Event Industry

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning an Event

Planning an event can be stressful, time-consuming, and exhausting. However, when you see the finished product, it makes all the blood, sweat, and tears of planning worthwhile. Of course, that assumes that the event goes off without a hitch. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.

There are many times that those who are planning events – and even professional event planners – make mistakes that cause an event to leave a lasting memory for guests – and not at all for the right reasons.

So, before you begin planning an event, take these 7 common mistakes into consideration and learn how to avoid them. It just could mean the difference between a successful event and a huge humiliating flop.


Mistake #1: Planning an event outdoors – without a shelter.

Many people love hosting events outdoors. After all, fresh air, crisp weather, sunshine, and natural sounds are relaxing and wonderful. Not to mention that hosting an event outdoors means that you have a lot of available space to use.

Quite often, events are planned with the perfect outdoor location. Then, on the day of the event, lots of hard work and planning leads to everything turning out beautifully – until it starts to storm.  You can control many things, but the weather, you cannot.

The weather doesn’t need to keep you from enjoying a successful outdoor event, but you do need a backup plan. Consider renting a tent to use for the event – or as a backup. Tent rentals can be a professional and welcoming addition for your guests, despite the weather.


Mistake #2: Failing to stick to a budget.

When planning an event, sticking to a budget can be hard – and sticking to one for your next event is no exception. It is common to find yourself giving the ok to overspend in one area, assuming you will compromise and allocate resources from another area. Sadly, this doesn’t always work. You likely created your budget in the manner you did for a reason. Choosing to overspend only means that you will likely go over your budget in the long run.

How do you keep from doing this? In the initial stages of your budget creating, be realistic. Gather all the details first and have hard figures at hand. Then, be sure to add a small cushion for unexpected changes only. Do not add an additional flower or hire more servers just because that money is there. That way, when a budgeting issue arises – as it likely will – you are prepared.


Mistake #3: Putting too much trust in vendors.

You call to book the caterer, the florist, the live band – and you check it off your list. You put trust in these individuals that they took your information down in the same exact, organized manner. Come the day of your event, your hungry guests are wondering why your caterers are working for another party.

Don’t put yourself in this embarrassing situation. Instead, confirm with your vendors well before the event. Then, for your own sake, confirm again just prior to the event. That way, should there be any scheduling conflicts, at least you will have a little bit of time to figure something out.


Mistake #4: Failing to allow enough time to set up and break down.

There is nothing worse than having guests arrive and your event is still being put together. The design and the décor of the event are planned strategically. Or, at least they should be. However, without physically doing a practice run to set up the event space, you do not know exactly how long it will take. The same is true for the disassembling.

This issue is especially concerning for rented spaces with a specified time limit. To avoid it, be sure to allow extra time before and after the event to set up and break down. For example, if you think you will only need two hours, schedule three.


Mistake #5: Forget that it is about the guests.

Have you ever gotten so wrapped up in planning an event that you forget it was not about you, the new shade of blue you discovered, or the DJ with the perfect music that you hired? Don’t forget about your guests. You invited these individuals for a reason – make them feel like you remember what that reason is.

Plan your event with the comfort and enjoyment of your guests in mind. Make sure they have everything they need – even if that means adding some additional amenities to the party list.


Mistake #6: Choosing to disregard your time management skills.

You know you have great time-management skills, so why would you put off sending out those invitations? Why would you choose to wait to hire servers? Or, why would you not schedule enough time for your speaker to finish his set?

Use your time-management skills wisely so that everything flows the way it should. Putting so much time and effort into your planning, only to have it ruined by not handling everything in a timely manner is a bummer. Create a time checklist – and stick to it.


Mistake #7: Attempting to do it all by yourself.

Maybe you want to be the hero of the party or maybe you are looking for some hostess of the year award. Whatever your reason, doing everything on your own can leave you completely spent and – if your event even gets off the ground – you may not be able to enjoy it.

Do not try to attempt to do everything yourself.

Delegate tasks to those who are best equipped to handle them. For example, in addition to hiring a caterer and servers, also hire an electrician to ensure all the wiring and electronics are done properly. Hire a cleanup crew. And, consider hiring special entertainment. It will vary depending on your event, but the point is for you to leave some things up to the professionals and ask for help when you need it.


Events can be a great time for you and your guests – as long as you take precaution and avoid these mistakes when planning an event!

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