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4 Ways to Plan for the Unexpected With Tent Structures

Planning for the unexpected is more important than ever during these uncertain times, but you can help prepare your business by utilizing tent structures.

There are those individuals who wing it through life. They are never prepared and always find spontaneity to lead to the best outcome – whether or not it truly does. Then there are those who are prepared for anything. They work hard to make sure all the bases are covered, never wanting to be left guessing about their next move.

While both have their perks, those who plan ahead are often ready to move forward at the drop of a dime no matter what unexpected situation arises. Cool, calm, and collected, life and business move ahead uninterrupted thanks to the proper planning.

How do they do it? Well, they are ready for anything. Here are 4 ways to plan for the unexpected with structures.

Benefits of a Temporary Structure

Before we move on about how a structure can benefit you in the craziest of moments, let’s take a moment to discuss why you would choose a temporary structure to begin with.

Temporary clear span tents offer you:

  • Wide-open space under the roof of the tent. There are no inner poles to get in your way – so you can create the layout and design that will best suit your needs.
  • The ability to construct anywhere. You don’t need a special type of ground to erect these temporary structures. This means you can install it anywhere that is most convenient to your needs – grass, concrete, dirt, etc.
  • Many customizations. You can choose to have sidewalls, flooring, lighting, an HVAC system, and more. The size of the tent, its design, and more can also be customized.
  • Protection from inclement weather. Temporary tent structures are not merely tents. These structures are designed to withstand all types of weather without fail.

Perhaps the best part of these structures is the fact that they are incredibly convenient while providing you a space that surpasses the benefits of a more permanent option.

So, let’s move on to discuss the ways in which one can help with those unexpected events, shall we?

1. Unsightly Storage Fees

Storage facilities are in high demand. If you haven’t noticed recently, take a look as you drive around – these facilities are popping up all over the place. Why? Because people need to store things. Some businesses use storage facilities to fill a temporary storage need. Others, however, use them long term. For example:

  • Retail chains may opt for a temporary storage space during busy times with a surplus in inventory, such as the winter holiday season.
  • Law firms may require additional storage space outside of their office to store case documents and other miscellaneous records.

Here’s the problem, though. Over time, these storage fees can add up to a lot. And, those seeking only temporary storage will find that they are paying a premium for it.

To cut costs and increase convenience, invest in a tented structure for your storage needs. If they increase over time or unexpectedly, no problem – you can increase the size of your tent! The same holds true if your need decreases.

With a temporary tent structure, you are ready for any storage need that arises. The best part? You can construct the tent right on your property so you can always have your stored items conveniently located.

How Tents Help Plan For Disaster - American Pavilion

2. Unexpected Growth

Growth is always exciting when it happens to your business. But, what happens when things spike seemingly overnight? For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s say you are a company that manufactures personal protection equipment for the healthcare industry. While your normal output may typically be 300,000 items each week, you now are manufacturing 300,000 each day!

A temporary tent structure can be customized, ordered, and installed in record time. And, because it can be conveniently located on your property, your flow in business will not be disrupted.

Growth is always welcome in business, but sometimes it comes when you least expect it. So, be prepared to move when it happens.

3. Unpredictable Weather

Are you hosting an event? Maybe a wedding? A business networking expo? Or a youth sporting event?

We can control a lot of things in life, but one thing we can’t control no matter how hard we want to try is the weather. It can appear out of nowhere and just crush our plans completely. That is unless you are prepared and have planned for the unexpected.

What would you do if your event was disrupted by, let’s say, thunderstorms? Never leave your event to chance – especially if it is outdoors. Instead, invest in a temporary tent structure that will allow you to move forward with your event no matter what Mother Nature has to say about it!

Remember, these structures can be designed and customized to meet your needs. You can have the ability to create a tent that will house your entire event. Plus, thanks to its wide-open spaces, you get to design the layout and decorate to meet your exact vision. Clear panels can even be used to allow your guests the joy of nature as a backdrop. It’s a wise choice that can ultimately save you time and money in the long run.

Not hosting an event? If you are in the construction business, the weather can severely damage your timeline – and your construction site. These structures can be designed large enough to allow the work to continue underneath their roof – and keep your crew right on schedule.

4. Unbelievable Disasters (and Other Emergencies)

Life happens. Disasters happen. And unprecedented emergencies happen. Just a few minutes with the news nowadays and you will see. We never truly know when something is going to happen that will change the course of our daily routines – and life as we know it.

But, in instances when this happens, a temporary tent structure can prove to be a wise choice. Whether for storage of goods and donated supplies, makeshift field hospitals, temporary housing, and more – this versatile structure is there for you.

Final Thought

The unexpected is just that – unexpected. Believe it or not, though, you can plan for anything that comes your way. Invest in a temporary tent structure.

Contact Us Today for Temporary Structures - American Pavilion

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