
Benefits of Temporary Structures for Solar EPC Contractors

Renewable energy is the future. As the industry grows, solar EPC contractors will construct the infrastructure needed to expand the solar power industry. Here’s how temporary structures can help.

The world is changing. While we have spent decades tearing down the health of the earth, we are slowly trying to rebuild. We want to do better for our environment – and energy is a great place to start.

The idea of solar energy has been around since the 1950s. But it is not until more recent years that its popularity began growing and growing. Solar energy gives us a power that is created by using the rays of the sun. Using large lenses (or mirrors), the sun’s rays are focused into small beams of sunlight that can then be converted into an electric current.

On a small basis, such as used for an office building or a residential, solar power has been used for years. Then, in the 1980s, commercial solar power plants were developed. Now? Well, let’s just say with new advances to the industry and the desire for a more environmentally friendly form of energy, solar power facilities are popping up all over the world.

While many of these solar power stations have found their way throughout California and Arizona, more and more are in the works. And, as they move through development, they will require an EPC contractor – and, whether they know it yet or not, a clear span tent structure.

What is a Solar EPC Contractor?

Contracts are important in any type of business – especially since the days of a firm handshake have gone the way of the wind. Today, written contracts are used between two parties as an agreement about what is to be expected before, during, and after a project.

In the solar power industry (and other energy generation, transmission, and distribution systems), EPC services include a contract that offers a turnkey solution. It allows for the work to be completed and implemented with ease. Hence the acronym, EPC, which stands for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. That is right – it is all the necessary services written into one contract.

Here is how it works:

An EPC contractor is the main contact when hired to complete a project. This individual then brings his or won set of engineers, consultants, suppliers, and so forth to get the job done. In other words, a solar EPC contractor is responsible for handling everything from the design and procurement to the construction and, finally, commissioning – all using highly-skilled workers.

And here is why it is the ultimate solution:

  • Solar EPC contracts offer a fixed price for a project.
  • A contractor is liable for any issues that arise.
  • The finish date is provided in the contract.
  • The contractor is responsible for gathering all necessary supplies to get the job done.

When it comes to environmental advances, the process needs to move smoothly and effortlessly. When there are too many people or companies involved and too many contracts, the steps to the end product can become cloudy and jagged. And the whole process becomes time-consuming and involves too much effort.

EPC solar contracting is necessary to help our country – and the world – make the advances it needs to thrive in the future.

How Clear Span Structures Can Help Solar EPC Projects

Now that you have an understanding of EPC contracting, you must understand how it goes hand-in-hand with a clearspan structure. Have you ever looked at where solar power stations are located? To be most effective, they need to have an unlimited supply of sunshine. This means there can be no structures to interfere with. It does not make sense for there to be any brick-and-mortar buildings on the property. Yet, these facilities take some time to establish.

Clearspan tents can be erected on the property and allow the contractor and crew to have a place to handle the assembly of the solar panels. These fabric structures are the obvious choice for several reasons.

1. Customizability

Generally, the solar panels used can be upwards of 50-feet wide. Maneuvering these panels as well as assembling them appropriately can be difficult if handled solely outdoors. With a clearspan tent, however, you have an indoor space large enough to run the assembly without any issue.

These tents can be customized to include things such as flooring, warehouse doors, side panels, lighting, and more. They can also house an HVAC system – which is perfect since most of these energy plants are in high-sun, high-heat areas.

Unlike permanent structures, the number of customizations that can be made is endless. This makes them an easy choice for solar EPC projects.

2. Fast Construction

As stated above, an EPC contract has a designated completion date.  So, once a contract is signed and a plan is put into motion, there must be swift action to get everything up and running. This also means you need a building solution that can be erected quickly – without having too much downtime.

Clearspan tents are quick to be both constructed and de-constructed quickly – making them the ideal option.

3. Useful Anywhere

While most solar panel energy plants are found in wide-open fields, the fields themselves may vary as far as the ground goes. Some may have grassy areas with soft terrain. Others may be desert-like with all sand and no grass. Thankfully, clearspan tent structures can be useful anywhere. They do not require guy lines or any special ground to maintain their integrity.

4. Multiple Uses

Finally, it is important to note that clearspan structures can have multiple uses at a solar panel station. They can, of course, be used in the assembly process – thanks to their large size and their wide-open, unobstructed interior. However, they may also be used for things such as a lunch or break area for workers or a warehouse storage facility for the solar panels, equipment, or machinery.


Renewable energy is the way of the future – with no signs of slowing down. As a result, there will be more solar EPC contractors sought to engineer, procure, and construct the power stations – and more open fields of land being used to gather the sun’s energy.

Through all of this, thanks to fast construction, versatility, and customizability, a clearspan tent is one necessary addition.

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