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The Importance of Clear Span Structures for COVID Testing Sites

COVID-19 testing is more important than ever as cases continue to rise. Utilizing clear span structures can improve the efficiency and availability of COVID testing sites. 

The coronavirus pandemic that has made its way into our lives doesn’t show any sign of slowing down. Cases are on the rise – and who knows when things will slow down. We are heading into the busiest time of year for shopping, social gatherings, events, and travel. That means there is a very real chance that the cases will continue to rise in the foreseeable future.

Many who are choosing to partake in these activities are spending hours and hours in line to get tested before getting together – some never even get the opportunity. And, with this new spread in communities that hadn’t seen many in the past, mistakes made by others should be lessons learned.

It’s safe to say we can all agree that we need more COVID testing sites. It is crucial as we attempt to live life fully – yet safely. With many options on the table, it has become more and more evident that clear span structures are the go-to choice for effective and thorough management of COVID-19 testing facilities.

The Importance of Available COVID Testing Sites

Back in the spring of 2020, when the coronavirus was very new to us, testing was scarce. Sure, it was possible to get tested, but the number of tests was limited and only certain individuals could have access – primarily those with symptoms and/or underlying conditions.

States and local governments opened up COVID testing sites around the country. However, these locations were busy, had long lines, and were often chaotic scenes. While the idea was there, the functionality was not. It’s still not in many places.

If we ever hope to combat this deadly virus, we need to have quick and easy access to COVID-19 testing.

Streamline Testing

While some places have walk-up testing sites, many have a drive-thru testing option. No matter which option you choose, the testing itself needs to be streamlined. Those who need to get tested need to be able to get it done in a reasonable amount of time – without exposing themselves to others.

At the same time, those healthcare workers who are risking their lives at these facilities need to be ensured a safe environment to get the job done. They need to be able to access the individual who is getting tested without being exposed to potential germs.

COVID testing sites need to be well-functioning so that they may administer as many tests as possible all the while maintaining proper social distancing in a well-ventilated space.

COVID Testing In Clear Span Structures - American Pavilion

Safety for Healthcare Workers

While everyone who needs to be tested may visit the testing sites sporadically, healthcare workers are there constantly. They are working day in and day out at these makeshift testing sites, praying that they can remain safe.

Ready for the truth? We need our healthcare workers. Therefore, we need them to be safe.

Nobody needs to be standing out in the rain to give COVID tests. Nobody needs to be subjected to frigid temperatures for hours on a shift due to outdoor testing. And nobody should be forced to remain in an area where germs could be hovering constantly.

A clear span tent can keep our healthcare workers safe by providing them a safe space to work. The sturdy metal frame with the durable fabric covering can provide shelter from wind, rain, snow, ice, and either too cold or too hot temperatures. Also, with an HVAC system, ventilation can be at an all-time high, allowing germs to be removed from the covered space at a high rate.

That’s how we protect our healthcare workers.

Flexibility for Testing Facilities

Many COVID testing sites are being held in places like shopping center parking lots, stadium parking lots, baseball fields, and more. Whatever space is chosen, it obviously needs to be able to accommodate a lot of traffic. Unfortunately, the problem comes with how to keep everyone safe. How do you keep testing moving, especially in inclement weather? How do you create well-moving lines to keep the tests flowing at a high-functioning rate?

Choosing to set things up at a stadium or empty field is wonderful, but it leaves you very little in the way of coverage, protection, safety, and structure.

Enter the clear span tent.

This flexible solution can bring so much to the COVID-19 testing sites. Whether you are dealing with a large city or a smaller suburb, you can find a clear span tent to meet your needs. Easily customizable, there is a size just right for you.

Drive-thru sites, like the one set up by American Pavilion at Miller Park, may have one lane or multiple lanes traveling through the tented space. The size of the tent will be dependent on the size of the testing location itself – or how impacted it is going to be. Because these tents are constructed easily and without any guy lines, they can be erected anywhere. Their aluminum frame works to provide a wide-open space for you to work with when organizing your space.

Drive Thru Testing for COVID - American Pavilion

Additional Benefits of Clear Span Structures as Testing Sites

You’ve heard of the benefits of using clear span tents for COVID testing sites. You may have even seen some in your area. There are so many benefits to these structures, you won’t want to miss out on how they can help your community fight back against COVID-19.

Clearspan tents provide perfect testing site solutions:

  • Customized so you have the perfect size tent for your community’s needs.
  • Create the exact number of drive-thru lanes with a specified number of warehouse doors on either end for convenience.
  • Add special lighting so testing can continue after hours if needed.
  • Enjoy the opened, pole-free design so you can create the best layout for testing to meet your specific needs.
  • Use an HVAC system for increased ventilation, cooling, and heating depending on the current weather conditions.

We should also mention that clear span tents are super easy to construct and deconstruct. If the testing need increases, you can rest easy knowing you will have the space to handle the demand in no time.

Final Thought

While we may not want to be dealing with COVID-19 all these months later, we are. The best thing we can do is make smarter choices when it comes to testing – and that means utilizing all the benefits of a clear span tent.

Contact Us Today for COVID Relief - American Pavilion

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