
5 Steps to Prepare for a Rainy Wedding Day

When day-dreaming about your big day, you can likely picture the beautifully green and sunny outdoors complementing your decorations brilliantly. But, in your daydreams, have you ever imagined what your event would look like sans sun, add rain? Probably not. After all, who wants a rainy wedding day?

You can control a lot of things when it comes to your wedding day. However, the weather is one thing that will always be out of your reach. That’s okay, though, because if you take the time to prepare, you will be ready for any rainy wedding day!

Here are 5 tips to help you keep your guests dry during your outdoor event:

Consider Clear Tent Rentals

The outdoors are beautiful and can make a wonderful backdrop for your celebration. Perhaps it is why so many people choose outdoor destinations! Unfortunately, with the amount of planning and prepping that takes place to pull off an awesome event, the last thing you want to do is leave it to chance. By not taking the weather into consideration, you are doing just that – chancing it.

Why don’t you consider renting a clear tent rental? Event tent rentals will not take away from your outdoor décor. In fact, it will add to it! Tents will give you and your guests a place to take a break from the sun, provide a safe space to decorate and store gifts and food, and, most importantly, provide a dry place should mother nature decide to send some rain your way.

Clear tent rentals are completely customizable so you can be sure to get exactly what you are looking for. These tents can even come equipped with side walls and flooring – which means your guests will be drier than a duck’s back and full of contentment.


Since you cannot stop from having a rainy wedding day, and you can’t fight it, why don’t you just embrace it? Use rain gear to accessorize your big day. For example:

  • If you are expecting a rainy wedding day, why not use umbrellas as party favors and match them to the colors of your wedding? Seeing a sea of umbrellas will be much more pleasing to the eye – and the photographer – if it looks uniform and intentional.
  • Another idea is to provide shawls for everyone – or at least for the ladies. Getting caught in the rain can lead to the chills at times. These shawls will be much appreciated as they keep your guests warm and dry.
  • Ponchos are another option. These may cover up the outfit you and your guests have so carefully planned to wear for this day, but they provide a level of dryness that even shawls and umbrellas can’t touch! Using the same idea as the umbrellas, you can have ponchos pre-printed and passed out as part of the wedding favors!

Anything that you can use to remain dry can be made to look like it was intended to be at the celebration.

Dry Shoes for Wet Feet

There are few things worse than having to stand, dance, and celebrate is soggy, wet shoes. One of those worse things would be walking on muddy, wet ground wearing high heels. Don’t make your guests uncomfortable by placing them in either situation. Instead, offer up a dry pair of shoes for their wet feet.

Discount stores have simple shoes that you can buy in bulk. The point is to not have your guests marinating in their wet ones. So, use whatever funds you can budget and have dry shoes ready. Consider choosing a shoe such as rain boots or flip flops. Either one of these makes exact sizing an insignificant detail.

Tip: Buy a variety of sizes and, again, if possible, keep them uniform in color with your decorations. Set up a table under your tent showing them off and making them easy to access.

Offer Easy Cleanup

If you are running into your house and get caught in a downpour, you grab a towel and dry off. When you are going to someone’s wedding, you don’t generally have that option. Therefore, you must make it an option for your guests.

Rain doesn’t just come at specific times. It may decide to show up pre-celebration, soaking everyone in attendance as they arrive. Provide enough towels for all guests to use if needed. You can even purchase towels to match the décor and display them in neat designs. In other words, turn this necessity into a work of art.

Moistened towelettes or baby wipes can also be of great assistance. With rain, comes mud. One step in the wrong spot and mud can splatter everywhere. These wipes will assist in an easy cleanup.

Choose your Location Wisely

The effect of a rainy wedding day can be amplified by the location you choose – in good ways or bad. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding on your outdoor venue:

  • Make sure the ground is level. Rain can flow. If your ground isn’t level then you could find yourself in a bit of a puddling situation!
  • Review local records to confirm that the area you choose is not in a flood zone – or that it is not prone to flooding.
  • Avoid areas that have more dirt than grass. What happens to dirt when it gets wet? It turns to mud. And, well, mud can make everything very messy.
  • If your location has any of these issues, obtaining flooring with your tent rental can assist. This flooring is a bit raised from the ground and can provide a more level surface.

Your big day isn’t called a big day for nothing. It is important and special and will be something you will remember for a lifetime. Don’t take shortcuts. Plan for the unexpected – know the rain is coming before it arrives. By using rain gear as accessories to your celebration, it will look like the rain was just another invited guest!

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