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Being Prepared with Portable Emergency Shelter

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. And, when they do, there is no time to get prepared. You have to be prepared. Luckily, you can be with a portable emergency shelter.

We have seen many natural disasters here in the United States and around the world. From earthquakes and hurricanes to fires, floods, and landslides. We’ve also seen devastating emergencies such as mass shootings. And, now? We are dealing with the emergency known as the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Each and every time one of these disasters has appeared, we have had to face it with confidence and structure. Dealing with COVID-19 is no different. Around the world, this pandemic has caused nearly every country to spring into emergency action.

Let’s take a look at how being prepared for disasters with a portable emergency shelter can help the government and health professionals handle this crisis in an organized, safe fashion.

The Dangers

Before we move forward, let’s take a minute to look at the dangers that are brought on by COVID-19 as it spreads into communities. See, it’s hard to stop something that we can’t see, isn’t it? This virus is like an invisible disease that can wreak havoc on unsuspecting carriers. And those carriers can pass it on – without realizing it – to even more individuals.

We go to work, head out to the grocery store on our way home, pick up dinner, snuggle on the couch with our loved ones for a movie before bed. Then, get up the next day and do it all over again. Except, we may stop by a parent’s home or a friend’s house for a birthday get-together.

All the while, we are carrying the virus and didn’t even know it. We didn’t have symptoms, we didn’t know we’d even been exposed. And now we have put everyone at work, the grocery store, the restaurant, friends, and family at risk.

COVID-19 spreads quietly and rapidly. For communities to be able to get its spread under control, there must be thoughtful and organized methods in place. And nearly all include a portable emergency shelter.

Shelter for Testing within Communities

Testing is one of the first steps that must take place within a community. After all, you cannot begin to separate individuals and protect them if you don’t know who is carrying the virus, right? But approaching testing with caution is also important.

Those who go for COVID-19 testing are often either feeling symptoms of being sick or suspect that they have been in contact with someone who has the virus. These are individuals who should be self-isolating. And, since the spread of the virus can come from little droplets from coughing, sneezing, or even talking, we want these individuals to be secluded.

Thus far, testing centers that are popping up all over are drive-thru testing sites. This prevents these individuals from getting out of their car and they must keep their windows rolled up until it is their turn to test. Keep in mind, it is all about reducing the spread.

As the individual in the automobile reaches his or her time for testing, the windows are rolled down while surrounded by a portable emergency shelter. This keeps a barricade between the potentially infected individual and the rest of the community.

Portable Emergency Shelter - American Pavilion

Shelter for Quarantining

People live together all over the world. What do you do when someone is sick and you are quarantining them from others? How do you keep the non-sick from contracting the virus when there’s nowhere else to go? Some countries, such as China, physically built massive facilities in record time. Others have decided to use empty hotels.

A portable emergency shelter, however, is a simple solution that offers expansive space. You can customize it to meet your needs – depending on how widespread the situation is in your community. With four walls, flooring, and more, you have the perfect space to segregate those who test positive.

Portable Emergency Shelter for Field Hospitals

Our healthcare system has been stressed to the max with COVID-19. Some areas that have been the hardest hit – such as New York City – have even run out of space. When trying to contain a deadly virus, you have to have some sort of structure to the madness. It’s no wonder why there has been a drop in every other type of emergency room visit since coronavirus appeared in our lives.

Field hospitals using temporary tented structures for shelter can provide a safe place for those seeking medical attention for non-COVID-19 situations. In addition, they can also act as an overflow facility for hospitals that are at capacity. Partitions are available to separate areas, such as the emergency area, general ward, and the intake section.

Everyone deserves medical care when they need it. This is especially true when a pandemic is taking place. If there is no more space in the hospital itself, create a new one. With the help of a portable emergency shelter, you can have a fully-functional hospital in no time.

Shelter for General Storage

Finally, emergencies – including our current pandemic – always result in the need for storage. This may be ventilators, masks, personal protection equipment (PPE), medicines, and the like. With the federal government, other states, and local supports and charities donating needed goods, communities need a place to store it.

In addition, the lack of jobs and income can lead to more people needing food from local food banks and other organizations. This means more donations pouring in, more supplies to hand out, and a greater need for space.

Because all of these items need to be readily accessible when needed, they need to be conveniently located. Using a portable emergency shelter can provide communities with the perfect space. It is wide open with a great amount of protected area and can be erected where the need is the most.

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