
How to Improve Construction Site Safety With Fabric Structures

Construction sites can look different depending on the type of work they do. For instance, there are construction crews that work on roadways, others who work on housing developments, and still others who work on commercial projects. There are construction crews who do the heavy work and others who follow up with the light work. However, regardless of the project, construction site safety is essential.


So, what does that mean for the crew members of residential, road and highway, commercial and other types of construction? It means that they are subjected to all sorts of outdoor conditions and safety risks.

After all, their line of work is not the easiest.

You have to be strong and tough to work in construction, but that doesn’t mean the strength overrides the safety risks.

There are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk and increase construction site safety for every type of construction.

And this can all be done with a tent. Here’s how.


How do tents improve construction site safety?

21.1% of employee deaths in 2017 was related to the construction industry. That is a staggering number.

Construction site safety is essential for many reasons, and employers have the duty to protect their employees; especially in construction.

The construction industry creates and builds the tangible product of our civilized societies.

However, it doesn’t matter how different each type of construction is – they always have one thing in common: construction sites involve some extent of outdoor work.

One of the simplest ways to improve outdoor construction site safety is through the use of construction tents. That’s it!

These fabric structures found at construction sites provide an abundance of benefits.

Don’t believe us?

Check out the top 5 ways that these structures reduce risk and improve construction site safety.


Benefit #1: Protection from the summer heat

Summer heat can lead to many emergency medical situations. And, for those who work outdoors, this is known very well.

Sadly, however, finding a reprieve from the sun’s blaze is not always an option – especially when handling road construction or working on a newly commenced project.

A tent can give your job site just the right amount of protection from the sun.

They can provide the crew a space to escape the summer heat and relax, reducing the chance of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Your tent will keep your crew well taken care of during the sunny workday.



Benefit #2: Block the wintry weather conditions

Just as the summer heat can cause safety and health concerns, so does the wintry weather. In fact, this could be even more concerning.

Dropping temperatures can lead to medical conditions such as frostbite, hypothermia, and increased risk of heart problems.

When facing freezing outdoor temps for extended periods of time, construction crews know that they need to dress appropriately.

Wearing thick (or double) socks with waterproof shoes, layered clothing, and head covering can provide some relief from the cold.

But, it is also highly recommended that there be frequent breaks, allowing the individual to warm up from the cold. Working outdoors does not always provide you with a place to do this.

Tents work wonderfully in providing a shield from the freezing temperatures. Including side walls, these tents can withhold heat from heaters as well as block any chilling winds that may be present.

Not only that, but construction fabric structures come in all sizes, meaning that some of your construction projects can occur within the tent!


Benefit #3: Keep machinery dust-free

Construction site safety doesn’t only include your employees; it includes your equipment as well.

If you work in construction or own a construction company, then you likely have a very good idea just how expensive the machinery, tools, and other equipment can be.

And since you are in business to turn a profit, the last thing you want to do is find yourself needing to purchase new equipment or have to hand out money for constant repairs.

Here is a tip: it pays to take care of your construction equipment.

Doing so can keep them running smoothly and keep them safe for the crew to run.

Leaving machinery outdoors overnight and throughout the day can cause dust, dirt, and debris to pile on them and eventually cause them not to run so smoothly.

Utilizing a tent can offer the perfect solution. You can save money by not having to drive your equipment to the site each day.

And, you won’t have to worry about it getting damaged due to the elements. Simply store your machinery inside a tent when not in use and increase the safety level all around.

And, yes, they make tents that big!



Benefit #4: Stay dry when wet weather hits. 

Live in an area where rain fills up a huge chunk of your day?

During the rainy season, there can be a big delay in construction projects – and an increased risk of safety hazards on the job site.

Slippery surfaces, damage to equipment, and soaked employees can lead to some bad news.

Keep your clients happy with on-time completion and keep your employees safe and dry with the simple decision to use a tent.

The structure can provide a dry place for crew members to escape when the weather gets rough.

It can also store your equipment for safe keeping. Even further, if your job site could be damaged due to the wet weather, your tent could cover and protect the entire area with no problem.


Benefit #5: Breaks during the day are important.

If you want a happy and healthy construction crew, then you need to make sure they are provided with breaks throughout the day. Construction is hard work.

Dealing with the job duties and the outdoor conditions can amplify the difficulty.

Providing your workers with a place to take a break can lead to an overall increase in health and safety for everyone. Utilize a tent for a dry, shady, shielded place to break.

If your crew is taken care of, the job will be completed properly and efficiently, and your client will be overjoyed.

And, the thanks can be given to the tent being utilized as a break room in an outdoor office space.


Benefit #6: Tents can be customized to meet your specific construction site safety concerns.

The best part about the tent is that they can be completely customized. Depending on your type of construction and your job site location, as well as your needs, you will find just the tent for you.

They come in all different sizes – and can be large enough to cover your entire project.

Tents can also come with or without sidewalls, flooring, and HVAC system for climate control, and so much more.

Don’t start your next construction project without thinking about construction site safety. taking into consideration the benefits a tent can have on the safety of your crew and your site. You’ll be thankful you did.

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