
The Importance of Onsite Storage for Every Construction Project

During every construction project there is always one common denominator – the need for storage. Onsite storage provides many benefits over offsite storage, here’s why.

If you run a construction business, then you know there is a lot that goes into every project. From the tiniest parts to the largest and every part in between, it is a lot to keep track of. And, of course, every piece matters.

To have a smooth flow from one step to the next, you need to make sure you have all the supplies, tools, and machinery you need. It needs to be in great working order, too. Without all of this, you will find your crew wasting time and missing deadlines.

Take steps to make sure that every construction project you tackle can move forward with ease – effectively and efficiently. This can be done by choosing onsite storage.

Construction Theft

There is a good chance you already know this, but it is worth mentioning. Construction theft is a real thing – and it can cost you big time. Not only will you have to replace the parts and machines that were stolen or damaged, but it also means that your project will get delayed and you may even miss your deadline. Plus, with every claim filed through your insurance, you are likely to get an increased rate – which is an additional expense that can follow you for a long time.

Opting for onsite storage, such as with the use of a temporary construction tent, can provide you with the protection you need to keep your stuff safe after hours. These tents offer all-around protection, equivalent to a permanent brick and mortar structure, but are more convenient as they are onsite and can be moved from project to project as needed.

Logistically Smart

Let’s pretend for a moment that you have a storage facility in a centralized area of your city. All tools and supplies you need are shipped directly to your storage facility until needed. They are kept safe here. And, then, as you need them on your construction site, you have a crew, a driver, and a truck to load them up and drive them to your site where they are unloaded. Does this sound about right?

What if you could remove all these extra steps? What if you could get rid of the storage facility, not have to pay the driver or use a truck (with no additional gas expense), and instead have all your supplies onsite for whenever you need them?

Logistically speaking, onsite storage for your construction project just makes smart sense.

Timely Completion of Projects

You have deadlines. Whether you are working for an individual, a corporation, or the local government, you have a set date to have your construction projects completed. Failing to do so could leave you with a lot of frustrations – and a tarnished record. Which could, ultimately, cost you jobs in the future.

So, what can you do? Take steps to make changes that will reduce wasted time. For instance, take advantage of onsite storage so everything is right where you need it when you need it. No wasted time.

Manage Your Supplies

While you are on a construction site, are you assuming that everything you need has been properly delivered and stored and your offsite storage?

  • Do you share this space with others?
  • How do you know that the proper supplies have arrived and are accessible?
  • How do you know someone else hasn’t mistakenly taken them?

Truth is, you don’t. You are running a construction site – and you can’t be in two places at once.

By opting for onsite storage, you are better able to manage your supplies. You know what has arrived, what is still outstanding, the best way to store based on accessibility needs, and you don’t have to worry about anyone else mistakenly using your supplies. Plus – you never have to leave the site to monitor or manage your supplies!

Convenient Onsite Storage for Large Machines

Now, we have talked about supplies and such that you will need for your construction job, but what about the machines you need?

It is common to see large equipment left exposed out in open air when construction crews go home for the day. Wherever they were, whatever they were doing, they shut down and head out. After all, carrying these heavy pieces of equipment back and forth to a job site every day from offsite storage just does not make any sense logistically. But, just because it is common practice to leave them does not mean it is the smartest method.

As stated above, construction theft is very real. And leaving equipment out at a job site is like sending out an open invitation to a thief. Also, this equipment is expensive – and it needs to be cared for. Leaving it outside, exposed to the elements 24/7 can lead to its early demise – in turn, costing you money.

Onsite storage with the use of large temporary warehouse tents can provide a place to store all your supplies and your heavy machines. That’s right – these large tents that are onsite can provide you with convenient storage for anything and everything you have at your construction site.

Save Money

Saving money is always a plus. And, you can save money – not just time – when you use onsite storage. Reducing your need to travel between locations, you save money. When you invest in affordable – and convenient – onsite solutions, you save money.

Having an onsite tented structure can save you money by:

  • Reducing your need to purchase more expensive, permanent storage.
  • Reducing the need for gas, a truck, and a crew to transport supplies between permanent storage and your construction sites.
  • Being able to use time more efficiently.
  • Reducing the chance of theft.
  • Storing your machinery in a safe, protected space away from inclement weather.

Final Thought

If construction projects are what you do, then you know how many things can go wrong. This is why onsite storage is so important. It can save you time, money, and frustration. Plus, it is a surefire way to protect your construction site after hours – and keep your supplies and machines healthy and safe.

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