
Steel vs. Fabric Storage Buildings: Which Is Right for You?

When searching for storage solutions, you will find many options. Should you opt for steel or fabric storage buildings? Do you need long term or short term solutions? Here’s how to find which option is best for you.

Storage solutions are almost always a necessity at some point during the life of your business. Depending on your industry, you could require a storage building at all times, such as those who require a warehouse or storage facility that holds equipment, machinery, or inventory. Or, you may require a storage building sporadically throughout the year, depending on things like climate or product demand. Some businesses may find themselves only needing a storage facility when faced with certain situations, such as natural disasters.

Whenever this need arises for you and your business, do you have a solution? Have you sought the options and weighed the pros and cons of each? No matter where you are in your quest for a storage building, there is one thing you need to know – never assume you know the best choice for your needs without doing your research first. Hopefully, that’s why you have found your way here.

So, let’s take a look at steel buildings and fabric storage buildings so you can determine which one is right for you.

The Sturdiness of Steel

Most people are quick to believe that steel buildings are the sturdiest and best option available on the market. And, that is understandable because, well, they are made of steel after all. But, while steel is strong and proven to be a wonderful option for building, it doesn’t mean it will suit your needs entirely.

It is heavy. And it is costly. And it surely is not flexible.

Many steel storage buildings are designed and built for all sorts of industries. They serve their purpose well, of course, but then – depending on whether it is a change in the needs of the business or a change in circumstance – these buildings are often left empty and begin to deteriorate over time.

Fabric Storage Buildings: Not Your Weakest Link

Just as most people believe steel buildings are the strongest, they also quickly assume that temporary tent storage structures are weak. However, they are not.

Designed with strong aluminum frames, these fabric storage buildings are designed to be durable solutions for your business. They are manufactured with a frame that holds the fabric in a way to provide sturdy shelter that can stand up against some of the most wicked weather. Plus, they are free from corrosion and are coated in a non-flammable finish to protect against fires.

There are so many perks to a tent that can out-perform a steel building – and this means it cannot be your weakest link.

1. A Cost-Effective Solution

Like we said before, steel is expensive. Opting for a storage solution that consists of nothing but piece after piece of steel, your bill is going to add up rather quickly. Also, you cannot simply install a steel building wherever you’d like. The grounding has to be just perfect (usually requiring you to pour a solid concrete base) and engineers need to draw up plans to get the ball rolling before the building can ever go up.

Constructing a steel building takes time. Sure, it may come pre-punched and simply require you to bolt the pieces together, but from start to finish, there is a lot of work. It’s safe to say steel buildings are both paper and labor-intensive.

When it comes to finding a cost-effective solution, fabric storage buildings maybe your best option. See, these tents give you a wide-open, durable space that doesn’t require the deep engineering work nor the specific ground. In fact, you can erect these tents on asphalt, concrete, sand, grass, and more. They just work where you need them to – as well as when you need them.

In business, time is money. When you need a solution, you need it reasonably fast without too many headaches.

2. Flexibility for the Win

Wouldn’t it be great if we could always know what was coming so we could plan for it – both in business and life? It sure would. We would never run into issues and we’d always be on top of our game. Life doesn’t work this way, though. Instead, we have to be flexible. We have to be ready for something to come flying at us without knowing what it is or where it is coming from.

Here’s the real question – when it does, will you have time to wait months to have a steel building constructed?

Business happens and solutions are needed. You need flexible options that you can adjust when you need it. And that is exactly what you will find with fabric storage buildings.

  • You can customize the size of the space, whether your need for space increases or decreases.
  • You can choose various accessories, from flooring, lighting, doorways, side panels, and more.
  • Because of its flexibility in construction, you can construct the building in the most convenient space possible – without having to make any permanent alterations.

Consider flexibility a necessity in business since things change from one day to the next. Don’t weigh yourself down with steel.

3. What You Are Looking For

If you are here, then you are looking for an option that will meet your storage needs without causing too much trouble – or costing too much money. You have a need and you are looking for a solution. Take a moment to ask yourself (as well as those that hold key roles in your business) –

  • What is it we are looking for in a storage facility?
  • When do we need this storage building?
  • How long do we intend to use it?

So, when it comes to steel vs. fabric storage buildings, which is right for you? Which option gives you the best solutions based on your answers to the above questions?

Steel buildings can be wonderful options, but they are more expensive, much more permanent, and take quite a while to engineer, manufacture, and construct. Fabric storage buildings, on the other hand, offer customizable, semi-permanent solutions that can hold up over time. Yet, they can be constructed rather quickly and are very flexible.

Your business is important to you. Don’t cut corners or find yourself under the weight of a heavy debt due to misinformed choices. Instead, take the time to discover the many solutions you have available and find the best – and most flexible – option.

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