Event Industry

How to Create the Ultimate Trade Show Booth

Participating in a trade show is your moment to shine. It is an opportunity to show all the interested people in your market what you have been up to, what you have to offer, and what sets you apart from everyone else. However, these shows are more than just shaking hands and networking. You must prove yourself by creating the ultimate trade show booth.

After all, your booth is the first step to get attendees at your table. It is up to you to keep them there.

We’ve put together the most important aspects of creating the ultimate trade show booth.

Stand out from the crowd

With much anticipation, attendees will be flowing through the event space in high volume. If there are a high number of vendors, you are going to blend in with the crowd. That is why you need to do what you can to stand out. Don’t let yourself be just another vendor table.

Anyone can set up a booth with a folding table and a basket of free pens. But, will they be remembered once the attendee moves on to the next table? Not likely. That is why it is imperative that you take the necessary steps to make your trade show booth stand out from all the others. In fact, next to offering a quality idea, product, service, etc., standing out should be a top priority.

Size matters

The size of your trade show booth may matter more than you think. Sure, most shows offer available space in set sizes in order to maintain some consistency and layout. However, there is usually a few larger spaces – or corner spaces – available. If you find yourself in a bind or that there are no larger spaces available – don’t fret. Simply purchase two or more spaces (depending on your needs) that are next to one another. This allows you to create your own large space.

Going big with your space (within reason, of course) will help you stand out. But, it will do so much more than that. The larger space will provide you with the opportunity to have more eye-catching displays and will allow you to make a bold statement.

Bigger doesn’t always mean better, but consumers tend to fall into that thinking time and time again. Years ago, consumers in need of a service would seek out help from the Yellow Pages. No matter what type of service they were looking for, most were drawn to the company with the biggest ad. After all, they need to have a healthy business to afford such a big ad, right? Not true, but it is part of a common thought process.

So, the bigger the booth, the more of a beacon you will appear at the trade show.

Cover your space 

Depending on many factors, corporate trade shows could be held both indoors or outdoors. But, despite the location, you should always choose to rent a tent for any trade show. These trade show tents can be completely customized to meet your exact needs. For example, you can customize the size of the tent, the colors, any text or branding, whether you want sidewalls or not, and so much more.

The perks of these customized tents are plentiful. Here is why:

  • Tents will help you stand out. In a sea of booth after booth, how will you be found? Customize your tent with your brand and make it bold. You will easily draw in fresh faces and you will be easily found by return visitors.
  • If the trade show is being held outdoors, a tent will provide you with protection and cover for your space. Don’t be left stranded should the weather turn sour. A tent will protect both you and the items at your booth.
  • Last, but not least, the tents can block off your designated space in a more distinct fashion. Rather than having just a table next to your neighboring space, you can have a welcoming, enclosed space.


Don’t overdo your trade show booth

Keep in mind that it is absolutely possible to do too much of a good thing. So, don’t overdo it by being too in-your-face with attendees. For instance, having a tented space with many bright colors, loud music or entertainment, or too much clutter can deter people. A trade show booth with too much going on for the senses can be overstimulating and even unpleasant. And, while it may help you draw attention, it probably won’t be for the right reasons.

On the other hand, creating the perfect and most welcoming booth can lead to an overabundance of people surrounding your booth. All the commotion can also lead visitors to head in another direction, bypassing you.

The key is to find the perfect balance. Keep your booth organized and keep the attendees flowing. Draw them in, then let them move on.

Invite consumers in

The best trade show booths tend to be interactive. Remove the barrier of the table in between you and show attendees and replace it with a space that guests can enter and interact with you, your team, and your brand.

Offer an interactive display, play a quick interactive raffle game, or display your product or service throughout your booth. The idea is to create a welcoming space that does not separate you from them. Instead, come together within the space.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep your booth free from clutter.
  • Ensure cords and other hazards are well-managed.
  • Keep the layout organized so the attendees can flow in and out freely.
  • Make a point to talk to everyone – and avoid having long conversations with attendees.


Creating the ultimate trade show booth means that you have put time and energy into determining what you want to get from it. Be found, be warm and welcoming, and be bold. Don’t get yourself lost in a sea of trade show booths. The perfect combination of color and branding, layout, and size can be all you need to make a statement.

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