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When Do You Need Waterproof Tents For Winter?

Depending on where you reside, winter weather can be rough. For some, it is comprised of a cool, dry breeze against a bright blue sky. However, for the majority of people in the United States, winter weather is a bit more fierce. It can include freezing temperatures, inches upon inches of snow, frozen rain and ice, as well as hail and intense winds. Regardless of this weather, your needs for outdoor covering (for one reason or another) may not change. So, rather than change your plans, you can always seek an alternative – waterproof tents to meet your needs.

When you are looking for protection from this turbulent weather, look no further than a clearspan tent. These waterproof tents can handle all your outdoor needs in winter and offer a solution in so many situations within so many industries. They are strong enough to stand up to powerful winds and they can hold the weight of fallen snow without compromising the structure or its safety.

Let’s explore the ways in which these waterproof tents are necessary and can create a barrier between you and Mother Nature.

Personal celebrations

There is no rulebook that says you cannot have your birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any other party outdoors in the wintertime. Before clearspan tents, you may have been viewed as a little off your rocker, but since their inception, these tents have been bringing parties outdoors – all year round.

For parties, you and your guests will be protected from the roof and the sides – thanks to the strong fabric structure. And, it is waterproof which is incredibly important. Another bonus is the optional flooring that you can add, which lifts the floor under the tent and allows the floor to remain dry if the outside ground is wet from snow, mud, or rain.

Construction site tents

Tents for Winter Time | American Pavilion

Construction crews have no choice, unfortunately, when it comes to working outdoors – despite the outdoor weather condition. They are faced with personally dealing with all sorts of winter weather. Besides dressing for safety, these crew members must also find a place of refuge for themselves and their machinery when the weather gets too rough.

Clearspan waterproof tents can serve as a great tool in the construction industry. It keeps crew members dry in times of wet, wintry weather. And, it can do the same for machinery. Construction companies know that the protection for their crew is a priority, as is maintaining the health of their pricey machines.

These tents not only keep construction crews safe and dry from the winter weather, but machinery as well.

Storage space

Individuals and companies do not need storage solely during times of great weather. Instead, they need storage at all times – including during the winter months. And, if someone is willing to rent a clearspan tent to meet this need, they are going to want assurance that it is going to keep the stored items safe and dry.

Storage needs are very common – and this is incredibly true during the holiday season from Thanksgiving and into the New Year. Retail chains require this extra storage for a surplus inproducts and goods ordered ahead of the big sales and other big events. Also, charity organizations take in quite a bit of donation during these times of giving and often need an extra space to temporarily store it.

Clearspan waterproof tents have secure sidewalls and roof that will keep the wet winter weather out and the goods safe inside. In addition, the optional flooring works as added protection by keeping the items off of the cold, wet ground.

Waterproof tents for disaster relief

Waterproof Tents for Disasters | American Pavilion

Disasters can happen at any time – and the winter season is no exception. Blizzards, floods, ice storms, earthquakes, fires, and any other disasters can happen. Relief crews need to have the ability to come in and assist in these often devastated areas. However, whether setting up temporary command centers, setting up medical tents, or providing temporary shelter and dining stations, the relief crew needs to be certain that the temporary structure for the disaster will be waterproof and safe despite the weather conditions.

Thankfully, when it comes to clearspan waterproof tents, that is exactly what they get. These tents are sturdy and durable. The wet weather on the outside will not be able to find its way into the inside. This will keep displaced community members dry, paperwork and command centers free from wind and snow, and medical crews will feel confident to know that they are protected as they work on the injured.

Tents for farming needs

The machines farmers use can cost a bundle. So, protecting them is incredibly important. Otherwise, the farmers may encounter an increased amount of maintenance and repair costs – and this is an expense that many farmers want to avoid. Many farmers seek the best protection for this equipment, machinery, feeds, fertilizers, and everything else. Waterproof tarps may work to cover the machines intermittently, but when the weather dangers increase and the winds pick up, the tarps can blow off and water can seep in. This exposure alone can cause the very damage that the farmers were trying to avoid – creating many unwanted expenses.

Farmers don’t necessarily work outdoors in the winter time, but they do prepare for the future. So, during this downtime, farmers require safe storage of all of their equipment. Forget the tarps –these temporary structures offer lots of protection for farmers. And, their generous size means they can hold some of the biggest of farming equipment, such as tractors and plows.

Winter weather — the snowfall and ice crystals galore –can be beautiful to sit inside and watch from the warmth and protection of your indoors. But, sometimes you need to step out into the elements. When you do, you cover yourself in layers – and quite often, the top layer is waterproof. So, why wouldn’t you want to wrap your party, your machinery, and equipment, or goods for sale in the very same protection?

Waterproof tents offer this protection – and more. Raised flooring will keep the ground dry and out of harm’s way, the strong sidewalls keep the wind and falling precipitation outside the tent, and the roof handles the heavy fallen snow with ease.

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