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Beat the Heat & Summer Dangers with a Temporary Structure Tent

Summer time is also a very popular time for construction crews everywhere, but it also creates new dangers. Luckily, you can protect your crews from the heat and other summer problems with a temporary structure tent.

The summer season is prime time for vacations, barbecues, and all things outdoors.  With a break between winter weather, companies in the construction industry know that they have to make the most of every minute.

But, with this summer weather and increased workload comes dangers that may often get dismissed. Trying to beat the heat and the summer dangers is simple when you choose to utilize a temporary structure tent.

Be proactive with these precautions. Your crew is sure to thank you.


Dangers of the Summer Heat

The summer heat brings all sorts of dangers for those stuck out in it for extended periods of time. Sunburns, heat stroke and heat exhaustion is just a few. But without knowing what these conditions are, how to spot them, or what to do to treat them, it is hard for workers to prevent it from happening.

Education can save lives. Informing your foremen and crews about these dangers can mean the difference between life and death.


– Sunburns

Sunburns are common for people who aren’t used to being in the sun – and even for those who are. But, did you know that there are varying degrees of sunburns? There are.

And, while no sunburn is healthy for your skin, the worse the burn, the greater the danger.

See, too much sun can cause your skin to burn so badly that it has actually been referred to as sun poisoning. With this, you will see symptoms such as:

  • Very painful skin
  • Blistering
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting

What makes this so dangerous is that sunburns don’t appear instantly. Sometimes, by the time you feel it, the damage is already done.


– Heat Exhaustion

Combining high temperatures, increased humidity, and physical labor can lead to a dangerous condition known as heat exhaustion. As you work outdoors, your body keeps itself cooled down by sweating.

However, when there is more going out than coming in (by way of liquids and electrolytes), your body can’t cool down.

Heat exhaustion comes with the following common symptoms:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Cool skin with goosebumps while in the heat
  • Faint or dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid pulse

While heat exhaustion can be extremely dangerous, it can be preventable; especially during construction projects.


– Heat Stroke

Heat stroke stems from heat exhaustion that was not addressed. This is when things get more serious. If you are outdoors in the heat for prolonged periods and performing a strenuous activity, you are at risk for heat stroke.

This begins with the symptoms of heat exhaustion above. However, when left untreated, it can be deadly.

Without being able to cool itself down, your body temperature begins to rise. When it reaches 104-degrees Fahrenheit or higher, it can begin to quickly cause damage to your brain, heart, muscles, and kidneys.

If emergency treatment is not sought immediately, heat stroke will continue to cause damage within the body and can even lead to death.

  • Rapid breathing
  • Racing heart
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Headache
  • Slurred speech
  • Agitation and/or irritability
  • Flushed skin

If you notice any of these signs, seek medical attention immediately.


Temporary Structure Tent for Construction Projects - American Pavilion


How to Avoid Dangerous Summer Problems

Learning about all of the dangers of the sun is wonderful for educational purposes and protecting those around us. But, what if there was a way to reduce the risk of any of these sun and heat struggles without having to necessarily worry about them?

Well, here’s some good news for you. There are a few things that you can do to provide a safe working environment for your construction crew. And, no – it does not impact the productivity level or project completion ability. In fact, with a healthy and happy crew, you may just find your production on the rise.

So, here is how you can make a difference.


– Education for Your Crew

Educate your crew members and the foremen of the signs and symptoms of heat illnesses. Make appropriate clothing mandatory, especially lightweight clothing.

Provide drinking water – and make it very accessible. Encourage employees to drink it ever 15 minutes or so to stay hydrated.

Carefully plan your projects and your work days. Have the heavier, more strenuous jobs done in the early morning hours when the temperatures are cooler. And, allow rest breaks in the shade.


– Temporary Structure Tents for Shelter

And, perhaps the best option, is to rent a temporary structure tent. Believe it or not, these construction tents have a lot of benefits on a construction site.

Because construction sites are not always located in the same place, there may or may not be a shaded area for your crew to cool down. By providing a temporary structure tent as protection, they always have a designated space to cool down and rest. Think that is the only perk? Think again.

  • These temporary structures allow you to present a designated space for temperature control. Here is where your crew can take a break, cool down, rest, eat their lunch, etc. It should also be a great place to store some water or other beverages.
  • Tents come with an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) option. Therefore, if you’d like to take things a step further, that is always an option.
  • When you rent a tent, you choose the sizing needed for your use. Depending on the type of construction you do, you could even find a tent that is large enough to encumber the entire project. Then, no one is working outside and left at risk.
  • The tent you choose can also be multi-used. For instance, you can use your temporary building as an office, and as a place of rest by the crew.
  • Your tent can provide storage for all your construction machinery.
  • These structures and tents can provide refuge from the rain and wind.



Many people look forward to the summer months because they bring so much time for fun. Just make sure you remember that the summer months bring danger, too.

Read OSHA’s requirements, educate yourself and your crew, provide temporary structure tents, and do what you can to protect your teams from falling victim to the suns damaging rays.

Remember, taking steps to be proactive can save your crew – and your project – in the long run.


Contact Us if You Need Portable Temporary Structures and Construction Tents - American Pavilion

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