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Outdoor Party Safety Tips for Those Longer Nights

Party safety is always something a host should think about, especially if the day event turns into a night celebration. Below are some tips on how to properly protect and care for your guests.

Some parties are dreadful. No sooner do you arrive, you find yourself dreaming of all the things you could be doing if you were not stuck at the lame event.

Then, on the flip side, there are those parties that make you forget life for the moment. Instead, they allow you to be joyful and have fun. These are the type of parties you want to throw, right?

Well, how do you know if you are having a great and successful party? When no one wants to leave. It’s that simple, really. When the party continues on and the fun doesn’t stop, you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Your party is a success.

But, wait – what if you didn’t intend on the party lasting longer? What if you aren’t prepared for an event set in the dark? What party safety precautions do you need in place just in case the event dips into the late night-time hours?

First, congratulations. You found yourself here which means you are ready to throw a party – and have it be a success. So, let’s go over all of the outdoor party safety tips for those long nights.

Proper Lighting

It goes without saying that if you have an outdoor party after the sun goes down, you need to have proper lighting. Unfortunately, more often than not, this gets overlooked as most people who intend to throw a party during daylight hours do not necessarily intend for it to go longer, into the night.

Plan ahead and make sure that you have proper lighting for your guests just in case. This lighting should be used in all areas that will be accessed, including main party areas, hallways, restrooms, parking lots, walkways, and pathways, etc.

Anywhere your guests may walk should be illuminated after dark – especially in places where greater danger could occur, such as near stairs or parking areas.

Outdoor Party Safety Tips for Longer Nights - American Pavilion

Protective Tents

Any outdoor party should start with a tent rental. Not only do they provide you protection from the elements – such as if it decides to rain on your event, but they also give you an ample amount of space to design and decorate your party just as you want it.

But, when it comes to safety at night, you will want your guests to have some sort of covering overhead – a tent rental is a perfect choice.

See, as the sun goes down, the temperatures can drop. Choosing to use a tent – especially one with sidewalls – means that you can keep everyone warm and safe from late-night, outdoor elements.

Temporary tented structures allow you wide-open areas with no support poles or the like underneath, giving your guests the freedom to roam without any obstruction or accidentally causing any destruction.

Further, these structures can come in the perfect size for your needs so that you can ensure your party venue can easily withhold the number of guests without breaking any occupancy laws.

And, finally, depending on your party or event, you can have climate control added to your tent so that no matter the temperature or outdoor conditions, your guests will be well-kept in your tent.

Invest in Security

When you throw a bunch of people together under a tent at an outdoor party, you get a really good time. Of course, get the adult beverages flowing for an extended period of time and you could find yourself in the middle of some trouble.

If you want to keep things safe with your extended outdoor party, then you should think about having some sort of security. Whether it is in the form of a designated friend or two, or you decide to hire professional security guards, you need a plan in place in case something happens.

Being prepared for the unexpected means that you can easily keep the party going without any great interruption. And that is the safest thing you can do for your guests.

Curb Drinking and Driving

Sure, having fun and sipping an alcoholic beverage tend to go hand-in-hand for many people. Unfortunately, though, it is important to try and curb this drinking and driving – especially when the individuals will be leaving your party.

Why? Depending on the laws where you reside, you very well could be to blame should something happen after an intoxicated individual leaves your party and gets behind the wheel of their vehicle.

Put some safety measures in place to ensure that those who are leaving are doing so safely. Encourage designated drivers, the use of services like Uber, and limiting the use of alcohol.

You want to make sure everyone remains safe while also having a good time. It is absolutely possible to do this.

Be Ready for Anything

You never know what may arise as the party heats up and keeps going. The best thing you can do is be party safety ready for anything.

For one, you should always have a first aid kit handy. You never know when someone may accidentally injure themselves or the like. So, having ointment, band-aids, and other first-aid tools on hold could make everything a bit more simple.

  • Do you know what to do if the electricity to your tent falters or goes out? Who will you call?
  • What happens if someone gets seriously injured? Do you have the address and all other information to supply emergency medical services?
  • If you have questions about your tent rental, do you know who to reach out to?

Don’t wait until something happens and find yourself scurrying all over the place to find what you need. Make a note or a folder and keep together all pertinent information – including after-hours numbers – just in case you need it the night of the party.

You may not ever need to look at this information. But, the one time you need it, you will be glad you took the time.

Outdoor Party Safety Tips for Longer Nights - American Pavilion


If your guests don’t want to leave your party, you should feel honored. Keep everything safe and copacetic by renting a tent, checking into security, investing in lighting, and more. Then, no matter what comes your way, all will be well – and your party will go down as a success.

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