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Clearspan Tents: The Innovative Leader of Sustainable Buildings

Sustainable buildings are getting more and more popular. But how can you create an eco-friendly, yet budget-friendly building? You use a clear span tent.

The idea of sustainability has been around for quite a while, yet it is still continuing to grow in popularity. Businesses of all types are trying to find ways to succeed in business while remaining sustainable and environmentally friendly.

There are so many small, green ways to do business that can be implemented. But if you think you have no real control over the big stuff, you’re wrong. How you choose your next warehouse space or storage space, for instance, can have a huge impact on your sustainable practices.

Clearspan tents are the innovative leader in sustainable buildings – and we’re going to show you how they got that title.

What is Sustainability?

Simply put, sustainability means being able to walk through life with your needs met – without damaging the opportunity for future generations to meet their needs, too. It means not harming the environment or using up all the natural resources. But, it goes beyond just protecting the environment.

Sustainability has 4 pillars in business, including social, human, economic, and environmental. For businesses, sustainability involves making choices that protect all of these. So as you grow your business, you can make choices that are cost-effective, innovative, and non-damaging to the world around you. When you do, you will improve your overall image, gain a new loyal following of consumers who support your sustainability efforts, and thus increase your bottom line.

While it may include reducing waste, using clean energy, preventing pollution – being a sustainable business is so much more. As you make choices for your business,  you are impacting all of these pillars.

So, the next time you need more space or are looking for a new building, invest in one that is sustainable.

Traits of Sustainable Buildings

Let’s say you would like to invest in sustainable buildings. How can you do that? What should you be looking for?

Below is a list of traits you will find in sustainable buildings:

  • High energy efficiency
  • Environmentally-friendly construction materials
  • Resource-efficient
  • Designed for human comfort
  • Proper layout for overall efficiency

And that’s just a general idea. Taking steps to invest in a building that will carry your business into the future while leaving as little trace behind as possible is exactly what you’re looking for. And that can all be found with clear span temporary buildings.

Sustainable Buildings - American Pavilion

Why Clearspan is the Leader of Sustainable Buildings

Clearspan tents are the leader when it comes to sustainable options for business – and personal – building needs. You don’t become a leader by doing one thing right, but rather by doing enough that your impact is visible. That’s what you find with clearspan.

From the moment you walk into one of these sustainable buildings, it is evident that it was built with your immediate needs – and the future – in mind. Ready to break it down? Let’s go.

1. Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is perhaps one of the most common things that come to mind when creating sustainable buildings. There are so many energy-efficient ways of doing things that including them in your building doesn’t involve much effort in order to reap the rewards.

For clearspan tents, you do not need lighting throughout the day like you would in a traditional building. The fabric cover allows natural light to pour in and light the space. This can greatly reduce energy costs and usage.

Additionally, the fabric roof keeps the area under it cooler during the hotter summer months – and warmer in the winter when the temperature outside is dropping. So regardless of the season, you can enjoy a nice temperature inside the tent without having to take additional extensive steps.

2. No Permanent Damage to the Environment

Traditional buildings require months of preparation to build – and then cause permanent damage to the environment where they are built. If you ever go to demolish the building, for instance, you will find that the landscape has changed.

Clearspan leads sustainable buildings do not require a concrete slab for installation. They can be erected anywhere and use any type of grounding/flooring, such as:

  • Grass
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Asphalt
  • Concrete, etc.

Flooring can be brought in to meet your needs, but nothing permanent has to be created. In fact, with a clearspan tent, there is no permanent damage to the environment – and no prep work that needs to be done. If you currently have standing buildings or even shipping containers that you would like to build the tent around, you can. This reduces the need to cause any more waste and, instead, allows you to create the most ideal space for your needs.

Clearspan tents can just be constructed wherever you want and, when removed, everything remains the same. It is a fast, easy process that causes very minimal impact to the area.

3. Made of Recycled Materials

Not that we want to think about the end of the tent’s life before it is even used, part of making good decisions comes with having to think long-term. This fabric structure is designed to be recycled. Therefore when you no longer need your tent, it isn’t going to be deconstructed and tossed in the garbage, but rather fully recycled – which is a great step toward sustainable practices.

The great thing about clearspan tents is that they are designed to withstand decades of inclement weather and outdoor conditions without getting worn or damaged and compromising everything inside. With this high-quality material that can benefit you while you need the building and can be fully recycled afterward, you’ve got quite the sustainable building solution.

Ready to Be a Leader in Sustainability?

If you want to stand out from the crowd and make a difference in the world on so many levels, then you need to start making sustainable choices that will have a positive impact on the future. There are many ways you can do this, but when it starts with your building, you know you are taking a step in the right direction.

Whether you need additional office space, an event space, a warehouse space, a storage space, or something else, you have the opportunity to choose an innovative leader of sustainable solutions – a clearspan tent.

Contact Us Today for Clearspan Sustainable Buildings - American Pavilion

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