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Are Portable Classroom Tents the Solution for Reopening Schools?

Clear span structures are being utilized around the country to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19. Are portable classroom tents the solution for reopening schools?

Since COVID-19 came into our lives, life has been different. The majority of parents, teachers, and administrators (and maybe a few students) were holding out hope that school would re-open as usual come this fall.

Unfortunately, the global pandemic had another idea.

Here we are, ready to get our kids back in school and regain a bit of normalcy, but we still need to take extra precautions to keep everyone safe and healthy. But, how do you do that when you are already at capacity? How do you create extra space out of permanently designed, brick and mortar schools?

Portable classroom tents may very well be the solution that can make the safe reopening of schools possible.

Social Distancing Requirements

One of the biggest and most frequently discussed measures for keeping kids – and teachers – healthy and free from the spread of this deadly virus is to practice social distancing. Workplaces, retail stores, and restaurants have already put these measures into place.

Here’s the thing, though. Restaurant owners can operate at a lower capacity, having patrons wait outdoors until space opens up inside. This helps them follow the social distancing guidelines and keeps everyone safe. But, could you imagine if schools made the kids line up outdoors and only allow a percentage in at a time? How would that even work?

It can’t work. And, that is precisely why you need another solution for social distancing.

Portable classroom tents offer you additional space so that you may spread out your students. This may be for overflow classes to move students outside of the building. Or, it can be used for larger classes so that they can still be together, but have more space to be socially distanced.

The idea behind these social distancing guidelines is always to keep individuals 6ft apart from one another to slow the spread. Portable classroom tents make this possible!

Efficient and Timely Erection

School is starting quickly. In many states, it has already started. In others, it has been delayed while administrators work tirelessly to find solutions that will be functional and beneficial to keep kids and teachers safe. And, it’s not easy – this is all unchartered territory.

What we do know is that whatever solution is chosen, it needs to be fast and efficient. Kids need to get back into the classroom.

Unlike your typical school portable, portable classroom tents can be ordered and constructed, ready to go, in no time.

They are simple to erect and will not cause any delays in your reopening timeline. And, the best part is that you don’t have to worry about having the perfect location for their construction. These tents can be placed on nearly any surface. So, if you have to spread out your school’s population onto the football field or into the parking lot, no problem!

Portable Classroom Tents - American Pavilion

Extra Space for Classrooms and More

Face it – schools need more room, in general, to protect our students and staff. Classrooms are the place where kids spend most of their days while at school. So, naturally, they are going to need to have extra space to social distance. But, what about other areas of the school?

The front office is one where you will find anybody and everybody that comes to the school. It may be a student coming late from a doctor’s appointment or a parent coming to remove a student early for an appointment. Maybe it is a delivery driver. Or even the mail carrier. The point is, all of these people gathered into the front main office is not good during this pandemic.

The nurse’s office is another area that may need some attention. Especially when there is good chance kids with any sort of symptoms are going to be sent to the nurse to be checked. And, then we have those that present with a COVID-19 symptom. How will you handle them? You surely can’t allow these students to sit in the same nurse’s office as the kid who fell and scraped his knee, right?

Teachers need their space for breaks, meetings, and so forth. These areas are going to need to be extended, as well, to allow for social distancing.

As you can tell, there are many areas of a school that will require additional space for a safe reopening. And portable classroom tents can provide this much-needed space.

Increased Ventilation for Safety

Germs can spread so quickly through the air. That’s why it has been recommended that everyone try to maintain a safe, 6ft distance. We don’t need to stop there, though. Having everyone in one room – socially distanced – without proper ventilation will leave you breathing in the germs. After all, we know that these germs can travel through the air.

The CDC has recommended that schools with the ability to do so should consider outdoor classrooms or opening windows in classrooms just to allow for that extra ventilation. In many places, though, these windows don’t open. And outdoor classrooms with no overhead covering can be uncomfortable and distracting.

A portable classroom tent, however, is a very viable option for those seeking more ventilation. While they can be designed to be more permanent structures using an installed HVAC system, they can also be equipped with easy-to-open sidewalls, windows, and such to allow for the free flow of air in and out of the tented space.

Customized Portable Classroom Tents to Meet Your Needs

Your solution may not be the same as the solution needed by the next school. To get the most for your students and staff, you need a customized solution. Portable classroom tents can be customized to meet your desired needs. From sizing to flooring, lighting, and more. You will be able to get exactly what you need to safely reopen your school.


The truth is, we don’t know how long COVID-19 will be around to impact our lives. And, while staying home and minimizing outside contact is the best way to protect yourself, it isn’t all that feasible. Kids need to go to school. They need social interaction and they need an education.

As long as school administrators take precautions to keep everyone safe and socially distanced (while following other CDC guidelines), we can get through this. And portable classroom tents can help.


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