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How to Prepare for Winter Construction with Fabric Tent Rentals

Winter construction work doesn’t stop just because of a drop in temperature, so crews must be prepared to move forward with their projects; and now they can with fabric tent rentals!

There will still be jobs that need to be completed, deadlines to meet, and so forth during the winter time. However, the change in temperature also means that there will be ice-cold conditions to contend with that will not only affect the job site and project, but also the crew.

Thankfully there is a way that you can prepare for winter construction that will allow you to protect what you need to – and get your work done on time. How? By investing in a fabric tent rental.

Easy Transition from Site to Site

Construction tent rentals are an adaptable solution for your winter construction needs. Let’s face it, not all construction sites are the same. So making the most of your tent rental requires that it be able to adapt to each and every site – and fulfill the need as you see fit.

Any changes that you require, such as additional doors, increase or decrease in size, or the additional of climate control can be done with minimal effort – leaving you with the tent that will work best to meet the needs of your project.

With ease, fabric rentals can be moved and set up without wasting any time. This means you won’t find yourself behind on your project and all will be good to move forward and meet your deadlines. And, every good contractor knows that the key to repeat business and future clients and to provide a job well done that is delivered on time.

A Highly Cost-Effective Solution

If you want to make the most profit from your winter construction job, then you need to find the most cost-effective solutions, here’s why it can save you money.

  • If you currently have a construction job that is outdoors in freezing temperatures, your crew is probably working at a slower pace. Sure, they may start off a little stiff, get going, and then slowly slow down. They may even take frequent breaks – as they should – to maintain their body temperature. Having a tent rental means that the outdoor temps will be more controlled, increasing the productivity level and profitability of your crew members.
  • You know that you need something to protect your job site, machinery, and crew. But, did you know that some solutions may actually waste your money? More permanent buildings may seem more suitable – temporarily. Unfortunately, though, they won’t move with you as easily. So, unless you plan on staying on one particular job site for an extended period of time, you could waste a lot of money if you choose something other than a fabric tent rental.
  • Above, we discussed how important your reputation and on-time completion rate are to your business. Having a fabric tent rental will give you the extra protection you need to make timely deadlines. And, in turn, this can bring in more money in the long-run.

Believe it or not, these are only three of the many reasons why fabric tent rentals are so highly cost-effective for your construction business.

Winter Construction Projects - American Pavilon

Meet Winter Construction Deadlines No Matter What

Winter weather can bring a mix of all sorts of unpleasant precipitation. For instance, it may rain. It could snow. How about some sleet and then a real deep freeze, leaving ice at every turn? Mixing precipitation with ice-cold temperatures can lead to dangerous outdoor working conditions for your crew. Not to mention the damage that can be caused to your equipment and machinery – and potentially the job site itself!

On some of the coldest days when the worst weather appears, you may ordinarily find it necessary to halt forward movement on your current outdoor projects. After all, working out in those conditions can cause serious dangers to health.

Each time you have to cancel production due to weather concerns, you are delaying the completion date. And, because winter weather can be incredibly unpredictable, delaying the completion date often can wreak havoc on your schedule, jumble up your workload, and, ultimately, decrease your customer satisfaction ratings.

With a fabric tent rental, you will have the protection to continue working no matter the weather, while keeping equipment safe. This will greatly reduce your amount of downtime, allowing you to meet your deadlines no matter what.

Maintain a Healthy Crew

As you know, winter weather can pose a great danger to individuals – especially those who work outdoors in the elements. Proper dress and frequent breaks to warm up should be required at any job site outdoors.

What’s more is that by investing in a tent rental, you are providing your crew with the much-needed space to work safely out of harm’s way. Think about it – how will you get your jobs completed on time if you have injured or sick employees?

Keep your crew healthy and functioning as they should with the protection of a fabric tent rental. Whether it is used for covering the entire work site or simply for storing equipment or warming up, it proves to be a great benefit time and time again.

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Go Green!

Last, but not least, going green can positively impact your company’s image and your bottom line. By choosing to use tent rentals, you are allowing your job site all the perks mentioned above. Plus, there’s one more very important perk: the ability to use the natural sunlight.

See, the fabric on these tents can protect from inclement weather and is incredibly durable. However, the material itself allows for the sunlight to shine through and brighten the space below. This reduces the need for any special electrical lighting.

And, that is what it means to go green.


Winter construction doesn’t just stop because of poor weather and low temperatures. But, that doesn’t mean you have to deal with all the things that will slow down your work and hurt your business. Instead, consider vesting in a fabric tent rental and enjoy perks, such as:

  • A healthy crew
  • Easy transitions between job sites
  • More productivity and profitability
  • A high rate of project completion – at or before the deadline!



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5 Ways Construction Site Tents Add Stability to a Job

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