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5 Reasons Corporate Events are More Fun in Tents

Corporate events are a fact of life for many companies, so why not make your next company event as fun and interactive as possible?

Corporate events can bring on a mixture of emotions for employees.

For many, the social aspect of them can be fun, but the mere requirement of having to attend – and participate – can be daunting.

So, what if you held a corporate event that was actually fun? And what if your employees wanted to attend?


How To Make Corporate Events More Fun With a Tent

Creating high attendance at corporate events – willingly – can increase your company’s morale and your overall production efficiency.

And, for these reasons alone, you need to host your company event in a tent.


Because corporate events are more fun in tents.

Don’t believe us?

Try it!  


1. More Space, Less Stuffy

Have you ever gone to an event at a bland old banquet hall?

If you have, then you know how plain and boring the surroundings can be.

And, if you have ever had to spend many hours (such as for a corporate event), then you know that the walls around you can seem to gradually be closing in on you in the sense of suffocation.

Don’t put that awful feeling on your employees.

Instead, choose to have more space.

All you need is a tent.

This will provide you a wide open space (with no interior barriers) to set up how you desire while also allowing room for your attendees to mingle.

Plus, because it is a tent, you can open the side walls (or choose to have none at all) so that the walls aren’t smothering those present. Say goodbye to stuffiness.

Tents can be customized to meet your needs.

No matter how large or small your corporate event is, you will find a tent that will provide an ample amount of space for your needs.


Hosting Corporate Events Outdoors In a Tent - American Pavilion


2. Get out of the Office

Your employees spend hour after hour, day after day sitting in the office.

And, you may very well have your own conference room and space in the building to hold your next corporate event.

But what about allowing your employees to have a break from the confines of the company building – and enjoy some fresh air.

Getting outdoors can be very beneficial and uplifting.

If you are looking to gain a positive outcome from the event, then you may want to start with the location.

A tent can provide you a beautiful and welcoming space to host corporate events.

It can give your employees a chance to:


3. Increase Your Potential for Fun

There are only so many things that you can do while indoors. This is especially true when it comes to things such as team building activities, ice breaker activities, and such.

Imagine being able to allow your employees to let loose and engage in activities that are going to stimulate creativity and the blood flow through the body.

Just like kids, adults can benefit from moving around and burning off excess energy.

Choosing to hold your corporate event in a tent allows you space and atmosphere to do so much more than you could indoors.

  • Get your employees outdoors and moving
  • Play those games you could never play indoors
  • Even a company game of softball can do wonders for the bond of those involved

You may be surprised at how many people truly will enjoy a corporate event like this. It will be evidenced by the smiles and laughter.


4. Relaxed Atmosphere

Isn’t the point of corporate events to bring people together?

That is a fairly tough task when you have so many people in formal work attire and trying to pretend that they want to be at your event.

Choosing a tent and inviting your employees to a corporate event that boasts a relaxed atmosphere is likely to spark more positive attention than the alternative.

While they still may not be overjoyed about attending a company event, they will come with much less dread than having to sit for hours in a formal banquet hall.

Take the formality out of the event and bring everyone together in ways they have never been.

Play games have a barbecue, let your hair down – and they will too.

This is something that can only be done with the use of a tent and an outdoor venue.


Contact Us to Learn About Planning a Corporate Event in a Tent - American Pavilion


5. Creative and Fun Vibes

Do you know that bright, floral, loud carpet that dons banquet halls everywhere? What about those pale walls and blah décor?

Don’t do it.

If you want your corporate event to be enjoyed by all of those who attend, then you are going to need to create a space that speaks to them.

You want a place where your attendees can automatically know that this is unlike any formal corporate event they have ever experienced and that it is ok to let their guard down and have fun.

Tents have a wide open, blank space for you to decorate. This means that you have the power to set the vibe for the whole event.

Choose colors and décor that will lead you in the direction you want to go. For example:

  • Red is known to grab attention. It dominates passion and demands action. It gets the blood moving.
  • Yellow is mostly used for cheerfulness and warmth. It grabs attention in a positive, jolly way.
  • Orange is exciting and bright. It combines the above two, leading to action and cheerfulness.
  • Green is what you want for a fresh vibe. It leads to focus on the environment, health, vitality, and life.
  • Blue is the go-to for dignity and loyalty. It’s the perfect color for a cool, calming, relaxed environment.
  • Purple is a spiritual color. It can awaken the senses, bring relaxation, along with passion and action.

With a blank canvas, the decorating choice is yours to set the vibe how you desire. What colors will you choose?



Hosting your corporate events in a tent means that you have the ability to provide your employees with more fun, relaxation, and enjoyment.

Reduce your costs, increase the space, reduce the formality, and breathe in the fresh air – and watch your teams grow together.

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