Event Industry

How to Decorate a Tent for a Wedding

Whether you are looking for an engagement party, wedding, or any other type of event where love is in the air – you can transform your tent rental into a romantic oasis with these steps on how to decorate a tent for a wedding.

Romance can leave you or your significant other feeling elated and on cloud 9. With the hustle and bustle of life, a romantic evening is much appreciated – even needed some days. It is a sure-fire way to remind each other that love is what is important.

Surrounding yourselves in soft lighting, soft seating, and peaceful surroundings can enhance any romantic evening. Knowing how to decorate a tent for a wedding or engagement can be difficult, especially because you want everything to be romantic and perfect. If you are wanting to have a sophisticated wedding or engagement party, here are a few hints to make sure you are on the right track.

How to decorate a tent for a wedding: 5 considerations

Many people are not extremely familiar with how to decorate a tent for a wedding. However, with these tips, you’ll decorate like a pro in no time. Get the candles ready, and let the sparks fly, because after this, you’ll know what it takes to plan a romantic wedding or evening with a tent rental.

There are five aspects and ways of decorating a tent to consider:

  • Seating arrangements
  • Proper (and elegant) lighting
  • Romantic and soft decorations
  • Bringing the heat with a fire place
  • Treats for guests

We’ll go into detail on each of these five ways to decorate a tent below.

Plan comfortable seating

When preparing your romantic tent, focus on the seating as a priority. There are a few options that can get you the look and feel you are going for.

  • Use a comfy couch or couches. Again, make sure to add soft pillows to lean against.
  • If you want to make your seating a little more eccentric, you can choose to fill the floor of your tent with big pillows. Keep them cushiony and colorful.

The space you sit on will allow for comfort for your guests to mingle and have a great time.

Lighting the space

Lighting can set the ambiance of any room. When you are going for a romantic look, you will want to avoid things like bright lights, flashing lights, and brightly colored lights. These things perk energy up, rather than having a calming effect. Instead, opt for things such as:

  • Candles. You can line the area with multiple little candles or a few bigger candles. The soft glow that is distributed by candles can absolutely set a romantic mood. You will just want to keep fire safety in mind. Don’t get the candles too close to the pillows and make sure they are sitting on a secure surface. Having a fire extinguisher nearby is not a bad idea, either.
  • Think white holiday lighting. You can use these string lights by draping designs across the ceiling. You can string them along the base of the tent. Or maybe even pin up designs using them on the walls of the tent.
  • Soft colored lights work well, too. For instance, soft pinks or a calming, soft blue. These colored lights fill the tent with their hues, allowing your guest or guests to be affected by their color.

Take care when you are setting up the lighting for your space. Make sure it sets the mood you are desiring and that it won’t leave your guest or guests feeling like they are on display under some bright lights.

Decorations worth considering

Because the seating and the lighting are what will make the romantic setting, actual decorations aren’t too important. However, if you are looking to decorate, there are a few tasteful ways that you can add to the ambiance. For example:

  • Flowers – You may decide to add flowers, such as roses, to the decorated tent. You can do so in vases or by placing the roses (or just the petals) around the tent.
  • Paper lanterns – These lanterns provide such a feeling of warmth. They provide color and decoration, as well as soft lighting.
  • Aroma oils – Soft lit aroma oil burners can offer a scent that can transform the tent into a calming space with a natural scent that won’t be overpowering.

Don’t go overboard on decorations. Keep it warm and inviting – and leave the balloons and streamers at the store!

Adding a fire pit

If you want to take your wedding or engagement party decor a bit further, try adding a fire pit. There isn’t anything quite as romantic as sitting with your significant other around a fire pit. Use it for warmth, the mood, or to roast some s’mores.

And, no, the fire pit does not go inside the tent – but rather just outside.

Champagne bottles and little treats

Your guests will definitely appreciate well thought out food and drinks at your party. Here are a few ideas for you to have handy:

  • Champagne because, well, champagne is just one of those things you need nearby when you are having a magically romantic night in a tent under the stars.
  • Chocolates – chocolate is sweet, enjoyable, and goes well with champagne.
  • Strawberries (or other cut up or easy-to-eat fruits) – these also go well with champagne and can be enjoyed rather easily and mess-free.
  • Cheese and crackers platter – Mix up the cheese and cracker varieties to make it more or less
  • Mediterranean plate – Kalamata olives, feta cheese, pita, hummus

You will want to keep it light and simple. With the low lighting and the soft furniture, it would be difficult to have a full several course meal. Instead, pack a romantic picnic-like snack and beverage.

Planning a romantic evening for your wedding or engagement party in a tent should be relaxing for all. However, with all this knowledge, you’ll be a pro when it comes to knowing how to decorate a tent for a wedding or engagement! So, gather your tent, your seating made for cuddling, and grab your significant other for a beautiful night under the stars.

Tent Rentals

Making a Temporary Soup Kitchen Space

Every now and then things happen and there becomes a need for a temporary soup kitchen. This could result from a natural disaster or any type of emergency, as well as a community outreach program. A soup kitchen consists of many pieces that create the functioning whole – storage, kitchen and cooking prep area, and dining area. This is in addition for the many volunteers that make all of this even possible. Therefore, renting a tent and setting up a temporary soup kitchen requires thorough planning for effective and efficient execution.

What they do and who they serve

Soup kitchens work to prepare meals for those in need. Most generally these are hot meals prepared fresh. Despite their name, the meal may or may not include soup. The point is to provide a nourishing meal to individuals who, for one reason or another, may not otherwise have one.

In addition to serving a meal, many soup kitchens hand out bags of donated non-perishable food items, as well as personal hygiene and home care products. This provides individuals and families with the chance to cook at home when the soup kitchen is not an option.

Depending on location, soup kitchens can vary in size. However, you will generally find them located in areas where the need is greatest – providing easy access.

Renting a tent can give you the space you need

Location is so important for soup kitchens. Many people who need their services may not have the ability to travel great distances. This is especially true in cases of natural disaster or emergency situations.

Renting a tent is the most efficient way to set up the soup kitchen. These tents can be sized to accommodate the need (big or small) and can be set up in any vacant lot, open field, parking lot, etc. that is closest to the area. Tents have sides, can be secured – and can be supplied with electricity and running water to allow for all the cooking and sanitary requirements. Climate control can also ensure that the tent maintains a welcoming temperature for all that access it.

An important thing to note is that, when choosing a venue for your temporary soup kitchen, consider the fact that tent rentals offer the ability to go smaller or larger as needed – something you can’t get with a permanent structure. (You will be more interested in this fact as you begin to look at the layout of your venue).

Most needed items for a temporary soup kitchen

Most soup kitchens run off donated goods. And, during times of need, these donations can multiply. While they receive many useful items (and some not so useful ones), some of the most needed items are:

  • Canned fruits – pineapple, peaches, mixed fruit
  • Canned vegetables – peas, carrots, green beans
  • Canned beans – kidney, black, pinto, northern/white
  • Canned meats and soups
  • Condiments and salad dressings – oil and vinegar, mayonnaise, Italian, ketchup, bbq sauce
  • Baking needs – flour, sugar, brown sugar, bread crumbs, spices
  • Personal hygiene needs – for both men and women. Including shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.
  • Household products – paper towels, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaners
  • Clothing – all clothing items for men, women, and children. This includes shoes, socks, and undergarments.
  • Baby needs – baby food, formula, diapers, wipes, etc.

These items are in addition to the items that are received from local grocery stores or food pantries for cooking the meals that are served. Combining these items is what requires ample amount of storage space.

In other words, when preparing your tent for your temporary soup kitchen, it is important to account for a large storage space.

Kitchen/Food prep

A soup kitchen is going to obviously need a kitchen! Because of the number of volunteers that come together to prepare the meals – and the amount of food you need to make — you are going to want to make sure it is a bit roomy.

To make the kitchen area successfully functional, you are going to want to have the following sub-sections:

  • Food prep area – This area needs to be spacious with lots of table space for prepping. This is where many of the volunteers will gather to prepare the meals, from start to finish. Too small of an area can lead to health hazards and increases the chance of cross-contamination.
  • Storage area – Cooking for many people requires having many pans, pots, utensils, bowls, etc. However, when working beside many people trying to meet a deadline, you need to have organization. Everything needs to have a place which means you will need ample storage in your soup kitchen.
  • Dishwashing area –Having a set area for dishwashing allows you to keep separation between dirty/used dishes and those that are not. This is crucial for sanitary reasons.
  • Cooking area – This area will have all the major appliances needed to cook the meal. This is obviously a mandatory section of the kitchen. Make sure to place this section in a properly ventilated area.
  • Service area – This area will be the front line, where volunteers will serve the food to the diners. It needs to be roomy and presentable.

Of course, you will only have a certain amount of space available to use as the kitchen. Therefore, it is important to consider all the necessary sections when determining your layout.

Dining area

What do most people come to a soup kitchen to do? To eat, of course! The dining area will need to be added to your layout. By the time you get to this point, you have likely done research and have a rough idea of how many patrons your temporary soup kitchen will receive. You will want to have ample space for dining – to include the unexpected.

As for seating, the choice is yours. Just be sure to consider that they will need to be handicap accessible and meet any safety requirements of your city/state location.

Food is a basic need. You never know when you may find yourself in a situation to do something to help others by building a temporary soup kitchen. Hopefully now you will be prepared to meet the need as soon as it happens!


Event Industry

What to Do When It Rains on Your Tent & Event

It is time for you to get your party started, but you overheard the meteorologist on the news last night say that there is a high chance of rain for today – at the same time as your tented event. What are you going to do if it rains on your tent & event?

You can never be too prepared. Even if you had never seen the weather forecast, you would still want to have a plan for your event in case the weather turns sour. The more prepared you are, the less stress you will face when things don’t work out the way you intended. Because, let’s face it, very rarely do things work out perfectly.

So, if you find yourself with an upcoming outdoor tented event planned, here are a few tips to prepare for the possibility of it raining on your tent & event. – just in case!

Side walls are a must!

Tents are wonderful inventions. See, they let you and your guests be outdoors, but they offer protection from the elements. These tents are made to withstand heavy rain. However, without side walls, the wind that often comes with heavy rain could blow the rainfall straight in on your guests.

When reserving your tent, make sure you include side walls as a precaution. They can be pulled back – allowing you to keep the open feel of the outdoors – but can also work to act as a barrier between your party and blowing rain in your tent & event.

Proper flooring can save the day!

Just as rain can blow in through the sides, it can also slide right in by running puddles – especially if you are on the slightest downslope. Unfortunately, even side walls can’t stop the water on the ground from seeping in. When it does, however, it is guaranteed to make the ground under your tent a total mess.

Walking on wet grass or in mud is no way to treat your guests – especially if this is a formal event. (Think about it – heels and mud? Yikes!) Not only is it an inconvenience, but it can also be hazardous. Mud can be very slippery and could result in someone falling and potentially getting injured. This is not a good thing.

To save all of this from happening and to avoid a disaster, it is best to make sure your tent has flooring. When erecting, the crew should make sure it is in the most level area possible. In addition, the flooring should be slightly raised, allowing any water that decides to seep through to go under the floor and not crash your party.

Keep in mind — this flooring is not only important for your guests’ safety, but also for any electronic equipment or furniture. It will keep everything from being affected by the rain water, reducing the possibility of damage.

Towels for everyone!

Not that you want to have a cabinet of fresh towels at your tent event, but it may come in handy. It may also be super appreciated by your guests. You can either have them stashed somewhere out of sight or perhaps use a nice, decorative bin or cabinet to hold them. No one even has to know they are there! However, when it starts to rain and your guests find themselves in need of drying off – you will have towels available.

Many guests come prepared for lots of things, but carrying a towel or an extra change of clothes isn’t likely one of them. So, plan for the worst and bring delight to your dripping, soaking wet guests!

Keep guests dry all the way to the entrance!

Depending on where you hold your tent event, it may or may not be feasible to provide a walkway from the parking area to the front entrance of the tent. If it is at all possible, create one. It doesn’t have to be covered, of course. The idea is to keep your guests from having to walk through wet grass and mud to get to your tent event – especially when just arriving. No one wants to be uncomfortable through the whole event because of what they had to go through just to get in the door!

You may also consider providing umbrellas for your guests to use once they arrive. Many people carry umbrellas in their cars, many do not. Many others have them, but illogically store them in their trunks. You providing the umbrella is a kind gesture. It will also ensure that your guests will be saved from the rain – if only just a little.

Let the rain lift you up, rather than bring you down!

The idea of rain taking over your tent & event will likely make you angry. It will make you discouraged and disappointed that you spent so much time and effort in planning for the event – and the rain just wants to ruin it. Well, get your frustrations out quickly and then move on – you have an event to tend to!

Don’t let the rain get you down. Instead, make light of it. If you are having a DJ (or even playing your own music) pick songs that go with the weather. For example, Here Comes the Rain Again by Eurythmics, Rain by The Beatles, Umbrella by Rihanna, I Love a Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbitt, or Purple Rain by Prince.

Make jokes about the rain and don’t complain to your guests. Make them feel relaxed, despite the less-than-ideal weather conditions, and all will go smoothly. This will all make the rain seem insignificant. It may also (hopefully) give your guests a chuckle. Let the rain lift you up, rather than bring you down!

When mother nature decides to unleash the rain on the exact day of your outdoor tent event, don’t fret. Welcome and embrace the weather. Besides, have you ever noticed that when it looks like rain and you decide to carry your umbrella – just in case – it never rains? It always just catches you off guard when you aren’t prepared. So, when planning, plan for it to rain on your tent & event. Then, if superstition holds true, you will have nothing but blue skies! Or, if it rains anyway – guess who is prepared? YOU!


Tent Rentals

5 Uses for Rental Tents You’ve Never Considered

Rental tents can be used for many things such as for parties, weddings, trade shows, storage for construction crews, and grow houses for farmers. They are so adaptable and can be used for things you may not ever think of! In fact, they could be making your life easier right now!

Ways to Use Rental Tents

Rental tents are so versatile that they can be used for a wide variety of things. Maybe you are having a party, or holding a concert, or using it for warehouse. Regardless, renting a tent provides everything you need. Discover 5 uses for rental tents that you’ve never considered:

Classic car show (or car repair)

Clear span tents provide great shelter for many things. Depending on whether they have side walls or not, rental tents can protect anything that is in them from outdoor elements. This can prove handy when you are planning on setting up a classic car show.

Classic cars are just that – classics. Their owners care for them as if they were a family member. Much care and gentle reconditioning goes into the car to get it shined and spotless. Many of these cars are kept in a garage or under a covering. This is so they are not exposed to damaging elements. Therefore, if you are wanting to have a classic car show, you are most likely to entice car owners to attend if they know their beauty will be kept safe under a tent.

When it comes to cars, rental tents are also good for providing a work space. Whether it is doing mechanical repairs or body work, it helps if the car is inside or under the protection of a structure. Tents provide the ultimate space as they are outdoors, but also shielded.

Yard sale

Yard sales are a terrific way to clean out your house and let your junk be another man’s treasure. Gaining some pocket change along the way isn’t too shabby either.  So, you decide to do it. You search for months through your storage, your closets, your cupboards, etc. to put together some items for a yard sale. You surely don’t want to keep the stuff and you would like to make a few bucks. But – what if you place all your items out on your lawn to entice passersby to stop and then the storm clouds come rolling too quickly for you to take shelter? Before you know it, all your items are soaked and many more are ruined. Or perhaps the temperatures have been much too high and the thought of sitting out on your lawn in the hot sun make you shy away from a yard sale.

Either of these sound familiar to you?

Yard sales are another wonderful use for a tent. Since they come in all sizes, you will be sure to find one that fits your needs. Not only will the tent give you protection from the elements, it may also draw attention to potential buyers – they will be wondering what goodies you rented a tent to protect!

Green market

Farmers markets, green markets, produce markets, Sunday markets – no matter what they are called, they all have the same idea in common: local people coming together to sell local products to earn a living. Some individuals grow their own produce, others make homemade organic soaps or candles. Others design clothing, or turn wine corks into amazing artwork. Having a tent to use for the market not only protects your sale items (and you), but it also shows that you are a serious seller. For cryin’ out loud – you have a tent!  Not everyone has a tent at these markets and those who do seem to dominate.

Tents can be customized to meet all your needs. They can even be designed to show your name, what you sell, or any specific color(s) that are key to your business. Make it stand out!

Beach day

There aren’t many things that can be as satisfying and relaxing as a day at the beach. The waves crashing against the shore, the seagulls chirping as they look for their next catch, children laughing and splashing, a group of teens playing a game of beach volleyball… you can just tune out your day to day hustle and bustle and just be. And, chances are that if you didn’t burn so easily, you would stay at the beach all day and just soak it up!

Beach days are another fantastic use for a tent that you may not have considered. Beach umbrella, likely, but not a tent!  Think about it – you could rent a tent that is small and functional. Erect it early in the morning at the best location along the shore and stay all day! You would have protection from the sun, you would have a place to store your belongings, keep your cooler shaded and cool, and you could even take a mid-day nap!

Extended kitchen

Most people think to rent a tent when they want to host a party, but don’t necessarily want to do so in their home. But, what if you want to hold the party in your home and you just don’t have the ability to pull it off. For instance, what if your kitchen is too small? Or what if you just don’t want the heat from your kitchen making your guests uncomfortable? Maybe you just don’t want the mess of cooking in your house! It doesn’t matter why. There is something you can do – you can rent a tent for an extended kitchen.

Yes, you read that right – an extended kitchen. It is simple to rent a tent and place it in your backyard to use as a kitchen or prep area while your guests are partying the night away in your home. The tent will give you more room to maneuver, remove the heat and various aromas from the home, and keep your home neat and tidy.  This works perfectly for those who are having a catered event.

Well, there you have it – 5 uses for rental tents that you may have never considered. Tents are versatile structures that can be beneficial and help you out – whether at the beach or the market. See how a tent can make your life more enjoyable!

Tent Rentals

Benefits of a Temperature Controlled Tent for a Outdoor Reception

There are few things worse than hanging out at an outdoor reception and dealing with miserable outdoor weather conditions. Think about it – everyone is enjoying the beautiful day and, while you decide to party until the sun goes down, you and your guests are having a hard time moving. It’s cold and the sun seems to have taken the heat with it. Without any warm protection, such as a temperature controlled tent, your guests are either huddled in small groups or they decide to head on home.

Why not just prepare in advance to avoid this? Happy guests lead to happy receptions which lead to happy memories. Don’t settle for less. Here are some tips to keep the temperature (and the climate) controlled at your outdoor reception.

5 reasons to consider a temperature controlled tent

Temperature control can make or break your event. Guests who are too hot, or too cold can have a miserable time. However, guests who are comfortable are guests who are happy. Here are the most common reasons to rent a temperature controlled tent:

  • Heat: the air is too hot
  • Cold: the air is too cold
  • Humidity: the air is too humid
  • Rain
  • Snow

If the air is too hot

Heat can make you and your guests feel miserable. First you start sweating and slowly start fanning yourself with anything remotely capable of creating airflow. Before you know it, you start sweating through your clothes and the thought of moving makes you envious of a sloth. So, what do you do if you find yourself stuck in the middle of the sweltering heat?

  • Rent a tent. Having a tent to seek shelter in will put a shield between you and the sun. It provides the ultimate shaded area for you and yours guests.
  • Turn on the fans. Just because you are outside doesn’t mean that you can’t make use of a fan. Many fans placed throughout the area can offer relief.
  • Place a block of ice in front of the fans so that the air they are blowing is cool.
  • Rent a temperature controlled tent with sidewalls and climate control. Yes – this is a possibility! The climate control can keep the inside of the tent at the desired temperature for your reception.

If the air is too cold

Cold is the other extreme that can make your reception uncomfortable – especially for those who get cold easily. The good news is there are ways around the chill that will save your guests from any suffering. Sure, they could come prepared with coats, sweaters, and jackets. Or, you could provide blankets. But, you cannot count on everyone else – you need to be prepared in case they aren’t.

  • Decide to throw your reception in a tent, rather than the great outdoors. Tents can have sidewalls that will protect from any wind, making the surroundings instantly a bit warmer.
  • Portable patio heaters can offer the warmth your shivering guests could be looking for. Place them throughout the area. These work perfectly as a means for heating because of their rings of warmth – the colder guests can congregate closer to the heater than those who are not interested in heating up.
  • Customizing your tent to include climate control can create a uniform temperature throughout the whole reception.

If the air is humid

Humidity is an enemy of many. Not only does it make hair frizz, but it also makes skin sticky and is just plain uncomfortable. Unfortunately, some of the most favored outdoor wedding locations, especially those located by the beach, will come with a lot of humidity. So, if that is where your reception is – make sure to expect this unwanted guest.

Thankfully there are things that you can do to combat the effects of the humid air. Using a temperature controlled tent will be your first line of defense. Another idea is to utilize a de-humidifier that will draw out the moisture in the air – leaving it cooler and crisp.

If it begins to rain

Rain can soak any plans of an outdoor event – unless maybe a pool party. Rain can cause issues with electrical equipment, food displays, decorations, among other things. If it rains on the day of your reception, you may as well consider it ruined — or should you? No! See, you don’t know when it will rain, so it is always something you want to be prepared for. And, thankfully, there are ways to do so. For example:

  • Have a means of protection for your guests – and your reception setup. Even if you want to hold your special days under the sky, at least have an alternate setting, such as a tent rental or an indoor location.
  • If you choose to hold your reception outdoors in a tent, then you have the ultimate location. Tents are strong enough to ward off pounding rain and the strong winds that may accompany it.
  • Have a stack of umbrellas and/or ponchos for your guests – just in case. No one wants to be soggy or possibly ruin important items or clothing in the rain.

If it begins to snow

To have an event outdoors in the winter, you are going to need protection. Freezing weather can cause conditions such as snow, ice, sleet, etc. While snow can lead to a beautiful and pure backdrop for your reception, it may come at a chilly cost.

Keep your guests warm (and dry) by…

  • Providing them with soft blankets.
  • Serving hot coffee or cocoa.
  • Scattering portable patio heaters throughout the area.
  • Using a temperature controlled tent that will allow you to keep the entire area at a steady, warm temperature.

If the air is just right

If the air is just right, then you will be able to celebrate in peace. You will have no worries about freezing or sweating guests. You will be able to focus on your big day and have the most memorable reception possible. This is the day you have been planning for so why not make sure it goes off without a hitch?

Risking the weather could be a potentially disastrous decision. However, choosing to rent a temperature controlled tent can ensure that you will be able to enjoy your event without the worry of uncomfortable guests or hazardous weather.


Planning and Celebrating an Easter Event

Easter is almost here! Have you decided what you are going to do to celebrate? Instead of the same old Easter morning routine, why not host an Easter event? No, no – don’t brush off the idea. With a little planning, you could be the talk of the town.

So, go ahead — get your friends and family together for some new holiday memories. Make sure you add in each of these key ingredients for an amazing Easter event!

Rent a fabric structure for an outdoor location

Spring time is a time to be outdoors. The flowers are in full bloom, the trees are coming back to life, and the sun has found its way out again. So, you will want to have your Easter event outdoors. Not so quick – Spring also brings a lot of rain and wet weather. Lucky for you, there is a solution that allows you to be outdoors and remain dry: a fabric structure.

Utilize your backyard (or any other vacant outdoor area) and erect a fabric structure that is suitable for your guests and your planned activities. Fabric structures are completely customizable, ensuring that you get what you need while your guests and event remain dry and comfortable. They come with side walls, flooring, and even climate control. There is no need to make mother nature force you indoors for another second!

Baskets for the kids (and adults, too)

By now, department stores, grocery stores, and discount stores everywhere are stocked up on Easter baskets, candy, toys, games, stuffed animals, etc. Every kid looks forward to waking up and discovering the treat left by the big ol’ Easter Bunny himself. Why not add some of this excitement to your event?

Here are some ideas for creating Easter baskets for all your guests. (Hey – adults like goodies, too!)

For the kids:

  • Bubbles
  • Books
  • Small stuffed animal
  • Coloring books
  • Legos
  • Puzzles
  • Play-Doh
  • Character toothbrush or band-aids
  • Funny socks

For the adults:

  • Miniature bottles of alcohol
  • Small bottle of wine or bottle of beer
  • Nail polish
  • Mini first aid kit
  • Book
  • Notepad
  • Gift cards
  • Trail mix

And let’s not forget that people of all ages like candy. So, make sure to include some jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, and caramel eggs to the mix!

You can purchase baskets or festive tins at any discount store or your local dollar store. Of course you want them to look cute, but it’s the goodies inside the basket that will leave the lasting impression.

Plan the best Easter event: an egg hunt

What is the one thing you always do on Easter? You have an Easter egg hunt! This could potentially be the best part of your Easter event. You must decide if you are having the egg hunt just for the kids – or for the adults, too. Once you know who you are hiding eggs for, then you will be better able to determine what you are going to put in them and where you are going to hide them. For instance, if you are hiding eggs for small kids, you will want to make them a bit easier to discover. If you are hiding eggs for teenagers or even adults, you will want to let the trickery come out and hide those eggs in discreet, yet clever, places.

Still not sure what to put into the plastic eggs? Here are some helpful hints:

For kids:

  • Candy
  • Coins
  • Cool shoe laces
  • Stickers or temporary tattoos
  • Miniature cards or games
  • Crayons

For teenagers:

  • Lip gloss
  • Candy
  • Gift cards
  • Money
  • Hand sanitizer

For adults:

  • Miniature bottles of alcohol
  • Gift cards
  • Money
  • Candy
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Scratch off lottery tickets

You have many options when it comes to the Easter egg hunt. The key is to make sure you plan it out, rather than wing it. Know what you are doing in advance to make sure the hunt is executed flawlessly!

Brunch for your guests

You are going to want to feed your guests. Since most Easter events take place in the late morning, early afternoon – consider serving brunch. It is entirely up to you whether you want to make this a formal event or a come-as-you-are type of shindig. But, whatever you choose, your food choices should match.

Brunch is intended to be a light, cool meal containing a mixture of breakfast and light lunch items. You may decide to serve omelets or quiche, salads (such as potato salad, macaroni salad, etc), or French toast and fresh fruit. You can even serve all the above!

It is important to keep in mind that you will be serving the food and consuming it – outdoors. You will want to prepare something that will survive in the outdoor conditions, especially if you are going to be offering a buffet.  If something does require a continuous flow of heat or cold, make sure you plan accordingly.

A visit from the Easter bunny himself!

No Easter event is complete without a visit from the big guy – the Easter Bunny! Imagine the delight in the faces of all the kids when they see him hop right on in and pick up a plate of pancakes and sausage! Find a friend – or hire someone – who is willing to engage the kids (and even the adults) by playing goofy games, dancing around (i.e. doing the Bunny Hop), and livening up the place.

He doesn’t have to stay for the entire time, but his visit may be the highlight for the little ones. Make sure you set up a place in the fabric structure for kids to have some one on one time with the Easter bunny. In addition, the parents will have a chance to snap some photos.

Organizing and planning an Easter event doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It is a time for friends and family to get together and celebrate. Making the decision to have it outdoors in a fabric structure can bring a sense of peace, calmness, and renewal – thanks to beautiful Springtime. Throwing in some candy, games, an egg hunt, and a visit with the Easter Bunny? You will have the perfect combination for a wonderful Easter event.


Event Industry

Having an Outdoor Music Festival? Rent a Tent

There is just something about being outdoors and listening to music. It is a lot different than being stuck between four walls with distasteful acoustics. When you are at an outdoor music festival, you are surrounded by the open air, the free-flowing music, and you have ample amount of room to spread out when the mood strikes you to start dancing.

If you have decided to have an outdoor music festival, there are a few things you are going to need:

  • Music (a band, singer, performer, DJ)
  • A large outdoor, open area (depending on how many guests you expect)
  • A stage (so everyone can see)
  • A tent (yes, a tent)

Wait, why do you need to rent tent? For many good reasons. Keep reading to discover how a tent is just as important as the music at your outdoor music festival.

Rent a tent to protect the stage and equipment

Maybe you are using your own equipment. Maybe the band you hired is bringing their own. Who it belongs to doesn’t matter, but taking care of it does. Festival rental equipment is expensive! You have speakers, amplifiers, computers, instruments, lighting, etc. And each is purchased at a high cost. These items get used to set up for the performance.

Now, imagine that your band is ready to perform – or in the middle of performing – and terrible, wet weather strikes. You know that electronics and water don’t mix. That one rainstorm could lead to one very expensive night in busted equipment.

Deciding to utilize a tent for the event could prevent this damage from occurring. There would be shelter and, thus, a means of protecting the equipment from any weather-related damage.

People, people, and more people

Many people love the freedom that an outdoor music festival will bring. For one, there are no assigned seats. Everyone is free to roam while listening to their favorite music. In fact, the patrons can wander and enjoy the music without even having to see the band.

Tents are very versatile when it comes to an outdoor music festival. They offer an open platform for music lovers to dance and be social without being restrained to aisles or seats. However, if the crowd gets too large, the sides can be opened, allowing people to flow in and out of the tent with ease.

Since most concerts go on whether rain or shine, having the festivities take place in a tent can bring peace of mind to concert-goers.

No barriers mean the music can fill the air

Have you ever heard a band in a stuffy music venue? Sometimes the sound gets muffled and, with the loud volume, all you hear is music and you cannot understand the words. That doesn’t happen outside. No, sir. The music is free to travel and fill the air, allowing you to hear it from just about anywhere in the vicinity.

There is no need to worry that using a tent will hinder the sound. With the soft fabric material and open airways, there is no chance that your sound will be penalized by the tent.

You cannot predict the weather

Chances are you are not a meteorologist. Standing outside and staring at a beautiful blue sky does not mean that the storm clouds won’t pop up out of nowhere smack dab in the middle of your bands third song of the night. Sure, you could watch the weather or your local news, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. Ever. You never know about Mother Nature.

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry?’ This is one of those instances when you are better off over preparing just in case. Think about it – you have the safety of people and festival rental equipment at stake. You may want to take this into consideration and rent that tent. Just in case.

If you are going to have a mess, have it outside

People love their music. They love being social. They love dancing and love having drinks. Combine these things together and you have a potentially messy situation.

Music, after all, is a social thing. When you are drinking adult beverages and feeling the vibe of the music, you may not realize just how much alcohol you have had. It isn’t uncommon for some one – or more than one – to get sick. Holding the event in a tent offers an easy – and welcomed — escape to the outdoors when you aren’t feeling so good.

Another red flag situation is having dancers trying to bust a move with a full glass of Heineken. This usually results in spills – leading to a gross and sometimes sticky situation. Multiply this by the amount of people you see finding their groove. Now, think about those same people when the band starts playing that most popular hit song everyone has been waiting for… Let’s just say you may not want to consider sitting on the floor.  It is a good thing you made the wise decision to have the music event outdoors for easy cleanup.

An outdoor music festival can create the perfect atmosphere to bring people together – especially this time of year. However, make sure that you are prepared for anything that comes your way – and that includes weather. You don’t want damaged equipment or potential safety disasters for your music lovers. Rent a tent to make sure your event goes off without a hitch!

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