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Why Do You Need to Cover Sports Fields with Fabric Structures This Winter?

Protecting your sports fields during the winter time is essential. This is much easier to accomplish with the use of fabric structures. 

Fall sports are coming to an end – just in time for the harsh winter weather to kick in. And, once it does, that green field and that artificial turf will be screaming for attention.

Although sports structures aren’t in use, they still require attention and care.


Maintaining Sports Fields in Winter

For real greens, you could do some hollow tine aeration to loosen up the soil for water infiltration and oxygen flow. Of course, this would need to be done before the temperatures get drastic.

You will also want to do some overseeding in bare areas so that once winter is over the seeds will automatically begin their germination.

Perhaps this is also a great time to lower the blade on your lawnmower which can keep your grass closer to the ground – and less likely to acquire ailments such as snow mold.

This sure does sound like a lot of work.

Why would anyone want to waste time doing all of that when you can simply cover the field with a fabric structure?

Here are 6 benefits of utilizing clear span fabric structures for your sports structures and fields.


1. Damage to the Turf

Depending on where you reside and how the winter weather affects your area, you may soon realize that icy temperatures and rough winter weather can have an impact on your artificial turf.

Sure, it looks nice. And, many turf dealers may tell you that it works wonderfully in winter, but you should always take precautions.

  • Artificial turf may loosen or tighten, depending on the heat. If your temperatures drop drastically, the turf may loosen a bit. You should always check the fasteners around the field to make sure they are securely attached.
  • Also, in a frost situation, the little synthetic blades can become stiff and either break or cause you to slip.
  • Snow should be allowed to melt on its own. If you must shovel due to high impact, use only a plastic shovel and don’t go all the way to ground level. In other words, shovel off the majority of the snow and allow the rest to melt on its own.

Want to avoid having to do any of this?

Consider a fabric structure that will cover your entire field.

Snow, frost, ice, and rain will have no impact on your green whatsoever.

Not only does that mean less work for you, but the investment you made in artificial turf will last longer.


2. Create a Greenhouse Effect for Field Grass

Regular grass takes a beating when winter weather strikes. In most areas, brown grass becomes quite common although an eyesore.

However, seeing a field painted brown? That is not a welcome sight.

As stated at the beginning, there are many tasks that have to take place with seeding and aeration, etc. to make sure the grass is green, healthy, and ready for the spring sports.

By choosing to use a fabric tent structure, you are essentially creating a greenhouse over your field.

And, as you should know, a greenhouse can be used to grow all types of greenery.

It is strong enough to block out the wind and the effects of the winter weather while keeping the grass green and healthy.

This fabric structure can save you time and money and even frustration over keeping your field green and ready for play.


Accessories for Clear Span Tents for Sports Fields | American Pavilion


3. Climate Control

Climate control is an option that can be added to your fabric structure.

It comes in the form of an HVAC system (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) and can maintain the temperature of the space underneath the tent.

So, whether you need it cooler on a hot day or warmer on a cool day, this option allows you to fully enjoy the perks that come with protecting your field.


4. Use the Field All Year Long

Have you ever considered why there aren’t many winter sports?

Playing outdoors in the wintertime is not necessarily a feasible option in some areas. However, when the field is housed under a fabric structure, the field is ready for use all year long.

The temperature inside the structure is warmer than outside – and additional climate control is always an option, too. This means spectators can enjoy the sport also.

During the hotter months of the year, the fabric blocks the harmful rays of the sun while still letting natural light through. The side walls can open up, allowing a breeze to flow through.

Simply put, having a fabric structure over your field is like playing indoors – but being outdoors.


5. Less Maintenance

We started this article giving you an overview of all the steps you would need to take to have a sports-ready field in the spring, once the winter weather clears.

It is a lot of work. And, hiring someone to maintain the grass, shovel snow, and all else that comes with this task can be costly.

The worst part?

There are no guarantees that what your maintenance crew does during the winter will cause your field to look how you want it to in spring.


Contact Us To Learn About Our Clear Span Tents | American Pavilion


6. Natural Lighting and Outdoor View

We have saved the best for last. A tented, fabric structure provides you with the ability to have the best of both worlds.

Choosing to utilize one does not mean that your athletes will be playing indoors.

The fabric allows a great flow of natural lighting to shine through. Though, it does filter the bad UV rays out. Plus, the side walls open wide, allowing fresh air to flow through the entire space.

From the point of view of both a spectator and that of an athlete, it will appear that you are still outdoors.

The air, the natural light, and the outdoor view give it that feel. At the same time, everything is protected.



Choosing a fabric tent to cover your sports field has many benefits.

If you are looking for a way to keep it green and healthy – and ready for the spring – with minimal time and effort, then a fabric structure is your way to go.

Don’t chance not having a sports-ready field. Instead, give your athletes some green to be proud of.

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