Tent Rentals

Planning a Summer BBQ Under a Fabric Structure

What do you think of when you think of summer? If you are like most people you think of swimming, vacations, long days of sunlight, and BBQs! What better way to eat a meal in the summertime? It doesn’t matter if it is a formal event or a long phone chain of informal invites – a BBQ is always a fun time. It is a chance to get your friends and family together, grub on some good food, play some fun games, let the kids soak in the pool without worries of bedtime, and catch a little sun before you welcome the cool breeze that comes with the late sunset.

So, since the above thought flooded your memory of summers past, now you want to have your own summer celebration BBQ. Go ahead and plan it – and make sure to have it under a fabric structure!

Avoid any unwanted weather with a fabric structure

You may think that the weather person on your local news channel has the exact forecast, but it’s just a best guess scenario. Weather has this crazy ability to do what it wants, when it wants – even during your booming barbecue. Thanks to a rented fabric structure, you are not going to have to worry what Mother Nature has planned for the day.

The summer can be brutally hot. Depending on where you live, too, it can be a stagnant heat with no breeze to cool things down a bit. With heat indexes well above 100 degrees, you will want to protect your guests. A fabric structure or tent rental allow for coverage from the sun’s rays. This overhead protection provides shade and a place to cool off. It may be wise to invest in some fans, misting stations, or icy cold neck wraps, too.

If rain decides to fall on your barbecue, then your fabric structure can save you once again. Tents have sides that can keep unwanted, blowing rain out of your tent and off your guests. This is in addition to the overhead protection. If you are truly expecting rain, you can always take it a step further and customize your tent with flooring, allowing you to walk safely without any running water finding its way in or mud to get things messy.

Bring on the activities!

Having a barbecue outdoors under a fabric structure provides you with ample space for activities. Much better than being barricaded with folks indoors. Besides, what kind of barbecue doesn’t have some sort of planned, fun activity?

Not sure how to engage your guests? Here are a few of the most popular outdoor barbecue games:

  • Water balloon toss
  • Cornhole
  • Squirt gun battles
  • If you are crafty, you can build a giant Kerplunk or Jenga set
  • Beer (soda) pong
  • Limbo
  • Bubbles
  • Volleyball, football, baseball, etc.

If you don’t already have a pool, you can always set up a kiddie pool, sprinkler, or other outdoor water fun item to cool the party down. These can be fun for kids – and adults!

The summer heat can make people lethargic at times. Find a way to keep your friends cooled down and entertained.

What to eat

First and foremost, if it is a BBQ, you are going to need a grill. If you don’t have one, buy one or borrow one. You cannot possibly cook your food in the house and have an outdoor barbecue. Part of the experience is grilling and smelling the food as its smoking and cooking – and sneaking a piece from the grill master before it is time to eat!

You likely associate hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken with BBQs. But, there is nothing in the rule book that says you can’t add a little more gourmet to your barbecue. Or, even something simple, but different – and tasty. Change up the ordinary with these options:

  • Beef or pork ribs
  • Brisket
  • Pork roast – then shred for barbecued pulled pork
  • Fish
  • Roast veggies, including sweet potatoes and corn on the cob on the grill
  • Steaks
  • Kabobs
  • Shrimp skewers
  • Lobster
  • Sausage or brats

Make sure that, whatever you choose to cook, you keep it covered and sanitary. For food items that need to be kept cold, make sure you do so. Having a tent shade the summer heat can help. Make sure to keep perishable foods covered, on ice, and out of direct sunlight. The last thing you want is for someone to get sick.

Keep your guests and your drinks cool

No one wants a warm drink on a sweltering day. It is imperative that you keep the drink cold and icy. Deciding to rent a fabric structure for your barbecue will help with accomplishing this, especially if you choose to rent a temperature controlled tent. Most coolers can keep things chill for a good while, but with guests opening these coolers often, combined with the sun beating down, they will eventually struggle. The tent will provide shade from the direct heat source.

Helpful tips:

  • Purchase more ice than you think you will need.
  • Only use insulated cases/coolers for your beverages.
  • Store beverages in a 50/50 mix of water and ice.
  • Add a splash of table salt to lower the freezing temperature.

Keep it outside

What happens when you normally have a get-together outdoors? For one reason or another, people tend to congregate inside the house. You tell them the party is outside, they still find their way inside. It never fails. Sometimes it’s the weather’s fault. Other times it may because you decided to keep certain foods or beverages inside the house to keep them cold. Whatever the reason, now is your time to halt that from happening.

Keep everyone outside with your rented fabric structure. It has all the above perks and should make your guests want to congregate together under it. In addition, if you live in an area where noise can be an issue, having guests outside will allow the openness to reduce the noise level a bit – which is less disturbing inside for those neighbors attached to your residence (such as in an apartment or condo).

The summertime is perfect for getting together with friends and family. Erect the fabric structure, fire up the grill, grab the water balloons and an icy beverage – survive the summer heat with ease!


Tent Rentals

Fabric Structures to Rent

American Pavilion is currently providing clear span fabric structures to rent for a series of concerts across the United States. From coast to coast, American Pavilion is providing rental fabric structures in a number of cities in a variety of sizes. These Losberger and Hocker fabric structures serve as stage covers, backstage preparation areas, food service and memorabilia sales.

Contracted by one of the largest concert promoters, American Pavilion was chosen to provide fabric structures to rent in various sizes for all their concert needs. Our fabric structures are clear span so there are no interior poles to block views of attendees or get in the way of the stage. Also, American Pavilion has one of the largest inventories of clear span fabric structures in the country. Our fleet of trucks and crews have decades of training in the safe installation of structures, and because of our competitive pricing, American Pavilion was an easy choice for the concert promoter.

What Are Fabric Structures To Rent?

Fabric structures are modular with quick installation in almost any size you need. They begin with structures as small as 100 square feet up to 100,000+ square feet and every size in between. American Pavilion literally has thousands of different sized fabric structures.

American Pavilion even has in-house manufacturing specialists that can construct custom sized fabric structures to meet any need. Our fabric structures to rent can be installed on almost any terrain, from parking lots to undulating, grassy areas. We have the ability to cover shrubs, trees, light poles and a number of other impediments.

Why Do Our Structures Stand Out?

Our fabric structures have a number of available options that can make them as comfortable as permanent facilities. American Pavilion can provide a number of types of flooring. These range from reinforced plywood with carpet, to raised and laser-leveled heavy duty flooring. Almost any style carpet is available to cover the flooring. Various types of lighting are also available, from general lighting to studio quality specialty lighting. Do you need glass entry doors? American Pavilion has dozens of rental glass doors specifically designed for fabric structures. If you desire air-conditioning, heat, power distribution or generators, American Pavilion is the only call you need to make.

American Pavilion inventories all of its own fabric structures along with every option listed above plus a number of other options. There is no need for us to sub-contract any equipment from other companies as this can often be problematic. One call gets you 113 continuous years and four generations of experience in the rental business. Along with that, you get state of the art rental equipment, a fleet of trucks and scores of installers that are the most well trained in the business. No matter what type of event or end use, American Pavilion’s clear span fabric structures are the best choice for any short or long term need. Call 800.424.9699 to chat with the first company in the country to provide fabric structures nationwide.

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