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How Much Does a Warehouse Cost? And the Advantages of A Tent Warehouse

If you need a warehouse, you need to keep cost in mind. So, how much does a warehouse cost, and is a tent warehouse a better solution?

Choosing the right warehouse is a big decision. 

As a business owner, it is important to make decisions that can positively impact your company – both in ways you see today and those you see at the end of the year and further into the future. All too often poor business resolutions are made to get a here-and-now response with no regard to what may happen tomorrow, next month, or in 10 years from now. What seems like a great idea now may not turn out so well later. However, by doing your due diligence and taking the time to review your options before you move forward, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision that encompasses the whole picture. 

That brings us to today’s dilemma. You need a warehouse. And, when it comes to looking for one, you have a choice – will you go for a brick-and-mortar warehouse space? Or opt for a tent warehouse instead?

In this article, we’re exploring a common question we hear – how much does a warehouse cost and is a tent warehouse the better option?

Here’s why the latter may be the best option for your business. 

The Purpose of a Warehouse

There is a good chance that the time will come when you require the help of a warehouse. After all, a warehouse can be used for so many different things. Perhaps you have an influx in inventory whether due to seasonal demand or supply chain issues. Or, maybe you need a place to store goods, materials, machinery, or equipment. Then again, you could just need a place to store products that are ready and awaiting shipment. The need for a warehouse can be as unique as the business.

When the time comes, you will have to decide what it is you are looking for in a warehouse, the size you need, the layout, the location, and the like. And you will also have to decide whether you want a permanent, brick-and-mortar warehouse structure or a more versatile structure as this matters. 

Paying Attention to Costs 

How much does a warehouse cost? If you need warehouse storage, you need to pay close attention to the costs involved … and those costs involve more than money.

Time and resources can also be calculated as a cost. For instance, wherever your warehouse is located – if it is not on the same property as your office or factory – will require you to drive to it. That means time wasted, fuel charges, wear and tear on automobiles and trucks, and so forth. Not to mention the opportunity cost – meaning what you are missing out on handling because you had to travel to the warehouse. 

Brick-and-mortar buildings are built in one permanent location. If you are looking for this type of warehouse, you will have to look at those that are already standing – and they may or may not be anywhere convenient. What’s more, the warehouses located nearby may actually have a higher cost to lease than those further away. This will leave you in a dilemma – do you take the one further away for the cheaper lease cost, but a higher cost of time and resources? Or do you pay more to keep your warehouse conveniently located? 

It can be tough to decide when making a decision that will impact your entire operation. Thankfully, though, there is a much easier option. Warehouse structures may be the answer you are looking for. They can be constructed anywhere without much regard to the foundation – including the parking lot of your current facility. Plus, you have control over how long you have them. If your brick-and-mortar requires a year lease, but you only need a warehouse for about half of that, then that is wasteful spending. With a structure, you only pay for the time you need it. That’s it. 

In all meaning of the word costs, warehouse structures are a more cost-effective option. But, believe it or not, the cost-effectiveness of structures is not the only advantage. 

Benefits of a Tent Warehouse

By foregoing the warehouse and choosing the structure, you will reap the benefits, including:

Layout. When it comes to the layout of the structure, you will find that there are many benefits. Why? Because you get to choose it. It’s that simple. In a brick-and-mortar warehouse, you get walls and layouts that were designed back when the building was built. But, that’s not the case with warehouse structures. You have control over the actual size of the space – and since there is nothing but a wide-open area under the roof, you can choose the best layout for your needs. 

Streamlined process. An efficient business is a healthy business. And you can only be efficient if you streamline your processes at every step. Having a structure helps as it allows you to create the space that you need to benefit you the most. You can choose where you want it located, how you want the layout, where you want your personal doors and warehouse doors, and so forth. Any small change can lead to greater output.

Energy Efficient. Taking it back to costs, when you have a building that is energy efficient it saves you in energy costs – and it benefits the environment, too. Warehouse structures use the light from the sun to light up the entire space during daylight hours without the need for lighting. And, it does so while keeping the sun’s heat out. 

Climate Control. Speaking of heat, structures can be climate-controlled, but this is something that doesn’t always come with your brick-and-mortar warehouse. When you are dealing with goods and materials that you want to have kept in an ideal climate, it is nice to have the option to do so. 

If the time has come for your business to move forward with obtaining a warehouse space, then you are faced with making a decision. Do you opt for a permanent, brick-and-mortar building? Or, do you choose the structure that will allow you to have the most beneficial and positive impact on your business?

With the ability to choose a structure that allows you to design your layout and streamline your processes, as well as remain energy-efficient and cost-effective, then you now know the right decision to make. 

tent warehouse benefits

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