Tent Rentals

Important Questions to Ask a Tent Rental Company

Choosing a company to provide event tent rentals is not as simple as choosing the first one that you find. Not every tent rental company is the same, so if you want something that truly works for your needs, you need to know which kinds of questions to ask.

Ask About Quality Standards

Ask to see pictures of the tents at the very least. If you can, it is preferable to actually check out the rentals in person so you can check for signs of damage. However, be sure to put any damage into perspective. A small tear might mean more to you on your wedding day than it would for a birthday party with a group of rambunctious toddlers.

It’s also important to understand what the average quality for the tents are. If the tent rental company says that the tent will be able to withstand heavy rain and snow, it must withstand such weather.

Ask About Pricing

Of course, the rental price for the tent is important, but do not forget to ask about other fees. Find out whether there is a deposit, and if so, when it is due and whether you will get it back if you need to cancel for some reason.

Some companies also charge for delivery, so be sure to factor this into your budget. If you hope to save a bit of money, try holding your event in the off season and asking for a discount.

Find Out How Long It Takes to Set Up and Tear Down

The time it takes to set up and tear down a tent will vary depending on the type and size. Unless you are holding your event on your own property with no restrictions, you will need to factor construction time into your venue rental. For example, you do not want to rent a space for four hours if it will take that long just to set up or tear down the tent.

When choosing tent rentals, always go with your gut. If a deal seems too good, it just might be. If the person you speak to is rude or unprofessional when answering questions, it is a good indicator that you will have problems on the day of your event, so keep looking.

Tent Rentals

Advantages of Tent Structures

Putting up a tent is a quick and easy way to utilize outdoor space. Depending on whether you need a tent for a one-time event or need to set up a semi-permanent covered structure, you may choose to rent or to purchase. There are many advantages of tent structures; from the framework and fabric to its versatility.

These advantages of tent structures make them the most popular option for many types of events. From weddings, to trade shows, to construction and agricultural tents, they are perfect for many different needs.

There are many styles and materials available to choose from; consult your vendor about creating the perfect environment to meet your needs.

A Strong Framework

If you want your tent to span a large area, a fabric structure provides the most stability. Structures are made of strong but light metal such as anodized aluminum in order to provide the strength needed to support a tent of any size.

The aluminum shapes into pipes that are vendors then assemble into metal frames, which can stand up to winds and rains. This makes them a great choice when you need your tent to stay up for an extended time period.

Customizable Size and Configuration

Another advantage of using a structure is the fact that the framework can be combined and customized to create the exact size and configuration you need.

Since fabric structures do not need interior supports, you will be able to maximize your use of the space inside without encountering inconvenient obstructions.

The lack of outside support adds to the versatility of the tent. This allows it to be set up in almost any type of space. Uncluttered by visible rope and support poles, the clean lines of a structure tent are visually appealing and convenient.

In addition, your tent can be any size that you need. From 3 meters, all the way up to 50 meters! Depending on your event or needs, you’ll need a different sized tent. Luckily, these advantages of tent buildings include extreme customization when it comes to size.

Size also isn’t the only thing you can customize. You have the ability to customize the inside of the tents as well. From heating, to flooring, to walls, to lighting, the options are endless. You can create the perfect environment for your event.


Available in a variety of designs, structure tents are available for anything from a backyard wedding to conventions and warehousing. Sturdy, weather-resistant and flame-retardant vinyl covering offers additional safety. Many tent vendors and rentals offer additional features such as lighting setup, temperature control, a variety of flooring types and more. Choose professionals who are willing to work with you and come up with the best structure and design for your specific needs.

Tent Rentals

Create a Temporary Warehouse Space With an Industrial Tent

Unexpected or unusually high storage demands can occur in many businesses. This can be due to overstocking, changing company focus or other causes. While warehousing can be difficult to find on short notice and may charge high fees, an industrial tent can set up a temporary warehouse space to store goods and products safely and cost-effectively, on a short- or long-term basis.

Because these warehouses are so versatile and customizable, they are vastly popular, regardless of the type of warehouse you need.

These tents provide on-site temporary warehouse space, improving your productivity while keeping your equipment safe.

Efficient Set-up, Almost Anywhere

Depending on the location and type of tent, an experienced crew can install up to 20,000 or more square feet in a day, ensuring that your goods do not go unprotected. With scaffolding and adjustable legs, clearspan tents can be erected on irregular surfaces, allowing anything from an empty field to a rooftop to be converted to usable storage space.

Climate Control

With the vinyl fabric of the panels sealed with high-frequency welding, industrial tent rooftops are waterproof and leak-free. Ceiling and floor linings protect against extreme temperature changes. In addition, climate control systems can be an addition to the tent to heat, de-humidify and condition the air to preserve your goods.

On top of climate control, these tents have many accessories to choose from. This includes flooring, side walls, lighting, and canopies.

Economical Use of Space

Temporary warehousing tents are modular with multiple parts to maximize the use of an area. With widths from 10 feet to over 160, we can erect and construct a tent to accommodate nearly any space.

Additionally, steel spikes and base plates support the weight of clearspan tents and require no internal poles or structures. This allows for free, unimpeded access of the entire space within the tent. They also do not require any foundation, making installation and removal incredibly easy.

Temporary Warehouse Space and Safety

Industrial tents are constructed from sturdy anodized aluminum frames, covered with flame-retardant fabrics that comply with national building codes. The unobstructed interiors of clearspan tents also reduce the risk of damaging the structure when moving goods into or out of the temporary warehouse.

Finding temporary warehouse space is easier than it may seem. Whether you are storing extra goods for a few months or need a more long-term solution, clearspan industrial tents offer most of the benefits and protection of any warehouse space.

Tent Rentals

5 Advantages of a Free Span Building

A growing innovation across many industries, clear span temporary building structures have many advantages over both permanent buildings and standard pole tent designs. The special design of these tents, called a clear span or free span building because their interior spans are clear of support structures, make them useful, safe and convenient for a variety of reasons.

So, what exactly are the benefits of a free span building?

Benefits of a Free Span Building

There are a large number of benefits for these tents. Regardless of what your needs are, you can achieve them with such tents. The real question is; are there any aspects of these tents that aren’t beneficial?

Below, we’ll explore five of the most common benefits of a free span building.

No Obstructions

Because these tents are supported entirely by their framework and the steel spikes securing their base plates to the ground, they have no poles or support columns obstructing the interior. This makes for wide, completely open spaces where no one’s view is cut off during events, and construction and moving equipment can freely maneuver without any fear of damaging the structure or risking its collapse.

Modular and Resizable

Support rafters and other extensions can be an add-on into the basic structures at most points, allowing for customizable arrangements. Vendors and rental companies offer clear span tents ranging in size. The size can be from only three meters to up to 50 meters wide, suiting almost any function.

Fast Set-up and Removal

Like any other tents, clear span structures are easily transportable, with all the parts fitting on standard trucks and trailers. A single experienced crew can install anywhere from 10,000 to as much as 20,000 square feet of tent in a day.

Weather Protection

The vinyl fabric covering these tents is sturdy and waterproof. Separate roof panels are sealed together with high-frequency welding to make a single piece that will not leak. The sides can be closed in the case of rain or wind, or plastic sidewalls can protect against worse weather conditions.

Variety of Locations

Using specialty shims, adjustable legs or anchor scaffolding, installation of clear span tents are still safe on uneven surfaces. This allows placement anywhere from parking lots to grassy fields to building rooftops.

The spacious interiors and flexible construction of clear span building structures are ideal  for many purposes. Whether you are arranging a reception, creating temporary storage or any other objective, clear span tents offer solutions.

Tent Rentals

Temporary Building Structures Provide Enduring Refuge

There are many situations where access to electricity, temperature control, and storage and living space are necessary, but it would be impractical to construct a new building to serve these purposes. At times like these, temporary building structures are an excellent resource. Here are several situations in which temporary building structures are ideal.

Temporary Building Structures for Construction Sites

During a construction project, a lot of equipment stays at the site at the end of each day. Construction crews can use fabric buildings to corral their equipment and protect it from the elements overnight. Plus, portable HVAC systems can create a break area for workers during the day. Once the project is complete, crews can take tents with them for use on future job sites. 

These structures are extremely valuable for the construction industry because they not only protect the construction equipment, but the workers as well. These tents allow the work to continue even in cold winter months.

Military Applications

Military units must frequently settle in areas on a temporary basis. When they do so, they need barracks, storage, and work areas for large groups of people. Having access to durable and versatile temporary buildings makes these frequent transitions much simpler.

Clear span tents are a type of temporary building that can be up to 50 meters wide and can turn into many rooms. Made of strong fabric and covered with vinyl, they can withstand wind and rain, and are flame retardant. They can also be equipped with power outlets and temperature control, so service members can have comfortable and functional spaces wherever their duties take them.

Disaster Relief Applications

Temporary building structures have proved useful many times in the aftermath of natural disasters and other catastrophic events. When the worst happens, those affected by the tragedy need shelter, and relief workers need a home base. Fabric buildings that can be climate controlled, partitioned, and equipped with TVs and attractive flooring can bring some comfort to a scary situation. When conditions improve, these shelters can easily be disassembled to make way for rebuilding efforts.

Whether they are used as temporary storage or as temporary homes, fabric buildings are a great way to make short-term settling a more comfortable experience. There are many ways to customize temporary building structures to make them perfect for any circumstances. These tents continue to help those in need. Regardless of your needs or industry, you can count on a clear span tent.

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