Event Industry

You Need an Event Contingency Plan: Here’s Why

We like to think that in the execution of an event, thing’s will always go our way, and often the idea of an event contingency plan is ignored, but it shouldn’t be.

We plan the events and we expect that the event will kick off without a hitch and be the perfect event we imagined in our minds. In fact, we focus all of our attention on this event that we don’t stop to think – but what if something goes wrong?

The answer to this “what if” can make or break your event.

When preparing your event, you have to expect the unexpected. No matter how many details you have perfected, there is always something can destroy what you have worked so hard to plan. And, oftentimes, this is due to circumstances that no one can control.

So, when preparing for your next big affair, make sure you have an event contingency plan in place. Here’s why.

Speaker Trouble

If the guests at your event are expecting a speaker, you need to remember that these individuals are human – and issues may arise.

  • For instance, he or she could get ill or injured and be unable to speak.
  • Or, perhaps transportation mishaps such as flat tires or delayed flights prevent timely arrival.
  • Then again, it could just be some last-minute business that came up.

The reason doesn’t matter as much as the solution.

What will you do if you find yourself in this position on the day of your event? After all, you cannot have an entire event full of guests – and not have the main attraction show up!

You will always need a backup plan. Think of these individuals as second-string speakers.

Discuss in advance with another speaker (or two) that you are looking for a backup – just in case. These individuals should be local and should be available on the day of the event.

Consider a past customer with a great story, another significant name in the industry, or anyone with a great speaking voice that can share the ideas that the guests need or want to hear.

Weather Conditions

Oh, Mother Nature can watch you set up your entire outdoor event and then let loose.

Planning outdoor events have many, many perks. Unfortunately, leaving your event to chance with the weather is the only downfall.

You want your guests to be comfortable and dry. So, when planning your event, be sure to take into consideration how you can make this happen, in both your original plan, and your event contingency plan.

The answer? A temporary tented structure.

Renting an event tent gives you the opportunity to host your party or event outdoors and reap all those benefits while also keeping your guests at a pleasant temperature and not subjected to inclement weather.

Issues With Your Chosen Venue

It often takes a lot of searching to find the perfect venue for your event.

So, what happens when your event is supposed to take place and you get a call that the venue is no longer available – or has been damaged or shut down?

You need an alternate, but finding one at the last minute can prove to be difficult – if not impossible. Again, stressing the need for an event contingency plan.

So, to protect yourself and your event, it is best that you have a backup choice for your venue. Or, choose a venue that you have more control over. You can do this by renting an event tent.

Event tents may be outdoors, but they don’t mean your event will all of a sudden become an outdoor event. With these tent rentals, you gain the ability to customize them – transforming them into an indoor space.

For instance, you can add sidewalls, flooring, and even an HVAC system. You can choose to construct a tent at any location that is convenient for you, whether your:

  • Backyard
  • A local park
  • A vacant parking lot, etc

A tent will allow you to reduce the chances of issues with your venue.

Technical Difficulties

Technology can be so questionable at times. At one moment it can be working absolutely perfect. Then, in the next moment, you will be sitting quietly in the dark.

You do not want this to happen during your event – it would be disastrous!

You need a plan in place should an outage occur. This should include backup lighting and access to an emergency power source, such as a generator.

Know who to call and what steps to do to make it happen – and keep this information handy.

That way, should you find yourself in this situation you will be able to get the ball rolling on a solution in no time.

Turnout Overflow

You put a lot of work into preparing for your event – and you secretly hope that enough people show up to appreciate it.

But, do you ever stop to think about what would happen if too many people show up? You should definitely have a contingency plan in place if you aren’t sure of the number of guests.

Think about this – permanent structured venues have to have occupancy numbers per local fire marshals. This means that only a certain number of people are allowed to occupy the venue during any given moment for fire safety reasons.

If you are having an event that doesn’t require an RSVP, how can you be sure that your guests will not overflow the venue?

As a contingency plan, have a tent rental on standby. Letting the overflow from the event fall over into a tent can be a perfect solution.

In fact, you can even spread out your event between the indoor venue and the outdoor tent. This will allow everyone to be a bit more comfortable, right?

You Need An Event Contingency Plan

Event planners have a tough job making sure everything is perfect, in order, and right on schedule. But, there has to be some consideration given to the issues that may arise.

Having an event contingency plan in place can mean the difference between a successful event and a disaster.

Have backup entertainment. A plan for your technical needs. And a tent to handle the rest.

You will be surprised at just how smoothly everything will flow if you are ready for anything that comes your way.

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