Event Industry

How to Throw a Trending Summer Party

The hottest time of the year  is the perfect time to throw a cool outdoor party. So, what exactly constitutes a cool outdoor summer party? Well it surely doesn’t just involve your typical decorations with burgers and hot dogs on the grill. No, sir. The hottest summer parties are all-encompassing and can transport you and your guests to a faraway land!

Ready to throw the coolest summer party in town? Check this out.

Latest summer party theme trends

The latest trends in summer parties is creating a total transformation. For example, if you choose to have your party in your own backyard, the idea is to make your guests to forget they are there. How is that possible? Because you will transform your entire backyard. Every aspect of it will fit the theme of the party.

Here are the latest and hottest party theme ideas offering a total transformation:

  • Glamping: This is glamorous camping. Invite your friends over and find your outdoorsy-self and sleep outside. It’s like having a summer party that doesn’t end! Spend the night outdoors without having to give up all the wonderful perks you lose when you go camping.
  • Food truck frenzy: If you are planning on having a big shindig, why not have a food truck bash? These parties offer the perfect opportunity for your friends to try something new and help new businesses who are just starting out with their food trucks to gain some returning customers. It’s a win-win that is hard to beat!
  • Exotic lands: Think Belize, Morocco, Nepal, Madagascar, Maui, the French Polynesia, etc. Consider any and all places that you and your friends may never get to see up close and personal. Then do some research and transform your backyard into this faraway place.

These are just a few ideas. There are so many ways to avoid the same pool party ritual and create something magical and memorable.

Let the food transport your guests

When you think back to most of the summertime parties you have had throughout life, you will likely picture a fired-up barbecue grill, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, corn on the cob, and your great aunt Nelly’s famous potato salad. This is so not the thing to eat at your cool summer party. Instead, let the food you offer transport your guests to an entirely new setting – in uniform with your theme, of course.

A few examples to match the hot trends above are:

  • For glamping, you will want foods that will be light and cool. Citrus salads, cold pastas, etc. work perfectly for this event. Because all your friends will be sleeping over, this is the perfect time to raise the bar on your bar! Create new mixed drinks and spunky cocktails to make the night a bit sweeter.
  • Food truck frenzies can offer a wide variety – anything from Indian, Asian, or Mexican cuisine to cupcakes and other tasty treats. The key is to have a variety of different foods for your guests to munch on.
  • If you decide to whisk your guests away to an exotic land, you better make sure you know how to cook the food! Look up recipes and create a feast that stems from the region you choose. If possible, you may also be able to find a local restaurant that specializes in this cuisine that may be willing to cater – or at least give you some pointers!

Everything should match, including the food. Don’t neglect it!

Turn the temperature down

Most people love summer, but not everyone loves the summertime heat. If you want to throw the coolest party, make it cool – literally. First and foremost, do not host a summer party in desert-like settings – make sure you have some shade! You could host a party near trees that can offer shade. Or, perhaps have a building overhang or awning. Another idea would be to rent a tent!

The wonderful thing about tent rentals is that they offer shade, yes. However, they also offer climate control. That means that you can have your cake and eat it, too! Enjoy the outdoors, take in the sunshine, and keep cool under the protection of your tent.

Tip: You may also want to incorporate some cool treats and ice-cold beverages to keep the body temps lowered, too.

Seeking professional help

You are great, you really are. Your ideas are wonderful, your decorating style is superb, but you are not a professional. If you want to have a cool summer party, then you need to bring in the professionals. After all, if you want to make your guests believe they are somewhere other than your backyard, then you need to make them believe it.

Professionals can be hired for so many tasks when it comes to planning parties. If you seek out an event planner, he or she will typically have a huge networking database of professionals with all diverse backgrounds that they work with. This would be an easy, but potentially a bit costlier, way to go.

If you know what it is you are looking for, you can always seek out help on your own. Doing some research online, you can discover local professionals who specialize in your needs. Just make sure that you do some digging to confirm that the professionals are legit and reputable.

Go all out!

Don’t let anything go. Throw the hottest (and coolest) summer party by not holding back. You know the saying, go big or go home. That’s the attitude you must have here. The goal is to create a place that your guests will never want to leave once they step inside.

Now you know what you can do to create a cool summer party for you and your friends. Rent a tent for your backyard and turn down its climate control. Then, decorate and transform the tent into something that will make jaws drop. If you hear the question, “where am I again?” then you know you did good, kid.


5 Steps to Prepare for a Rainy Wedding Day

When day-dreaming about your big day, you can likely picture the beautifully green and sunny outdoors complementing your decorations brilliantly. But, in your daydreams, have you ever imagined what your event would look like sans sun, add rain? Probably not. After all, who wants a rainy wedding day?

You can control a lot of things when it comes to your wedding day. However, the weather is one thing that will always be out of your reach. That’s okay, though, because if you take the time to prepare, you will be ready for any rainy wedding day!

Here are 5 tips to help you keep your guests dry during your outdoor event:

Consider Clear Tent Rentals

The outdoors are beautiful and can make a wonderful backdrop for your celebration. Perhaps it is why so many people choose outdoor destinations! Unfortunately, with the amount of planning and prepping that takes place to pull off an awesome event, the last thing you want to do is leave it to chance. By not taking the weather into consideration, you are doing just that – chancing it.

Why don’t you consider renting a clear tent rental? Event tent rentals will not take away from your outdoor décor. In fact, it will add to it! Tents will give you and your guests a place to take a break from the sun, provide a safe space to decorate and store gifts and food, and, most importantly, provide a dry place should mother nature decide to send some rain your way.

Clear tent rentals are completely customizable so you can be sure to get exactly what you are looking for. These tents can even come equipped with side walls and flooring – which means your guests will be drier than a duck’s back and full of contentment.


Since you cannot stop from having a rainy wedding day, and you can’t fight it, why don’t you just embrace it? Use rain gear to accessorize your big day. For example:

  • If you are expecting a rainy wedding day, why not use umbrellas as party favors and match them to the colors of your wedding? Seeing a sea of umbrellas will be much more pleasing to the eye – and the photographer – if it looks uniform and intentional.
  • Another idea is to provide shawls for everyone – or at least for the ladies. Getting caught in the rain can lead to the chills at times. These shawls will be much appreciated as they keep your guests warm and dry.
  • Ponchos are another option. These may cover up the outfit you and your guests have so carefully planned to wear for this day, but they provide a level of dryness that even shawls and umbrellas can’t touch! Using the same idea as the umbrellas, you can have ponchos pre-printed and passed out as part of the wedding favors!

Anything that you can use to remain dry can be made to look like it was intended to be at the celebration.

Dry Shoes for Wet Feet

There are few things worse than having to stand, dance, and celebrate is soggy, wet shoes. One of those worse things would be walking on muddy, wet ground wearing high heels. Don’t make your guests uncomfortable by placing them in either situation. Instead, offer up a dry pair of shoes for their wet feet.

Discount stores have simple shoes that you can buy in bulk. The point is to not have your guests marinating in their wet ones. So, use whatever funds you can budget and have dry shoes ready. Consider choosing a shoe such as rain boots or flip flops. Either one of these makes exact sizing an insignificant detail.

Tip: Buy a variety of sizes and, again, if possible, keep them uniform in color with your decorations. Set up a table under your tent showing them off and making them easy to access.

Offer Easy Cleanup

If you are running into your house and get caught in a downpour, you grab a towel and dry off. When you are going to someone’s wedding, you don’t generally have that option. Therefore, you must make it an option for your guests.

Rain doesn’t just come at specific times. It may decide to show up pre-celebration, soaking everyone in attendance as they arrive. Provide enough towels for all guests to use if needed. You can even purchase towels to match the décor and display them in neat designs. In other words, turn this necessity into a work of art.

Moistened towelettes or baby wipes can also be of great assistance. With rain, comes mud. One step in the wrong spot and mud can splatter everywhere. These wipes will assist in an easy cleanup.

Choose your Location Wisely

The effect of a rainy wedding day can be amplified by the location you choose – in good ways or bad. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding on your outdoor venue:

  • Make sure the ground is level. Rain can flow. If your ground isn’t level then you could find yourself in a bit of a puddling situation!
  • Review local records to confirm that the area you choose is not in a flood zone – or that it is not prone to flooding.
  • Avoid areas that have more dirt than grass. What happens to dirt when it gets wet? It turns to mud. And, well, mud can make everything very messy.
  • If your location has any of these issues, obtaining flooring with your tent rental can assist. This flooring is a bit raised from the ground and can provide a more level surface.

Your big day isn’t called a big day for nothing. It is important and special and will be something you will remember for a lifetime. Don’t take shortcuts. Plan for the unexpected – know the rain is coming before it arrives. By using rain gear as accessories to your celebration, it will look like the rain was just another invited guest!

Event Industry

Planning Tips for Your Next Outdoor Corporate Event

A corporate event gives you a chance to show off your company – whether to your clients, those in the same field, or your own employees. These events allow you to show appreciation for the support of clients and those who run your day to day operation.

Because of the importance of the event, it needs to be impressive. So, when it comes to planning your next outdoor corporate event, use these tips to make sure you are putting your company’s best foot forward!

Get your corporate event logistics down

An outdoor corporate event is not a small task. No matter how prepared you think you are, you really aren’t until you work out the logistics.

  • Are you having vendors?
  • Is the event being catered?
  • How many tables or unique spaces need to be set up?
  • Will you be renting a tent?
  • How long will you have to set up the venue? Will there be enough time?
  • How long will it take to deconstruct?
  • Is the event space designed for optimal flow and easy access for guests?

These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself and consider before the day of the event. If possible, allow extra time in case you encounter any kinks in your plan. Restricting your time could cause a lot of headaches and aggravation.

All things electrical

Electricity is a necessity today – even for an outdoor event. You will need lighting sources in case the event occurs after the sun goes down. You may need access to audio or visual equipment. Perhaps you are even cooking at the event. Unless you are taking it way back in time, you will need some source of electrical power.

Electricity is not one of those things you should just do on your own. Take the time to decide what you will need it for and where in the venue you will need to access it. Then, hire an electrician or contractor to hook it up for you. Sure, this may mean you will incur an extra expense – but is the electricity at your corporate event really something you want to risk? The last thing you need is to have an entire event taking place and to lose power. Or, worse, have a fire due to faulty wiring!

Tip: The electrical cords will likely be visible due to the outdoor location. However, make sure they are out of main walkways, tied, and covered as best as possible to ensure the safety of your guests.

Have a Plan B

You can work hard to make sure you have everything on track and ready to go. However, you may discover an obstacle. For instance, Mother Nature. You cannot predict the weather. So, when you are planning an outdoor event, it is imperative that you have a backup plan – just in case the outdoors isn’t so welcoming for you and your guests.

Your alternate plan may be to move into a nearby permanent structure. However, depending on what your event is to entail and how many guests attending, this move could get a bit tricky. One way to avoid this is to opt for a tent rental. Event tents are customizable so you will be able to find one to fit your exact needs. They provide shelter from almost any weather condition (except the severe stuff), providing a roof, sidewalls, and even flooring! This is an effortless way to have your guests covered.

Whatever you choose for your Plan B, make sure you have the logistics worked out so that the transition can take place smoothly.

Amenities/Guest comfort

You want your guests to enjoy themselves at your corporate event. Therefore, providing amenities that will give them comfort will score you some bonus points. Think about it – not everyone enjoys being outdoors so having a few little things that can make it more tolerable will go long way in making a good (and lasting) impression. Consider the following:

  • Personal fans
  • Sunglasses
  • Flip flops
  • Sunscreen
  • If there will be kids present, offer things such as water toys, bubbles, etc.
  • Have a delightful selection of ice cold beverages.
  • Provide shade, such as with a tent rental.
  • Offer popsicles or other chilled treats.

Sanitation and health concerns

Anytime you have a large group of people together, you need to take precautions when it comes to sanitary conditions. Otherwise, you could end up with some serious health concerns (not to mention some potential unwelcome publicity).

  • Make sure your event venue has proper restrooms for people. Hire someone to make sure that the bathrooms remain clean, in working order, and stocked throughout the entire event. The availability of running water and plumbing is essential for this.
  • If you will be cooking on premises, hire only those individuals who know their way around a kitchen. You will want to cook everything to its proper temperature.
  • Ensure that food is being prepped and stored properly. Don’t leave food out that can possibly spoil.

Many of these things are common sense but can get overlooked easily when too many hands are involved. To keep everyone safe and healthy, practice these and the many other rules suggested by your local health department.

Ordinances and Permits

How humiliating would it be if your corporate event was in full swing and your city officials show up and shut your party down? It is important to know and understand your local ordinances and permit requirements. When hosting large events, there are generally going to be rules and regulations that need to be followed. Reach out to your local government offices to determine what, if any, permits you will need and what ordinances you will need to follow.

Your outdoor corporate event can leave a lasting impression on your guests, but not if you aren’t prepared. Make sure you have all the logistics down, as well as maintain control of the safety of your guests. If you line up all your ducks in a row just right, you can relax and enjoy the event.


June is Camping Month – Get a Tent Rental and Glamp!

Summertime days are longer, the nights are shorter, and there just seems to be a bit of summer magic flowing in the air. Many people spend this season on family vacations to faraway lands, swimming with friends, or attending barbecue after barbecue.

Many others turn their summertime into a camping adventure – grabbing a tent and a backpack and heading out into the woods to get lost without a care. Unfortunately, not everyone is so keen on the idea of giving up a bed for a sleeping bag on the ground. Who says you can’t make it a memorable, fun, and extravagant experience?

You can! Just celebrate this beautiful time of year by getting a tent rental to glamp!

What is glamping?

Glamping is a combination of glamour and camping. It is perfect for those individuals who have always wanted to be a bit outdoorsy, but aren’t. Think about it – camping isn’t for everyone. Its outdoors with bugs and dirt. Yikes! All the conveniences of normal day to day life are removed.

This is where glamping comes in.

Glamping doesn’t take away all your indoor, modern-day conveniences. There is no sleeping on the cold, hard ground with mosquitos buzzing around. And, no, you absolutely do not need to eat a can of beans over the campfire for dinner.

Its outdoors.

Its glamorous.

You can be fancy.

Its cozy.

Its glamping!

Where to glamp?

Now that you know you can happily handle a night out glamping, where are you going to set up? Glamping can happen anywhere. You can always…

  • Take to the woods and find a serene location. However, unless you are prepared, this may lead you to roughing it a bit more than you may want to.
  • Pick a destination and check out local campgrounds. This will provide your will available facilities, making outdoor living a bit more enjoyable. Tip: Make sure to research and read reviews before you make your final decision.
  • Stick close to home and pitch a tent in your own backyard. In fact, for your first attempt, this may be your best option. After all, being close to home has its perks. For example, if you forget something, it’s no big deal – just walk into the house! Not to mention that being close to your indoor plumbing should be enough reason to stay close to home – campground facilities just can’t compare! This is a great option for a test run on glamping before you take a more adventurous leap.

Glamping involves a tent and a camper with an eye for décor and the finer things in life. Setting up in the middle of the woods with fluffy pillows and your own personal espresso machine may make some hardcore campers chuckle.

Decide how daring you want to be as a glamper, then, you can get started!

How to glamp?

If you have decided to go glamping, you need to know all the wonderful things that can make your comfortable adventure complete. Whether you decide to stay close to home or venture out into the unknown, these are some ideas to show you how you can finely glamp no matter where you are:

  • A tent. You will need one. The size and type will be determined by where you are going and how many people you will be sharing the tent with. Because of this, choosing to rent a tent may make more sense. Besides – you don’t know if you will even find the great outdoors enjoyable or you may never go again! Renting a tent saves you money and can get you just the tent you are looking for to meet all your needs.
  • A means to maintaining personal hygiene. It’s important, of course. Do some research and find the camping sink that will fit your needs. (Yes, there is a such sink.) These units allow you to wash hands, brush your teeth, etc. Another desirable choice is to purchase a camper toilet. These give you a delightful place to sit your bum without having to just hover over a hole in the ground.
  • A travelling bar. Just because you are on an outdoor adventure doesn’t mean you cannot bring Johnnie and Jim with you! You can purchase one, or just pack up all your bar necessities in a tidy container for a glamping party!
  • Blow up furniture is not just for beds anymore! You can purchase a blow-up couch, loveseat, chaise, chair, etc. In fact, if your tent will allow, you can turn the inside into a comfortable living room! Put a soft, fuzzy throw rug in the middle and – boom – home sweet home.
  • After utilizing the travelling bar, you are going want some coffee when the sun comes up. Find yourself a handheld coffee or espresso maker. Be prepared to get some desiring stares as you brew.
  • You will want light after the sun goes down. Purchase some solar-powered string lights or any solar powered light, for that matter.

There are ways to make even the most unpleasant moments more pleasant. Search camping stores, the camping section in local discount stores, or your own imagination to see how to handle any inconvenience you may face.

Who glamps?

So, who glamps? Anyone who wants to find their inner nature-loving self without having to get too dirty. After all, glamping still involves camping. It means that you will be outside, you will have to walk through grass and dirt, and you will likely see a fly. But, it also means you will have everything you need to combat all those things and so much more!

When should we glamp?

Depending on where you reside, you may choose to go glamping in the summertime. However, you can glamp whenever you prefer. Although you will be bringing along many of your modern-day comforts, you will still need to consider that you will be sleeping outdoors in a tent and must plan your glamp according to what the season brings.

Why not go glamping right now? June is camping month – get yourself a tent rental and glamp!


Tent Rentals

Rent a Tent for Your Fourth of July Celebration

Summertime brings about all sorts of fun times and memory-making events. It also brings a fun Fourth of July celebration that comes with it. Fireworks, barbecues, parades, and so much more. In fact, it is the ultimate summertime event. How do you celebrate Independence Day each year? However you choose to celebrate, it is definitely a day to be outdoors. This year, consider renting a tent and hosting an unforgettable Fourth of July celebration.

Renting a Tent

Contrary to what you may think, you absolutely cannot do fireworks indoors. Teaching kids – who love sparklers and bottle rockets – that it is okay to light them in the house could cause some serious issues. Therefore, it is in your best interest to take the party outdoors.

The downfall to this is that July is smack dab in the middle of summer. You are going to need some reprieve from the sun. Renting a tent can provide just that. It offers you and your guests a place to take cover and cool down in the shade. Tent rentals are also great for protecting against any unwelcome summertime rain showers. Depending on the size of the celebration, you can even customize your tent to fit your needs – and your backyard.

Independence Day Grub

What is the first thing you think of when it comes to food for a Fourth of July celebration? Anything you can grill, of course! But that doesn’t mean you must be limited to only hamburgers and hot dogs. You can cook just about anything on a grill and call it a barbecue! Here are a few food ideas that will make your event:

  • Grill everything. Chicken, pork, burgers, steaks, hot dogs, sausages, etc. – any type of meat can be grilled.
  • Grill the sides, too. Corn on the cob, potatoes, or any type of veggie tastes better on the grill!
  • Don’t forget the sweet treats! Providing ice cold popsicles or ice cream on a super-hot summer day will make your guests excited and thankful!

Fourth of July Celebration Activities

You are going to want to keep the kiddos content with some activities. They are going to be excited and anxious for the evening fireworks. So, until the sun goes down, make sure you have a list of fun things to occupy them. (The adults will all appreciate this, too!)

Because it is summer, anything water related will be welcome and very refreshing. And, no, you do not need to have a pool. Things such as sprinkler toys, a Slip N Slide, or a water balloon fight will work. Even consider setting up various kid pools. These can be enjoyed by kids and adults, alike.

Throw together a football game, play catch, corn hole, horseshoes, or soda pong. Just plan something to keep guests occupied throughout the day.

Your activities don’t have to be organized. You can just have them out and ready for your guests to enjoy should the mood strike. Be sure to have some music and a place for your guests to lounge under the tent – sometimes good mingling is the only activity required! Remember, just because you’re renting a tent doesn’t mean you can’t leave it all day!


Fireworks are key to every Fourth of July celebration. Depending on where you reside, your budget, and your interests, you may either decide to purchase your own fireworks or go see a community display. Your guests are going to want to know what you decide so they can prepare – make sure to be clear about your intentions.

There are pros and cons to each choice.

  • Fireworks can be extremely expensive. Tip: purchasing fireworks at the last minute can often lead to better deals.
  • Fireworks at home can bring some safety risks. Be prepared and be warned.
  • Unless you are willing to spend a lot in fireworks, your display will never match what you will see in an actual firework show.
  • If you prefer to keep your event low-key and not have to deal with crowds for the holiday, you may want to hit up your local firework stand.

You can always do both! Buy some small fireworks to do at home and excite the young ones. Then, move the party to your community firework display and enjoy.

Safety for Everyone

Combine high heat and summer sunshine, barbecue grills, drinks, and fireworks and you could have yourself a potentially hazardous situation. To keep your guests – and yourself – safe this Fourth of July, check out these safety tips:

  • It is easy to get dehydrated when the temperatures rise in the summer. Make sure to drink plenty of water and have it readily available for your guests.
  • Renting a tent will provide a great amount of shade and protection from the sun. Add fans to keep guests cool and safe from the heat.
  • If you have a pool, be sure to keep an eye on those swimming – especially those who do not know how to swim.
  • Grilling is a must have on the Fourth of July, but it can also be dangerous. Keep the grill outdoors and outside of the tent. You do not want any low patio roofs or trees near your grill, either. Have an experienced adult do the grilling.
  • The National Council on Fireworks Safety recommends only adults handle the lighting of fireworks.
  • Light fireworks in an open, outdoor area.
  • Always, always have water nearby. A bucket of water is best, but a hose ready to go will work, too.
  • Have a designated location (near the water source) for fireworks that have been completed. This keeps the trash in one area, it keeps your guests safe from accidentally stepping on them, and it puts any fire risk in an isolated location.
  • Many pets are frightened by the sound of fireworks. Leave them indoors for their safety and yours.

Your Responsibility

Renting a tent does come with some responsibility, but as long as you take these safety tips into consideration, you will be fine.

The Fourth of July is a time for celebrating our country’s independence. Spend the day outdoors under your tent rental, fire up the grill, and watch the sky light up in beautiful colors. Make some memories this summer!


Event Industry

Making Sure a Tent Rental is Safe for Large Events

The day of your event has arrived and you have made sure everything is perfect – right on down to the tiniest of details. You’ve discovered that a large tent can provide an amazing venue for your event. Not only can you customize it to your exact needs, but it also can allow you to enjoy a large events outdoors without dealing with outdoor weather-related hazards.

While a tent rental can provide many safety features, it is up to you to make sure that all safety angles are addressed before your event. Otherwise, if you don’t prepare for a potential emergency, your months and months of planning could get thrown out with the trash.

Tent size

When was the last time you were in an office, restaurant, or concert venue and saw a sign on the wall that read, “Maximum Capacity…” followed by a number? This sign lets you know how many people can safely fit within the confines of the room. Exactly how many people per space varies and is usually determined by fire safety codes or other local ordinances.

The point is, those signs don’t just end with permanent buildings, but with tents as well. Thankfully, you will not need to hang a sign or go through any formal process. Instead, you will want to make sure you have a head count of just how many people intend to attend your event before you place your tent order. Once you have the guest number ironed out, then rent your tent accordingly.

It may seem enticing to go with a smaller tent for financial reasons, but that means you are risking the safety of all your guests. Should an emergency occur, you want to make sure all guests are able to move freely and leave the tent easily and safely. The proper amount of space in your tent size will allow that.

Never overcrowd your tent.

No poles

When you think of a tent rental, you may picture poles holding it up and in place. After all, how else would tents get erected? Many tent rentals these days, especially clear span tents, do not require inconveniently exposed poles throughout the tent. This lets all the guests at large events have plenty of room for your activities. Regardless of if you are holding a concert, a party, or a tradeshow, your guests will have plenty of room.

This safety feature of an event tent means that, in case of an emergency, there is nothing structurally that will impose a hazard or risk to your guests. Removing these poles reduces the risk of injury, including both tripping or running into them.

Have an evacuation plan

One reason why so many event planners love tent rentals is because of the open space they provide. There are many possibilities for decorating and creating the layout of the event since there are no pre-built walls, as in a permanent structure. While this benefit can help the flow of the event, it also aids in increasing safety.

Because you are designing the layout of your event, you will want to keep these in mind:

  • Do not put tables close together without leaving a safe amount of room between each for access. Do this even if you don’t intend for individuals to pass through. In case of an emergency, your guests will use every avenue possible.
  • Do not use any fire-creating appliance, such as gas grills, burners, etc. Fires are a serious hazard and could happen in the blink of an eye. Instead, opt for electrical cooking devices.
  • Keep centerpieces and other decorations away from fire sources.
  • Opt not to use candles.

Design your layout with an evacuation plan in mind. Make it possible for your guests to be able to follow through with it should they need to.

Walls are important for safety

Choosing to use the side walls that can come with event tent rentals is wise, especially if you reside in an area prone to inclement weather. The roof of event tents can withstand some wind, rain, and snow weight. However, having cover overhead won’t do you any good if it is pouring and the wind is blowing the rain sideways!

This rain could pose many safety hazards, two of the most dangerous are: guests could slip and fall or electrical circuits could be compromised, possibly causing shock. Why risk all of that when you could just choose to add walls to your tent rental? It is a safety feature that is almost a must!

You may think that side walls will just blow in the wind and still let rain in. However, most tents come with walls that run on tracks. They slide open and closed, much like a sliding glass door in a home. In addition to being attached to the track, these side walls are also attached to the roof of the tent.

Know your tent’s weather specs

Tent rentals are good for being able to have a party outdoors while staying safe from rough weather. Unfortunately, tents for large events cannot withstand all types of weather. For example – severe lightning. When you find yourself in a storm, your tent will protect you. However, if there is a lot of cloud to ground lightening, you may want to seek a more permanent shelter for large events.

Another example is intense winds. Most event tents can handle a decently strong amount of wind without any struggle. But, don’t just assume it will. This is something you will want to discuss when the tent is being erected – just to be sure it is being founded properly to withstand the correct amount of wind strength.

Always, always have a backup plan.

Extra steps to take for full safety

All in all, you will want to make sure that you have covered all the bases – just in case something goes wrong. You may not intend to have an emergency, but taking a few simple safety measures can save you – and your guests – in case you do.

  • Have a fire extinguisher (or two). Make sure they are clearly visible.
  • Hire an electrician to properly setup all electrical equipment.
  • Cover cords or other potential foot/walking safety hazards.

Preparing and creating large events is a lot of work, but be prepared for anything and your party is sure to be a hit!

Tent Rentals

Different Textile Designs Used in Tent Events

Everyone is different in their likes and dislikes which lead to varying ideas for design. This is perfect since no two events should ever look exactly alike. Someone will start decorating because of a fad he or she saw while visiting various tent events. Others will see the trends circling on social media and get their ideas that way.

Decorating a temporary tent structure means that you have so much space and open areas to wash with varying color and design. You can stick with the classic look, follow the latest trend, or make your own fashion statement. However you decide to decorate your temporary tent structure, be sure to look at all of your options and all the different textile designs that can be used.

Keep in mind that, when designing an event, you have a choice between the current trends and the tried and true techniques that will never go out of style.

Fabric draping is a must

Fabric draping is very a popular décor for tent events. This is also known as ceiling liners are used when you decorate the tent with flowing waves of fabric across the ceiling. Sometimes this fabric is even used to draw attention to openings, entrances, or where a specific event may take place (such as in a wedding ceremony).

Fabric comes in all colors, which is what makes it such a versatile means of decorating. White tends to be the most popular color found in a lot of events because of its bright crisp visual for the eyes. It also gives the ability to throw in a splash of color to make a bold statement.

Draping fabric over the outlining poles of the tent is called leg draping. This is a perfect (and most popular) way to incorporate the necessary poles with event’s decorations.

Tent events are embellished with shimmering sequins

Shiny things draw attention. At temporary tent events, they are doing just that! Embellishment doesn’t have to be on any specific piece of event décor. In fact, you can enhance all sorts of things.

A few of the most embellished items you will find are:

  • Throw pillows. If you are using comfortable seating such as love seats, sofas, or overstuffed chairs, then include a bunch of sequined throw pillows. These are trending lately and are very easy to find. Paired with a natural fabric, the pillows are sure to pop!
  • Table centerpieces. These centerpieces can be bedazzled with gems or made of shiny metallic material.
  • Lighting. Lighting is the perfect way to throw in some shimmer. Grand chandeliers with a glittering shine or drooping pearls with crystal-like gems will most definitely draw up the eyes of your guests. Curtain lighting can add magic shimmer, as well as twinkle lights on the ceiling.
  • Flooring. Flooring is just as fun to make sparkle as anything else. Have you ever watched people walk on a metallic brushed floor? It’s like walking on stainless steel! Or, how about a dance floor made of coins (or any other type of item) covered in liquid lacquer?

The key is to pick one area to adorn and beautify – don’t overuse a good thing.

Minimalism makes the important things stand out

Minimalism is quite the trend lately. It consists of simple decorating – with a less is more feel. Clean and fresh. Designing a temporary tent event with a minimalistic approach means having a space that is open, usually using light and natural colors with only one textured display. Because of the quiet sea of colors in the backdrop, the display’s texture stands out greatly.

Wonderful use of lighting makes a statement

Lighting is a wonderful way to use various textile designs. In fact, your lighting can be the centerpiece for your entire event. For example:

  • Use colored paper ball lanterns by draping them low from the ceiling.
  • Dangle lanterns of different shapes and sizes above your events.
  • Hang one large shimmering chandelier as a focal point in your temporary tent structure.
  • String decorative lights draped with delicate floral vines from side to side throughout the length of the venue.
  • Candles of all shapes, sizes, and colors can be placed on tables as part of the centerpiece.
  • Drape curtains of string lights at entrances or at any area that you want to draw attention.

Lighting doesn’t just have to be boring just because it is a necessity. It can be used as decoration, too. If you can find a way to make lighting a focal point of your event, then you can relax for the rest of your decorations.

Tablecloths can be a major or minor influence

Adding bling to table cloths is another popular textile design used often in temporary tent events.  What makes this perfect is that it doesn’t matter if you have one table or thirty!

A few ideas for the most popular designs used are:

  • Sequined table cloths.
  • Tablecloths in bright colors with or without raised designs. Currently, tropical florals are one of the biggest trends.
  • Lace tablecloths can provide a very delicate look. These are a timeless decorating tool.
  • Tablecloths with three-dimensional fabric flowers are also wildly popular. They are romantic and classy.
  • Using light-colored solid fabric with lighting behind it can provide offer a beautiful table display.
  • Placing shimmering confetti or flower petals on tables against soft colored tablecloths is another popular method.

A note to keep in mind is that decorated tablecloths will make a bold statement. You will not want to overdo it by creating outlandish centerpieces or brightly shimmering chairs. In other words, if you use funky textile for your tablecloth, then make sure you go with a simple centerpiece and chair.

Textile designs used for events in temporary tent events can range from fabric and leg draping to shimmering decorative lighting and tablecloths that stand out for miles. Each event’s décor should be decorated based on the likes, dislikes, and the desired focal point.


Tent Rentals

How to Fill the Space Inside a Large Tent

Tent rentals come in so many shapes and sizes. Because they are unlike permanently designed structures with distinct areas and walls, these tents have a lot of open space to use your imagination for designing and creating. Unfortunately, it can also be a bit overwhelming to see the empty, wide-open space, making it difficult to know where to start.

The versatility of a tent rental is one of the reasons they are so popular with event planners. Each event – whether a wedding, birthday party, corporate event, etc. – can be extremely unique from any other like it.

How will you fill the space in your large tent rental?

A space for everything

First and foremost, you will need to create a space for everything you will need. Take some time to consider the following:

  • What type event are you having?
  • How many people will be attending?
  • What is the itinerary for the event?
  • Will you be providing a meal? If so, will it be served or buffet?
  • Will you have entertainment?
  • Will you need a dance floor or room for games or activities?
  • Is there any portion of your event that will require its own distinct space?

Before you can begin to determine the layout for your event, you will need to plan the details for your event. Taking the time to organize can help ensure that you do not miss anything. Don’t forget to make sure you have the measurements you will need to fill the space. Not doing so could land you in a bit of a pickle!

Entertainment area

You may or may not require an entertainment area. This is the space that would be set aside from any dining area and provide room for things such as a DJ and dance floor, a stage, a game area, etc. Based on what you intend to do with the area, you will want to keep it open and free from any obstructions.

Lounging area

No matter what type of event you are having, your guests will want to mingle. Think about it – even having a family dinner at home usually includes some mingling around the kitchen. Therefore, you will want to make sure you allow for space under your tent for the same.

This is where a lounging area comes in.

Your guests will not want to stand for hours and will be looking for a place to take a load off. Why not fill the space with a soft, relaxing area for them? A lounge area should include comfortable seating – in the form of couches, over-stuffed chairs, large pillows, etc. Top it off with small tables – such as coffee tables, side tables, or cocktail tables – for a convenient place to sit drinks, dishes, and other items.

Tip: Because this is a mingling area for your guests, you will want to keep this area at a distance from any loudspeakers or other distraction.

Food and Dining area

Food and dining are integral to any event. Although, the way in which it is carried out varies. For instance, you could fill the space with a buffet and allow your guests to serve themselves. In this instance, you will need to make sure your space has enough room to set up the buffet tables. You will, in addition, need to have room for your guests to line up at the buffet table so it flows smoothly.

Some more formal events prefer the meal to be served to guests by hired servers. If this is your event, then your space can forego the buffet area and, instead, focus on the dining.

In this space, you will also need to include seating and tables for your guests to dine. You will want to use seating that matches your event, such as formal round table settings for eight, picnic tables, long folding tables, etc. It is important to determine how you want to set up the dining area and check your measurements. You will want to have enough room for your guests to freely move without getting blocked in once chairs are pulled out and people sit down. (This is especially important if you are having a buffet).

Don’t forget the drink station. Whether it’s a punch bowl, a set of coolers, or a full-on bar, you will need to account for its space in the dining area. Placing it in any other area just would not make sense!

Storage and Service area

Every tent event is going to require a storage and service area. Think about it – you will likely have wires, electronic equipment, extra chairs, overflow food and drink items, etc. If you are having a formal, sit-down dinner event, a service area will be necessary for your serving crew to gather. This may or may not include a food preparation area.

How to separate the areas

All the above-mentioned areas need to fit under one tent. Because you have a wide-open space without any walls, you may decide to create your own method to provide for the separation of areas. There are several ways you could choose to do this:

  • Change the flooring. Tent rentals can come with flooring if desired. You can use several types of flooring to designate the different areas.
  • Fabric draping. Using the art of fabric draping, you can use ceiling to floor fabric to separate distinct areas.
  • Sheer curtains can also be hung to give a simple appearance.
  • Curtains of beads or string lights can also add to the décor while serving the purpose of separating the areas.
  • Leave it open. You don’t have to separate the areas. It works just as well to fill the space in your tent with designated areas and let them flow from one to another

Choosing how to decorate or separate the areas under your tent is completely up to you. However, it is very important to be clear on the purpose of each space. If you plan your event and think it through, then you can be confident you haven’t missed any aspect once the big day arrives.


Event Industry

Why Use a Rental Event Tent for Corporate Gatherings?

Day in and day out your employees show up to work, put in their time, and go home. Many may even go above and beyond what is expected of them. The point is that your employees are on the front line of your business. They make up your company and keep it charging forward daily. Think about this for a moment – where would your company be without each one of them?

So, when the time comes for corporate gatherings, your employees deserve the best. Forget the traditional cookout or generic dinner at a local banquet hall that you do every year. Do something different. Why not throw together an outdoor event with a rental event tent? Make your corporate gathering bold, fun, and memorable. Of course, make sure to let your employees know just how much the company values them.

Take your event out of the office

Some corporations hold office parties or gatherings in the actual office. Who wants to spend more time there than they already do? Your employees are always at the office. Give them a change of scenery and some fresh air by moving the get-together outdoors! Breathing in fresh air is healthy and it will likely be very welcomed.

Choosing to hold an event outdoors means that you can relax on the headcount, too. There is much more room for your employees to bring spouses – or even families! There will be no stuffy indoor atmosphere and cleanup will be a breeze!

On a side note – think about all the games and entertainment you will be able to pull off if the event is outdoors!

Types of events

Outdoor venues mean that you have a wide choice of the type of event you can have. Depending on your event, your rental event tent will change slightly. In fact, you can plan your corporate event from a very informal barbecue to a very formal black-tie affair. It all depends on the vibe you are trying to achieve for the event. Below are a few ideas to get your mind churning:

  • BBQ – Make it complete with grilled foods and sides, games, and all sorts of outdoor fun.
  • A luau – Have your employees dress like they have been swept away to an island vacation. Do the limbo. Roast the pig. And, of course, do the hula.
  • Casino night – Give your employees a chance to cash in by having a casino night. Set up a mock casino with card tables and token slots. Top it off with a Vegas-style show!
  • Pick a decade – Choose a decade that fits your employees and go all out on that theme, requesting that they dress to fit the part. Include food, games, and entertainment from that decade, too.
  • Team building – If you are looking to multi-task by spoiling your employees and work on team building skills, it is possible! You can incorporate activities into your event that will help bring community and strength to your corporation while also treating your employees.
  • The formal – How about a black-tie dinner? A masquerade ball? A white party? If you are looking for fancy, you can still get away with that even though you are outdoors.

Decide how you want to approach your corporate gathering based on the outdoor venue and the culture of your office.

Decorate to impress

Go all out. Go crazy. Decorate as if it were the last corporate event you ever intended to throw. Ok, well, surely the accounting department will ask that you keep it within budget, but…

Outdoor venues mean that you have a full rental event tent, a full blank canvas that you can decorate. You have no lighting, no flooring, no pictures on the wall, no pre-designed rooms or seating areas, etc. You can decorate however you need to.

  • Design your own layout. Make sure to include areas for all aspects of the event and room to mingle.
  • Decide how you want to decorate based on the theme or type of event you are going to have.
  • Don’t forget the lighting and flooring. This can get as basic or as elegant as you want, again depending on the type of event.

This is your space – make it bold and watch the jaws of your employees drop as they enter the tent.

Provide convenience treats and other tokens of appreciation

When planning your corporate gathering, make sure to include convenience treats. What are they? These are items that your guests may have forgotten but wished they would have brought. Once they see you are conveniently providing these items, they will be delighted. For example, gum and mints, stain remover, toiletry items, flip flops (for dancing), sunscreen and sunglasses, etc.

Tokens of appreciation are always a nice gesture, too. Small gifts or goody bags for your employees are just the extra touches sometimes needed to stand out from all the other corporations out there.

It is amazing how a little thought can leave a lasting impression.

Why a rental event tent is perfect for your gathering

In case you haven’t already figured it out, a tent is perfect for your outdoor gathering. They are so versatile and offer many perks you may not have even thought of. For example:

  • They can be placed almost anywhere there is open space. This includes parking lots, vacant lots, ball fields, parks, etc. Just be sure to have enough room for parking, in addition to the size of your tent.
  • They are completely customizable. They come in all shapes and sizes. You can choose to have side walls or not. The same goes for flooring – you can take it or leave it.
  • Event tents will allow you to host your corporate gathering outdoors without worrying about the weather. Tent rentals now provide protection from almost all weather. Your event can go on, rain or shine.


Get your crew outdoors and show them an enjoyable time. Help them grow as a team or let them boogie down under a 70’s era disco ball. However you choose to do it, make sure you don’t forget to to include a rental event tent!

Tent Rentals

5 Different Uses for Clear Span Buildings

As they can be used in many different areas, there is no single, specific purpose for clear span buildings. However, no matter where or how they are used, individuals and companies choose them because they have many remarkable features that make them comparable to an actual indoor space:

  • Protection from almost all outdoor elements, including heat from the sun’s rays, rain, wind, snow, and hail.
  • Climate control to keep the space as cool or warm as you desire.
  • Side walls to allow you to make the space more like an indoor space.
  • Flooring to add to the look, as well as provide a barrier between the ground (grass, dirt, mud) and your guests.
  • Varying sizes and shapes based on your exact needs.

Once you start paying attention, you will start noticing that clear span buildings are found all over the place. They are used by construction crews, sports teams and athletic venues, corporate events, trade shows, emergency response teams, etc. In other words, they have many very different uses – here are the 5 most common:

Parties and Celebrations

Parties and celebrations often enlist the help of a clear span building or tent. Such celebrations may include events like birthday parties, weddings, family reunions, charity events, auctions, formal dinners, etc. Any event that you bring a large group of people together to celebrate can benefit from the use of a clear span building.

Renting a banquet hall or something similar has been common for years. In many places, there aren’t too many to choose from. Having a wedding or another celebration held in a repetitious location can get boring. However, now the trend is leaning more toward living out unique visions. Clear span buildings allow for the complete customization, permitting each event to be different in almost every aspect.

In addition to décor freedom, the convenience of holding an outdoor event makes clear span structures a go-to source for cover. It frees up the struggle for finding a party location, since you can use a backyard, a park, a vacant lot, etc., or any open space large enough for the tent and parking for guests! Besides, taking a party outdoors means that cleanup is rather easy, spills and other messes wont damage the indoors, and, well, if more guests arrive than are expected, the walls of the tent open for convenience!

Organization and Storage

Clear span buildings are also great for organization and storage and are commonly used for such purpose, whether personally or professionally. The construction industry has known this for years. So have those in the agricultural industry.

There are many companies who send crew after crew outdoors to handle jobs.  Having to lug machinery, tools, or other equipment back and forth each day will greatly delay completion dates. Just because the work is outdoors doesn’t mean that there can’t be a space to organize and safely store materials. These temporary buildings have been used for many years to protect and organize such materials on the actual job site.

Machinery used for building and farming is expensive. Leaving it unprotected and exposed means that it will have to weather the elements. In addition, it can also become vulnerable to thieves who know its immense value. Locked clear span buildings have been used to secure these items, reducing the cost to repair or replace stolen equipment.

Individuals or small contractors are also known for taking advantage of these temporary clear span tents – especially during home remodels. Because the act of remodeling disrupts the flow and livability of a home, it helps to have a place to work, organize, and store equipment throughout the process.

Clear Span Buildings for Emergency Protection

Disaster can strike in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, there is rarely a warning in advance and we do not have ample amount of time to prep. Sometimes, in areas hit with disasters causing catastrophic damage, there may be no place to turn to for shelter! Therefore, temporary buildings work wonders in these instances. They are quick to set up and can provide all the necessities of a real indoor space.

Clear span buildings are necessary in emergency situations as a place for temporary offices, storage of donations and goods, temporary housing, or temporary medical triage stations. The federal government, the United States military, and various charitable organizations offering disaster relief  use these buildings when needed.

Athletic venues

Many different sports can involve the use of – or benefit from – clear span buildings. Quite often, athletic events can draw a large crowd and, unfortunately, many training facilities do not have room to hold the spectators. Temporary buildings allow for a place to hold competitions, meets, and games while providing comfort for those who choose to come out and offer support.

In fact, in some instances, clear span buildings are set up as training facilities, too. If you pay attention, you will notice they are common among the equestrian industry. They use them for things such as training, housing animals and equipment, as well as for shows and competitions.

Many colleges lean toward these temporary structures for housing their sports complex. It is an affordable and effective way for them to house many sports under one roof.

Event Overflow

While safety has always been important, it is now more important than ever before. Fire codes and security personnel are put into place at events to ensure the safety of all event-goers. This means that overcrowding is a big no-no.

Because they offer the extra space needed, clear span buildings are common when it comes to these overflow situations. They can extend a facility, providing additional areas for displays, gathering spaces, food areas, ticketing or security checkpoints, etc., without having to crowd the space of the actual venue.

Clear span buildings work just as a real indoor space – which is why you may not even realize you are in one! Whether for extra storage space, a huge family reunion, corporate trade show, or the perfect wedding venue – there are many uses for these temporary and versatile structures.

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