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5 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Summer Celebration

Ready to celebrate with an outdoor event this summer? Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your summer celebration:

Keep it outdoors

One of the best things about having a summer celebration of any kind is that you can have it outdoors. The days are longer, the weather is warmer. Outdoor events can offer a lot of benefits. For example, since the outdoors are all around us, this increases the amount of options for where to have your party. You could celebrate at the park, you could keep the party in your own backyard, or anywhere that it is open and legal!

It isn’t all about enjoying the outdoors, either. There are other benefits to having an outdoor party:

  • Noise levels can be positively affected by being outdoors. Imagine having a house full of people in full celebration mode – it can get loud, right? Moving the party outdoors takes away the barrier walls, allowing the sound and all the noise to spread out and not seem so overwhelming!
  • Cleanup is easier outside. If the party is outdoors, you will no longer have to worry about spilled drinks, dropped food, sticky icing-caked fingers touching your walls. Outdoors there really isn’t anything that a hose can’t clean!

So, go on – take your party outdoors, turn the music up, and let everyone get as loud and wild and crazy as they want to be!

Outdoor fun

There are more things to do outdoors than indoors when it comes to summer celebration activities. You can play the same games (think pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey) outside that you would play inside. However, you can also play so much more!

  • Have a water balloon fight!
  • Set up water slides, sprinklers, or other water spraying toys.
  • If you have your party near a pool, make it a pool party!
  • In a park, you will likely have access to a playground to keep the kiddies entertained.
  • Play Soda Pong for the young ones.
  • Bring a ton of water guns and fill them up – then pass them out!
  • Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles. Pass them out to everyone to make a magical atmosphere.

Don’t forget classic games of catch, football, baseball, the ability to have bounce houses, etc. Outdoor parties increase the opportunities for fun, whether for kids or adults!

Cool down with sweet treats

When it comes to having an outdoor summer celebration, there is one thing you and all the party goers will be looking for – sweet treats to cool down. Think icy beverages, popsicles, Sno-cones, etc. There are a lot of ideas to make these treats enjoyable while serving the dual purpose of keeping you comfortable and cool.

  • Fill kiddie pools with ice and fill them up with beverages – juice boxes for the kids, adult drinks for the older folks. This not only looks cool, but makes the drinks easily accessible.
  • Stack ice cream bars and/or popsicles in an ice chest or cooler. These will be very welcome treats, no matter who is at your party!
  • Fresh fruit keeps you cool. Create fruit salads, or small fruit cups and have them accessible for your guests. You could take it a step further and make fruit kabobs or watermelon lollipops (use a slice of watermelon on a stick)!
  • Have a beverage of the day – for example, Ocean Water (mix blue fruit punch with lemon-lime soda and serve on ice. Add some gummy fish or sharks to the glass to top off the look!) Or, for the adults, Cucumber Sangria can keep you cool and refreshed.

The idea is to help everyone enjoy beating the summer heat and remain in party mode.

Summertime celebration theme ideasSummer Celebration | American Pavilion

Summertime parties are best with a theme to make it fun and memorable. There are many themes that allow you to turn the outdoors into a welcoming tropical oasis. Decide what party theme makes your heart skip a beat and then decorate like crazy. Here are a few of the most popular summer celebration theme ideas:

  • Hawaiian Luau. Complete with tiki torches, pineapples, and tropical flowers.
  • Beach theme. Decorate with sand and seashells, pails and shovels. This theme would work well with the Ocean Water beverage mentioned above!
  • Pool Party. If you are fortunate to have a pool (or even if you have a wide array of kiddie pools), blow up floats and beach balls and have them readily available.
  • Mexican fiesta. Decorate with bright colors, hang a piñata, and serve tacos with lime.

Whatever you decide for the theme of your party, make sure to share with your guests ahead of time so that they can participate and even dress in theme to impress!

Create some shade and other safety ideas

The heat can take a toll on outdoor party guests. It is important to make sure they are well and comfortable or else you can bet they will not be enjoying your party! Keep these ideas in mind to ensure the safety and satisfaction of all your guests.

  • The sun is hot and can be very harmful. Make sure to have a place of respite for your guests. In other words – shade! Rent a tent. Have your party outdoors, but have the benefit of the indoors. Tent rentals can give you a chance to cool off and be protected from the sun. These tents can even provide a climate controlled environment. And, in addition to providing a safe-haven for guests, tents can also protect food, electronic equipment, etc.
  • Provide your guests with essentials, such as handheld fans, flip flops, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Anything that can keep your guests cool and safe from the heat will be much welcomed.

Outdoor summer parties are a time to relax and enjoy your friends and family. Take precautions against the heat with some neat drinks, water games to play, and a tent rental to keep your guests comfortable. Following these steps will help you get the most out of your summer celebration!

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