Event Industry

Keep These Trends in Mind for Fall Events

Fall is the time of year when the leaves start to change into beautiful golden hues and the weather gets a slight crispiness about it. It is time for last get-togethers and outdoor Fall events before the wintry weather forces everyone indoors for warmth.

Take advantage of this beautiful weather and outdoor scenery by renting a tent and throwing a few Fall events. However, don’t forget to include some of these trends in your planning!

New décor

Fall events are the perfect time to find cozy, warm décor. Your fall décor does not have to consist of pumpkins and gourds in the traditional sense. These items can be made to fit your décor, whatever you choose it to be. Trending now? Painting these items. Pumpkins and gourds signify fall – but that doesn’t mean you have used their true color in your events decorating scheme. Instead, paint these items to match whatever color you choose! And, if you are a bit more creative, you can always paint them with sayings or pictures to fit your theme.

Another new Fall events décor trend is metals. They are in this season and mixing them is now ok to do! Table centerpieces, lighting fixtures, and wall hangings are just some of the party decorations that can be made from metal to make a statement. It is interesting to note that brass and copper seem to be the most popular!

No more plastic furniture

When you think of outdoor seating, you likely either think of wood or plastic material. However, those days are moving behind us. The trend this fall is to rent real furniture for your outdoor party. Yes – indoor furniture for the outside! These include pieces such as ottomans, loveseats, decorative chairs, and of course, big throw pillows.

There is no longer a need for your guests to sit on that old hard furniture. With this latest trend, you and your guests will get to socialize in total comfort on this soft furniture.

Alcohol-infused treats

Distilleries, breweries, and wineries have jumped on a bandwagon to make alcohol taste like some of your favorite things. For example, peanut butter and jelly flavored beer, Fruit Loop flavored vodka, cake batter vodka, pumpkin and maple syrup flavored beer, and so many others. The new trend, however, is to combine these flavors with things that you already love!

  • Soak apple slices in caramel vodka. This is a perfect treat for the fall!
  • Alcohol infused cupcakes which takes flavored alcohol and combines it with already delicious cupcakes!
  • Wine popsicles! Need we say more? These will cool you down while warming you up!
  • Ice cream + alcohol = intoxicated bliss. These new ice cream flavors by Haagen Dazs are all the rave. They’ve got Rum Vanilla Caramel Blondie, Irish Cream Coffee and Biscotti, Whiskey Chocolate Truffle, and a few others.

Rather than just pouring drinks, these sweet treats will allow you and your party guests to indulge in some goodness – and get a little toasty at the same time.

Things to do: painting & cooking

Society goes through phases when it comes to things to do for entertainment. While some things come to stick, others — not so much. Recently, including this fall, the trend is to learn something. Yes, people are eager to socialize with their friends while learning something new – such as a hobby. When planning your Fall events, introduce your friends and party guests to painting and cooking.

Group paintings are big. All your guests will start out with the same blank canvas and the same colors of paint. An art instructor will guide everyone, step by step, to create a beautiful piece of art. Even those who claim they cannot paint or have no artistic bone in their body will look like a well-versed artist by the time the lesson is over.

Cooking classes are another popular event trend. With the trend of individuals moving away from eating out and looking for more healthy ways to live, cooking classes provide a form of entertainment and socializing for your guests. They work under the direction of a chef and, when all is said and done, they have prepared a delicious meal. Your guests will be able to enjoy the healthy meal they cooked and take with them the knowledge they learned.

Food Halls

Have you heard of them? They are the latest up-and-coming way to dine. These pop-up food halls offer a variety of different dining options under one temporary roof. This growing trend is finding its way all around the U.S.

Food trucks, scratch kitchens, and others who have great skill and an awesome product to offer may not necessarily have the means to house a restaurant in a permanent location. So, coming together with others, they can form these food halls – creating the perfect atmosphere for vendors and hungry guests, alike!

Combine the trends with a tent

These trends are perfect for a moment of enjoying the outdoor Fall weather and last hurrah before winter. However, because weather can be so unpredictable in the Fall, you are going to want to have some protection. Rent a tent and your event will surely be a hit.

These tents can be customized to meet your needs:

  • They come in many different shapes and sizes.
  • You have the choice to side walls and flooring.
  • In case it gets too cold or too hot for you this Fall, you have the option for climate control, which will keep your tent at the perfect temperature.
  • Finally, tent rentals provide the perfect place to learn painting, cooking, or even for some socializing over some tasty grub.

Times are always changing – and this Fall season is no exception. The idea is to get outside while you can. Make sure you keep these Fall events trends in mind! Grab a tent rental, make some tasty apples with caramel vodka, paint a picture with your friends, and enjoy the outside air!

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