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Making Sure a Tent Rental is Safe for Large Events

The day of your event has arrived and you have made sure everything is perfect – right on down to the tiniest of details. You’ve discovered that a large tent can provide an amazing venue for your event. Not only can you customize it to your exact needs, but it also can allow you to enjoy a large events outdoors without dealing with outdoor weather-related hazards.

While a tent rental can provide many safety features, it is up to you to make sure that all safety angles are addressed before your event. Otherwise, if you don’t prepare for a potential emergency, your months and months of planning could get thrown out with the trash.

Tent size

When was the last time you were in an office, restaurant, or concert venue and saw a sign on the wall that read, “Maximum Capacity…” followed by a number? This sign lets you know how many people can safely fit within the confines of the room. Exactly how many people per space varies and is usually determined by fire safety codes or other local ordinances.

The point is, those signs don’t just end with permanent buildings, but with tents as well. Thankfully, you will not need to hang a sign or go through any formal process. Instead, you will want to make sure you have a head count of just how many people intend to attend your event before you place your tent order. Once you have the guest number ironed out, then rent your tent accordingly.

It may seem enticing to go with a smaller tent for financial reasons, but that means you are risking the safety of all your guests. Should an emergency occur, you want to make sure all guests are able to move freely and leave the tent easily and safely. The proper amount of space in your tent size will allow that.

Never overcrowd your tent.

No poles

When you think of a tent rental, you may picture poles holding it up and in place. After all, how else would tents get erected? Many tent rentals these days, especially clear span tents, do not require inconveniently exposed poles throughout the tent. This lets all the guests at large events have plenty of room for your activities. Regardless of if you are holding a concert, a party, or a tradeshow, your guests will have plenty of room.

This safety feature of an event tent means that, in case of an emergency, there is nothing structurally that will impose a hazard or risk to your guests. Removing these poles reduces the risk of injury, including both tripping or running into them.

Have an evacuation plan

One reason why so many event planners love tent rentals is because of the open space they provide. There are many possibilities for decorating and creating the layout of the event since there are no pre-built walls, as in a permanent structure. While this benefit can help the flow of the event, it also aids in increasing safety.

Because you are designing the layout of your event, you will want to keep these in mind:

  • Do not put tables close together without leaving a safe amount of room between each for access. Do this even if you don’t intend for individuals to pass through. In case of an emergency, your guests will use every avenue possible.
  • Do not use any fire-creating appliance, such as gas grills, burners, etc. Fires are a serious hazard and could happen in the blink of an eye. Instead, opt for electrical cooking devices.
  • Keep centerpieces and other decorations away from fire sources.
  • Opt not to use candles.

Design your layout with an evacuation plan in mind. Make it possible for your guests to be able to follow through with it should they need to.

Walls are important for safetyLarge Events | American Pavilion

Choosing to use the side walls that can come with event tent rentals is wise, especially if you reside in an area prone to inclement weather. The roof of event tents can withstand some wind, rain, and snow weight. However, having cover overhead won’t do you any good if it is pouring and the wind is blowing the rain sideways!

This rain could pose many safety hazards, two of the most dangerous are: guests could slip and fall or electrical circuits could be compromised, possibly causing shock. Why risk all of that when you could just choose to add walls to your tent rental? It is a safety feature that is almost a must!

You may think that side walls will just blow in the wind and still let rain in. However, most tents come with walls that run on tracks. They slide open and closed, much like a sliding glass door in a home. In addition to being attached to the track, these side walls are also attached to the roof of the tent.

Know your tent’s weather specs

Tent rentals are good for being able to have a party outdoors while staying safe from rough weather. Unfortunately, tents for large events cannot withstand all types of weather. For example – severe lightning. When you find yourself in a storm, your tent will protect you. However, if there is a lot of cloud to ground lightening, you may want to seek a more permanent shelter for large events.

Another example is intense winds. Most event tents can handle a decently strong amount of wind without any struggle. But, don’t just assume it will. This is something you will want to discuss when the tent is being erected – just to be sure it is being founded properly to withstand the correct amount of wind strength.

Always, always have a backup plan.

Extra steps to take for full safety

All in all, you will want to make sure that you have covered all the bases – just in case something goes wrong. You may not intend to have an emergency, but taking a few simple safety measures can save you – and your guests – in case you do.

  • Have a fire extinguisher (or two). Make sure they are clearly visible.
  • Hire an electrician to properly setup all electrical equipment.
  • Cover cords or other potential foot/walking safety hazards.

Preparing and creating large events is a lot of work, but be prepared for anything and your party is sure to be a hit!

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