
How to use Clear Span Structures for more Sustainable Construction

The construction industry may be building sustainable, eco-friendly buildings, but are they using sustainable, eco-friendly practices? 

So many eyes are on construction companies to come up with the most innovative ideas for the future. Most importantly, this includes ways in which they can build and create on one piece of land while leaving the rest of the land natural and untouched. 

That brings us to sustainable construction. What is it? 

Sustainable construction is about building structures that are sustainable and eco-friendly with renewable and recyclable materials. But it is also about sustainably constructing them. The processes throughout the entire lifespan of the project are done with the environment in mind. 

Clear span structures make the perfect option for those looking for solutions with sustainable construction materials. They are affordable, accessible, and can meet the demands of those seeking a reduction in carbon footprint both during a construction project and long after it is complete. 

Here is a look at a few of the ways in which they make sustainable construction a reality. 


The Proper Insulation

Heating and cooling costs can really add up – especially when you are trying to change the temperature of a poorly insulated structure. Not only will you find yourself taking a hit financially, but you are also wasting energy. 

If you are looking to partake in sustainable construction, this isn’t it. 

A better solution is to invest in a clear span structure. The structures themselves – including the vinyl cover – all aid in keeping the structure free from the impact of extreme weather, whether that be snow, ice, heat, or rain. 

An HVAC system can be used successfully with very minimal air leakage – giving you a stable temperature without using excess energy. And the vinyl covering works wonderfully for keeping outdoor temperatures out. 


A Reduction in Fuel Emissions

We all know, on some level, that automobiles are a danger to the planet. And, of course, the bigger the vehicle, the more emissions are released into the atmosphere. In many ways, this form of transportation is still a necessity, such as getting to and from a job site. 

Just to give you some perspective, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average automobile emits approximately 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. That’s 404 grams per mile. 

So, what if there was a way that you could reduce emissions? By making driving unnecessary in certain instances, you can. Let’s take a look. 

A construction site typically has a lot of workers. When lunch rolls around, they can hop in their cars and head off for a break or grab a bite to eat. Maybe they will just sit in their running car to cool down or warm up. This means every day at lunchtime, your job site is responsible for an increase in carbon dioxide in the air. And, if you have off-site storage for your materials, driving to and from that storage to the job site also contributes – especially since you’re likely using large trucks to carry heavy loads. 

With a clear span structure, you can have the perfect on-site storage space as well as the perfect spot for your crew to relax, get out of the elements, and have lunch. How is that for a sustainable construction site? 


Opt for Reusable Solutions

Most construction projects change the earth beneath them. But what the finished project doesn’t include is the construction company leaving behind signs of their presence. This is another reason why so many choose clear span structures since they do not leave anything behind – and that includes damage to the property. 

Not only are they good for the environment, but they are also reusable and recyclable, too. All the parts of these tents, including the PVC, aluminum, and steel can be used until they aren’t up to par anything longer – and then they can all be recycled. The vinyl covering can be washed and reused time and time again. 

It’s safe to say that clear span structures are a go-to eco-friendly solution. 


Reduce the Length of Construction

The overall construction process has ongoing emissions that impact the world around us, whether you realize it or not. 

Choosing a vinyl clear span tent presents you with the chance to continue working regardless of the weather. This not only helps you to reduce the chance of deadline delays, but it also increases your productivity rate since the construction crew has the ability to rest and feel rejuvenated. 

This means that shorter periods of construction will result in fewer emissions. And that is a win for the environment – and everyone involved. 


Easy Relocation Ability

Since construction crews only stay in one location until the job is done, having a building that can be moved to a new location is a must. Of course, a sustainable construction site will look for solutions that can easily be moved from one location to another without wasting unnecessary energy. 

With clear span structures, they are very easily moved without requiring too much work. They also do well in keeping ground soil, landfills, and waterways from any contamination since nothing is left behind. 


Clear Span Structures are the Future

Clear span structures are the most ideal method of temporary and semi-permanent construction shelter and storage solutions. Currently, they are proving themselves to be the best option for sustainable construction projects, too. 

  • Proper insulation allows you to efficiently maintain a healthy temperature within the tent.
  • Without having to leave the construction site, carbon emissions will drop. 
  • Clear span tents are reusable and recyclable from their structure to the vinyl covering. 
  • They also create a healthy work environment all around, resulting in shorter construction projects. 
  • And, again, they are able to be easily relocated from one place to the next without too much effort – and leaving behind well-kept surroundings. 

With all they have to offer, it is no wonder why so many companies are turning to clear span structures to meet the goals of their sustainability goals. 

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