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How to Heat Your Winter Tent Rental

A winter tent rental can be used for so many different purposes, such as for the storage of goods and supplies, for protection over a construction or renovation project, for an event like a wedding or trade show, and so much more. They have become so popular for their ability to give the feel of an indoor, brick-and-mortar space – while being a temporary tent solution.  

By design, these tents are able to keep some of the cold temperatures out during the winter months. Whether you are using the tent as a long-term solution or just for an event, when the temperature keeps dropping, you are going to want to turn up the temperature under the fabric roof. 

Whether it is about keeping guests warm, your work crew safe, or your goods in top condition, American Pavilion everything you need to know about how to heat your winter tent rental.  


Types of Heaters Used in a Clearspan Tent 

First things first – you have to decide on the type of heat you will use. Two of the most common types include heaters run using the power of propane or electricity. Depending on the specific heater, whether direct fire or vented, it may be used safely outside the tent.  

Ductwork can be used to ensure that the heat being generated outdoors makes it directly into the tented space – and is evenly spread throughout the area. You can even focus your heat flow on specific areas if needed.  

Keep in mind that if your tent is not constructed anywhere near a power source, you will need to invest in a generator as well to keep the heaters going.  


Calculating the Heat Per Square Foot 

Knowing how much heat you need can be a bit tricky. After all, heating a small tent is not going to have the same requirements as a large tent. Without taking these things into consideration, you could find yourself filling a tent with too much heat – or not enough at all.  

Knowing how to calculate heat per square foot is crucial to getting just the right temperature.  

First, decide what your desired temperature is. You have the temperatures outside and you have the desired temperature inside. The difference between these two numbers is referred to as Delta T. You need to make sure that the heater you invest in is capable of pulling in the cold air outside at the current temperature and giving you the desired temperature inside. Depending on how great the Delta T is, not all heaters may be able to provide it.  

The actual equation for calculating the heat per square foot looks something like this:  


(desired temperature change – Delta T) x (cubic feet of space) x .133 = BTUs needed per hour 


Because this is a general heating equation, you have to take into consideration that a tent is not built with the same insulation as a brick-and-mortar structure. As a result, you will want to multiply your BTUs by about 4 or 5 times to get the right amount of power your tent heater will need.  


The Need for Flooring 

When thinking about heating a space, most people don’t think about the flooring. And, why would you since you are focused on the air within the tent – and that has nothing to do with what is under your feet, right? Wrong.  

Truth is – your flooring does matter. The ground beneath you is cold. Depending on the temperature outside, that ground could even be frozen. This will contribute greatly to your ability – or inability – to heat the space. For example, if you are pumping your tent full of hot air, but your floor is an icebox, you are not likely to reach your desired temperature very fast.  

A few different flooring options can help keep the chill from the ground from interfering with your heating efforts, including:  


If you are using your winter tent rental for something industrial, then simply using plywood flooring will work immensely to keep the cold from the ground at bay.  


For more formal settings, such as corporate events, parties, weddings, and so forth, you are likely to want flooring that is dual purpose – to keep the cold out while also looking aesthetically pleasing. Vinyl floors can make that happen.  

Artificial Turf

In certain applications, you may still want the look of grass. With artificial turf, you can still have that, but it will keep the tent warmer.  

When renting your tent, discuss your flooring options. You may find that there are even more types available to suit your needs.  


Make the Most of Your Heated Tent 

Once you have the heat source for your tent set up and flowing well, you will need to take steps to ensure that you get the most from it. There are a few things you can do to ensure the easy flow of heat directly into your tent.   

Reduce Drafts

One of the most effective things you can do to keep a winter tent rental warm is to reduce drafts. This means anywhere you have doors that are open or sidewall areas of the tent that are propped open or aren’t securely closed, shut them. Once you begin heating your tent, you want to know that the warmth is staying inside – and not leaking out anywhere.  

Use a Fan

Believe it or not, fans can be beneficial in spreading out the heat. While proper ductwork is the most ideal choice, fans can work in a pinch. Simply place the fan in front of the heater and turn it on. It can then distribute the heat further throughout the space.  

Understand your Thermostat

When you have a heating system that has a thermostat, take some time to understand it. There are few things worse than having the proper tools right in your hands – but not knowing how to get the most out of them. If you aren’t sure you are using it properly, contact a professional.  


Contact American Pavilion for All of your Winter Tent Rental Needs

Regardless of your need, renting a tent in the wintertime is a very viable option thanks to the help of heaters, flooring, and sidewalls. Heating a winter tent rental in the winter is crucial for ensuring the comfort of your guests and the success of your event. By considering factors such as the size of the tent, the location, and the type of heat source, you can choose the best heating solution for your needs. American Pavilion offers a wide range of heating options, from portable heaters to tent heating systems, to help you keep your tent warm and cozy no matter the weather. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you heat your commercial tent this winter.

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