Tent Rentals


Spring has sprung and with it comes thoughts of graduation, summer and all the fun that comes with it. Graduation tents are used by many universities and private schools across the country during this beautiful time of year. It is always nicer to be outside in the spring and perhaps your organization doesn’t have enough indoor space for both graduates and their proud families. Clearspan rental tents are a wonderful option for outdoor graduations.

Benefits of Graduation Tents

Many schools want to take the precaution to protect against inclement weather yet still hold their graduation outdoors. Nothing screams “Graduation Celebration” like thousands of students in caps and gowns, enjoying the warm sun outside. However, weather can sometimes turn against you. You could prepare for 70 degree weather with sun at 12:00, but by the time of the graduation ceremony at 2:00 pm, it’s pouring. Clear span graduation tents allow you to fully house every student and family member, while keeping them dry and safe.

On top of that, tent accessories not only keep you dry from the weather outside, but it allows you to choose the weather inside. A clearspan tents capability to provide temperature control ensure everyone in attendance is comfortable.

What Is a Clearspan Tent?

American Pavilion has provided clear span structures for graduation tents across the country. A clear span tent is comprised of a rigid, box beam style aluminum and steel frame. A beautiful yet incredibly strong vinyl fabric covers this frame. It is the strongest, most weather resistant rental tent on the market. It is the most popular graduation tent due to the fact that there are no interior supports/poles. This allows for 360 degree, unobstructed view for all attendees.

Clearspan tents are modular so there are an unlimited number of sizes to install for graduations. Our clear span rental tents have covered anywhere from 100 to over 4,000 people, all under a single tent. These tents can also be anywhere from 3 meters wide, to over 50 meters wide! Regardless of if you are having a small, personal graduation, or a huge one, a clearspan tent is perfect.

The beauty of the clearspan tent is that is needs no special foundation, can be installed on any surface in as little as a day and protects against both sun and rain. Clearspan tents can be opened along all four sides or quickly closed off in the event of wind, rain or strong sun. Because the installation process is much simpler without needing foundation, the set-up process is quicker than with other tents.

The ability to customize the tent is also perfect for graduations. You can decorate the inside, and outside, of the tent with school colors. Add a floor walkway to ensure students don’t slip on the grass. There are many ways to customize graduation tents to be perfect for your school.

For a small investment in a rental clearspan you can help ensure that your special day is protected against mother-nature.

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