
Creating Cost-Effective Oil and Gas Facilities With Clearspan Buildings

Oil and gas facilities require space for offices, warehouses, storage, and more. One way to get the required space in a cost-effective manner is the use of clearspan buildings.

Those in the oil and gas industry have a unique set of needs that not everyone understands. Just accessing the land for energy production often means having to travel into very remote areas. And that means a lack of buildings and other resources. Just to get started, they need a solution.

To get the job done thoroughly and as efficiently as possible, oil and gas facilities need space for offices, warehouses, storage, and the like – without wasting the time to build them.

Clearspan buildings are the best option to fill this void in the industry. Here’s why.

Remote Conditions and Time Constrictions

Placing a gas or oil facility in the middle of a downtown area would be incredibly convenient to access. Unfortunately, that’s not how the industry works. With most of them found in remote locations, the lack of nearby facilities and convenience don’t exist.

Though, taking the time to wait for a building to be built takes too long. Time is critical for those in this industry which means brick and mortar facilities are just not a feasible option. As a result, many have turned to clearspan buildings.

The ability to get the temporary structures to oil and gas facilities, and also get it erected quickly means work can move on without delay. And that is beneficial for everyone involved.

Relaxed Foundation Requirements

Of course, those who aren’t familiar with clearspan tents immediately assume that getting them set up so quickly just isn’t possible. What about the foundation? What if the grounding in the area of the gas and oil is not conducive to supporting a structure such as a clearspan?

Actually, clearspan structures don’t have any stringent requirements for their foundations. In fact, they are pretty relaxed. There is no need to wait for a cement foundation to be poured or for the perfect piece of ground to hold the supportive guy lines. Clearspan temporary structures don’t even have guy lines!

Multiple-Use Facilities

Gas and oil facilities often have more than one building at the location. That’s because their need comes in multiple ways – not just one. They may require modular office space to work. And maybe a warehouse for equipment or machine maintenance. And there is a storage facility to store all the equipment and machines. Maybe even a pimp station cover. For those areas that require round the clock care, having temporary housing and dining areas is a plus, too.

The oil and gas industry doesn’t just run from 9am – 5pm every day. So someone always needs to be there. When something goes wrong, breaks, or otherwise requires attention, it needs it as soon as possible — not when someone can reach the remote area. That means everything the team needs must be on location.

Clearspan tents offer the ease and flexibility required. Their buildings can be erected in no time and can be designed to meet the needed expectations depending on what it is being used for. After all, there is a good chance your equipment maintenance shed will not have the same specs as your office building.

Versatile Design

Things can change in an instant when it comes to oil and gas facilities. And one location may differ greatly from another. You can’t just pick up and move or redesign a brick and mortar building to meet your needs, but a clearspan building is so versatile that you can take it down, move it, change its size, refigure it, and so on.

It doesn’t matter what you need your building to do for you, if you have an option that allows for things to easily be changed and roll with the punches, then you are one step ahead. Even something as redesigning the layout underneath the tented structure can be done with ease.

Clearspan buildings will keep your production and efficiency up with little to no down time.

Temporary or Permanent

Clearspan buildings are referred to as temporary buildings as they are able to be taken down and removed without leaving any damage to the land behind. But, they are built to last for long periods of time. Some would say they are temporary buildings for permanent use.

So whether you have a facility that is going to be up and running for a short time or a long time, clearspan buildings are up for the job.

Want some even better news? Because they are technically considered temporary, these buildings often mean you will be paying very little – if any – property taxes. And that is always a score for business.

An Affordable Option

It doesn’t matter what type of industry you are in, finding cost-effective solutions to needs and problems is what smart business is all about. So, when creating an oil and gas facility, you need an affordable option that will get the job done.

That solution is a clearspan building.

A Breakdown of the Benefits

As if we haven’t already discussed all the benefits of creating oil and gas facilities with clearspan buildings, it is important that we touch on all the benefits. The idea is that those looking to find the best solution for their facility will understand just why clearspan buildings soar at the top of the list.

Check out these benefits:

  • Each building has natural ventilation – and a steady supply of fresh air. However, they also come with the option of an HVAC system for climate control.
  • Makes use of energy efficient, natural lighting.
  • Corrosion free frame that will stand up to harsh climates.
  • Durable construction built to withstand inclement weather.
  • An affordable option for buildings at facility locations.

No matter how big or small, all clearspan buildings come with all these benefits and more. Which means they are the perfect solution when creating oil and gas facilities.

A building that is incredibly versatile, affordable, multi-use design, and can be quickly constructed in remote areas without the need for a specific foundation? There are no better options. This industry is not and will not slow down. So, instead, it needs to be able to adapt to everything that comes its way. Why not use a building that will adapt with it?

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