
5 Ways to Reduce Your Warehouse Costs

Reducing warehouse costs is a priority for every business owner, and that can be made possible with the use of temporary warehouse structures. 

Reducing costs and saving money is the ultimate goal of every business owner, regardless of the business. The less you spend means you will end up with a greater profit in the end. And, what a great way to kick off a new fiscal year, right?

By finding ways to tweak the way you do business, you will find ways to make these changes. Let’s take a look at 5 ways to reduce your warehouse costs. Put in the time and effort to implement these now, and reap the rewards later.

1. Re-think Your Employees’ Value and Training

Employees really are the backbone of any business. They keep things moving, despite the ebb and flow, so that the company can continue to grow and thrive. That is, of course, as long as employee morale is up. Taking the time to offer incentives for performance or making them feel valued by asking for their opinion is a good place to start. As is treating them with respect. When employees feel appreciated they tend to work more efficiently – and productivity increases. This will reduce your warehouse costs.

When it comes to employees, don’t stop there. Rethink the way you train them. Currently, there is a good chance you will likely train your employees to work on the job they were hired to do. But consider this – every area of your warehouse relies on each department to complete its task before it moves on to the next. So, what happens when one area is backed up and the employees scheduled to work have called in sick? What if there is no one to fill the role? This can lead to employees in other areas waiting around with nothing to do due to the halt in the workflow.

Cross-training your employees to fill in other areas when needed can allow you to make the most of your workforce. You will not only always have someone to work where and when needed, but your business won’t be as greatly susceptible to workforce woes. In turn, you will reduce your costs.

2. Take Advantage of Technology

Technology is there for you to take advantage of – especially because there is a good chance your competitor has. And, you know you want to stay at the same level – or higher – than those in the industry.  Perhaps in the past, you have scoffed at the idea of spending thousands of dollars on an inventory software system, for instance. After all, how can you reduce your costs if you are paying big bucks for technological investments?

The truth is when you invest in a warehouse management system, inventory trackers, and so forth you are putting out funds initially, but you will get them back – and then some – thanks to better accuracy, clear inventory management, and a reduction in waste.

3. Invest in Optimal Warehouse Space

The space you use for your warehouse matters. Sure, you can set up shop in any old vacant building, but it is not going to be ideal for what you need to cushion your bottom line. The optimal warehouse space will include the following:

  • The ability to create your own layout with a wide-open space. You want to streamline your services and this can only be done when you have control over your warehouse layout.
  • Control over your building’s design – allowing you to engage in cross-docking to save time and money. But you have to have the right setup to make it happen.
  • Safe, secure, and durable storage. You need to protect everything underneath its roof so it has to be a trusted warehouse solution.

So, where do you find such a space? In a clearspan warehouse tent. These temporary structures allow you everything you need to reduce your warehouse costs by creating the most efficient space. They are easily customized to meet your size requirements – and they can grow with your business, too. Plus, they can be constructed in the most logistically convenient location possible.

When it comes to reducing warehouse costs, it all starts with having the right warehouse from the get-go.

4. Reduce Your Energy Costs

Most warehouses don’t come with windows. And, if they do, they don’t offer sufficient lighting throughout the entire warehouse space. As a result, there is always a need for lighting. Yes, LED lighting options are energy efficient and beneficial, but you are still paying for them every month. What if you could reduce your energy costs by not having to use lighting throughout the daytime shifts? It may seem like a minor difference, but when you are referring to paying for lighting for an entire warehouse, this can greatly add up.

With clearspan temporary structures you can reduce your warehouse costs by relying on the sun for natural light. The fabric roof allows the light through, reducing the need for daytime lighting. This cost reduction can seriously add up over time. Again, it goes back to having the right warehouse building.

5. Continuously Try to Improve

Finally, you never want to be content in your methods. You may have processes that are working for your warehouse right now. You may even feel as though you are doing business in a more cost-effective way than ever before. But the moment you stop trying to find new ways to improve and reduce your warehouse costs, you lose.

Every industry is always evolving and technology is always advancing. To get ahead of the competition you have to tighten your ship. You need to have tools in place that will allow you to have a concrete measurement of your success and failures. Continuously trying to find ways to be better than you were yesterday is going to save you money in the long run.

Closing Thoughts

Running a business isn’t all about money. But, when it comes down to it, if you don’t have any money, then you’ve got no business. Finding smart ways to cut costs is one of the best things you can do. When it comes to your warehouse space, starting off on the right foot – with the most ideal warehouse space is the best step you can take. And that means having a clearspan temporary structure.


Why Clearspan Structures Are the Best Option for Large Storage Buildings

When looking for large storage buildings for your business, you have many options, but one of the best options are clearspan structures. Here’s why.

There is so much to consider when looking for large storage buildings. You want to make sure your goods are protected and safe, but you also need to make sure that they are easily accessible and that the building itself is conveniently located. The length of time you will need the space is just one more thing you need to think about.

What are you going to do?

You could choose a permanent warehouse structure somewhere close by and put time into making it work for you. Or, you could invest in the perfect space that is the right size with the right layout – and in the most convenient location.

If the latter sounds like the best option, then let us introduce you to clearspan structures – and show you why they are the best option for large storage buildings.

Sizing is Everything

If you are in need of large storage buildings, then obviously you are storing something large. When looking for a building, you may find that your options are very slim. This is especially the case when it comes to permanent, brick and mortar buildings. Even if a building is tall or wide enough for what you need to store – are you even able to get it into the building? The answer? Large tent rentals.

What if you are not necessarily looking to store something large, but rather a lot of something small? You are still going to need a great amount of space. For instance, keeping a large amount of inventory organized and easily accessible in a manner that allows your business to flow smoothly doesn’t work as well in small or jagged space as it would with a wide-open layout you can customize.

Sizing is everything when it comes to large storage buildings and that’s why clearspan structures are the perfect choice. Not only do they give you unobstructed space under the roof, but you can create access points exactly where you want them. If you know you are going to be moving big machinery in and out, for example, then you plan your building accordingly.

Don’t get stuck with the permanent walls and predetermined layouts that come with permanent structures.

Protection and Security

Whatever you are storing is obviously important – otherwise you’d likely just leave it outside, right? You wouldn’t worry about where it is going or whether it is protected. You’d just stash it anywhere.

Because you care and you want to make sure your stored items are protected, you need something that can offer you protection and security. Sure, you could go with a permanent structure – but then you run into sizing issues. So, is there another option? There sure is.

Clearspan structures can offer you a lot of protection against inclement weather and other outdoor conditions – just like a permanent structure. They are designed with wind loads and snow loads requirements to make them very sturdy options. Please don’t get them confused with your average tent.

Clearspan buildings use industrial-grade galvanized steel for the frame of the structure and a rip-resistant, flame retardant PVC vinyl for the fabric. These structures can withstand a lot more than you’d ever imagine. In fact, when the inland hurricane-like derechos blasted their way through the midwestern U.S. back in 2020, many tents were wiped out – but the clearspan structures still stood, flawlessly.

Customizability, Inside and Out

Those who have used clearspan structures in the past have been most fond of the fact that they are customizable. They can be designed to meet your needs specifically. Can a permanent structure do that? Can it have a door where you want it, a specific layout, or a special flooring throughout? Potentially. Of course, then you’d have to figure in some renovation costs, hire a general contractor, and allow time for the renovation to take place. Talk about inconvenience!

Or,  you could just opt for a clearspan tent structure that is completely customizable, inside and out. The building will come with a large, wide open space with no poles to get in the way. You can design the layout exactly how it will fit your needs. And, you can decide just how big or small you want it. That way, you can consider what you are storing and the space you will need as well as the space you have to construct the building. Don’t worry – clearspan structures are designed to change their size without jeopardizing the integrity of the building.

Depending on what you are storing, you may need certain accessories. Below is a list of some of the most common things that are customized when investing in a clearspan structure:

  • Lighting
  • Flooring or carpeting
  • Climate control with an HVAC system
  • Canopies and walkway covers
  • Ceiling liners

The more you are able to create a space designed for your needs, the more you will be able to effectively utilize the space.

Long-Lasting Durability

Some storage needs are very temporary. Others, not so much. If you are looking for short term storage, then leasing a permanent space is likely going to cost you big time. Most leases are for at least a year and anything less, the cost goes up.

With a temporary warehouse tent, you get the storage space you need for as long as you need it. If it’s a temporary storage solution, no problem. And, if you are looking for something on a more permanent basis, clearspan works well for that, too. They are designed with longevity in mind. That means whether you have it up for one month or 30 months, you are still being protected by a durable, uncompromised structure.

These buildings can be constructed and deconstructed very quickly, making it a very viable option for many different storage needs.

Clearspan Structures For the Win

When looking for storage options, it is important to weigh all your options. Permanent structures are not an end-all when it comes to large storage buildings. In fact, they are not even the best option.

Take some time to explore what clearspan structures have to offer and you will quickly discover that they take the prize for the best storage space available no matter the need.


On-Site Storage Tents vs. Off-Site Storage: Which Is Better?

Regardless of your industry, it is likely that you need storage space for one purpose or another. But, which is better for you: on-site storage tents or traditional off-site storage? 

There comes a time when your business may require storage. It may be the result of a renovation that is taking place. A seasonal influx in inventory. The need to temporarily remove clutter to create additional space for more socially distanced workstations. Or, maybe you are currently moving locations and need storage so you can move into your space methodically.

The reason why you need a storage space doesn’t matter as much as the storage space you need.

You need a place that can meet your needs while you handle everything important. But, can you just get any storage place? Should it be an on-site storage tent? Or off-site storage? Which one is better?


Traditional: Off-Site Storage

Before researching options, many people think of off-site storage as one of those well-known companies that offer storage at their facilities. You know, the storage places you see in neighborhoods in populated areas. They are meant for those moving homes or those who are downsizing. And, sure, for some businesses, too.

Then there are those large warehouses that offer easy access day or night. Depending on the need, a business may rent out part of the warehouse or the entire thing.

Regardless of the off-site storage option chosen, you can feel confident that you have your stuff secured. And it will feel good. Well, until it doesn’t. It won’t take long for you to recognize the downfalls of off-site storage.


Contemporary: On-Site Storage

On-site storage comes in the form of a warehouse tent. These semi-permanent solutions are the epitome of convenience when they are used for on-site storage. Though many haven’t thought to give them a try. A tent for secured storage? Oh, yes. These aren’t the tents you are used to.

On-site storage tents offer durability and security that can withstand even the most inclement weather. And rather than going out to find them, they come to you. While some options (such as off-site storage) may be outweighed by downfalls, on-site storage is outweighed by benefits.


On-Site Storage Tents vs. Off-Site Storage: Battling it Out

Now that you know your options, let’s take a look at the good and bad of each when it comes to the things that matter, like convenience, cost, security, efficiency, and customizability.

– Convenience

With on-site storage tents, you don’t have to go anywhere to find them. Simply order it and have it delivered when you need it – to your site. They don’t require any special grounding, so they can be erected in an area of your parking lot, in a nearby grassy area, or even in the dirt.

Once your storage tent is set up and ready to go, all you have to do is move stuff from your building into the storage. Walk it out your back door and put it in storage. And it can be accessed anytime you need to. How is that for convenience?

With off-site storage, you’d have to drive around to find the right storage unit or warehouse. Then every time you need to put something in it or take it out, you’d have to transport it between your location and the storage.

Let’s just say there isn’t much convenience when it comes to the off-site storage option.

– Cost

You may very well find that off-site storage is a little more cost-effective upfront. What you need to take into consideration is the downtime that will be involved, when you have to commute between the storage. Not to mention the transportation costs.

When all added together, the cost could very well be a win for on-site storage tents.

– Security

Off-site storage, depending on what you choose, may come with a keypad and a gate – maybe even video surveillance. Those looking at storage options think that there is no way an on-site storage tent could provide such security. But, this way of thinking is wrong.

On-site storage tents offer you a very secure structure that is designed to keep everything in it safe. And if you feel like you need a little more? Adding video surveillance on your own is simple — and you’d have access to the feed at all times!

– Efficiency

There are a lot of things that go into making something efficient – and off-site storage isn’t one of them. But, guess what? That’s right – on-site storage tents. They offer to save you time and money with no need to buy or use fuel to transport goods from one site to the next. As far as maintaining a streamlined workflow, you’ve got everything you need right where you need it so there is no downtime required.

We could also mention that storage tents can take advantage of natural daylight, reducing the need for additional lights during the day — cutting costs and energy use, as well.

– Customizability

Finally, on-site storage tents have unlimited customizability. There isn’t much that can be done with a pre-designed warehouse or storage unit. You will just have to make the best use of the space as you can. But when it comes to storage tents? You have full customizability. You can design the size you want and create the inside layout to meet your needs. Choose where you want the doors and openings — and choose the type of doors you want them to be. And this is just the beginning!

In order to get the most out of your storage, you need to be able to make it work for you. And that is not something you will find with off-site storage.


On-Site Storage For the Win!

When it comes down to it, off-site storage may be the traditional option, but there’s a contemporary option around — and he is one heck of a contender. Nothing can compete with all the things that on-site storage tents bring to meet a business’s storage needs.

With much convenience, efficiency, customizability, security, cost savings, and more – there is no need to argue because the winner is clear.

On-site storage tents are the best option for your storage needs.


Shipping Container Storage vs. Temporary Structures: 6 Reasons Structures Excel

When it comes to warehousing space, should you choose shipping container storage or a temporary structure? Here’s why a clear span structure excels.

Shipping containers seem to be getting more and more popular, thanks to the world of tiny houses and minimalistic living. But several industries have been making use of these shipping container storage for many, many years.

But are they the best option?

Truth is, there is another option that many have already discovered — and others have yet to. Temporary warehouse tents offer a great storage solution, too, just like shipping containers. The only difference is that they offer storage that surpasses anything you’d ever get with shipping container storage.

1. Choosing Your Size

Shipping container storage doesn’t offer a wide range of sizes. In fact, most are either 20’ or 40’ in length, with 8’ width and 8’6” height. And because they are made with a durable steel, you are not going to easily change these dimensions – unless you want to take on a massive welding project.

Sure, they are big enough to store large equipment and such, but they don’t give you much opportunity to choose a size that works best for you. It’s sort of like you are stuck working with what you’ve got – and you will have to make it work for whatever it is you are storing.

Temporary structures are different. They can come as big or small as you need them in order to fully meet your storage needs. Efficiency for your business comes with having an organized storage. And you can really only take advantage of this when you have a large enough space. You can choose from a variety of clear span tent sizes – from 10,000 sq. ft up to over 100,000 sq. ft!

Choose your size of temporary structure, organize your machines, equipment, supplies, and so forth so that you always know what you’ve got and how/where to find it.

Perhaps one of the best features of a temporary structure is that if your needs change, you can adjust the sizing without hassle. This is quite different from a standard, unchanging shipping container.

2. Easy to Install Anywhere

If you have ever bought a shipping container, then you know they don’t just get dropped off at your doorstep so you can decide where to put it. These containers are bulky and heavy – and require the use of a crane to put in place. This means you will have to have the space for the crane to have access — and you will have to cover the cost, too.

Temporary structures come ready to install and can be up in no time with the help of our professional crew. They can be erected anywhere, from a grassy or dirt-ridden field to the asphalt in a vacant parking lot and everywhere in between.

3. Designed to Meet Your Specifications

Shipping container storage, as we have discussed, come in very limited sizes. And since most storage needs will vary from one to the next, it is a challenge to make it all fit right – for you – in the same space that thousands of others have tried to use, too.

If you have ever wanted to create a layout to organize your storage or perhaps have a door in one area and not the other, or even have windows – it is not going to happen with a storage container. As their name suggests, shipping containers are designed for shipping. They are ideal for shipping. They were not created as an ideal storage container.

However, temporary structures were. These durable buildings are able to be customized to meet your needs specifically. If you want to create a specific layout, if you want personal entry doors and not warehouse doors, or if you want windows and multiple warehouse doors, if you want it wide, etc. Whatever your needs are for the building, you can make it happen when you have the ability to design a structure to meet your specifications. Plus, with a wide open space underneath the roof, you have every inch of space to use as you see fit.

4. Climate Controlled

Have you ever spent much time in shipping container storage? If you have, then you know that the temperatures inside can be extreme — whether cold or hot, depending on the season. Their steel shell doesn’t offer much insulation at all. Whatever you are storing in it will have to be able to handle these temperatures without causing any damage.

Or, you could opt for a temporary structure with a roof that works to keep the heat out in the summer and in during the colder months. In addition, climate control is also an option. With the addition of an HVAC system, you will have heating, air conditioning, and ventilation throughout the structure so that you may keep your storage at the most optimal temperature.

5. Environmentally-Friendly

Being environmentally-friendly is important these days as we become more and more aware of the impact we have on the world around us. This could be the reason why so many more people are turning to shipping containers.

Don’t discount the environmentally-friendly factor of temporary structures. They are made with recycled fabric, are designed to last for years, natural light from overhead during daylight hours reduces the need for lighting and energy costs, and so on.

Clear span temporary tent structures are an environmentally-friendly storage solution.

6. Free and Clear of Harmful Toxins

Shipping containers are used for shipping all sorts of items, materials, and goods from one shore to the next. When you are one, you can never be 100% confident that it is going to be in good shape when you get it. What’s worse is that you will never know what was stored inside the container.

Many times, harmful and toxic chemicals, including insecticides and pesticides, are stored in these containers. They can be harmful for you to breathe in and for the future of the items stored within their walls.

This is something you never have to worry about when it comes to temporary structures. And, well, since health and safety are so important to us, opting for the storage solution that is less risky is, by far, the best choice.

When it comes to a showdown between clearspan temporary structures and shipping container storage, there is a clear winner — with increased safety, versatility, and installation, temporary structures take home the gold.


6 Ways to Reduce Warehouse Costs

Reducing warehouse costs can lead to increased efficiency and higher profit margins. Here are six ways to reduce these costs with the use of clear span temporary structures.

Any business that requires the use of a warehouse is going to incur costs as a result of that warehouse. Without having a place to store supplies or inventory – or run your operation – you likely wouldn’t have a business. But that doesn’t mean you should have to spend a huge chunk of your annual spending on maintaining the warehouse space.

There are ways you can reduce warehouse costs – and we’ve got six of them.

1. Storage Solutions

If you use your warehouse space for storage, are you doing so effectively? Ask yourself whether or not you are using the area within the facility in a very effective manner or if there are changes that could be made to reduce the size of the space. Leasing land or buildings can increase your spending. The bigger the property, the greater the cost. So, if you can optimize your storage you would be able to reduce the amount of space you would need. After all, smaller spaces hold more product if designed right. And, as a result of these changes,  you can reduce your spending.

Not every warehouse is ideal for storage. To get the most out of your space, you need a wide-open, unobstructed area that allows you the ability to create the layout as it fits your needs. If you can do that, then you can use a smaller warehouse space and save money.

Temporary warehouse tents are a great option as they allow you to design them to meet your needs – in both size and layout. You can invest in one of these tents to give you a wide open space with no support poles so that you can make the warehouse run as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. And because the dimensions can be customized, you can make sure it will hold your stored items in the best way possible. All the while reducing your costs.

2. Procurement Strategies

Developing a procurement strategy for your business will also result in less costs. The earlier you develop this strategy for your business, the easier it is to create a cost-effective streamlined process within your supply chain.

Take a look at your spending – in all areas from stakeholders to suppliers. Look over contracts and purchase habits, as well as any hidden costs in certain areas. Determine how much you want to save and how you intend to implement this savings. Then, set clear objectives to get there. Doing this will save you money with your suppliers and vendors without making significant sacrifices.

3. Protect Your Inventory

You need to protect your inventory at all times. Everything that you store in your warehouse is what earns you money. It is what makes your business run. Losing that inventory can cause some major problems.

By investing in the proper storage for your goods and supplies you can reduce the chance of any damage affecting your assets. Weather-related incidents, poor organization, theft and vandalism, and so forth can wreak havoc on your inventory. By securing it in a well-designed structure (such as a temporary tent) with adequate space and security – and minimal access points.

4. Reduce Your Energy Costs

Energy costs in a warehouse can eat up a lot of money. There are so many machines and equipment, lights, and so forth that go into operating a warehouse. Finding even one way you can make a difference in reducing your energy use can lead to a great reduction in costs.

Choosing a temporary tent warehouse can help you to become more energy efficient, thus reducing warehouse costs. The fabric roof allows you to utilize the sunlight rather than electric lights during the day. What’s more is that it is designed to keep the heat out during the summer and the heat in during the winter. The savings will be incredible.

5. Invest in Technology

If you run a warehouse, then somewhere along the line you have likely heard of warehouse management software. And, hopefully you utilize these systems as they are designed to help you keep track of every piece of inventory, every step of the way. You can easily maintain an organized warehouse that is designed in a way that makes everything flow smoothly.

Investing in technology means finding easier and more efficient ways to do things so that you can run your warehouse in a streamlined manner. When operations are choppy or you make a decision about one area without being able to see what is going on in another area, you can do more harm than good to your business.

Sometimes it takes an investment in technology to take a great step toward cutting warehouse costs.

6. Care For Your Employees

If it were not for your employees, your warehouse wouldn’t run. They are literally the power behind your business. So, care for them.

Think about this for a moment. As an employee, wouldn’t you be more likely to keep your productivity up if you had a comfortable amount of space to work and had strong, positive feelings about the company you worked for? Feeling like a company cares about you leads to a strong morale — and increased efficiency.

That means if you want to reduce your warehouse costs, look out for the people who run your warehouse!

Reduce Warehouse Costs with Temporary Tents

We’ve talked a lot about the things that you can do to reduce warehouse costs – and many of them involve using a temporary tent. See, this temporary warehouse space has many benefits, are incredibly versatile, and can be customized to meet your needs.

Temporary tents can…

  • Increase your space, allowing for greater optimization of processes and a more comfortable working environment.
  • Protect your inventory and supplies.
  • Take up less space than traditional brick and mortar spaces.
  • Allow for more organization and better use of space.
  • Reduce your energy costs.

And that’s all just the tip of the iceberg!

If you want to lower your warehouse costs and make the bottom line of your business more healthy, then you need to find the best place to start. And it is quite apparent that a temporary construction tent for warehouse space fits the bill.


6 Warehouse Storage Layout Design Ideas for Improved Organization and Efficiency

Creating viable warehouse storage layout design is imperative to an efficient shipping and receiving process. Here are 6 ways to improve your warehouse layout.

You can have the freedom to design your own layout any way you want it — inside the biggest warehouse imaginable. But if it doesn’t work well for what you do and it doesn’t make your operation flow easily and efficiently, then it needs improvement.

A healthy bottom line comes with a streamlined ability. And these warehouse storage layout design ideas for improved organization and efficiency can make that happen.

1. Creating Optimal Flow

When you have a warehouse with predetermined, permanent walls or floor plans that have already been carved out, it is hard to create an optimal flow. You need every process of your business to move uninterruptedly from one stage to the next. With a clearspan warehouse tent, you can create the best warehouse storage layout design based on your needs.

This layout needs to be designed in the order of operations. You shouldn’t have to walk through one department to get to another. For instance, if you get a delivery of supplies that has to be sent to a storage area, the storage area should be in close proximity.  Having a layout that requires you to walk through other departments or to the other end of the warehouse to get to the storage area doesn’t make sense when you are seeking an optimal flow.

2. Keep Every Area Labeled

If you want a warehouse design that will improve organization and efficiency, then you need to keep every area labeled. This means labeling designated areas for your inventory (giving each piece of inventory a designated spot), where machines and tools or other equipment are to be housed, and various departments. This will allow every employee, regardless of how seasoned, to know right where to find certain areas and certain key things that they need to keep business flowing.

3. Implement Proper Storage Methods

In a new warehouse, you need a warehouse storage layout design that works well for your business. But the physical design isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about. We live in a digital age — and we have all sorts of tools and software programs available to us. That’s why if you are looking for design ideas to improve your organization and your efficiency, you can’t just focus on the physical.

Invest in a warehouse management system. Not only will this new technology keep you incredibly organized with everything moving smoothly, but it will allow you to make decisions based on things you can see since you will have the bigger picture at your fingertips.

You can stack your inventory for days, but if you don’t know what you are stacking or how much or how far back those rows go and how much of each item you have – phew – it is going to be hard to know where you stand.

Being organized means being able to tell where every piece of inventory is at any given moment. This also increases the flow of your business and its efficiency. Having to move boxes go through your so-called organized inventory can waste time and bottleneck your production line in more ways than one.

4. Keep Your Warehouse Space Clean

It is important to keep your warehouse space clean. Not only will it keep potential hazards away, but it also keeps your employees and your inventory safe. Dust, dirt, spills, and the like can cause disruptions in your organization’s flow. To make sure everything can run as you intended when you implemented this layout design, keep it clean.

5. Keep Aisles and Walkways Clear

It should go without saying that keeping aisles and walkways clear is also a must. Your warehouse storage layout design is meant to keep things moving smoothly. But, if an employee has to maneuver around obstacles in the walkway or take alternate routes due to blocked aisles every time he or she is trying to get from one place to another, it is going to slow things down.

Staying organized and having a space for everything will mean that there is no reason for aisles and walkways to feel cluttered and turn into unintentional obstacle courses. The more clear they remain, the least likely you are to face a fall in production.

6. Start with a Clearspan Warehouse Tent

When it comes down to having the perfect warehouse storage layout design to ensure that your company is as organized and efficient as possible, it helps to have the perfect building. Permanent structures don’t allow you the flexibility you need to create a layout that will meet your needs specifically. They come with a one-size-fits-all design – and you have to make it fit your business.

With a clearspan warehouse tent, you have the flexibility to design the layout as you see fit. You can create it in a way that will allow you to gain the most organization — leading to a streamlined flow throughout the entire building, from department to department, without any hiccups. As a result, your productivity will increase and your efficiency will leave you with a healthy, successful business.

Clearspan fabric structures can provide you with many benefits, such as:

  • Wide-open floor space with no poles or support beams to get in your way.
  • Flexibility on the placement of walls, doors, warehouse doors, sidewalls, and more.
  • Flooring options that will meet your needs.
  • HVAC system to allow for climate-controlled situations.
  • Lighting in all spaces to ensure clear visibility.

These buildings can grow with your business, whether that means increasing in size or adding additional buildings onto your property. And whether temporary or semi-permanent, they can withstand years of inclement weather without fail.

As you begin to put together your warehouse storage layout design for organization and increase efficiency, consider these 6 ideas. Maybe one will work for you or maybe all together you will find success. The important part to remember is that acquiring a space with a wide-open floor plan – such as with a clearspan tent structure – will allow you to transform it into the exact space to fit your needs. And that’s how you can get business done well.


Clearspan Tents: Changing the Commercial Distribution Center Process

COVID-19 greatly disrupted the supply chain process, affecting the commercial distribution center, the company, and the consumer. Clearspan tents can change the way industries utilize distribution centers, allowing for more flexibility, efficiency, and ultimately, more revenue.

The commercial distribution center process is at the core of our country’s supply chain. At any given time there are people all around the country – and even around the world – who are expecting to receive a shipment of goods.

With recent COVID-19 closures and reductions in production, we have experienced supply chain woes like never before. As the world is opening back and up and production is kicking into high gear, the distribution centers are going to need to be ready to handle the increased volume at an effective and efficient pace.

A clearspan tent will make all the difference. They are changing the commercial distribution center process.

Create the Right Layout

Floor plans are so important when it comes to a commercial distribution center. Employees need to physically be able to move through the center without any hurdles or obstacles getting in their way. There should be no equipment or tools or machinery left in the middle of designated walkways.

Productivity is important so the flow of the space needs to make sense. Creating the right layout, though, means having the space to do it. As the distribution center employees work their way through their day, the layout should make sense. Sometimes taking a look at things from their perspective can help you organize your layout to increase efficiency.

Clearspan tents can easily be customized to any needed size – and can grow with the company. Underneath their fabric roof, they have a wide-open space free from any poles or support beams. This gives you the optimal space to create the best layout.

Organize Your Product to Increase Efficiency

Organizing your product is another way to keep your product moving through the chain efficiently. You can’t send what you can’t find. And if your employees are spending extra time searching for things then your productivity rates are going to tank.

  • Keep your fastest moving products closer to the pickers. This cuts time to search for frequently bought items.
  • Keep popular items easy to reach and close to the ground so that additional machines or equipment are not required.
  • The least popular items should be moved to the back and out of the way.

Many distribution center managers understand the importance of maintaining organization but get overwhelmed due to lack of space. It is easy to keep things neatly placed when you have the space to do it — but not so much when you don’t.

Clearspan tents are changing the commercial distribution center process because there is no limit on space. If you need more space to properly organize your product, then you can have it. Unlike permanent brick and mortar buildings with a set amount of space, temporary warehouse tents can be adjusted to add more space.

A Geographic Focus to Reduce Costs – and Shipping Times

Does it make sense to have a commercial distribution center in Portland, Oregon when the majority of your purchases are made from the east coast of the U.S.? Surely there are reasons why you are located where you are, but what if you could get your products closer to their destination? What if you could cut down transportation costs or shipping costs, as well as reduce the transit time? Wouldn’t this greatly benefit your company?

Taking a geographic focus on your distribution process can reduce costs and shipping times.

Looking at the financial records of most distribution companies will prove that a huge chunk of costs come from the shipping. And the closer you are to a destination, the lower your shipping costs. So, why not create a facility that is closer to the majority of the buyers?

With clearspan structures, setting up a new location is a piece of cake. They don’t require time spent trying to find a warehouse that may work or having to wait for a new space to be built. Instead, you know what you are getting, how they work, and how to set up and organize your center in a new, even temporary location if needed.

It is an easy and smart business move that can increase your efficiency and your bottom dollar.

Regularly Assess Your Needs

Again, as we have seen, needs change in distribution and throughout the supply chain. Regularly assessing the needs of your commercial distribution center will help it to remain both productive and efficient. With a clearspan structure that is designed to be versatile and customized for you, you have all the tools you need to allow your business to change with the changing needs of the industry.  And, this will keep you on top.

The Value in Clearspan Tents

While we have been talking about the ways clearspan tents can benefit your commercial distribution center process, we still have not touched on all the value they can provide. For instance, they provide benefits such as:

  • Cost-effective with low cost per square foot.
  • No support posts, leaving you with the maximum use of space.
  • Ability to construct on nearly any ground or foundational surface.
  • Many different cladding options, with some that allow light through – giving you an energy-saving option.
  • Create your building of any size and still maintain durability and stability.
  • Custom and turnkey designs to choose from.
  • Durable frames that can hold up against harsh and corrosive environments.
  • Create your openings and doors where you need them for maximum efficiency. These doors can accommodate people, machinery, trucks, and the like.
  • High level of natural ventilation throughout the space with climate control availability.

Don’t let the word tent fool you. Clearspan tents are built to code, fully customizable, and are designed to withstand inclement weather. They are a fantastic option for permanent or temporary distribution space.

Remember, your commercial distribution center process can flow as well as space allows. Creating the best layout, organizing the product, and getting it closest to the consumer can transform your level of efficiency.

As we have witnessed over the last year or two, the flow of business is always changing – and you need a solution that is going to grow with you as you grow. It’s clear – clearspan buildings are that solution.


6 Tips to Successfully Manage Supply Chain Disruption

Supply chain disruption can cause havoc on your business and lead to negative consequences. Is your business prepared if a disruption occurs? Here are 6 tips to successfully manage interruptions of your supply chain.

Our U.S. supply chains in many different industries have really taken a beating over the last year or two – especially thanks to the global pandemic. Disruptions in the process due to economic shutdowns during COVID, reduction in staff due (again, thanks to COVID), hackers tapping into our gas pipelines and others, tractor-trailer drivers going on strike, natural disasters, and so much more.

Just recently more and more consumers are discovering an increase in price for items they usually buy. Why? It all boils down to supply chain disruptions.

To have a successful business (and a successful economy, too),  you have to pay attention to your supply chain and manage it well. It is one of the fundamental aspects of growing a business. This involves:

  • Creating the plan for your supply chain.
  • Executing the plan carefully — and controlling the variables.
  • Monitor the supply chain’s performance at each level.
  • Make adjustments where necessary to keep the process moving efficiently.

So, when things start to go wrong at any step, supply chain disruption will affect the entire line. If you want to avoid these situations, then you will need to successfully manage your supply chain with these 6 tips.

1. Have a Clear Vision of Your Entire Supply Chain

Imagine driving on the highway in heavy fog. You slow down (and probably turn the radio down), squint your eyes, and attempt to watch the road ahead of you. But, you can’t really see it, can you? Perhaps if you have a car in front of you, you are putting your trust in its taillights to see you through. Not being able to see through the fog on a highway has led to one too many major pile-ups.

If you can’t see all aspects of your supply chain, how can you make a quick decision when you are facing disruption in its flow? What you do to help one element get back on track could severely disrupt another.

Have a deep understanding of your entire supply chain and be able to monitor it at every step and have a better plan of action if supply chain disruption were to arise.

2. Communication is Key

You absolutely must keep the lines of communication open between you and the team members throughout the supply chain. Leaders at every step should be able to report fluctuations and changes that are visible so that adjustments can be made in other areas.

If you find that something is off, you will need to address the issues effectively — and, again, you will need a clear vision of the entire supply chain to do so. No matter what, everyone needs to be on the same page. And that means everyone – from the hourly floor worker on up.

3. Check Your Supply Chain Regularly

You take your car for oil changes and routine maintenance every 3,000 miles. You go to the doctor and the dentist for checkups to make sure your body and teeth are in good working order. You taste your pasta sauce as it’s cooking to make sure it doesn’t need any extra seasoning. So it only makes that you’d take an in-depth look into your supply chain at regular intervals.

This audit will let you know if your supply chain is vulnerable to disruptions or if it is lagging in some way. Taking the time to do this can save you from bigger issues down the road. It keeps your supply chain healthy.

4. Have Alternate Solutions

Your backup solutions could be different vendors, alternate suppliers, or variations in your product. You never know what may come your way or from which direction. Always being prepared can reduce your risk of being without.

For instance, many corporations choose to stockpile their inventory. Keeping an eye on the economy, if they notice that a piece of inventory seems to be scarce, they may increase their availability. Should it become unavailable or delayed due to backorder, it won’t disrupt their chain.

Others opt for having backup vendors and suppliers. If you solely rely on one vendor and supplier to keep your production alive, you could be in for a major supply chain disruption one day. Having a backup just in case is all about being prepared.

5. Fill Your Storage Gap with a Temporary Tent

So what happens if you decide to stockpile inventory? Or what happens if part of your supply chain comes to a screeching halt and your warehouse is overflowing with products that have nowhere to go?

You can fill your storage gap – whatever that may look like for your company at the moment – using a temporary tent. These temporary warehouse solutions can be put together very quickly right where you need them. They are customized to meet your needs in all ways, such as:

  • Sizing
  • Lighting
  • Flooring
  • Climate control
  • Doors

These clearspan tents have no inner beams or poles so you have a wide-open space to organize a layout that will meet your needs. The fabric structures can be strong enough to stand up to inclement weather and keep your supplies and equipment secure until the supply chain woes get ironed out.

6. Have an Emergency Plan

With anything in life – especially in business – you should always have a backup plan. Something will likely go wrong at one point or another and you will inevitably face some sort of supply chain disruption. Regardless of whether this disruption is huge or minor, you need to have a place in place to keep things flowing. Or, at the very least, how to manage when things come to a screeching halt, such as investing in the temporary tent structure we just talked about.

As issues arise, document what happened and how you fixed it. This can help you develop a bigger, successful plan for the future.

No matter how streamlined we think our supply chains are, even consumers now are realizing that one small hiccup has a massive impact at all levels. Make sure you have a clear vision of your entire supply chain, have a backup plan, and have your temporary tent structure on speed dial. Don’t let some small supply chain disruption take down all your hard work.


Temporary Structures: The Perfect Solution for Warehouse Space & Increased Demand

With increased demand comes an increase of inventory and supplies. But, what can you do if you do not have the additional warehouse space required for the increased demand? Here is where a temporary structure comes in.

The world has changed a lot in the last year. With the introduction of the coronavirus to our daily lives, the way we do business as a society has changed. More people are now working remotely rather than in brick-and-mortar offices. Some have had to adjust their space to meet CDC social distancing requirements for employees and customers. And companies of all types have had to revamp the logistics of how they receive their stock of inventory and ship their finished products.

For the first time in recent history, more people opt for shopping online rather than in person – even for groceries. The e-commerce arena has become the new norm in so many households. This likely explains why many are on the search for storage and warehouse space. After all, with more people using the internet to buy their goods, someone needs to have the inventory stored away.

Let’s take a look at how temporary structures can be the answer to this additional warehouse space need.

When Demand Goes Up

Think back to the days of economics classes when the talk was always about guns and butter. When the demand goes up, supply goes down. With this shift in our market, a smart – and successful – business person is proactive.

Gearing up for the future means being ready when demand is going to increase. It also means knowing that the demand may not always be there. So, how do you put your business in a good position for the future without over-planning?

Temporary solutions in the form of temporary structures.

These structures can serve a great purpose when preparing for an increase in demand. Temporary warehouse space can be designed to hold an overabundance of inventory without fail – always being there when the demand goes up. Although no one ever wants to see demand fall, it happens. And when it does, it is no loss as the temporary structure can be deconstructed and off your books.

Innovative Solutions for Warehouse Space

There is a big difference between e-commerce companies and traditional retail chains and stores. E-commerce companies are often driven by technology and innovative solutions. They look for options that are suitable to their needs by peeking outside the box.

Temporary structures are not brick-and-mortar buildings. They are not warehousing that comes with a conventional lease. And they do not come as a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, they are a new means to an end.

E-commerce companies are seeing the need to increase inventory and require the warehouse space to do so. Temporary structures fill that need effectively and efficiently, making it the perfect fit.

Economically Sound

When running a business, maintaining a healthy bottom line is something to always keep an eye on. You want your business to succeed and do well, which is why you prepare in advance for a surge in demand, as we talked about above. But protecting that bottom line means making smart financial choices for your business.

In the uncertain times that encircle our new COVID world, making permanent decisions could be very risky. So, when it comes to needing a solution for increased demand, opting for a temporary warehouse space seems like the perfect route.

With these structures, they are there when you need them and gone when you don’t. That means, economically, they only affect you when you use them. You can also choose the size of a temporary warehouse you want so that you are only using what you need – reducing your expenditure even further.

Why lease a 25,000 square foot permanent structure when you only need about 10,0000 square feet of space? It is wasteful, and it can hurt your financials. Temporary structures allow you to get just the size you need and nothing more.

Environmentally Friendly

Despite being preoccupied with the CDC recommendations, COVID testing, and changes in business models, the younger generations found deep within the e-commerce communities feel strongly for our environment. Finding a solution that meets their need without causing any undue damage to the planet is even better.

Temporary tent structures are the environmentally friendly choice everyone has been waiting for.  

The Perfect Warehouse Solution

Storage and warehouse space are needed when there is an expectancy. When you are ordering additional inventory to prepare for a future increase in demand, you are taking the initiative to help your business grow.

To make this a reality, you need the perfect solution. What does it look like? Well, the ideal solution will have options like these:

  • The ability to choose a size the meets the needs of your business specifically.
  • One that allows you to create your own layout and organized structure inside, rather than having it dictated by permanent walls and fixtures.
  • A dependable and reliable solution that you can count on at all times.
  • The option of having flooring or no flooring. Or lighting or no lighting. Or warehouse doors or regular doors.
  • A secure, protected building to keep your additional inventory safe.
  • The choice to have a climate-controlled space if desired.

Most importantly, the perfect solution will be one that is there when you need it. If you need storage space now, but you won’t in the future, then why would keep the space? Temporary structures are just that – temporary. Although, it is important to note that they are semi-permanent and, in this case, the word temporary could mean quite an extended length of time.

Putting it All Together

Making intelligent business decisions means being versatile in your solutions. You don’t always have to follow the traditional methods of doing things. Truth be told, you probably didn’t reach the heights you have in business by conforming, right?

As you approach the future of your business and are making decisions on how to house additional inventory, consider all your options. Temporary tent structures offer many benefits while maintaining the health of your bottom and the world around you.

The perfect solution for warehouse space due to increased demand checks all the boxes on your list. That is precisely what you will find with a temporary structure.


Manufacturing Storage Solutions To Improve Efficiency and Bottom Line

When it comes to large-scale industrial operations, efficient manufacturing storage solutions are critical for streamlined procedures and improving your bottom line; and clear span structures can help.

Running a business means paying attention to both the day-to-day processes as they happen, as well as the bigger picture. Sure, you cannot allow yourself to get too caught up in micromanaging your employees – that can easily take your eyes off the process as a whole. But it is important to note that the daily tasks your employees perform all work together for the greater good (or detriment) of the company.

As you begin to take all the different aspects of your business into account, you need to uncover where you need to make improvements to be proud of your numbers at the end of the year. After all, that is ultimately what determines the health of your company.

Believe it or not, simple manufacturing storage solutions can improve the efficiency of your business and your bottom line. It could be just the thing you need to change your business.

What Efficiency Requires

Time is money. If you want your manufacturing business (or any business) to succeed, you have to find a way to make it efficient. From start to finish, your products need to work their way through a production line until it is complete. It may start with one person or one team, then move on to the next. Once it is out of your hands, whether with transport or shipping, it still needs to move smoothly.

If it does not, then you need to make changes. Reaching a bottleneck in your production means a reduction in production, wasted time, and wasted money. Your entire process could flow smoothly except for one area. But, that one area will cost you.

Manufacturing bottlenecks lead to inefficiency – and they can be damaging to your business. How do they happen? Most commonly, bottlenecks in production occur due to:

  • A disorganized production line.
  • An overstock or backup of supplies waiting to make it into the production line.
  • Frustrated employees who are tired of inefficient production practices.

If your manufacturing business faces problems in bottlenecking or maintaining a streamlined process, do not get discouraged. Instead, look at this as a chance to make changes that can lead to a healthy – and efficient – future.

Clearspan Tents are Your Manufacturing Storage Solutions

Trying to tackle more effective ways of doing things can seem a bit overwhelming. Ideally, having more space would allow your operation to move more smoothly, wouldn’t it? And, having everything stored onsite could reduce the need for transporting supplies as well as downtime while waiting for them to arrive.

Clearspan warehouse tents are your manufacturing storage solutions. Hands down. They can be customized to meet your sizing needs – which means you can always get just the right amount of space to optimize your production without damaging your bottom line.

Of course, it should also be noted that, although clearspan tents make wonderful storage solutions, they can offer you so much more.

1. Open Floor Space = Increased Flow

Trying to do anything in cramped quarters can be difficult, especially while running a business and maintaining a stellar bottom line. Clearspan tents offer additional space to help you develop a more efficient production process – thanks to their wide-open floor space.

Unlike many other options, these temporary structures do not have any support beams to get in the way. Rather, they are erected as incredibly sturdy and durable frame structures with space to do anything. They can house large machinery and equipment or a meticulously organized number of supplies. Because the space has no interior barriers, you can design the layout to fit your needs – and allows for an increase in your flow of productivity.

2. Designated Shipping and/or Receiving Area

One of the most significant hiccups to plague those in the manufacturing industry is having a designated place for shipping completed materials and receiving additional supplies. Depending on your production level, the items in this area can grow, taking up more space than you have available. In fact, it can even limit your production capability!

Keep things moving freely with a designated shipping and receiving area – inside a clearspan tent structure. It will store items out of the way of your production line and, logistically, make loading and unloading for transport a much more pleasant process.

3. Flexibility

Successfully running a business means being ready for anything that may come your way. And, if we have all learned anything from the global pandemic introduced unexpectedly in 2020, you absolutely must be flexible. The truth is, we do not know what the future holds or what will come our way, but we do know this – we want to keep our manufacturing business afloat and functioning with a high efficiency level.

A clearspan tent structure allows you to make changes to your production flow as needed, no matter what situation arises. They can be constructed quickly and have you up and running in no time.

4. Any Size Budget and Need

Finally, maintaining your bottom line is essential. You will encounter situations that will require you to make changes, add additional manufacturing storage solutions, create more space, and so forth. Overspending or stretching your budget too thin could impact the overall health of your business.

By choosing a solution that satisfies your need and your budget, you are on the right track. A clearspan warehouse can give you the additional space you need for storage – or whatever you need it for – without costing you a ton of money. This additional space can increase your efficiency and further cushion that bottom line in the long run.

The best part? When your need is gone, you can let go of the clearspan building – and the cost of it. Unlike a permanent space, these tents can be there when you need them and gone when you don’t. You determine the amount of time the structure is needed for, reducing the need for long-term lease agreements.


Your bottom line – your profitability as a business – gives insight into just how productive and efficient your manufacturing business is. Improve it all with innovative manufacturing storage solutions that offer you added benefits – solutions you will only find with a clearspan tent.

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