
5 Benefits of Temporary Construction Tents

When putting together your construction site, there are a few things you need regardless of the size of the project. Consider them the essentials in order to get the job done right. For instance, you need the right crew – a team of experienced men and women who know their stuff and have the skill necessary to handle whatever your construction project entails. You also need the right equipment and tools to make sure it is done properly and precisely. And, we cannot forget how crucial it is to have the right materials. How can you build something without them? 

But anyone who has spent quality time on a construction site knows that there is one more thing missing from this list of essentials – and that is a construction tent. Think you can get by without one? Perhaps. But why would you want to? Here are 5 benefits of temporary construction tents you will want to take advantage of. 

Benefit #1: Customized to Fit Your Needs

Construction tents do not come as a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, you get the opportunity to make it just the way you need it. 

You have control over where you want your windows or doors – and if you want personnel doors or warehouse doors, etc. You can choose the flooring, too. Many have their tents erected using the ground beneath them – whatever that may be. But you don’t have to. You can use concrete, carpeting, wood flooring, etc. Choosing to have lighting throughout your tent or even an HVAC system for climate control can also add to the customization of your construction tent. 7

And you never have to worry about sizing because no matter how small or large the construction site, the project, the machinery, the materials, etc – there is a construction tent that has been designed to fit. 

As we said, you can create it just as you see fit for your needs. There are so many options. 

Benefit #2: Break or Lunch Space

Working outside can be exhausting. Especially when working in construction. This usually involves getting an early start in the day and working hard until lunchtime. It doesn’t matter what the weather conditions are, having someplace to go to get a break from them is important. 

What would they do without a construction tent? Well, many construction workers will huddle themselves in areas that will offer shade and respite from the outdoor conditions. They will find a tree to lean back against or even hop in their vehicle to relax and eat their lunch. Others may drive to nearby establishments to eat lunch – and then rush back to the job site in time to start working again. 

Providing your construction crew with a break space or a lunch space so that they can have quality time to rest is very important to the success of your project. This has been shown to increase overall morale while also aiding in getting the project done right and on time. 

Benefit #3: Increase Production and Efficiency

Speaking of quality rest time – it can increase production and efficiency. When you provide your construction crew with everything they need to have a quality break, then they can get back to work when that break is up, feeling good. They didn’t have to be uncomfortable sitting outside somewhere – or in their car. And they didn’t have to rush from one place to the next, to have some lunch. 

With a construction tent, your crew will have a quality space for a break where they can relax, get something to drink, and eat their lunch, all before heading back out. Fill the space with tables and chairs to make the space feel complete. 

Benefit #4: Safety – For People and Equipment

The construction tent doesn’t only just provide a space for your crew to have lunch, but it also acts as a means of protection, too. It is a place of safety from the outdoor weather conditions for your crew. Whether during the summer or the winter months, having a place to cool down or warm-up is essential for maintaining health and safety throughout the season. 

As for your machinery and equipment, it can be impacted by outdoor weather conditions, as well. Heavy winds can lodge dirt and sand into small crevices, impacting gears, controls, and so forth of some equipment. The sun’s heavy heat, icy cold temperatures, rain, snowfall, and the salt used to melt the snow – all of it can have a detrimental impact on the health of your construction equipment. And, as you know, it is not cheap to replace. 

Construction tents are a place of refuge where your team – and equipment – can be cared for and reduce the number of injuries on the job site. Because there are no poles or other obstructions underneath your tent’s roof, you can easily maneuver machinery inside the tent. And, if you are working on a delicate project, it is even possible to use the tent as a shield over that project, too. 

Benefit #5: A Cost-Effective Solution 

Finally, just as important as the other benefits, construction tents are a cost-effective solution. They can be erected when you need them and dismantled when you don’t. They can easily be moved to another job site so it can bring along all these benefits there, too. 

When you think about all the benefits you get – such as… 

  • the ability to customize your space to meet your needs
  • space for your construction crew to take a quality break that will increase their production and efficiency
  • the opportunity to keep your crew and your equipment safe from the outdoor elements

… you can feel confident that you are saving yourself time and money. You will have fewer – if any – missed deadlines, your employees have a greater chance of remaining healthy, you will encounter fewer workplace accidents, and you won’t have to spend exorbitant amounts of money replacing your damaged equipment. 

With all the benefits of temporary construction tents, they just make sense. 

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