, without taking a few precautionary steps, these harsh, wintry weather conditions could cause some terrible things to happen to your:

  • Crew
  • Construction equipment
  • Machinery
  • Construction site

Don’t leave your business to chance. Improve your construction safety this winter.

Doing so can ensure your job will be done on time – and safely.

This construction safety checklist shows 10 ways to make it happen.


1. Require the Appropriate Clothing

The first step in improving construction safety on your site starts with your employees. Your crew should show up on site wearing appropriate clothing each day.

Make it a requirement and not a suggestion. And, follow through.

If someone shows up without the proper gear, he or she cannot work.

A few examples of winter gear would be

  • Non-slip boots
  • Heavy coat
  • Hat
  • Gloves

Dressing in layers allows for the clothes to be removed as the day warms up. The key is to stay warm and dry throughout the day to prevent any illness.

Allowing workers to partake in their regular work activities while not prepared is a risk to themselves, to their co-workers, and to the jobsite itself.


2. Utilize a Construction Tent to Cover Your Machinery

We shouldn’t have to tell you that your machinery and equipment are incredibly expensive.

Not taking the necessary steps to ensure they are taken care of can cost your company extra money in repair – and replacement. Winter weather has a habit of causing a lot of damage to equipment.

Snow and ice buildup, along with salt can lead to rust and improperly operative equipment.

Why take that risk when there is a simple solution. Make use of a construction tent.

These tents are large enough to easily hold your biggest piece of machinery.

What’s more is the many benefits of industrial tents.

  • Tools protected from elements
  • Equipment remains indoors and out of weather
  • Machinery is protected from the weather
  • All tools are secured while the job site is empty, cutting down on theft



3. Educate Your Employees

It may seem as though it should be common knowledge, but not everyone knows and understands the symptoms of dangerous winter health conditions, such as frostbite and hypothermia.

It is important that you educate your crew – and supervisors – with the tools they need to spot these symptoms with those around them and with themselves.

They also should know the steps to take to prevent it – and steps to take when treatment becomes necessary.

Education is a vital tool in ensuring the health and safety of those on your sites.


4. Work Sites Should Be Reviewed Daily

Lots of things can happen to work sites overnight. And, this is especially true during the winter time when the temperatures dip to their lowest during the night hours.

To improve construction safety, you want to look out for are

  • Snow
  • Ice
  • Downed wires
  • Fallen trees, etc.

Before your crew can get started for the day, be sure to make a habit of reviewing work sites every day.


5. Provide a Warm Space for Your Crew to Take a Break.

Your crew is going to need a place to take a warm break. Constant exposure to the winter elements can increase the risk for health concerns.

Therefore, you should always provide your crew with a space to warm up throughout the day.

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by using a construction tent.

These durable structures can give you the open space and freedom to use it as you wish – and give you a break area for the crew.

The use of heaters – or even a climate control system – can make the space warm and cozy for those needing a break.


6. Keep an Eye on the Weather

If you reside in a region with rough wintry weather, then you know just how quickly that weather can change.

When you have crew members all over working outdoors on your construction sites, you need to make sure that they are safe.

One way to do that is to make sure you keep an eye on the weather. If you see inclement weather is approaching, work to get your sites clear and your crew out of harm’s way as soon as possible.


7. Cover Your Work Site with a Tent

Deadlines are important in the construction industry. But, risking the safety of your crew in order to complete a job on time is not a wise decision.

Instead, consider covering your work site with an industrial tent. This ensures your project continues to run smoothly, even during the winter weather.

These tents come in an incredible range of sizes, so surely you can find one to fit your needs.



8. Limit Exposure to the Harshest Weather

The harshest weather usually comes overnight and early morning. While you may wish to start your crew early in the day, it is advisable to limit their exposure to the worst weather.

Set your working hours to fall during the warmest – and safest – parts of the day.


9. Encourage Water Drinking, Not Coffee

Did you know that drinking coffee while working outdoors may give you a false sense of feeling warm?

See, although drinking hot coffee may have you feeling warm inside, it could instead be raising your heart rate.

Encourage your workers to drink plenty of water – and forego the coffee.


10. Remove Ice and Snow from the Construction Site

To make the most of the warmest working hours, snow and ice should be removed prior to the crew arriving on site.

Make a point to schedule a group to come in and clear the site prior to the arrival of your employees. Remove snow and ice so that work can begin when it is supposed to – without unnecessary delay.



Construction safety is important – especially during the winter months.

Take steps to ensure your crew is safe and healthy all winter long. And, don’t forget to grab your construction tent.

Disaster Relief

Environmental Remediation Services: How Do Tents Help?

Environmental remediation services are an important part of protecting the environment and our health; and these services can be improved with the use of a clearspan tent.

There are so many things in our world today that are known to be toxic or dangerous to our health. Whether it is the result of an accident involving a highly contaminated substance, a newly discovered toxin in the soil, or runoff pollution in groundwater, someone must step in and correct the situation.

Commonly, government bodies often contract out environmental remediation services to the professionals and provide strict guidelines and deadlines for its successful completion.


How to Make Environmental Remediation Services Successful

In order to complete these properly and on time, the contracted company will need to take every step imaginable.

With the strict deadlines from the government, there are certain ways to ensure your projects run smoothly and finish on time.

And, one of the smartest choices to make is to involve the use of a clearspan tent in your cleanup efforts. Here’s why:


1. Clearspan Tents Provide a Means of Control Over the Climate.

When faced with an environmental cleanup, you are at war with Mother Nature. Working to remove pollutants from localized soil could turn into a horrific nightmare if rainstorms occur.

Not only would it cause your deadline to be missed, but it could also cause danger on a larger scale.

With a clearspan tent, you have a means of control over the climate. In fact, its like having the upper hand with the weather.

Your tent can be created as large as needed to cover the space you are working. It is designed to be sturdy and withstand winds, rain, snow, and other climate situations.

This keeps your space dry and untouched, despite what is going on in the world around you.


2. Tents Help Keep Contaminants From Spreading.

Spreading contaminants further into the environment could be detrimental. Just as discussed above, having a clearspan tent will keep contaminants from spreading should certain weather conditions, such as wind or rain, put your job at risk.

But that is not all.

What happens when you have an environmentally dangerous situation that could be hazardous if spreading is allowed? For instance, wind can carry contaminants when there are no boundaries.

Choosing a clearspan tent means that whatever dangerous environmental situation you are dealing with, it can be dealt with in the safety of enclosed quarters.

You don’t always have the luxury of taking the substance to a securely enclosed location, but you can create one with your tent.



3. These Tents Act as a Barrier to the Public.

Some people like to be nosey and see what is taking place in environmental remediation areas or cleanups. Others, such as news reporters, like to try to gain access to make reports.

Whatever the situation may be, some places just are not meant to be accessed by the public. Especially hazardous areas.

To keep the public out and the contaminants and pollution under wraps, then you will want a construction tent.

They are sizeable and sturdy, with side walls and securely locking doors. Keep in mind that this will also assist with protecting any equipment that you are using to complete the job.

Often involving expensive machines and technology, it is incredibly crucial that it is maintained in a safe location.

Why not keep it safely at the job site?  


4. Clearspan Tents Can Be Relocated With Ease.

Some jobs may cover expansive areas.

Environmental remediation services can require a span of a few yards or a few miles. And, it is not always possible to protect the entire space at one time. Thankfully the tents are able to be relocated with ease.

Clearspan tents can be erected on any surface – including asphalt and concrete. There is no need for a soft flat surface to ground the tent.


5. They Are Economically Friendly.

Most environmental remediation services are done on contract with the government. And, most are received on a bid – which means you often have to go in at the lower end to win the bid.

Choosing a clearspan tent is an economically friendly choice. They offer a great service at a great price.

The best part is that when you are bidding, proving that you will use the assistance of a clearspan tent to protect from any inclement weather or from the spread of contaminants could actually give you a leg up in the bidding war.



6. The Tents Can Be Customized.  

These clear span tents can be customized in many ways to meet your needs.

– Size

First, the sizing of the tent can be created for your exact needs, whether you need something small or large – or anything in between.

– Walls

It can also be designed with side walls – or without. Sidewalls work well to keep the area secure and keep any pesky weather out of the workspace.

– No Poles

Clearspan tents have no poles inside, unlike their counterpart pole tents. Instead, they provide a wide-open space for getting the job done carefully and fully.

Quite often, environmental remediation jobs are done on an emergency basis. They require you to be ready to set up and get working as soon as possible. Some tent choices could require a lot of work, a lot of manpower, and just the right ground to set up.

However, clearspan tents do not. They are easy to erect, move, and maintain.  All in all, you can arrive at the site, get set up, and start working in a jiffy.



Environmental hazards can cause a lot of damage and public hysteria.

Those who choose to do the remediation services are faced with a big job – cleaning it up and protecting those around it. This could be due to detected radiation, pollution in the air, toxic soil, contaminated drinking water, and so much more.

The more we advance with trial and error of technologies, factories, transportation, and utilities, we will likely see more need for environmental remediation services.

Having a clearspan tent as part of your team is a surefire way be one step ahead. Remember, they can protect the area from inclement weather, from the public and reporters, and from the spreading of the hazardous material.

It is a win-win for all involved.

Don’t pose more threat to the environment – get a clear span tent.


Construction Tent Enclosures: 4 Reasons You Need Them

Providing your job site with construction tent enclosures is the first step in completing a successful construction job.

Sometimes there are things in life that serve a great purpose. But, if you aren’t directly affected by this great purpose, you may miss the fact that they even exist at all. See, these things in life serve a great purpose, whether they directly affect you or not.

Now, the same holds true when you consider construction tent enclosures. These may seem rather unimportant or unnecessary. You may even think that they serve no purpose for an industry that survives by completing work outdoors.

However, you’d be wrong.

Tent enclosures serve many construction companies, crew, and sites in a variety of ways. And, they are one of the things in life that serve a great purpose for those who need them, whether it affects you directly or not.

These tents are incredibly versatile and can move with the construction crew from project to project with ease.


Versatility At Its Finest

Construction tents meet the demand – exactly.

When it comes to these tents, there is no half-serving a purpose. Instead, they are customized and designed to meet the needs of the project just how you need them to.

This applies to:

1. Sizing: No matter how large or small of a space you need, you will be able to obtain a tent of that size. So, if you are looking to store large equipment, your tent will have height requirements. And, the construction tent enclosures will be able to meet them.

2. Sidewalls: Are you looking for an open tent or one that is fully enclosed? Sidewalls will keep things out or in, depending on your needs. For example, the sidewalls work well for keeping inclement weather out and securing important machinery and equipment.

3. Doors and entryways: Depending on what you intend to use your construction tent for, you should know that you have an option of a door or entryway. This can be wide open, secured with regular side walls or tiebacks, or track doors that can provide a more stable sense of feeling.

4. Flooring: Did you know that the ground beneath your feet may matter to some folks? Construction tent enclosures can come with flooring or without. Typically, construction sites will bring bare floors, as it is an outdoor industry typically dealing with dirt and grime. However, for those tents that are being used as temporary offices, having a more professional appearance may bring up the need for actual flooring. When customizing your enclosure, you can choose from a variety of different flooring types.

5. Climate control: Even though you are outdoors, these tents can bring a sense of cool or heat to the job site with the HVAC, climate-control option.

While these are important customizable accessories that can be used when designing your tent, they aren’t your only choices.

There are many ways in which you can transform your enclosure to meet your exact needs. And the best part? They can be easily moved from location to location without causing your project any downtime.



Welcomed By Your Crew

Depending on the season and your location, your crew may be overjoyed to find that they have construction tent enclosures on the job site.

What purpose can this serve them?

Working in outdoor elements for long stretches of time means exposure to potentially life-threatening medical conditions.

In the summertime heat, construction crews face heat at high temperatures for an extended period of time. Because their job site changes and often comes without a steady – shaded – place to take a break, the heated conditions can cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and severe burns.

On the other hand, wintry cold temperatures can wreak havoc on the body. Construction crews who work in frosty conditions are exposing themselves to things such as frostbite and hypothermia.

To prevent these threats and to provide your crew with a nice, warm (or cool), shaded space to take a break, warm up, cool down, or eat lunch, provide a construction tent enclosure on all your job sites.


Desired By Your Job Site

The weather sometimes affects job sites, not allowing them to complete on time. And, with deadlines looming overhead, the pressure is on.

So, how can you complete your project in a timely manner and handle the weather? Cover the project.

By choosing to protect the area with a tent enclosure, your crew will be able to move forward with the project and meet the necessary deadlines.

It won’t matter what is going on outside the tent because your area of focus is covered and protected.

And, yes, construction tent enclosures can be that big.



Needed By Your Machinery

If you have had any part in the purchasing of machinery or equipment for your construction work, then you know just how expensive they are. Why leave them out in the elements?

Over time, the weather can break down and damage machines. This is especially true in areas with extreme temperatures.

Not only will this lead to larger – and more frequent – repair costs, it will also put your crew at risk. Not properly caring for running equipment increases your safety risk.

Protecting your machinery on the job site can also protect it from thieves. There are many out there who know just how much this equipment is worth.

By securely covering your machines, you are greatly reducing your chances of becoming a theft victim.


Conclusion: You’re Better Off With Construction Tent Enclosures

Well, there you have it. All the reasons these great construction tent enclosures can benefit your business.

From protecting your crew, taking care of your equipment, and saving your project from the weather, and allowing projects to run on-time, you are able to reap the benefits.

Remember, these tents can be customized to meet your exact needs –and, they can very easily move with you from project to project.

Discover how construction tents will benefit your next project.


How to Improve Construction Site Safety With Fabric Structures

Construction sites can look different depending on the type of work they do. For instance, there are construction crews that work on roadways, others who work on housing developments, and still others who work on commercial projects. There are construction crews who do the heavy work and others who follow up with the light work. However, regardless of the project, construction site safety is essential.


So, what does that mean for the crew members of residential, road and highway, commercial and other types of construction? It means that they are subjected to all sorts of outdoor conditions and safety risks.

After all, their line of work is not the easiest.

You have to be strong and tough to work in construction, but that doesn’t mean the strength overrides the safety risks.

There are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk and increase construction site safety for every type of construction.

And this can all be done with a tent. Here’s how.


How do tents improve construction site safety?

21.1% of employee deaths in 2017 was related to the construction industry. That is a staggering number.

Construction site safety is essential for many reasons, and employers have the duty to protect their employees; especially in construction.

The construction industry creates and builds the tangible product of our civilized societies.

However, it doesn’t matter how different each type of construction is – they always have one thing in common: construction sites involve some extent of outdoor work.

One of the simplest ways to improve outdoor construction site safety is through the use of construction tents. That’s it!

These fabric structures found at construction sites provide an abundance of benefits.

Don’t believe us?

Check out the top 5 ways that these structures reduce risk and improve construction site safety.


Benefit #1: Protection from the summer heat

Summer heat can lead to many emergency medical situations. And, for those who work outdoors, this is known very well.

Sadly, however, finding a reprieve from the sun’s blaze is not always an option – especially when handling road construction or working on a newly commenced project.

A tent can give your job site just the right amount of protection from the sun.

They can provide the crew a space to escape the summer heat and relax, reducing the chance of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Your tent will keep your crew well taken care of during the sunny workday.



Benefit #2: Block the wintry weather conditions

Just as the summer heat can cause safety and health concerns, so does the wintry weather. In fact, this could be even more concerning.

Dropping temperatures can lead to medical conditions such as frostbite, hypothermia, and increased risk of heart problems.

When facing freezing outdoor temps for extended periods of time, construction crews know that they need to dress appropriately.

Wearing thick (or double) socks with waterproof shoes, layered clothing, and head covering can provide some relief from the cold.

But, it is also highly recommended that there be frequent breaks, allowing the individual to warm up from the cold. Working outdoors does not always provide you with a place to do this.

Tents work wonderfully in providing a shield from the freezing temperatures. Including side walls, these tents can withhold heat from heaters as well as block any chilling winds that may be present.

Not only that, but construction fabric structures come in all sizes, meaning that some of your construction projects can occur within the tent!


Benefit #3: Keep machinery dust-free

Construction site safety doesn’t only include your employees; it includes your equipment as well.

If you work in construction or own a construction company, then you likely have a very good idea just how expensive the machinery, tools, and other equipment can be.

And since you are in business to turn a profit, the last thing you want to do is find yourself needing to purchase new equipment or have to hand out money for constant repairs.

Here is a tip: it pays to take care of your construction equipment.

Doing so can keep them running smoothly and keep them safe for the crew to run.

Leaving machinery outdoors overnight and throughout the day can cause dust, dirt, and debris to pile on them and eventually cause them not to run so smoothly.

Utilizing a tent can offer the perfect solution. You can save money by not having to drive your equipment to the site each day.

And, you won’t have to worry about it getting damaged due to the elements. Simply store your machinery inside a tent when not in use and increase the safety level all around.

And, yes, they make tents that big!



Benefit #4: Stay dry when wet weather hits. 

Live in an area where rain fills up a huge chunk of your day?

During the rainy season, there can be a big delay in construction projects – and an increased risk of safety hazards on the job site.

Slippery surfaces, damage to equipment, and soaked employees can lead to some bad news.

Keep your clients happy with on-time completion and keep your employees safe and dry with the simple decision to use a tent.

The structure can provide a dry place for crew members to escape when the weather gets rough.

It can also store your equipment for safe keeping. Even further, if your job site could be damaged due to the wet weather, your tent could cover and protect the entire area with no problem.


Benefit #5: Breaks during the day are important.

If you want a happy and healthy construction crew, then you need to make sure they are provided with breaks throughout the day. Construction is hard work.

Dealing with the job duties and the outdoor conditions can amplify the difficulty.

Providing your workers with a place to take a break can lead to an overall increase in health and safety for everyone. Utilize a tent for a dry, shady, shielded place to break.

If your crew is taken care of, the job will be completed properly and efficiently, and your client will be overjoyed.

And, the thanks can be given to the tent being utilized as a break room in an outdoor office space.


Benefit #6: Tents can be customized to meet your specific construction site safety concerns.

The best part about the tent is that they can be completely customized. Depending on your type of construction and your job site location, as well as your needs, you will find just the tent for you.

They come in all different sizes – and can be large enough to cover your entire project.

Tents can also come with or without sidewalls, flooring, and HVAC system for climate control, and so much more.

Don’t start your next construction project without thinking about construction site safety. taking into consideration the benefits a tent can have on the safety of your crew and your site. You’ll be thankful you did.


How to Improve Construction Profit Margin With the Use of a Tent

Construction projects require more costs than you may imagine. Not only is there the need for supplies and manpower, but also for the tools, machinery, storage, office space, travel expenses, and so forth. With all of this behind-the-scenes cost, your construction profit margin may just sink lower and lower.

That is unless you are a contractor who thinks outside the box.

Did you know that it is absolutely possible to lower your expenses and improve your construction profit margin… by using a tent?

It is!

Believe it or not, temporary tents can come in handy with construction projects – especially since they can be used in a multitude of ways.

Are you ready to start saving money and increase your construction project profitability?


How Does an Industrial Tent Improve Your Construction Profit Margin?

There are many uses of an industrial construction tent.

Maybe you are in need of a temporary warehouse? Or are you looking for a tent to keep your workers safe in the outdoor elements? Maybe you need a tent for environmental remediation.

Well guess what; a temporary tent can do all of this for your construction project. And, it will help you to improve your profitability.

There are many ways a tent can help improve your construction profit margin. Tents help to:

  1. Decrease storage costs
  2. Lower fuel and transportation costs
  3. Provide protection from all seasonal weather
  4. Provide off-site office space
  5. Keep your crew healthy and happy

These are five important factors of profitability — and by improving on these, your construction profit margin will improve.



1. A tent can decrease your storage costs.

Face it – there is a lot of equipment, tools, and machinery that needs to be present on every job site.

But, when your day is done, you cannot simply just leave it lying around the area and expect it to be there – and be unharmed – the next day.

Your construction equipment is expensive, and it needs to be taken care of – and protected.

That leaves you with a few options. You can either travel back to your construction company’s base every night to lock it up or find a nearby off-site storage facility.

Both of these choices can add up over time, decreasing your construction profit margin.

What if you could just leave your equipment on-site and know that it is protected and secure? You can.

This is where a temporary storage tent comes in handy for you. These tents can be customized to meet your exact needs.

Then, you can lock up your tools and equipment – even large machinery – overnight and have it right there on-site for your crew to start early the next morning.

No more expenses off-site storage bills when you have your own tent.

The best part is that when your job is done, and you move on to the next one, your tent can go with you.


2. A tent can lower your fuel and transportation costs.

Speaking of having a tent on-site, it can also lower your fuel and transportation costs.

Not only does off-site storage cost more money to rent, it also adds to your fuel and transportation costs, too.

This is especially true if you must transport machinery to faraway destinations. If this is the case, you can wave your construction profit margin goodbye.

Rid yourself of these fees by choosing a tent.

The area will provide you with everything that you need so you will no longer find yourself running to other facilities, back to the office, or an off-site storage.

Everything you need in one location – the construction site.


3. A tent can provide you with the perfect weather.

Missing a project completion deadline cannot only delay your other projects, but it can be the difference between having a good reputation and getting referrals or being passed up due to your constant delays.

Construction projects are wonderful and exciting when they are completed, but in-process can cause chaos and frustration.

That is why your customers want your job completed by the deadline – and don’t want to have to wait longer.

And, of course, you want your job completed by the deadline, so you keep a positive reputation and can start your next job on time.

Missing deadlines can be extremely harmful to your construction profit margin.


Give your crew the perfect weather to work with and get that job done by providing them with a tent.

Tents come in all sizes – so there is no area too big for a tent to cover.

Have your space covered so that rain, wind, cold, etc. can stay out and your crew can stay in and complete the job to perfection.

By working under an industrial tent, your project can continue — even when mother nature tries to shut it down.

Not only do temporary construction tents help in the winter; they also provide protection during the summer, spring, and fall months!


4. A tent can give you an easy on-site office space.

When working at a construction site, you need an office space.

There needs to be a place set up for reviewing and storing plans, making necessary phone calls, etc.

Most often, this office comes in a modular temporary office.

However, what if you could cut this expense and still have an office?

By using a tent as your storage facility, you can very easily give yourself an office space, too.

That means this space can be a two-in-one and you won’t have to worry about your separate office anymore.

In the end, it will save you time, money, and transportation costs.


5. A tent can help you keep your crew healthy and happy.

Sure, you need machinery and equipment to get your job done. But, without a healthy crew to run it, your job will sit dormant.

Your construction crew is your key to a job well done.

Perhaps that is why it is so important to make sure they are healthy and happy.

After all, working outdoors every day and dealing with the weather can be incredibly tough.

Provide your crew with a tent on-site.

This can be used as a place to get a reprieve from the weather, such as cooling down from the hot sun or warming up from the freezing temperatures.

It also is a safe haven from inclement weather, such as thunderstorms, windstorms, hail, snow, etc.

A tent can also provide your employees with a space for breaks and a shady, dry place to have lunch.

You cannot control the weather, but you can reduce the number of times it shuts your site down early.

If you are in an area that is prone to crazy weather patterns, a tent may be the one thing that can keep your crew moving forward.

Happy workers leads to more productivity, better work environments, and a larger construction profit margin.

Instead of sending everyone home and shutting down when the rain strikes – give your crew a break in the tent until it passes and then get back to work.

They are refreshed, and your deadline didn’t’ just get pushed back another day.



Your construction profit margin is important.

And, making smart choices can mean the difference between improving your profits or staying at the status quo.

Use a temporary construction tent for on-site storage, an on-site office, to reduce fuel transportation costs, and to give your site and your crew the perfect weather condition for completing a job on time.


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