
Why Do You Need a Climate Controlled Tent for Summer Construction?

The majority of employees work indoors. So, come rain or shine, heat or cold – they have an indoor, climate-controlled space to perform their job functions. This makes life easy. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for those working in the construction industry. Because of this, a climate controlled tent for construction projects is necessary.

Working outdoors, construction crews are subjected to all types of weather conditions. Occasionally, depending on the local climate, the weather will be perfect to be outdoors.

But when it turns cold – crews are faced with freezing conditions and even life-threatening work conditions. At the opposite end of the spectrum, summer can be just as hazardous for those in the construction business.

Here’s how you can help your crew and keep your construction projects running smoothly and successfully: invest in a climate controlled tent.


Summer sun can be damaging

Summer sun can be damaging. In fact, it can cause all sorts of health concerns if you spend much time in it.

When working construction jobs, there isn’t much choice left – crews have to go face to face with the sun for many hours.

Exposure to the sun can cause:

Utilizing a solution such as a climate controlled tent and temporary construction structure will allow your crew to get the protection they need from the sun while on the job site.

Depending on the job, you could potentially even use the structure over the work space.

After all, they are very versatile and come in many different sizes.



Heat can slow down your crew

When doing most things, the hotter you get, the more your energy gets zapped.

Face it – heat takes a lot of you.

For a construction crew that is battling heat on a daily basis, this is a very big reality. Heat is exhausting and can slow you down.

When you have production deadlines, you need to meet them.

So, what can you do to ensure that your crew stays on top of the project in order to efficiently meet deadlines in the heat of the summer?

Provide a place and time for breaks with a climate controlled tent.

OSHA Requirements

Your crew will need a space where they can sit and cool down –outside of the sun’s reach.

Not only that, but it’s actually required by OSHA to keep employees safe in the heat.

By choosing a climate controlled tent, your crew will have a sturdy, safe, cool place to relax, take a break, eat lunch, or just get away from the sun.

Not only will this keep your crew safe and healthy, but it will also give you two thumbs up as a caring employer.


A climate controlled tent protects your equipment

Your crew isn’t the only thing that needs protecting from the sun. Just as the constant rays of the sun beating down on your construction site affects your crew, it can also affect your equipment.

And, as you know, that is a costly investment.

Sun can cause overheating and rotting rubber. It can take a piece of equipment that is a necessity and turn it into a non-function hunk of metal that will bring your construction site to a crashing halt.

Then, what?

By using these temporary warehouse structures, you can avoid finding yourself in this situation by protecting your equipment.

A climate controlled tent is large enough to house your equipment when it is not in use.

This will not only keep your job site functioning, but it will also save you much time and money in equipment repairs.



Be able to function in the office

Like most construction projects, having an on-site office is common.

It means that you are able to manage and oversee each step of the job. It also means you have a cool place to store all your office equipment and plans for the project.

Offices found on construction sites are usually placed in a small trailer of their own, resulting in an added expense to the company.

Choosing to not have an on-site office would mean that you cannot run your computer software programs or have a space to store plans or documents. And, without a climate-controlled trailer to house the office, the summer heat would prove to be too much.

The most logical explanation would be to rent a tent with climate control.

This multi-purpose temporary structure would serve to protect the crew and equipment while also housing the office.


Appreciate your employees

If honor and ethics have any bearing on your decision-making, then you will want to show your appreciation for your employees.

Leaving them out in the heat without any place for respite not only puts them at risk, but it also puts your project and equipment at risk, too.

Your crew will be thankful for a place to cool off and shelter themselves from the heat of the day. Encourage them to take breaks in the climate controlled tent, and to do what they can to stay safe from the sun.

For instance,

  • Take advantage of the house when the sun is not at its hottest. This may mean working nighttime or early morning hours.
  • Also, have water readily available to ensure that the crew is staying hydrated.
  • Providing or encouraging the use of sunscreen, sunglasses, hats can also help.
  • Allow the use of light-colored clothing made out of breathable fabrics.
  • Make use of cooling bandanas to keep the body temperature down.
  • Tackle the tougher jobs first.

All in all, your crew will know what makes them feel too overheated.

However, you should constantly be watching for signs of heat stress or exhaustion.

These include symptoms, such as dizziness, confusion, headache, fainting, nausea, and vomiting.

If anyone shows these signs, get them out of the sun and seek medical attention right away.


There are many benefits to choosing a climate controlled tent for your construction site.

The temporary structure will come in many different sizes, so you will surely find the perfect one for your job.

Keep your crew safe and out of the sun’s harmful rays. Keep your construction equipment and machinery healthy and functioning in its optimal manner, and show your employees that they are appreciated.

Don’t let the heat slow your construction jobs this summer. Rent a climate controlled tent to keep your summer job sites cool and productive.

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