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Why Do You Need Event Signage to Promote Business?

Regardless of your industry, promoting your business is necessary, and it just got much easier with event signage tents.

Are you getting ready to launch a new product or service? Or, are you trying to boost your current brand in an attempt to gain exposure?

Your reason for promoting your business does not matter as much as how you promote it.

You could…

  • Start an online campaign targeting consumers with your brand.
  • Hire a human billboard and sign spinner directing potential buyers to your location.
  • Bombard social media with a heavy presence, engaging potential buyers.
  • Offer promotions and exclusive deals online or in your store (if you have one).
  • Share testimonials and customer reviews.

All of these are ideas of things you could do to promote your business. But perhaps one of the best ways of getting your brand out there is by either hosting or attending an event.

In other words, put your product or service in the middle of a huge audience.


What Is Event Signage?

Event signage can be any type of sign that you use to gain attention while at an event.

Believe it or not, they come in many different forms.

For example, you could create signage such as:

  • Banners
  • Balloons
  • Posters
  • Flags
  • Tents

These items are designed with your company’s information, such as logo, name, social media links, and so forth.

It should be created in a way that it grabs the attention of consumers and tells them about your business – all in less than a few seconds.


Why Is It So Important?

Having your business be present at an event serves little purpose unless you make yourself known.

As is the case with most events, you don’t have very long to grab the attention of the consumers.

By creating event signage that is snazzy and eye-catching, you can draw the people to you.

Take a moment to think about the last event you were at. If it is was a typical event, then there was probably a lot of people and an overwhelming number of things to see.

This is the exact reason promotional business signage is so important.

In a sea of fish, be a shark.


Hawker Beechcraft Tent Aerial View Event Signage - American Pavilion


Event Signage Locations – Where You Need to Be Exposed

Your signage doesn’t only have to be used just once each year at your industry’s annual conference. Instead, you can utilize it in many different settings.

  • Various industry events and conferences.
  • Local community events, such as festivals, green markets, and so forth.
  • Setting up outside your brick and mortar location when offering promotions or incentives.
  • Nearby school fundraisers, carnivals, and such.

The idea is that signage is vital to drawing in customers. And, it is versatile enough to be used in a variety of locations, creating a multitude of benefits for you and your business.

Don’t limit yourself on yourself – take full advantage of any event signage you choose to develop.


Popular Types of Signage Available

Imaginations can come up with some incredible ideas. For those seeking to promote a business, the ideas that are brainstormed for promotional signage can get a bit creative and even bizarre.

By now, you should have a good idea of who your ideal customer is and how to reach him (or her).

There is a very good chance that you have an idea about what types of event signage will entice your customer to seek you out and the types that wouldn’t get a second look.

1. Banners

 These can be hung at your booth, up high or low. They can be hung up or displayed, providing consumers with all the information they need to know.

2. Inflatables

Inflatables work wonderfully for products and services geared toward families with children. A large, inflated means of fun and excitement will have kids dragging parents across the event.

3. Walking billboards and sign spinners

These are also a great way to drive traffic to your booth. This is especially helpful if you find you have been assigned a less-than-ideal space. Grab the attention of those at the event with your sign spinner – then direct them to your booth for more info, to sign up for promotions, and so forth.

4. Digital signage

It can be ever-changing and is likely to stand out. However, keep in mind that this type of signage requires electrical outlet access and may not work so well outdoors during the day or in inclement weather.

5. Customized tents:

Customized tents may just be the ultimate form of event signage. They work for any type of service or product. You can create your tent to reflect all of your business information. Tents are a sort of one-stop-shop for promotional signage.


John Deere Signage Tent and Lights - American Pavilion


Create Your Own Event Signage with a Customized Tent

At just about any event, it is common to have a tent – especially if outdoors.

Tent rentals provide a designated space for your business, safety from inclement weather for you and your products, as well as a place created to entice potential customers to stay awhile.

But, did you know that tents can be customized and become your own event signage?

It’s true!

Imagine having something on your side at events that provides you so many benefits.

Benefits of Tents as Promotional Signage

Customizations for event tents can include:

  • Specific colors
  • Logo and name printing
  • Any information you deem necessary

This allows you to set up shop without having to worry about hanging banners or damaging posters. It’s all right there on your tent.

Plus, in an event that is full of tents – many the plain white version – your tent will be able to be spotted from afar.

So, not only can you attract customers, but you can also be spotted by return customers, too.

What a giant win for your business.



It does not matter what type of business you have it will not take you far if consumers don’t know about it.

Therefore, promoting your product or service is so important. And, of course, signage can be a great asset.

Before you start planning your next event, spend time developing your event signage – and creating your customized tent rental.


Contact Us for Customized Branded Event Signage Tents - American Pavilion

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