Event Industry

Ringing in the New Year with a Party

Ah, out with the old, in with the new. We are quickly approaching the end of the year. It’s time to reflect on all that we did – or didn’t do – in the ending year and set our sights on hope for the upcoming, fresh opportunity in the new year. Superstition says that whatever you spend your new year doing is what you will be doing the whole year through. So, rather than sleeping your new year away, resulting in potentially no forward movement in life for the upcoming year, perhaps you should throw a party and spend your time ringing in the new year with your favorite people making memories. Sounds like a good way to spend a year, right? From planning a special surprise to choosing tent rentals, you can plan the perfect party to ring in the new year.

If you are looking for the best ideas for creating your new year’s party, you have come to the right place.

Tent Rentals for the Perfect Party Space

The first thing you will want to determine for your party is where you are going to have it. Sure, ringing in the New Year is possible in your house, but, let’s face it – no one wants to kick off the New Year with a party-damaged home.

There are other options. For starters, you could look for a hall or other rental space. Of course, you must be aware of noise ordinances, decorate within the parameters of the owner’s guidelines, and hope that the space can accommodate all your needs. Here is a better option – rent a tent and find a place to put it. Whether in your own backyard or in an empty lot, tent rentals allow you the opportunity to build your party from the ground up, so-to-speak.

Tent rentals can be customized to meet all your needs. Depending on the theme of your party, you may want to go formal with flooring and lights throughout, with a dance floor. You may choose to let the earth be your flooring and use tiki torches. Tent rentals can be completely climate controlled and have sides, as well.

Basically, it is your best option for creating the perfect space for your party.

Party Theme

What type of theme will you have? Of course, you can decide to just call it a party. But what fun is that? You want to make an impression and have fun. You are closing out one year and running straight into a new one. Do something grand. Ringing in the New Year is all about ending the year on an amazing note. If you have a great imagination, then your options are endless. Here are a few ideas:

  • Black-light party. Ask your guests to get all decked out in their whitest whites. Also, decorate in whites and use black-lights to create a glow.
  • Black and White Ball. This is perfect for those who want a classy and elegant way to ring in the New Year. Make it a black-tie affair or just a black and white one.
  • Masquerade Ball. This is a secret way to end your year. You and your guests can sport your masks while dressed up, heel to toe. Masquerade balls do not necessarily have to be fancy, but why would you want it any other way?
  • Disco party. If you feel like you want to get down and boogie, perhaps a disco party will be more up your ally. Music, a dance floor, and a mirror ball. Have your guests dress in disco-era attire to make it more fun!
  • Last Hurrah party. You know a huge percent of people say they are starting the first day of the New Year with a healthy lifestyle. Why not kiss the year goodbye with all the food you and your guests won’t be enjoying for a while? e. fried foods, sweets, and any other junk food.
  • Casino party. Turn your space into Las Vegas. Set up poker tables, roulette, and black jack.


Did you ever wonder why everyone has always been taught to make a lot of noise at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s? Superstition says that this noise will scare evil spirits away. Yep, they won’t get to follow you into the New Year.

Whether you are superstitious or not, ringing in the New Year is practically impossible without noisemakers. You can stick to the traditional party horns, blowouts, or ratchets. You could create unique noisemakers such as the bubble jump (jumping on bubble wrap), jingle sticks (adding bells to popsicle sticks), or placing raw beans inside decorated glass jars or half-folded paper plates.

However you decide to do it – make it loud!

Food and Beverage

You have some fun friends, a stellar venue – but what are you going to serve to eat? You can continue with the superstitions for the New Year. For instance, serving a pork dish, holding that pigs root forward meaning progression in life. Also, anything round – donuts, Bundt cake, etc. symbolizing the year coming full circle. Let’s not forget noodles which symbolize a long life or beans which are thought to resemble money.

Separately the superstitious New Year’s foods seem odd. However, a quick search online can lead you to recipes to combine these items into something delicious.

If you aren’t feeling like sticking with the common New Year foods, use your imagination and create a menu that matches the theme of the night!

Even though it isn’t food – don’t forget the champagne!

Ringing In the New Year 

This is the very last night of the year. You will never again be in this same moment. Do that something special that is going to make headlines. In other words, send the old year away with a bang.

Here are a couple ideas or create your own!

  • Writing wishes, hopes, and dreams for the coming year on mini scrolls and placing them inside balloons. When the clock strikes midnight, release the balloons into the sky!
  • Create a hashtag for the event and ask everyone to take a ton of pictures, upload them to your favorite social media site using the specified hashtag.
  • Buy fireworks and set them off at midnight, literally starting the year off with a bang.

However you’re ringing in the New Year, do it bold and make memories that will last a lifetime. Decorate your tent rental, stick to a theme, add a dash of food and champagne and rehearse a fantastic toast. Cheers!

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