Tent Rentals

Extreme Tent Rentals: Common Questions

When looking for extreme tent rentals and temporary structures, clear span tents are often the best choice, but one needs to ask a number of questions to determine the best structure.

Questions to Ask When Looking for Extreme Tent Rentals

Depending on your event or your needs, the type of tent rental you need will be different. If hosting an event, the location, climate, and number of guests will determine which types of extreme tent rentals to look into. Here are 8 common questions when searching for a tent:

1. How long do I intend on using the extreme temporary structure?

If the answer is longer than one week, then a rental clear span tent is often the best choice. It installs quickly but is designed for both shorter term use of a few days or weeks to months and even years with little or no maintenance.

2. What type of weather will I expect during the rental?

No matter where you live in the U.S. you will experience everything from rain, lightning storms, high winds and even monsoons (think fall in the southwest).  These weather phenomena are unpredictable and can appear from nowhere, leaving an extreme clear span as the best choice for these weather events.

3. Why is a clear span tent preferable during inclement weather?

Losberger and Hoecker clear span tents are designed to withstand 90 mph winds (hurricane force) while maintaining their structural integrity and keeping wind and rain outside the tent structure. Clear span tents have engineering documents that meet the toughest U.S. standards and can be “wet stamped” in any of the 50 U.S. states, thus making the permitting process much easier

4. Do these extreme rental tent structures (clear spans) cost more than a standard pole supported tent?

Often the answer is no, clear span tents can be a very economical choice due to the fact that they require little to no maintenance where as other rental tents require routine maintenance with costs that can add up quickly.

5. Can these extreme structures be installed anywhere in the U.S?

They can and they are installed in all 50 states on a regular basis. There are few companies like American Pavilion with the expertise to send rental clear span tents across the country along with specialized crews and equipment to economically install extreme tent structures.

6. Is there only one size of extreme clear span tents?

The beauty of the clear span tent is its modularity. These extreme rental tents vary from 10 feet wide to 164 feet wide. They extend in either 10 foot or 16 foot increments. This means that there are literally thousands of size combinations available for rental or sale. One of these combinations will be perfect for its intended use.

7. How long have these extreme tents been in use?

American Pavilion was the first rental company to install these extreme tents in the U.S. We have been at the vanguard of this industry niche for over 30 years. They have proven themselves as the “go to” rental tents for almost every application imaginable. Construction use, corporate trade shows and product installations, corporate shareholder meetings, sporting events, social functions, disaster relief and much more.

8. What questions should I ask my extreme tent supplier?

How long have you been in this business (American Pavilion began in 1902), how many extreme clear span tents do you install each year, do you service the entire U.S., do you own your own extreme rental tents, how much experience do your installers have? These are a few of the more important questions to ask. Please feel free to contact American Pavilion (1.800.424.9699) for help in determining the best extreme tent for your next project.

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