
Why Do You Need a Climate Controlled Tent for Summer Construction?

The majority of employees work indoors. So, come rain or shine, heat or cold – they have an indoor, climate-controlled space to perform their job functions. This makes life easy. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for those working in the construction industry. Because of this, a climate controlled tent for construction projects is necessary.

Working outdoors, construction crews are subjected to all types of weather conditions. Occasionally, depending on the local climate, the weather will be perfect to be outdoors.

But when it turns cold – crews are faced with freezing conditions and even life-threatening work conditions. At the opposite end of the spectrum, summer can be just as hazardous for those in the construction business.

Here’s how you can help your crew and keep your construction projects running smoothly and successfully: invest in a climate controlled tent.


Summer sun can be damaging

Summer sun can be damaging. In fact, it can cause all sorts of health concerns if you spend much time in it.

When working construction jobs, there isn’t much choice left – crews have to go face to face with the sun for many hours.

Exposure to the sun can cause:

Utilizing a solution such as a climate controlled tent and temporary construction structure will allow your crew to get the protection they need from the sun while on the job site.

Depending on the job, you could potentially even use the structure over the work space.

After all, they are very versatile and come in many different sizes.



Heat can slow down your crew

When doing most things, the hotter you get, the more your energy gets zapped.

Face it – heat takes a lot of you.

For a construction crew that is battling heat on a daily basis, this is a very big reality. Heat is exhausting and can slow you down.

When you have production deadlines, you need to meet them.

So, what can you do to ensure that your crew stays on top of the project in order to efficiently meet deadlines in the heat of the summer?

Provide a place and time for breaks with a climate controlled tent.

OSHA Requirements

Your crew will need a space where they can sit and cool down –outside of the sun’s reach.

Not only that, but it’s actually required by OSHA to keep employees safe in the heat.

By choosing a climate controlled tent, your crew will have a sturdy, safe, cool place to relax, take a break, eat lunch, or just get away from the sun.

Not only will this keep your crew safe and healthy, but it will also give you two thumbs up as a caring employer.


A climate controlled tent protects your equipment

Your crew isn’t the only thing that needs protecting from the sun. Just as the constant rays of the sun beating down on your construction site affects your crew, it can also affect your equipment.

And, as you know, that is a costly investment.

Sun can cause overheating and rotting rubber. It can take a piece of equipment that is a necessity and turn it into a non-function hunk of metal that will bring your construction site to a crashing halt.

Then, what?

By using these temporary warehouse structures, you can avoid finding yourself in this situation by protecting your equipment.

A climate controlled tent is large enough to house your equipment when it is not in use.

This will not only keep your job site functioning, but it will also save you much time and money in equipment repairs.



Be able to function in the office

Like most construction projects, having an on-site office is common.

It means that you are able to manage and oversee each step of the job. It also means you have a cool place to store all your office equipment and plans for the project.

Offices found on construction sites are usually placed in a small trailer of their own, resulting in an added expense to the company.

Choosing to not have an on-site office would mean that you cannot run your computer software programs or have a space to store plans or documents. And, without a climate-controlled trailer to house the office, the summer heat would prove to be too much.

The most logical explanation would be to rent a tent with climate control.

This multi-purpose temporary structure would serve to protect the crew and equipment while also housing the office.


Appreciate your employees

If honor and ethics have any bearing on your decision-making, then you will want to show your appreciation for your employees.

Leaving them out in the heat without any place for respite not only puts them at risk, but it also puts your project and equipment at risk, too.

Your crew will be thankful for a place to cool off and shelter themselves from the heat of the day. Encourage them to take breaks in the climate controlled tent, and to do what they can to stay safe from the sun.

For instance,

  • Take advantage of the house when the sun is not at its hottest. This may mean working nighttime or early morning hours.
  • Also, have water readily available to ensure that the crew is staying hydrated.
  • Providing or encouraging the use of sunscreen, sunglasses, hats can also help.
  • Allow the use of light-colored clothing made out of breathable fabrics.
  • Make use of cooling bandanas to keep the body temperature down.
  • Tackle the tougher jobs first.

All in all, your crew will know what makes them feel too overheated.

However, you should constantly be watching for signs of heat stress or exhaustion.

These include symptoms, such as dizziness, confusion, headache, fainting, nausea, and vomiting.

If anyone shows these signs, get them out of the sun and seek medical attention right away.


There are many benefits to choosing a climate controlled tent for your construction site.

The temporary structure will come in many different sizes, so you will surely find the perfect one for your job.

Keep your crew safe and out of the sun’s harmful rays. Keep your construction equipment and machinery healthy and functioning in its optimal manner, and show your employees that they are appreciated.

Don’t let the heat slow your construction jobs this summer. Rent a climate controlled tent to keep your summer job sites cool and productive.

Tent Rentals

When Do You Need Waterproof Tents For Winter?

Depending on where you reside, winter weather can be rough. For some, it is comprised of a cool, dry breeze against a bright blue sky. However, for the majority of people in the United States, winter weather is a bit more fierce. It can include freezing temperatures, inches upon inches of snow, frozen rain and ice, as well as hail and intense winds. Regardless of this weather, your needs for outdoor covering (for one reason or another) may not change. So, rather than change your plans, you can always seek an alternative – waterproof tents to meet your needs.

When you are looking for protection from this turbulent weather, look no further than a clearspan tent. These waterproof tents can handle all your outdoor needs in winter and offer a solution in so many situations within so many industries. They are strong enough to stand up to powerful winds and they can hold the weight of fallen snow without compromising the structure or its safety.

Let’s explore the ways in which these waterproof tents are necessary and can create a barrier between you and Mother Nature.

Personal celebrations

There is no rulebook that says you cannot have your birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any other party outdoors in the wintertime. Before clearspan tents, you may have been viewed as a little off your rocker, but since their inception, these tents have been bringing parties outdoors – all year round.

For parties, you and your guests will be protected from the roof and the sides – thanks to the strong fabric structure. And, it is waterproof which is incredibly important. Another bonus is the optional flooring that you can add, which lifts the floor under the tent and allows the floor to remain dry if the outside ground is wet from snow, mud, or rain.

Construction site tents

Construction crews have no choice, unfortunately, when it comes to working outdoors – despite the outdoor weather condition. They are faced with personally dealing with all sorts of winter weather. Besides dressing for safety, these crew members must also find a place of refuge for themselves and their machinery when the weather gets too rough.

Clearspan waterproof tents can serve as a great tool in the construction industry. It keeps crew members dry in times of wet, wintry weather. And, it can do the same for machinery. Construction companies know that the protection for their crew is a priority, as is maintaining the health of their pricey machines.

These tents not only keep construction crews safe and dry from the winter weather, but machinery as well.

Storage space

Individuals and companies do not need storage solely during times of great weather. Instead, they need storage at all times – including during the winter months. And, if someone is willing to rent a clearspan tent to meet this need, they are going to want assurance that it is going to keep the stored items safe and dry.

Storage needs are very common – and this is incredibly true during the holiday season from Thanksgiving and into the New Year. Retail chains require this extra storage for a surplus inproducts and goods ordered ahead of the big sales and other big events. Also, charity organizations take in quite a bit of donation during these times of giving and often need an extra space to temporarily store it.

Clearspan waterproof tents have secure sidewalls and roof that will keep the wet winter weather out and the goods safe inside. In addition, the optional flooring works as added protection by keeping the items off of the cold, wet ground.

Waterproof tents for disaster relief

Disasters can happen at any time – and the winter season is no exception. Blizzards, floods, ice storms, earthquakes, fires, and any other disasters can happen. Relief crews need to have the ability to come in and assist in these often devastated areas. However, whether setting up temporary command centers, setting up medical tents, or providing temporary shelter and dining stations, the relief crew needs to be certain that the temporary structure for the disaster will be waterproof and safe despite the weather conditions.

Thankfully, when it comes to clearspan waterproof tents, that is exactly what they get. These tents are sturdy and durable. The wet weather on the outside will not be able to find its way into the inside. This will keep displaced community members dry, paperwork and command centers free from wind and snow, and medical crews will feel confident to know that they are protected as they work on the injured.

Tents for farming needs

The machines farmers use can cost a bundle. So, protecting them is incredibly important. Otherwise, the farmers may encounter an increased amount of maintenance and repair costs – and this is an expense that many farmers want to avoid. Many farmers seek the best protection for this equipment, machinery, feeds, fertilizers, and everything else. Waterproof tarps may work to cover the machines intermittently, but when the weather dangers increase and the winds pick up, the tarps can blow off and water can seep in. This exposure alone can cause the very damage that the farmers were trying to avoid – creating many unwanted expenses.

Farmers don’t necessarily work outdoors in the winter time, but they do prepare for the future. So, during this downtime, farmers require safe storage of all of their equipment. Forget the tarps –these temporary structures offer lots of protection for farmers. And, their generous size means they can hold some of the biggest of farming equipment, such as tractors and plows.

Winter weather — the snowfall and ice crystals galore –can be beautiful to sit inside and watch from the warmth and protection of your indoors. But, sometimes you need to step out into the elements. When you do, you cover yourself in layers – and quite often, the top layer is waterproof. So, why wouldn’t you want to wrap your party, your machinery, and equipment, or goods for sale in the very same protection?

Waterproof tents offer this protection – and more. Raised flooring will keep the ground dry and out of harm’s way, the strong sidewalls keep the wind and falling precipitation outside the tent, and the roof handles the heavy fallen snow with ease.


How to Prepare Construction Sites for Fall Weather

Just as quickly as summer strolls into our lives, it departs — leaving us with Fall. This is the time of year when the sun starts to disappear more and more and trees begin losing their leaves. Not only does the weather change, but, for some, the way business methods are carried out does, too. Those who work outdoors need to make changes to ensure that construction safety and productivity remain a top priority. Construction sites and workers are one example of changing their whole business model. They must ensure that their projects can continue running smoothly, even as the cold and snowy weather begins.

Preparing construction sites for fall is an essential part of business; here are some tips to help do just that.

Trees will lose their leaves

Trees come in all sizes and serve so many purposes. They suck up the carbon dioxide in the air and release fresh oxygen for us to breathe. Trees provide a shelter and food source for animals and insects. They also provide shade for construction workers who spend their days under a beating hot sun.

What is the one major sign that Fall has arrived? The leaves change to beautiful shades of golden yellows, oranges, and browns. Then the leaves fall to the ground – taking all its protective shade with it.

To prepare for Fall, crews must make sure that they have a replacement for shade on their construction sites. Whether it was used for the crew personally or as a shield for various pieces of equipment, the trees are gone. Securing a temporary fabric structure will allow you to act as a shelter against the sun and all other weather situations.

Another preparation for falling leaves is ensuring that they do not interfere with mechanical equipment or the job site itself. These leaves can pile up, clogging exhausts or jamming equipment. If the leaves get wet, they can also become a very slippery hazard.

Weather changes

Weather changes happen quickly. During the Fall, it is not uncommon for it to be 90° Fahrenheit one day and a high of 55° the next. Working outside on a construction site means that you will need to be prepared to face any and all weather-related changes to maintain efficient and safe production.

When the temperature drops, there are necessary steps you will need to take to maintain a healthy crew. Such as:

  • Providing a shelter from inclement weather. Even providing an enclosed construction tent can give your crew a break and a chance to warm up on frigid days.
  • Require your crew to bring heavy, warm gear – just in case. The weather during this season can change quickly and dramatically. Therefore, being prepared is extremely important.
  • Educate your crew on safety measures and danger signs of too much exposure to rough weather.

Daylight Savings Time

It is important to keep in mind that the Fall brings shorter daylight in our days. Daylight Savings Time asks us to turn our clocks back an hour. Doing so can cause a great need for adjustment in the hours and manner your construction crew handles its projects. Adjusting for it to be lighter in the morning, but darker sooner can make sure your crew uses the best of the daylight it is offered.

Overhead protection on construction sites

As discussed throughout this article, some type of overhead protection can be very beneficial – especially during this time of year. A few of the most obvious reasons you will want shelter are:

  • Weather can change in an instant. Overhead protection can protect your crew from harsh weather – including temperature drops, excessive sunlight, rain, wind, etc. For those rough seasons – snow and ice.
  • Outdoor elements can wreak havoc on your materials, supplies, tools, equipment, etc. Having this outdoor protection on construction sites means that the expenses your company puts out will not be wasted.
  • A lot of falling leaves can potentially cause safety hazards at your construction site. When piled (and especially if they get wet) slip and falls can occur. In addition, the leaves can gather at your construction site and cause a mess – requiring cleanup and potential damage.
  • Machinery and construction site equipment is a huge expense. Why would you want to leave them outside and unprotected? Having a source of overhead protection will allow you to maintain your equipment healthily.

This protection can come in the form of a garage or a warehouse. However, if you are looking for the most versatile form of overhead protection, you may want to consider a tent rental. They offer many benefits over other types of shelter. For example:

  • Tents can go where you go. Unlike permanent structures, tents can travel. Construction sites often moves from location to location, so you will want something that can go with you.
  • Temporary fabric structures are completely customizable. They can be designed to meet any sizing requirements your construction site has.
  • The options that come with these tents also make them very beneficial. For instance, side walls, windows, flooring, etc.

Be prepared and look ahead to winter safety

Seasons change quickly. Just as Summer is coming to an end, so will Fall. You will be left with the cold, wintry season. Keep in mind that Mother Nature doesn’t always go by a calendar – so the winter weather could hit before the season technically changes. Instead of waiting until it is too late, prepare your construction site now. Use this intermittent season as a prepping period.

  • Complete any maintenance that needs to be done on your machinery or equipment. For any of those vehicles that will be used by your construction crew, this is the time to prepare and create winter emergency kits. These kits should contain things such as blankets, flashlight, snow brush, ice scraper, as well as nutritious snacks and bottled water.
  • Check your work site for weather protection. The winter weather can change in an instant so it is best to be prepared. Use this time to prepare a temporary shelter for your crew.
  • Take the time to train your employees on winter safety so that they are prepared when winter weather arrives. They should know the proper gear to wear, the signs of overexposure to the cold, and ways to protect themselves and their co-workers in extreme weather.

Following these suggestions can help you successfully prepare your construction sites for Fall weather.



Year Round Construction Tents Protect Workers and Projects

Every job is important. But what happens if you can’t work? Not because of illness or disability, but because of weather. Yes, of course, almost all of us who work in warm, cozy offices would love to call in sick from work on the coldest day in February and stay nestled in our beds. But life doesn’t work that way. You need the money and your employer needs you. But what about those construction workers who subject their bodies to conditions the rest of us run from? It’s snowing, they are working. It’s raining, they are working. It’s windy, they are working. It’s freezing and icy, they are working. Luckily, with year round construction tents that are available to crews at all times, they can work more comfortably.

Due to all their deadlines and huge projects to complete on a timeline, construction crews cannot stop working. Plus, as consumers, we need them! They take care of many jobs that keep our society functioning, such as roadways, bridges, homes, office buildings, various transportation methods, etc. Thankfully, the construction industry has perfected methods to beat Mother Nature at her own game with year round construction tents!

Year Round Construction Tents as Temporary Shelter

Umbrellas, ponchos, raincoats, galoshes – all protect us when we head out in wet weather. But what protects construction workers? Have you ever seen a construction crew decked out in raincoats or holding umbrellas? Likely not. Since they have big jobs to do and rain doesn’t last all day, they generally find a place to take cover until they can get back to work.

Job sites don’t always come with shelter. Some are even in remote or very open areas. In cases such as this, workers may have to take shelter in their cars or call it at day – immediately putting the job behind schedule.

Good news for construction companies, though – it doesn’t have to be that way! Construction tents can serve as a temporary shelter on a wet day and allow the crew to return to work once the weather dries up.

Surviving the Summer Heat

Although it depends on where you live, most of the country struggles with brutal heat each summer. Add the lack of cool breeze to the heat and you have a stagnant summer heat that has caused fatalities for some and sent countless others to the hospital for things such as heat stroke and dehydration.

Now, think about construction workers – in the north especially, summertime is the best time for construction crews to knock out pending work. They do this while many of us are relaxing comfortably in our air-conditioned offices or homes.

What do construction crews do to keep cool? How do they avoid dealing with the detrimental heat? Water and shade. Drinking water is a must for working outdoors under the summer sun. However, having a place to cool down and rest your body from the rays is just as important.

Many crew members must struggle to find a shady tree or overhang while others may be lucky enough to have a construction tent. Yes, a tent that provides shelter. Many construction companies use them for storage or protection for equipment, but they have a dual purpose of protecting workers, as well.

Falling Leaves and Temperatures

Fall is beautiful and it may just be the most beautiful season of work for construction workers too. Sure, it starts getting a bit chilly, but nothing a few extra layers of clothes or socks can’t fix!

However, depending on your construction project, falling leaves could get in the way a bit. Year round tents are customizable in size and may be able to cover your project in its entirety, blocking out the pesky leaves. Not to mention, it would help keep the chill out of the air for your crew, as well.

Winter Weather

It is so hard to get moving in the early morning during winter time. However, construction crews are typically some of the first risers, many starting work before the sun is even up! Layered up for warmth, they head out to face the wintry cold. With year round tents, the can brave the winter weather slightly easier.

Winter conditions can leave construction workers subjected to ice, snow, sleet, and hail. Many winter days bring only gray skies – no sunshine for warmth. Construction crews should, of course, be wearing the proper gear for working outdoors in freezing weather. For example:

  • Thermal undergarments
  • Thermal socks (more than one pair)
  • Gloves (two pair if necessary)
  • Waterproof boots that will keep your feet warm
  • Thermal coveralls
  • Helmet liners or snowcaps under hardhat
  • Scarves

Having a place to warm up can be beneficial for many reasons. For one, it can reduce the risk for hypothermia and frost bite. In addition, it can help to keep muscles warm, which, in turn, reduces the risk of injury.

Construction Tents for the Job Site

Construction tents are like superheroes for the job site. They are much needed and openly welcomed by crews everywhere. These year round tents are completely customizable based on your needs. This includes sizing, flooring, and walls – or lack thereof.

Construction tents can even be climate controlled which can assist crews during the coldest and hottest months. During the winter, heaters can provide great warmth to your freezing crew. During the summer months, fans and cooling systems can keep your construction crew content, healthy, and happy.

Even basic construction tents without all the perks can still provide shade and shelter. When subjected to outdoor weather conditions, every little bit of protection helps! Rain or shine, cold or hot, construction year round tents serve a purpose far greater than you can imagine. While they can be used to help complete your job, they are also able to protect your crew. Without your crew, you have no completed project, right? Take care of them!



Tent Rentals

How to Keep Your Construction Project Organized

The great outdoors. Some people hate it, some people love it, and others choose to work in it. Despite how you feel about being out in the elements, if your job takes you there, then you learn to handle whatever gets thrown at you.

When you are responsible for a huge construction project, you will want to make sure your crew is prepared always. In addition to handling the weather, finding and maintaining organization when the outside world is your office can be a bit tricky. Without a building or an office, construction teams must figure out creative ways to take care of business, including keeping your crew and your equipment safe. Whether you need to rent a construction tent to shelter your project or ask your crew to wear protective clothing, preparing for unexpected weather is the best way to keep your project on time.

Here are a few ideas to keep even your most intricate construction project job site organized and secure:


When you set out on your mission, you created a deadline. Between your crew, the equipment rental, the recipient’s expectations — you know that the project has a very specific completion date. Setting checkpoints throughout the process will help make sure you remain on track.

Working outdoors, you can never count on a perfect day. Something may always interfere with the construction project and push a it back. Allowing time for these days will make you look great when you finish on – or before – the expected completion date.


How many times have you driven past deserted construction sites and wondered whether the sites ever become victims to theft? According to Lojack, a 2015 study of stolen construction equipment, at least $300 million worth of equipment has been stolen from job sites.  Without a place to secure equipment, such as towables, loaders and excavators, you must leave them at the job site and hope that they are still there the next day. That is a lot of trust to have!

Use some of these tools for protection:

  • Secure identifiers on your large equipment as a way for you to distinguish your equipment from another’s.
  • Surveillance cameras or motion lights.
  • Rent construction tents to enclose the equipment.
  • Place smaller tools in a lockbox with a deadbolt.

Failing to maintain a secure job site can lead to disruptions in your timeline should you become a victim of theft.

Keeping it clean

A clean space is an effective space. At the end of the day, make it a rule that all tools and equipment are to be secured and cleaned. It is important to have a place to store all tools and supplies and make sure that they return to this location at the end of each day. Dust and debris can dirty your site after a day’s work. Requiring your crew to take a few minutes to tidy up before leaving means that they can start fresh the next day.

Plans and paperwork

Working a construction project is primarily an outdoor job. Having no desk, it is common to carry important paperwork on a clipboard or leave it in a truck. As for reviewing plans for the job site, the hood of the truck makes a handy desk.

And then the wind picks up and it begins to rain. Yikes!

Besides moving your review of the plans into your truck, your only other option may be to hurry and put away any paperwork until a drier moment — halting further movement on your project.

Make sure you have a backup plan. Whether it’s under a nearby bridge or overhang, a close office location, a construction tent or even a nearby McDonalds, have somewhere to go when you need to review your plans. Save your deadline from being crushed.

Protect your crew with a construction tent

Depending on your location and the season, working outdoors can mean that you are personally affected by all sorts of weather conditions. Rain, sleet, snow, ice, thunderstorms, lightening, wind, heat — you name it. When you have no protective shelter, you are left exposed.

Some construction crews may run to their vehicles when bad weather strikes, others may shut the site down completely.

A few ideas for protecting your crew:

  • Encourage your crew to dress appropriately for the weather
  • Take frequent breaks to warm up or cool down, depending on the conditions
  • Halt the construction project when lightning is near
  • Provide a place of shelter, such as a portable office or construction tent, to escape the elements

You need your crew to complete your project – take care of them!

Protects a construction project, not just your crew, from the elements

Depending on what your specialty is, you may find it beneficial to have a protective cover for your actual work – not just for your crew or equipment. For example, let’s say you are an excavator. You spend precious time digging a hole for a project, careful to get the exact measurements and depth – and then the weather strikes. Rain or strong wind could cause your ruin your work progress, forcing you to have to push back your completion date. Or if you handle carpentry and are working with delicate wood for a structure, you are likely not going to want to have your wood and supplies soaked, putting your project on hold until it dries up.

It is important to pay attention to weather reports. Having an idea of what Mother Nature is going to do can help you plan your work. Having some overhead protection, such as a construction tent, can ensure that your time is not wasted.

Even though construction crews spend most of their time outdoors in an unpredictable environment, using these ideas can keep you moving forward no matter what! Planning in advance and reviewing the plan throughout the length of the job can keep you on track to meet your deadline. Maintaining a clean site that is safe and secure can lead to fewer reasons to halt your work. Just as a car needs a well-oiled motor to run, a construction project needs a well-organized crew.

Tent Rentals

Renting a Large Tent for a Construction Job Site

At some construction job sites, you just can’t risk letting your work-in-progress get wet. Other times, it’s so cold outside that your crew would greatly benefit from even a little bit of shelter. These are times when a simple 10 by 10 shade pavilion is simply not enough. Taking the time to build a temporary structure over your worksite is one option, but it is time consuming and expensive. The solution: renting a large construction tent for your construction job site from a specialty supplier.

Construction Job Site Tents

The aluminum frames of construction tents are specifically engineered to stand up to extreme weather conditions and quite a bit of hanging weight, which enables the frames to hold the weight of the outer fabric without guy lines or supports getting in the way of your work. Your construction job site will remain heated and comfortable, keeping your employees and equipment safe.

Your crew no longer has to transport equipment and supplies from the construction job site to the office, everything is in one location.

Options to Fit Every Need

Flame-retardant fabric is a must on any job site, and multiple fabric options are available to suit your particular needs. The size of the tent can also be customized, and you can choose to add features such as heating and air conditioning, security systems and carpeting.

With so many customization options, your crew and equipment will be able to work effectively and efficiently.

Common Uses

In addition to serving as shelter for your building-in-progress, construction tents can be used as warehouses, on-site offices or equipment storage units. The fact that they can be secured makes them a great place to protect your assets from both weather and theft.

Typical Terms

Large construction tents are available to rent, lease or purchase. The dealer that you work with can usually provide delivery, customization, full set up and take down as part of the deal. See what options they offer and find out what the policy is for adding on customizations mid-lease. Once you find a setup that works for you, you may want to rent for a while and then purchase that design.

No matter what your site requires in terms of shelter, there is a good chance that renting a large, custom construction tent will fill that requirement. With all of the available sizes and configurations, you’re sure to find something that fits your needs.

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