Tent Rentals

Rent a Tent for Your Fourth of July Celebration

Summertime brings about all sorts of fun times and memory-making events. It also brings a fun Fourth of July celebration that comes with it. Fireworks, barbecues, parades, and so much more. In fact, it is the ultimate summertime event. How do you celebrate Independence Day each year? However you choose to celebrate, it is definitely a day to be outdoors. This year, consider renting a tent and hosting an unforgettable Fourth of July celebration.

Renting a Tent

Contrary to what you may think, you absolutely cannot do fireworks indoors. Teaching kids – who love sparklers and bottle rockets – that it is okay to light them in the house could cause some serious issues. Therefore, it is in your best interest to take the party outdoors.

The downfall to this is that July is smack dab in the middle of summer. You are going to need some reprieve from the sun. Renting a tent can provide just that. It offers you and your guests a place to take cover and cool down in the shade. Tent rentals are also great for protecting against any unwelcome summertime rain showers. Depending on the size of the celebration, you can even customize your tent to fit your needs – and your backyard.

Independence Day Grub

What is the first thing you think of when it comes to food for a Fourth of July celebration? Anything you can grill, of course! But that doesn’t mean you must be limited to only hamburgers and hot dogs. You can cook just about anything on a grill and call it a barbecue! Here are a few food ideas that will make your event:

  • Grill everything. Chicken, pork, burgers, steaks, hot dogs, sausages, etc. – any type of meat can be grilled.
  • Grill the sides, too. Corn on the cob, potatoes, or any type of veggie tastes better on the grill!
  • Don’t forget the sweet treats! Providing ice cold popsicles or ice cream on a super-hot summer day will make your guests excited and thankful!

Fourth of July Celebration Activities

You are going to want to keep the kiddos content with some activities. They are going to be excited and anxious for the evening fireworks. So, until the sun goes down, make sure you have a list of fun things to occupy them. (The adults will all appreciate this, too!)

Because it is summer, anything water related will be welcome and very refreshing. And, no, you do not need to have a pool. Things such as sprinkler toys, a Slip N Slide, or a water balloon fight will work. Even consider setting up various kid pools. These can be enjoyed by kids and adults, alike.

Throw together a football game, play catch, corn hole, horseshoes, or soda pong. Just plan something to keep guests occupied throughout the day.

Your activities don’t have to be organized. You can just have them out and ready for your guests to enjoy should the mood strike. Be sure to have some music and a place for your guests to lounge under the tent – sometimes good mingling is the only activity required! Remember, just because you’re renting a tent doesn’t mean you can’t leave it all day!


Fireworks are key to every Fourth of July celebration. Depending on where you reside, your budget, and your interests, you may either decide to purchase your own fireworks or go see a community display. Your guests are going to want to know what you decide so they can prepare – make sure to be clear about your intentions.

There are pros and cons to each choice.

  • Fireworks can be extremely expensive. Tip: purchasing fireworks at the last minute can often lead to better deals.
  • Fireworks at home can bring some safety risks. Be prepared and be warned.
  • Unless you are willing to spend a lot in fireworks, your display will never match what you will see in an actual firework show.
  • If you prefer to keep your event low-key and not have to deal with crowds for the holiday, you may want to hit up your local firework stand.

You can always do both! Buy some small fireworks to do at home and excite the young ones. Then, move the party to your community firework display and enjoy.

Safety for Everyone

Combine high heat and summer sunshine, barbecue grills, drinks, and fireworks and you could have yourself a potentially hazardous situation. To keep your guests – and yourself – safe this Fourth of July, check out these safety tips:

  • It is easy to get dehydrated when the temperatures rise in the summer. Make sure to drink plenty of water and have it readily available for your guests.
  • Renting a tent will provide a great amount of shade and protection from the sun. Add fans to keep guests cool and safe from the heat.
  • If you have a pool, be sure to keep an eye on those swimming – especially those who do not know how to swim.
  • Grilling is a must have on the Fourth of July, but it can also be dangerous. Keep the grill outdoors and outside of the tent. You do not want any low patio roofs or trees near your grill, either. Have an experienced adult do the grilling.
  • The National Council on Fireworks Safety recommends only adults handle the lighting of fireworks.
  • Light fireworks in an open, outdoor area.
  • Always, always have water nearby. A bucket of water is best, but a hose ready to go will work, too.
  • Have a designated location (near the water source) for fireworks that have been completed. This keeps the trash in one area, it keeps your guests safe from accidentally stepping on them, and it puts any fire risk in an isolated location.
  • Many pets are frightened by the sound of fireworks. Leave them indoors for their safety and yours.

Your Responsibility

Renting a tent does come with some responsibility, but as long as you take these safety tips into consideration, you will be fine.

The Fourth of July is a time for celebrating our country’s independence. Spend the day outdoors under your tent rental, fire up the grill, and watch the sky light up in beautiful colors. Make some memories this summer!


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