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Why Your Project Needs an HVAC Warehouse Structure

You have a project you are working on – and you need warehouse space. With the current market conditions, it is hard to find brick-and-mortar space that can meet your needs – and your wallet. Because the supply is limited, prices are high. And, for what? A building that may or may not be in a convenient location or precisely meet your needs? No, no – it’s time to check your options.

Clearspan warehouse structures are the perfect option as they allow you to customize the building to meet your needs. You have control over the size of the building, the doors and windows, where it is constructed, and the accessories you choose to add to it. With wide-open space under the roof, this structure truly gives you the opportunity to design it exactly how you need it. 

One of the many benefits of choosing a warehouse structure is the addition of an HVAC system. 

What is HVAC?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. These are almost always found in homes, commercial spaces, industrial buildings such as warehouses and manufacturing plants, and more. The system works to control things like temperature, air quality, and humidity. Not only does it provide a comfortable space for those working inside a building with an HVAC, but it also keeps equipment, machinery, and stored goods healthy, too. 

So, how does it work? 

The HVAC system is attached to the warehouse structure from the outside. It may be ducted, or not depending on the length of use, but either way delivers everything needed to create the ideal climate inside the fabric building. 

The unit runs off of electricity and gives you full control over the thermostat – depending on the current weather conditions outside. And, thanks to its low level of noise, you don’t have to worry about any noise disruptions. 

Benefits of an HVAC Warehouse Structure

Many permanent warehouse structures don’t come with an HVAC system which could be detrimental to the health of your employees, your machinery and equipment, as well as anything you need to store. Everything, in other words, would be subjected to the temperature inside the building – as a result of the temperature outside the building. And, searching for one that does have it means your options are even more limited. 

If you are still wondering whether your project truly needs an HVAC warehouse structure, here are the reasons you do. 

True Ventilation. Most people didn’t think too much about ventilation – the V in HVAC – until 2020. Most were just focused on temperature control. However, when faced with a global pandemic and the need to keep workers safe and healthy – a means of reducing germs became necessary. Having a warehouse with a ventilation system means removing the dirty air and replacing it with fresh, healthy, breathable air. 

Further, depending on what you are doing within the confines of your structure, if it involves different substances or processes that may impact the air inside of it, having ventilation will remove the toxins and keep everyone well. 

Regardless of what you need your warehouse structure for, having the right ventilation is important.  

Maintain the Health of Goods and Equipment. While it will vary greatly based on your industry and what you do, maintaining the health of goods, equipment, machinery, and more is so important. For instance, storing goods in a humid, hot environment may actually damage the item and the packaging, as well as reduce their shelf life. 

Protecting your goods and equipment by giving it optimal housing means less waste – and a much healthier bottom line. When you have the option for an HVAC system to help reduce any damage to your goods or equipment, choose it. As it will lead to bigger, overall benefits for your business. 

Keep Out Area Pollutants. Most temporary structures will involve an open-space design if there was no HVAC system. That means leaving sidewalls, warehouse doors, and the like open. What it also means is that you are subjecting everyone inside to local area pollutants and allergens. You can forgo this scenario altogether by securing a warehouse structure with an HVAC system. Give the area under the roof everything it needs without outside irritants. 

Improved Health. When you give those working on your project healthy air to breathe and a safe area to work, you are also giving them better health. That means you can count on your workforce to show up and not succumb to sickness, germs, or health concerns that involve extreme temperature conditions or allergens. 

Improved Quality of Time. Speaking of extreme temperatures – imagine walking into your warehouse structure every day and facing conditions that are dangerous or uncomfortable. Maybe it has to do with the fumes or maybe it has to do with the temperatures. Whatever the reason, when the conditions under the roof are ideal, time spent there will be of higher quality. 

Increase in Productivity. And do you know what you get with quality time? Increased productivity. It is no secret that having good working conditions is in direct relation to the level of output. Using an HVAC warehouse structure means you are providing everything necessary for a healthy, efficient project. Between being able to design a custom layout in your warehouse structure and being able to create the best climate quality inside, you’ve got quite a few advantages over the competition. 

Cost-Effective. When deciding on the accessories you need for your fabric warehouse structure, you may find yourself swaying away from an HVAC system with the belief that the cost is too great. However, they are actually a cost-effective solution – especially when it comes to all the above advantages you receive. With professional installation, you can rest easy knowing that you are receiving all that the system has to offer, without anything wasted by leaking out. 

If you currently have a warehouse structure or you are looking for one for your new project, it is time to reconsider just how an HVAC system may benefit your situation. Don’t miss out on this quality, healthy, ventilated climate-controlled system. 

American Pavilion - HVAC Warehouse Structure

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