Tent Rentals

Holiday Party Planning: 5 Ways to Keep Guests Warm

Shopping, wrapping, decorating – and partying. Not to mention time spent looking at Christmas lights, attending school concerts, and the awkward corporate events. It is what comes at this time of year. Social calendars fill up quickly with events, parties, and other functions with everyone trying to tie up loose ends at the end of the year. Holiday party planning is occurring all around us!

So, you are not alone if you want to host your own holiday party. To get your holiday party planning going, you will need to have the answers to the following:

  • Decide where you want to have your party.
  • Decide when you want to schedule the party.
  • Decide who you are going to invite.
  • Decide what theme you will use for the event.
  • Decide how to make your guests enjoy themselves.
  • Then, decide how you are going to keep your guests warm throughout the party.

Not sure about that last one? Here is how to host a warm holiday party at the best venue.

With this guide on keeping your guests warm, your holiday party planning doesn’t have to be stressful.

Where to party

The first step in your holiday party planning is finding the perfect venue. Unless you booked it far in advance, securing a party room at a local resort or event center isn’t likely to happen. And, with all your decorations and hidden gifts, having a house full of people may be more trouble than its worth. So, why not choose to have your party in the perfect space available – a tent rental?

It may seem like an unrealistic choice in wintertime, but it is by far best choice. Tent rentals allow you to hold your event in any location that is convenient – and legal, of course. For example, your backyard, a local park, a vacant lot, etc. You decide how big of a tent you will need and, once erected, you will have a wide-open blank canvas for you to decorate and turn into the perfect party space to WOW your guests.

And, if you are concerned about having an outdoor, tented holiday event in December – no need to worry!

Here is why:

Climate control

During your holiday party planning, you must decide how to keep your guests warm. Tent rentals come with an option for climate control. This is a means of keeping your guests as cool or warm as you desire. Using an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system, the inside of the tent can be cooler or warmer than the outside air temperature. By securely battening down the sidewalls, the temperature can remain correct within the temporary building.


They say that we lose heat through our feet and the top of our heads. So, if that is the case, you will surely want to maintain warm feet. But, with a tent rental, you may be thinking that the ground during the winter months can get cold and hard – exposing your feet to some fairly chilly temperatures, no matter how well the sidewalls keep the chill out.

There could definitely be some truth to this. However, there is no need to dwell on it because there is a solution! Temporary tent rentals come with optional flooring. And, well, the flooring can work to help keep feet warm and, in turn, keep bodies warmer.

This accessory could be carpet, wood flooring, floor tile, etc. It not only will work to keep guests warm but also add to the ambiance and décor of the whole party!

Portable heaters

When we refer to portable heaters, we are not talking about the kind of small floor heaters your mother used to put near your bed as a kid. Instead, these portable heaters are tall, metallic, and safe. And, they don’t have to ruin your décor. They provide just the right amount of heat to keep your guests comfortable.


Fires are generally not something you want to have in close proximity to your tent rental. They are dangerous and can cause damage to your tent – leading to a disastrous and even deadly outcome. However, bonfires and fire pits can offer a fantastic way to keep your guests warm. The glow and warmth that the fire brings can make the night a bit more magical, too. In addition, you can provide a nice treat for your guests by serving s’mores or banana boats by the firepit.

If you choose this as one of your options for keeping guests warm, be sure to keep the fire a safe distance from the tent rental and have emergency equipment nearby if needed.

Candlelight and coziness

When you think of the holidays and holiday parties, you likely think of warmth, magic, comfort, and all things soothing. Why not create an ambiance in your tent rental that leads your guests to feel each of these things? At the same time, incorporating methods to keep your guests warm will be into the décor.

For example, create this environment within your temporary structure using gigantic pillows for seating throughout the area – or specifically in cozy corners. In addition to the pillows, provide your guests with soft, fleece-type blankets. They can wrap up and be comfortable and cozy while enjoying your holiday party. To take it a step further, you can always provide fuzzy socks or warm, fuzzy slippers for your guests to wear in the party space.

Throughout the event space, keep the lighting soft and glowing. Add candles (or even the fake flame version) to give off that warm light. These can be part of a table centerpiece or as hanging lanterns.

It doesn’t take much to create a cozy spot for your guests. Just as walking into a sterile, bright hospital room can make you feel chilled, walking into a soft, tranquil environment with the glow of candles can make you feel the warmth.

Determining ways to keep your party guests warm is an important step in your holiday party planning. Cold guests are not likely going to find your party enjoyable – and may not even choose to stay. This is your holiday party and it is definitely up to you to see that your guests are warm and content. Decide what heating option or options work best for you and go for it! Or – choose all of them and keep your guests in a mood that is merry and bright – and snug – all night long!

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