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Innovation in Sports: How Clearspan Tents Can Help Sports During COVID

As we navigate COVID-19, sports teams are finding new ways to continue their sporting events – some through the use of clearspan tents and structures.

The introduction of COVID into our world shook things up a bit. But, then, when professional sports started getting canceled, one by one, things really hit home. Not only were spectators and fans left with nothing but memories, but the athletes were left jobless – or at least without the joy of the sport they love.

From community little league to the professional arena and everywhere in between, sports have been impacted. And, they continue to be impacted. Truth is, if we want to be able to experience the joy the comes with either playing or watching sports, we are going to have to make changes – and quick. After all, the show must go on! Except, now it will have social distancing and extra sanitary precautions in place.

So, how do we pull this off? With a clearspan tent! All levels of sports can move forward safely with the help of one of these sturdy temporary structures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Design, They’re Perfect

The design of clearspan tents makes them the perfect solution for sports. Think about it – depending on the sport – you may have balls, helmets, bats, shoes, and more flying through the air. In fact, you may even have athletes flying through the air. Things bounce, others jump, and very few sports allow for minimal movement.

All of this is to say that, by design, clearspan tents are the perfect solution for sports during the COVID-19 pandemic. They offer wide-open spaces with high ceilings and no barriers, allowing athletes free movement. They are incredibly versatile, too, which means you can use them for all sorts of sports and training. Of course, they are a great addition as a general recreation space in any community, as well.

Multi-Use Spaces

Because there are so many things you can do with clearspan tents when it comes to sports, it is important to note that these temporary spaces are not one-size-fits-all. Rather, they can be used to fill many needs – all at the same time.

These temporary tent structures allow you to customize the space so that you may use the space however you desire. For example, need a space for tennis training, a reception area, locker room, and spectator block? No problem. Want a soccer field with a concession area? That’ll work.

The idea is to use this innovative tool to move forward with sports in our pandemic world.

Social Distancing Allowed

Here’s the real kicker – social distancing is needed both indoors and outdoors. After all, the idea is created to keep each of us at a safe distance from each other (the CDC recommends at least 6 feet apart) to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It can spread through the air – so increasing our distances apart reduces our chance of coming in contact with the germ. Therefore, being congregated with others at a sporting event is a perfect way to increase the risk of everyone present.

But, athletes love their sports. And fans love to offer support. Without any of it, the world seems dark and drab for many. Investing in a clearspan tent allows the games to continue – just in a safe and socially distanced manner. See, unlike your typical sports arena where you have a specific amount of space, with clearspan, you can enlarge the space and allow for more social distancing. This is a win-win for everyone involved.

Clear Span Tents for Gyms and Sports Training - American Pavilion

Great Protection with Ventilation

In addition to the ability to remain socially distanced from others, having a well-functioning ventilation system is important.  You don’t want the germs to stick around longer than they have to. It’s one thing when you are talking about your home, it’s another when you are referring to a large sports complex where many different athletes, trainers, spectators, families and more are visiting. That is a lot of potential germs hovering in one location, wouldn’t you agree?

Ventilation can get the germs circulating out of the space and away from everyone. While a regular ventilation system in a brick and mortar building may be able to get the job done to a certain degree, a clearspan tent can do so even better.


Well, first of all, the outdoor temporary tent structures have sidewalls on all four sides that can be opened to allow for a cross breeze whenever possible. This let’s nature remove the germs present. However, ventilation systems designed for the size of the specific tent can also be used. As a result, you keep the clean air in and the dirty air out – leaving everyone involved with a great amount of protection.

Fast Construction Anywhere

Perhaps one of the best things about clearspan tents is their ability to be constructed quickly – and anywhere. Nobody expected this pandemic to hit our country – and our world – as hard as it did. And, well, we could have never imagined that we would still be dealing with it months later. Yet, here we are. Because of this, we need a solution that will allow athletes to continue doing what they love while keeping it safe for everyone involved.

And, we don’t have time to wait to build.

A temporary tent structure is a great option for a quick solution. They are durable and structurally sound to protect from many of the harshest outdoor elements. They go up quickly and can be moved if necessary.

When we say they can be installed anywhere, believe it! Whether it is a vacant field, a concrete or cement parking lot, a sandy area, etc. Clearspan fabric structures have no guy lines which means their grounded surface is not that big of a factor. The result? You can have your temporary structure constructed in the most ideal location for your sport!

Final Thought

As a country, we have dealt with a lot thanks to COVID-19. We need something to distract our attention and bring back a bit of normalcy again. It doesn’t matter where you fit into the game – whether you are an athlete, a coach, or a spectator – sports can have a positive impact on our lives, today more than ever. Let’s get back into the game with a clearspan tent!

Contact Us For Temporary Structures - American Pavilion

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