Event Industry

8 Important Party Rental Items You Need For Your Event

It is rapidly becoming that time of year when you will find the increasing popularity of outdoor events. People all over love to take advantage of the great outdoors – especially after a long winter. Whether you are hosting a neighborhood barbecue, a summer splash pool party, a birthday party, a wedding, or even a corporate event, your guests will surely welcome the breath of fresh air. Regardless of your event, there are a few essential party rental items that you can’t forget.

Though there are many perks to hosting an outdoor event, mother nature may cause you to encounter a few hiccups. So, to make sure that your event goes off without any issues, you will not want to forego any of the necessities.

Send out your invites, grab your decorations, and don’t forget to rent these must-have party rental items, too.


Essential Party Rental Items

Planning a party or an event can be hard work, but it doesn’t have to be.

As long as you have the essential party rental items, it’s sure to be a hit.

So, what are these essential items?

  1. A tent or protective covering
  2. Flooring
  3. Lighting
  4. Tables
  5. Chairs
  6. Linens
  7. Silverware
  8. Glassware

These are your essential party rental items that you need to throw an unforgettable event — and you don’t have to buy them!


1. A temporary tent structure.

First and foremost, you are going to want to rent a tent. You may think that your guests want to be outdoors and under the sun’s rays – and you may very well be right – but what happens if the weather turns sour? Or, even worse – what happens if the sun is too hot that your guests cannot take its heat?

Providing a tent rental means that you can still have your event outdoors, but with freedom from any struggles that may occur thanks to Mother Nature.

Tents can protect you from rain or other types of inclement weather – especially if you choose to include side walls. And, on the sunniest days, it can provide much-welcomed shade for you and your guests.

Of course, when it comes to decorating for your event, a tent rental can provide you with a more defined space. You can use the outdoors as your backdrop while enjoying a nicely decorated space under the tent.



2. Flooring.

Depending on the type of event you intend to have, you may want to consider flooring for your tent rental. Some parties, such as pool parties or barbecues, may do better with natural grass flooring.

However, if you are wanting to make a statement with your party space, you will want to cover those floors.

Choose from wood flooring, tile, even carpeting. You’ve got a lot of options – use them and make your space pop.

Dance floor, anyone?


3. Lighting.

Lighting is both a necessity and a part of the décor.

If your event is scheduled after dark – or you think it will continue after the sun goes down – plan for lighting.

Sure, you can use extension cords and bring some lamps from indoors outside, but it may not be very pleasing to the eye. Instead, use the needed lighting to your advantage.

  • Incorporate it into your theme. For example, if you are having a luau or barbecue, use tiki torches. If you are having a birthday party, string bistro lighting throughout the tent. Or, if you are hosting an elegant wedding, consider renting a spectacular chandelier.
  • Use colored lighting to actively add to the décor. Give specific areas a wash of color or draw attention to a particular area. There are many things that you can do with lighting tricks.

Lighting is the perfect way to set the ambiance for your party or event. Choose what fits, such as bright lights, mellow candles, or dancing colors of light across the dance floor.


4. Tables.

There are many types of tables that you can rent for your event. The ones you choose will ultimately be based on what type of event you are hosting. If you are having an outdoor, rustic, barbecue-type of the event, then wooden farm tables or picnic tables maybe more suited to you. However, if you are hosting a formal dinner, then perhaps the common roundtable will be a better fit.

Even if you don’t intend for all your guests to sit down to eat at the same time, if you are offering food or anything that may require a table, you will at least want to offer up something.

No need to buy it – just rent it.



5. Chairs.

Chairs go hand-in-hand with tables, of course. Though even if you don’t have tables or formal dining situation, your guests will still need a place to sit.

Depending on your event, you may want to consider anything from folding chairs to comfy sofas.

After all, a comfortable guest is a happy guest. Let them sit.


6. Linens.

Linens come in a wide variety of colors and always make a bold statement at an event. The linens work with the décor to create a magical setting.

It doesn’t matter if your event is formal or very casual, the linens have a purpose.

Linens include everything from tablecloths and napkins, to chair coverings and floor-to-ceiling backdrops.

The best part is that the professionals know how to set up your tables and linens in the most functional yet glamorous way.


7. Silverware.

You surely don’t have enough silverware in your home for guests of an entire event to use. So, you could go out and purchase some cheesy plastic utensils. Or, you could even go out and purchase enough silverware – but that could get very costly.

Your best bet is to rent the silverware for your event.

That way you are sure to receive high-quality silverware at a fraction of the cost.


8. Glassware.

Serving your drinks in the can or bottle they come in? Or, are you buying those infamous red Solo cups? Why not serve your guests in real glassware?

If you are hosting an event with alcohol, include barware, too. Make it right – make it special. Leave the red plastic cups at the store.

Hosting an event can be stressful and a whole lot of work. It doesn’t have to be, though, if you choose to rent the items that you can. Things such as dining sets, lighting, and tent rentals (and more) can all be rented – and that means they are constructed and deconstructed for you.

Don’t waste your time and money purchasing party rental items. Leave it to the professionals so that you may focus your attention on your guests.


June is Camping Month – Get a Tent Rental and Glamp!

Summertime days are longer, the nights are shorter, and there just seems to be a bit of summer magic flowing in the air. Many people spend this season on family vacations to faraway lands, swimming with friends, or attending barbecue after barbecue.

Many others turn their summertime into a camping adventure – grabbing a tent and a backpack and heading out into the woods to get lost without a care. Unfortunately, not everyone is so keen on the idea of giving up a bed for a sleeping bag on the ground. Who says you can’t make it a memorable, fun, and extravagant experience?

You can! Just celebrate this beautiful time of year by getting a tent rental to glamp!

What is glamping?

Glamping is a combination of glamour and camping. It is perfect for those individuals who have always wanted to be a bit outdoorsy, but aren’t. Think about it – camping isn’t for everyone. Its outdoors with bugs and dirt. Yikes! All the conveniences of normal day to day life are removed.

This is where glamping comes in.

Glamping doesn’t take away all your indoor, modern-day conveniences. There is no sleeping on the cold, hard ground with mosquitos buzzing around. And, no, you absolutely do not need to eat a can of beans over the campfire for dinner.

Its outdoors.

Its glamorous.

You can be fancy.

Its cozy.

Its glamping!

Where to glamp?

Now that you know you can happily handle a night out glamping, where are you going to set up? Glamping can happen anywhere. You can always…

  • Take to the woods and find a serene location. However, unless you are prepared, this may lead you to roughing it a bit more than you may want to.
  • Pick a destination and check out local campgrounds. This will provide your will available facilities, making outdoor living a bit more enjoyable. Tip: Make sure to research and read reviews before you make your final decision.
  • Stick close to home and pitch a tent in your own backyard. In fact, for your first attempt, this may be your best option. After all, being close to home has its perks. For example, if you forget something, it’s no big deal – just walk into the house! Not to mention that being close to your indoor plumbing should be enough reason to stay close to home – campground facilities just can’t compare! This is a great option for a test run on glamping before you take a more adventurous leap.

Glamping involves a tent and a camper with an eye for décor and the finer things in life. Setting up in the middle of the woods with fluffy pillows and your own personal espresso machine may make some hardcore campers chuckle.

Decide how daring you want to be as a glamper, then, you can get started!

How to glamp?

If you have decided to go glamping, you need to know all the wonderful things that can make your comfortable adventure complete. Whether you decide to stay close to home or venture out into the unknown, these are some ideas to show you how you can finely glamp no matter where you are:

  • A tent. You will need one. The size and type will be determined by where you are going and how many people you will be sharing the tent with. Because of this, choosing to rent a tent may make more sense. Besides – you don’t know if you will even find the great outdoors enjoyable or you may never go again! Renting a tent saves you money and can get you just the tent you are looking for to meet all your needs.
  • A means to maintaining personal hygiene. It’s important, of course. Do some research and find the camping sink that will fit your needs. (Yes, there is a such sink.) These units allow you to wash hands, brush your teeth, etc. Another desirable choice is to purchase a camper toilet. These give you a delightful place to sit your bum without having to just hover over a hole in the ground.
  • A travelling bar. Just because you are on an outdoor adventure doesn’t mean you cannot bring Johnnie and Jim with you! You can purchase one, or just pack up all your bar necessities in a tidy container for a glamping party!
  • Blow up furniture is not just for beds anymore! You can purchase a blow-up couch, loveseat, chaise, chair, etc. In fact, if your tent will allow, you can turn the inside into a comfortable living room! Put a soft, fuzzy throw rug in the middle and – boom – home sweet home.
  • After utilizing the travelling bar, you are going want some coffee when the sun comes up. Find yourself a handheld coffee or espresso maker. Be prepared to get some desiring stares as you brew.
  • You will want light after the sun goes down. Purchase some solar-powered string lights or any solar powered light, for that matter.

There are ways to make even the most unpleasant moments more pleasant. Search camping stores, the camping section in local discount stores, or your own imagination to see how to handle any inconvenience you may face.

Who glamps?

So, who glamps? Anyone who wants to find their inner nature-loving self without having to get too dirty. After all, glamping still involves camping. It means that you will be outside, you will have to walk through grass and dirt, and you will likely see a fly. But, it also means you will have everything you need to combat all those things and so much more!

When should we glamp?

Depending on where you reside, you may choose to go glamping in the summertime. However, you can glamp whenever you prefer. Although you will be bringing along many of your modern-day comforts, you will still need to consider that you will be sleeping outdoors in a tent and must plan your glamp according to what the season brings.

Why not go glamping right now? June is camping month – get yourself a tent rental and glamp!


Event Industry

Making Sure a Tent Rental is Safe for Large Events

The day of your event has arrived and you have made sure everything is perfect – right on down to the tiniest of details. You’ve discovered that a large tent can provide an amazing venue for your event. Not only can you customize it to your exact needs, but it also can allow you to enjoy a large events outdoors without dealing with outdoor weather-related hazards.

While a tent rental can provide many safety features, it is up to you to make sure that all safety angles are addressed before your event. Otherwise, if you don’t prepare for a potential emergency, your months and months of planning could get thrown out with the trash.

Tent size

When was the last time you were in an office, restaurant, or concert venue and saw a sign on the wall that read, “Maximum Capacity…” followed by a number? This sign lets you know how many people can safely fit within the confines of the room. Exactly how many people per space varies and is usually determined by fire safety codes or other local ordinances.

The point is, those signs don’t just end with permanent buildings, but with tents as well. Thankfully, you will not need to hang a sign or go through any formal process. Instead, you will want to make sure you have a head count of just how many people intend to attend your event before you place your tent order. Once you have the guest number ironed out, then rent your tent accordingly.

It may seem enticing to go with a smaller tent for financial reasons, but that means you are risking the safety of all your guests. Should an emergency occur, you want to make sure all guests are able to move freely and leave the tent easily and safely. The proper amount of space in your tent size will allow that.

Never overcrowd your tent.

No poles

When you think of a tent rental, you may picture poles holding it up and in place. After all, how else would tents get erected? Many tent rentals these days, especially clear span tents, do not require inconveniently exposed poles throughout the tent. This lets all the guests at large events have plenty of room for your activities. Regardless of if you are holding a concert, a party, or a tradeshow, your guests will have plenty of room.

This safety feature of an event tent means that, in case of an emergency, there is nothing structurally that will impose a hazard or risk to your guests. Removing these poles reduces the risk of injury, including both tripping or running into them.

Have an evacuation plan

One reason why so many event planners love tent rentals is because of the open space they provide. There are many possibilities for decorating and creating the layout of the event since there are no pre-built walls, as in a permanent structure. While this benefit can help the flow of the event, it also aids in increasing safety.

Because you are designing the layout of your event, you will want to keep these in mind:

  • Do not put tables close together without leaving a safe amount of room between each for access. Do this even if you don’t intend for individuals to pass through. In case of an emergency, your guests will use every avenue possible.
  • Do not use any fire-creating appliance, such as gas grills, burners, etc. Fires are a serious hazard and could happen in the blink of an eye. Instead, opt for electrical cooking devices.
  • Keep centerpieces and other decorations away from fire sources.
  • Opt not to use candles.

Design your layout with an evacuation plan in mind. Make it possible for your guests to be able to follow through with it should they need to.

Walls are important for safety

Choosing to use the side walls that can come with event tent rentals is wise, especially if you reside in an area prone to inclement weather. The roof of event tents can withstand some wind, rain, and snow weight. However, having cover overhead won’t do you any good if it is pouring and the wind is blowing the rain sideways!

This rain could pose many safety hazards, two of the most dangerous are: guests could slip and fall or electrical circuits could be compromised, possibly causing shock. Why risk all of that when you could just choose to add walls to your tent rental? It is a safety feature that is almost a must!

You may think that side walls will just blow in the wind and still let rain in. However, most tents come with walls that run on tracks. They slide open and closed, much like a sliding glass door in a home. In addition to being attached to the track, these side walls are also attached to the roof of the tent.

Know your tent’s weather specs

Tent rentals are good for being able to have a party outdoors while staying safe from rough weather. Unfortunately, tents for large events cannot withstand all types of weather. For example – severe lightning. When you find yourself in a storm, your tent will protect you. However, if there is a lot of cloud to ground lightening, you may want to seek a more permanent shelter for large events.

Another example is intense winds. Most event tents can handle a decently strong amount of wind without any struggle. But, don’t just assume it will. This is something you will want to discuss when the tent is being erected – just to be sure it is being founded properly to withstand the correct amount of wind strength.

Always, always have a backup plan.

Extra steps to take for full safety

All in all, you will want to make sure that you have covered all the bases – just in case something goes wrong. You may not intend to have an emergency, but taking a few simple safety measures can save you – and your guests – in case you do.

  • Have a fire extinguisher (or two). Make sure they are clearly visible.
  • Hire an electrician to properly setup all electrical equipment.
  • Cover cords or other potential foot/walking safety hazards.

Preparing and creating large events is a lot of work, but be prepared for anything and your party is sure to be a hit!

Event Industry Tent Rentals

Video: Clear Span Tent Install

Have you ever wondered what a clear span tent can do? This installation video gives you a quick glimpse into the setup time and shows you just how quickly we can transform your space into a true event venue.

Tent Rentals

Extreme Tent Rentals: Common Questions

When looking for extreme tent rentals and temporary structures, clear span tents are often the best choice, but one needs to ask a number of questions to determine the best structure.

Questions to Ask When Looking for Extreme Tent Rentals

Depending on your event or your needs, the type of tent rental you need will be different. If hosting an event, the location, climate, and number of guests will determine which types of extreme tent rentals to look into. Here are 8 common questions when searching for a tent:

1. How long do I intend on using the extreme temporary structure?

If the answer is longer than one week, then a rental clear span tent is often the best choice. It installs quickly but is designed for both shorter term use of a few days or weeks to months and even years with little or no maintenance.

2. What type of weather will I expect during the rental?

No matter where you live in the U.S. you will experience everything from rain, lightning storms, high winds and even monsoons (think fall in the southwest).  These weather phenomena are unpredictable and can appear from nowhere, leaving an extreme clear span as the best choice for these weather events.

3. Why is a clear span tent preferable during inclement weather?

Losberger and Hoecker clear span tents are designed to withstand 90 mph winds (hurricane force) while maintaining their structural integrity and keeping wind and rain outside the tent structure. Clear span tents have engineering documents that meet the toughest U.S. standards and can be “wet stamped” in any of the 50 U.S. states, thus making the permitting process much easier

4. Do these extreme rental tent structures (clear spans) cost more than a standard pole supported tent?

Often the answer is no, clear span tents can be a very economical choice due to the fact that they require little to no maintenance where as other rental tents require routine maintenance with costs that can add up quickly.

5. Can these extreme structures be installed anywhere in the U.S?

They can and they are installed in all 50 states on a regular basis. There are few companies like American Pavilion with the expertise to send rental clear span tents across the country along with specialized crews and equipment to economically install extreme tent structures.

6. Is there only one size of extreme clear span tents?

The beauty of the clear span tent is its modularity. These extreme rental tents vary from 10 feet wide to 164 feet wide. They extend in either 10 foot or 16 foot increments. This means that there are literally thousands of size combinations available for rental or sale. One of these combinations will be perfect for its intended use.

7. How long have these extreme tents been in use?

American Pavilion was the first rental company to install these extreme tents in the U.S. We have been at the vanguard of this industry niche for over 30 years. They have proven themselves as the “go to” rental tents for almost every application imaginable. Construction use, corporate trade shows and product installations, corporate shareholder meetings, sporting events, social functions, disaster relief and much more.

8. What questions should I ask my extreme tent supplier?

How long have you been in this business (American Pavilion began in 1902), how many extreme clear span tents do you install each year, do you service the entire U.S., do you own your own extreme rental tents, how much experience do your installers have? These are a few of the more important questions to ask. Please feel free to contact American Pavilion (1.800.424.9699) for help in determining the best extreme tent for your next project.

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