
Oil and Gas Transportation and Logistics: How Clearspan Tents Help

There is a lot that goes into oil and gas transportation and logistics in our country as these resources are essential for the activities of day-to-day life. How can the logistics behind these resources be improved? With a clearspan tent.

Just think about it – you are talking about an essential energy source that nearly everyone, in some capacity, relies on throughout daily life. In other words, oil and gas need to get where they are going. But what happens when that daily life comes to a screeching halt?

That’s exactly what is happening due to the novel coronavirus that our country – and our world – are currently experiencing. The need for oil and gas is still there, but not nearly in as high demand as typically required.

Does that mean we are in a continuous downward slope with the demand? Not likely. Life is going to get back to normal and the country – and our economy – will begin opening up more. As this happens, oil and gas are going to be needed.

Until then, though, what happens?

The impact COVID-19 has had on this industry has turned into a logistical nightmare. Thankfully, clearspan tents are a quick and viable solution to help improve the transportation and logistics, along with storage of these important resources.

In fact, here’s how clearspan tents improve oil and gas transportation and logistics.

The Importance of Oil and Gas in our Country

When you initially think about the importance of oil and gas in the United States, it may be the fact that we need it for an energy source or for transportation. And, these would be very logical answers. Take a moment, however, to consider all of the things that require these resources. For instance, cars require gas to run, but the manufacturing process also requires oil. Heating our homes and running our appliances are other areas in which it impacts us personally. Just about anything that goes through a factory is going to somehow require the use of oil or gas, whether it is the item itself or the machines to create it.

Here’s another thought on its importance. Do you know just how many people are employed within this industry? Just how many people – and families – would be greatly affected should the production and transportation of oil and gas come to a screeching halt? According to API Energy,

“America’s oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States and nearly 8 percent of our nation’s Gross Domestic Product.”

It is safe to say that without getting the logistics squared away, many people across the country may feel a detrimental impact.

The Transportation and Logistics of These Resources

Most oil and gas are transported throughout the United States through the use of pipelines. Of course, it is important to know that this is not the only method. These pipelines work to get the oil from its point of inception to a common area in which it can then be disbursed to all other areas of the country. Because there are fluctuations in demand, we need to be able to get the oil and gas where they need to be when they are needed. A combination of pipelines, oil tankers (ships), railroads, and, eventually, tractor-trailers make this happen.

Remember, these are vital resources that are needed in the privileged and underprivileged communities. The transportation routes often remain the same but can be adjusted to meet needs. As you can imagine, though, the logistics aren’t so simple.

An Overload of Oil and Gas Due to the Pandemic

There is a surplus of oil and gas due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is largely due to the many stay-at-home orders that were in place. See, all of those individuals who abided by them caused a downward shift in traveling via car, airplane, and even public transit. Believe it or not, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that the industry will fall by 7.5 % – which is a record-setting number. To put the number into a greater perspective, they estimate that oil production will decrease by more than one million barrels per day.

So, if we aren’t using this oil and gas, what can they do with it?

Store it? Or Shut Down Production?

Many oil fields are shutting down production. Why? Because they no longer have any place to store their oil. The storage tanks we do have are full to capacity. It seems like everything has come to a standstill.

There should be a way that we could keep the production open by increasing the amount of storage, don’t you agree? What if there is?

Benefits of a Clearspan Tent for the Situation

Clearspan tents are the perfect solution for a lot of needs – including the needs of the oil and gas industry. While storage itself will require more than just a tent, don’t underestimate the capabilities of these fabric structures.

Clearspan tents can improve the transportation and logistics of oil and gas during this pandemic – and afterward – by:

  • Providing temporary shelter for workers. Safety is of the utmost importance in any oilfield. Making sure the crew has shelter from the outdoor elements, as well as a comfortable place to refresh themselves, can be very beneficial.
  • Safely store equipment needed for work in the field.
  • If you are only shutting down part of your production line, you can easily have this tent erected right where you need it – on any surface.
  • Store tractor-trailers and other reserves out of the elements.

The best part? The tents can be constructed to meet your needs. This includes their width and length. Plus, you have control over things such as sidewalls, doorways, flooring, lighting, climate control system, and more. Without the use of poles, clearspan tents offer you a wide-open space to meet your needs.


The oil and gas industry is incredibly important in our country. Finding new ways to handle the transportation and logistics of these resources can keep the supply pumping, employees working, and food on the tables of their loved ones.

Clearspan tents can be a vital step in making this all happen.

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